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Colegio San Patricio

Observacin de clases
Docente _____________________

Fecha: _____________________

Asignatura: __________________

Grado: ____________________

4 = Se evidencia

3 = Alguna evidencia

2 = Poca evidencia

1 = No evidencia

El docente
1. Llega punctual a clase.
2. has objectives displayed clearly and clearly communicates them.
3. uses the methodology Techniques (PNL)
4. uses activating strategies to successfully link prior knowledge and to motivate students.
(Ubicacin Mental- refuerzo)
5. provides content that is appropriately challenging, aligned with the curriculum and
6. provides accurate and error-free content.
7. Sequences skills according to the Natural Order (listening, speaking, reading and writing).
8. Uses visuals, gestures and realia to make input comprehensible.
9. calls on volunteers thereby encouraging students to be responsible for their own learning.
10. uses praise and reward to reinforce desirable behaviors.
11. uses materials that support curricular objectives.
12. uses assessments strategies/instruments that are aligned with the curriculum.
13. uses cognitive strategies successfully to engage students in learning.
14. paces instruction according to curriculum guide.
15. has student work displayed, work is aligned with the curriculum.
16. actively engages students throughout instruction.
17. provides direct instruction(i.e., guided practice and summarizing, application,
modeling/demonstrating, showing examples, explaining)
18. uses all available instructional time (i.e., Warm-up, self-structure, inter-structure, etc.)
19. uses appropriate error-correction strategies (modeling correct responses/giving choices).
20. assigns meaningful work (aligned with the objective, relevant.)
21. maintains a classroom environment that is conducive to learning.
22. provides closure to the lesson (i.e., summarizing, reviewing).
23. demonstrate understanding of the objective(s).
24. are actively engaged in meaningful, instructional activities that include manipulatives,
models, technology, and/or demonstrations, etc.
25. participate in guided/independent practice activities, small group activities, cooperative
learning groups, etc.
26. begin the next task in a timely manner and remain on task for the duration of scheduled
instructional time (transitions, time on task).


Observers Signature

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