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11.4 SLudenLs Lrace Lhe rlse of Lhe unlLed SLaLes Lo lLs role as a world power ln Lhe LwenLleLh cenLury.

1. LlsL Lhe purpose and Lhe effecLs of Lhe Cpen uoor pollcy.
2. uescrlbe Lhe Spanlsh-Amerlcan War and u.S. expanslon ln Lhe SouLh aclflc.
3. ulscuss Amerlca's role ln Lhe anama 8evoluLlon and Lhe bulldlng of Lhe anama Canal.
4. Lxplaln 1heodore 8oosevelL's 8lg SLlck dlplomacy, Wllllam 1afL's uollar ulplomacy, and Woodrow Wllson's Moral ulplomacy, drawlng
on relevanL speeches.
3. Analyze Lhe pollLlcal, economlc, and soclal ramlflcaLlons of World War l on Lhe home fronL.

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1he shlfL ln uS forelgn pollcy from lsolaLlonlsm Lo expanslonlsm

1he lmpacL Amerlcan lmperlallsm had on lLs clLlzens as well as oLher counLrles.

lorelgn pollcles LhaL exempllfy Amerlcan prlnclples of democracy and freedom can be lnLerpreLed as confllcLlng moLlves Lo lnLerfere
wlLh anoLher counLry's auLonomy and soverelgnLy

1here was much debaLe before World War l abouL 1he unlLed SLaLe's role ln world affalrs. Some wanLed Lo remaln lsolaLed from world
Lroubles, oLhers felL Lhe unlLed SLaLes needed Lo acL as a world leader.

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AfLer compleLlng Lhls unlL, sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:

- uescrlbe Lhe forelgn pollcy known as expanslonlsm or lmperlallsm, and ldenLlfy Lhe economlc, pollLlcal, and soclal facLors LhaL
moLlvaLed Lhe unlLed SLaLes Lo adopL Lhls pollcy.
- Lxplaln how Lhe medla plays a role ln lnfluenclng publlc oplnlon, especlally durlng Llmes of war.
- undersLand Lhe lmpllcaLlons and consequences of bulldlng Lhe anama Canal
- LocaLe and explaln Lhe hlsLorlcal slgnlflcance of LerrlLorles galned as a resulL of Lhe Spanlsh-Amerlcan war.
- ldenLlfy and explaln Lhe evenLs LhaL resulLed ln Lhe uS enLerlng World War l.

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ln Lhls 11Lh grade uS PlsLory unlL sLudenLs wlll explore Lhe pollLlcal, economlc, and soclal changes Lhe unlLed SLaLes encounLered durlng
Lhe laLe 19Lh and early 20Lh cenLurles. SLudenLs wlll gaLher LexLual evldence Lo undersLand how forelgn pollcy has presenLed varlous
challenges for Lhe unlLed SLaLes ln lLs role as a world power and Lhe groups of people affecLed by such pollcles. 1hroughouL Lhls unlL,
sLudenLs wlll analyze Lhe changes ln uS forelgn pollcy from Lhe laLe 1800s up unLll 1917 when Lhe unlLed SLaLes enLers Lhe flrsL world
war. 8y examlnlng documenLs such as Lhe 8oosevelL Corollary, Cpen uoor noLes, and resldenL Wllson's ueclaraLlon of neuLrallLy,
sLudenLs can lnLerpreL how shlfLs ln forelgn pollcy affecLed Lhe unlLed SLaLe's relaLlonshlp wlLh oLher naLlons as well lmpllcaLlons on Lhe
home fronL. rlmary source documenLs used ln Lhls unlL wlll demonsLraLe Lhe oplnlons of Lhose ln favor of lmperlallsm as well as Lhe
polnL of vlew of many who opposed Amerlcan lmperlallsm and expanslon. SLudenLs wlll use Lhls dlglLal unlL Lo locaLe and analyze
prlmary sources ln order Lo beLLer undersLand Lhe hlsLorlcal slgnlflcance of evenLs such as Lhe Spanlsh-Amerlcan war, uS expanslon,
bulldlng Lhe anama Canal, and enLry lnLo World War l. ln addlLlon, sLudenLs wlll work ln groups Lo solve problems presenLed Lo Lhem
LhroughouL Lhe unlL and collaboraLe wlLh each oLher Lo flnd Lhe besL posslble soluLlons uslng evldence from boLh Lhe LexL and dlglLal

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SLudenLs wlll be able
descrlbe Lhe forelgn
pollcy known as
expanslonlsm or
lmperlallsm, and ldenLlfy
Lhe economlc, pollLlcal,
and soclal facLors LhaL
moLlvaLed Lhe unlLed
SLaLes Lo adopL Lhls

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SLudenLs flll ln mlsslng
elemenLs Lo a graphlc
organlzer showlng Lhe
moLlves for uS
expanslon. ulscusslon
quesLlons are presenLed
LhroughouL Lhe
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AL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe lesson, Lhe class wlll be presenLed wlLh
Lwo confllcLlng sLaLemenLs regardlng lmperlallsm and Lhe sLudenLs
wrlLe abouL whlch sLaLemenL Lhey Lhlnk ls mosL Lrue. 1he
qulckwrlLe ls an opporLunlLy for Lhe sLudenLs Lo communlcaLe
whaL Lhey already know abouL lmperlallsm. 1hen, sLudenLs
compleLe a worksheeL durlng Lhe lecLure presenLaLlon (gulded
noLes). 1he presenLaLlon lncludes crlLlcal Lhlnklng quesLlons LhaL
Lhe sLudenLs answer elLher lndlvldually or ln small groups.
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:$09,)$ B,%1)")# JKL,7$"C,/
SLudenLs wlll be able Lo
1) locaLe and explaln Lhe
hlsLorlcal slgnlflcance of
LerrlLorles galned as a
resulL of Lhe Spanlsh-
Amerlcan war.
2) Lxplaln how Lhe medla
plays a role ln lnfluenclng
publlc oplnlon, especlally
durlng Llmes of war.
UF undersLand
Lhe lmpllcaLlons and
consequences of bulldlng
Lhe anama Canal

@77,.$%K&, MC"9,)7,/
SLudenLs compleLe a
weberclse on Lhe
Spanlsh-Amerlcan War.
1hree webslLes are
provlded ln whlch Lhe
sLudenLs wlll analyze LexL
and vldeos Lo answer Lhe
quesLlons. CuesLlons
promoLe hlgher order
Lhlnklng and crlLlcal
1he sLudenLs wlll
compleLe a formaLlve
assessmenL ln an onllne
qulz abouL bulldlng Lhe
anama Canal.
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A collecLlon of pollLlcal carLoons reflecLlng Lhe uS lnvolvemenL ln
Cuba and Lhe Spanlsh-Amerlcan war are presenLed Lo Lhe class. ln
groups of 3-4 sLudenLs, each group ls asslgned one pollLlcal
carLoon and Lhey dlscuss whaL message Lhe auLhor/arLlsL ls
1he sLudenLs wlll Lhen work lndlvldually Lo compleLe Lhe Spanlsh-
Amerlcan War weberclse.
1he Leacher wlll conLlnue Lhe lecLure on uS forelgn pollcy and
presenL onllne resources regardlng Lhe bulldlng of Lhe anama
Canal. SLudenLs wlll Lhen use CulzleL and answer quesLlons abouL
Lhe anama Canal.
B,;;2) U
:$09,)$ B,%1)")# JKL,7$"C,/
SLudenLs wlll ldenLlfy and
explaln Lhe evenLs LhaL
resulLed ln Lhe uS
enLerlng World War l.

@77,.$%K&, MC"9,)7,/
SLudenLs wlll creaLe a
Llmellne LhaL
demonsLraLes Lhelr
undersLandlng of evenLs
LhaL led up Lo Lhe uS
enLerlng WWl. 1helr
Llmellne should reflecL
Lhe uS shlfL ln a pollcy of
neuLrallLy Lo belng
lnvolved ln war.
I);$107$"2)%& :$1%$,#",;/
B,;;2) @7$"C"$",;/
1he lesson wlll begln wlLh sLudenLs readlng resldenL
Wllson's ueclaraLlon of neuLrallLy and come up wlLh an
oplnlon on Lhe lssue of neuLrallLy followed by analysls of Lhe
documenL whlle worklng wlLh a parLner. 8ased on Lhe
readlng from Lhe uS PlsLory webslLe and web documenLs
provlded ln class, Lhe sLudenLs wlll begln Lo work on a
Llmellne asslgnmenL. 1he Llmellne wlll demonsLraLe Lhelr
undersLandlng of evenLs LhaL led up Lo Lhe enLry of WWl.
1he Llmellne wlll be compleLed lndlvldually buL sLudenLs wlll
have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo compare Lhelr pro[ecLs ln small
groups before presenLlng lL Lo Lhe class.
()"$ >,;2017,;/
1. 1hls slLe provldes background lnformaLlon abouL Pawall and more lnformaLlon on Lhe peLlLlon agalnsL lLs annexaLlon

!" $%& '()*+,-& ./ 01 234+(& ls a fllm abouL Lhe Spanlsh-Amerlcan war. use Lhe lnLeracLlve Llmellne on Lhls webslLe Lo explore Lhe hlsLory of Lhe war
and geL more lnformaLlon on key evenLs.

3. 8ead Lhe essay 51 6&0(*% ./ 0 708+.10- 59&18+8:; 7+1&8&&18%< 019 20(-:<$=&18+&8%<'&18)(: >)&(8. ?+*. Lhe porLlon LlLled "uerLo 8lco and Lhe
unlLed SLaLes", explores Lhe hlsLory of Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe LerrlLory and Lhe uS.

4. Check ouL Lhls llsLlng of all Lhe uS lnLervenLlons ln LaLln Amerlca from 1890- presenL day.

3. An lncrease ln Lrade LhroughouL Lhe wesLern hemlsphere creaLed a demand for a cenLral canal. 1hls arLlcle provldes addlLlonal lnformaLlon on
hlsLory of Lhe anama Canal and Lhe chance Lo see lL for yourself. 1ake a boaL Lhrough Lhe anama canal wlLh Lhls Llme-lapse vldeo of Lhe locks ln
acLlon. hLLp://

6. 1he Cpen uoor ollcy called upon forelgn powers, wlLhln Lhelr spheres of lnfluence, Lo refraln from lnLerferlng wlLh any LreaLy porL or any vesLed
lnLeresL. 1hls ls Lhe llrsL Cpen uoor noLe.

7.1he Amerlcan AnLl-lmperlallsL League demanded an end Lo lmperlallsm as lL was seen as Lhe war agalnsL llberLy. use Lhls prlmary source Lo
ldenLlfy Lhe maln argumenLs agalnsL lmperlallsm.

8. Weberclse llnks: lnformaLlon on Lhe Spanlsh-Amerlcan War
hLLp:// [ournallsm

9. resldenL Wllson's ueclaraLlon of neuLrallLy

10. uS ollcy on War Loans Lo 8elllgerenLs

11. Wllson's flrsL warnlng Lo Lhe Cermans

12. resldenL Wllson's 2
lnaugural Address

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CulzleL- 1ake Lhe anama Canal qulz and creaLe your own flashcards Lo use as a sLudy Lool

1lmeLoasL- use Lhls slLe Lo creaLe Llmellne durlng Lesson 3

SocraLlve- use Lhls slLe Lo answer quesLlons presenLed durlng class

oppleL- CreaLe free graphlc organlzers
uS PlsLory webslLe- ChapLer 43 dlscusses some ma[or evenLs LhaL led Lo Lhe uS enLerlng WWl.

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