Necessary, Recycle, Pesticides, Air, Fish, Cause

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Name: Class 9

English 9

I/ Listen to the passage and choose True or False sentences: (2,5marks) 1. Group 1 checks the sand. 2. Group 2 walks along the shore. 3. Group 3 check among the rock. 4. Mr. Jones collects all the bags and takes them to the garbage dump. 5. Mr. Brown provides a picnic lunch for everyone. II/ Read the following passage and fill in each blank with one given word: (2,5marks)

Necessary, recycle, pesticides, air, fish, cause

nvironmental pollution is a term that refers to all the ways by which man pollutes his surroundings. Man dirties the !1"######..with gas and smoke$ poisons water with chemicals and damages the soil with too many fertili%ers and !2"######.. nvironmental pollution is one of the most serious problems facing mankind today. &ir$ water and oil are !3"########to the survival of all living things. Badly polluted air can !'"######illness and even death. (olluted water kills !)"#..######and other marine life. (ollution of soil reduces the amount of land for growing food. III/ Supply the correct form of the verb: (2 marks) 1. Mrs. Mi suggests that we (take)showers to save water. 2. * suggest ( collect)..unused clothes for the poor. 3. *f the boy (throw)..garbage over the hedge$ that (pollute) the wood. 4. +e (live)a happier and healthier life if we (keep) our environment clean. I / !omplete the sentences" use the correct connectives: (1 mark)

and, but, because, or, so, therefore

1. * can,t go to the beach ######it,s raining. 2. &fter coming home$ she cooked dinner #####watched television. 3. -e worked very well. #####..$ he won the first pri%e. 4. .he area around the beach is full of trash$ ###.. no one wants to go swimming there. / #rite a speech on reducing the amount of electricity: (2 marks) $% Good evening/ ladies/gentleman. My name/ */ tell/ how/ save money. &% very household/ use/ much electricity. 0ou/ reduce/ amount by1 '% .urn off/ lights/ before/ go out. (% (repare/ food/ carefully/ before/ turn on/ stove. )% 2ot turn on/ many lights/ the same time. *% 3se/ energy saving bulbs/ instead/ ordinary 144 watt light bulbs. +% 5eep/ refrigerator door closed. ,% *f/ you/ follow/ simple rules/ not only/ save/ money/ but also/ the household appliances/ last/ many times longer. The end

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