Contextual Factors

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Standard 1: Contextual Factors

Mrs. N's third grade classroom where I student teach consists of twenty six students total! twel"e are #oys and fourteen are girls. $he #oys and girls seem to get along well and there are "ery little #eha"ior issues in the classroom. Chart %

Class Gender

Boys, 12 Girls, 14 11 12 13 14 15

Boys Girls

Source: Mrs. N's 3rd Grade Class

&f the twenty six students in the classroom! twenty fi"e are Caucasian 'nglish s(ea)ing! and one *is(anic 'nglish s(ea)ing. $here are no 'nglish +anguage +earners ,'++-.




H is p a n ic C a u c a s io n

Source: Mrs. N's 3rd Grade Class

Chart .

Special Needs

$here are ele"en students that ha"e #een identified with s(ecial needs. Four students: G! N! and & ha"e Indi"idual 'ducation /lans ,I'/'s-. Student N! has autism and #eha"ior issues. In (ast years! his #eha"ior has #een so se"ere that he could not function in a regular classroom. $his year he is doing 0uite well and does most of his wor)! though he fre0uently gets off tas) or agitated. *e sits at a corner des) at the #ac) of the classroom so he can wor) 0uietly. *e goes to resource grou( each day and is at the 1on le"el1 in Math. *e is also sensiti"e to "iolence and reacts when he see too much. .ecause this unit contains "iolent su#2ect )nowledge ,Con0uering and )illing of "iolent indigenous ci"ili3ations-! I will #e "ery sensiti"e to images that are shown and material that is shared! in order for him to feel safe and #e a#le to learn. Student & struggles with Math and 4eading. She is in the lower le"el Math grou( and goes to resource each day. She is at a "ery low reading le"el. %ssignments and tests must #e read to her for her to understand. $he teacher often has her wor) on Success Ma)er on the com(uter to im(ro"e her s)ills. She sits at the front of the classroom so she can understand #etter and can get the assistance she needs. I will read the /re and /ost tests to her if needed. I will also ha"e a lot of slides! images! hands on ! that will aid in her learning. Student G has #eha"ior and handwriting issues. *e is often disagreea#le and doesn't coo(erate with what he is as)ed to do. *e doesn't com(lete a lot of his wor) and sits at the #ac) of the classroom so as not to distur# other students. *e goes to a grou( for s(ecial education. I will incor(orate a "ariety of interesting and engaging acti"ities and learning styles! such as hands on and "isual! to )ee( him engaged and interested. I will continuously monitor and encourage him if he gets off tas).

Students '! 5! +! and 6 struggle with %ttention 7eficit 7isorders ,%77-. $hey all need to #e reminded to stay on tas). I will incor(orate a "ariety of interesting and engaging acti"ities and learning styles! such as hands on and "isual! to )ee( them engaged and interested. I will also include (artner and grou( wor) to allow them to tal) and ex(ress their ideas! and show their wor). Student 6 has had #eha"ior issues in the (ast! #ut is now doing well. I will o#ser"e her to ma)e sure there is no (ro#lems. Four of the students! %! F! 8! are gifted learners ,G%$'-. I will challenge them #y adding high order thin)ing 0uestions to each lesson! as well allow them to create drawings! etc. on their la(#oo) if they com(lete an assessment early. &ne student! Student F! has a (rosthesis leg which is usually not an issue and should not #e with any of the acti"ities I ha"e chosen. I will o#ser"e to ma)e sure she is fine when transitions occur. She li)es to remo"e it at times and it is distracting to the class. I will monitor that as well.

4, 33%

3, 25%

1, 8%

4, 34% IEP ADD Other GATE

Chart C

Source: Mrs. N's Classroom

Socioeconomic Status $he school is not a title 1 school and is of a middle socio economic status. Statistics on free lunch could not #e o#tained.

%cademic +e"els:
Mrs. N was not a#le to gi"e me a #rea) down of Math or 4eading le"els (er student. Neither was I a#le to get the C4$ scores.

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