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Welcome to the official website of The West Bengal School Service Commission


-869 C866ISSI8! S:''AB;S 2'ST 2;'9S 9&T9!592 C8!TACT

THE WEST BENGAL SCHOOL SERVICE COMMISSION Notice West Bengal School Service Commission Act, 1997 (West Bengal Act IV 1997) enacted b !oti"ication !o# 9$%&' dated 1#(#1997 came into "orce )ith e""ect "rom *1#11#1997 "or the +,r+ose o" recr,itment o" Assistant Teacher and -eadmaster. -eadmistress in recogni/ed !on&0overnment aided Schools in West Bengal and +resentl the recr,itment +rocesses are g,ided b the West Bengal School Service Commission (Selection o" 1ersons "or A++ointment to the 1ost o" Teacher) 2,les, 3**7# The State 0overnment later on decided that the !on&Teaching Sta"" in the +osts o" 'ibrarian, Cler4 and 0ro,+&5 Sta"" incl,ding 'aborator Attendant, 1eon, !ight 0,ard, 6atron in recogni/ed !on&0overnment aided Schools in West Bengal sho,ld also be recr,ited thro,gh School Service Commission, and accordingl necessar amendments have been introd,ced in the said Act, vide the West Bengal School Service Commission (Amendment) Act, 3**7 (West Ben# Act IV o" 3**7) and s,ch selection +rocess be g,ided b the West Bengal School Service Commission (Selection o" 1ersons "or A++ointment to the 1ost o" !on&Teaching Sta"") 2,les, 3**9#


Notice for Walk-in Interview for the Post of Programme Officer

RLST Rules

RLST rules for Assistant Teacher and eadmaster! eadmistress RLST rules for Non-Teaching Staff

Notice Regarding postpone ent o! TET E"a ination # West Bengal Sc$ool Ser%ice Co ission $as launc$ed Help &es'( an o!!icial e)$elpline !ro *+,+-,*+-./ Clic' !or details///// In!or ation !or t$e Candidates in c,0 TET and -1t$ RLST2AT3( *+-1 4Last 5pdated on 6 *7,+1,*+-.8
ent o! TET E"a ination ination( *+-1

Notice Regarding postpone

9u:lic Notice Regarding Re)sc$eduling o! &ate o! TET E"a Tender 9u:lic Notice Regarding Selling o! Application ;or

s in c,0 -1t$ RLST2AT325pdated3 s25pdated3

List o! &esignated Alla$a:ad Ban' Branc$es !or Selling o! RLST Application ;or The West "engal #entral School Service #ommission $ W"#SS# % invites Sealed &ids from &onafide' resourceful and ()*erienced su**liers of "arcode Stickers ri&&ons +++ The West "engal #entral School Service #ommission $ W"#SS# % invites Sealed &ids from &onafide' resourceful and ()*erienced su**liers of Printer #artridge , com*uter *eri*heral +++ Notice Inviting Tender for Printing of A**lication form with "rochure! "ooklet Notice !or E"tension o! Last date !or selling and recei%ing o! TET Application ;or General In!or ation Related to TET

9u:lic Notice !or Teac$er Eligi:ilit< Test 25pdated3 List o! 9ost O!!ice Branc$es Tentati%e Vacanc< Count 2Mediu TET Vacanc< !or Wor' Education Vacanc< !or 9$<sical Education 0ise( 9ass Su:=ect Group0ise( Vacanc< Categor<0ise and Vacanc< Gender0ise3 !or

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08-04-2014 20:03

Welcome to the official website of The West Bengal School Service Commission

for recruitment to the Post of Assistant Teacher in Non--overnment Aided igher! igh and .unior igh Schools

GENERAL TRANS;ER 4 Last 5pdated 6 +>,+.,*+-. 8 T$e 9u:lic Notice regarding General Trans!er 0it$ Me o No >.*,.?*-C,CSSC,ESTT,*+-. &ated +.,+.,*+-. is 'ept a:e<ance at present/ Re%ised Notice and Re%ised list 0ill :e pu:lis$ed soon/ Candidates are re@uested to su: it,resu: it2creating ne0 login I& using t$e sa e &e and &ra!t nu :er3 t$eir application a!ter seeing t$e re%ised %acanc< list/
Appl< Online !or General Trans!er


9u:lic Notice !or General Trans!er ;inal Vacanc< List !or General Trans!er o! Assistant Teac$er Application !or &e and &ra!t Entr< and Login I& generation

Assistant Teacher ead /aster!/istress Non Teaching Staff0

9u:lic Notice !or clari!ication o! issuing NOC and ot$ers Notice !or ad%ertise 9ro!or a)I ission 2General Trans!er3 Rules( *+-1/ ent o! General Trans!er o! Assistant Teac$ers

West Bengal Sc$ool Ser%ice Co

WRITTEN RES5LT O; -*TH RLST2HM3( *+-* AN& *N& RLST2LIB3( *+-* 4 Last 5pdated 6 -1,-*,*+-1 8
9ro%isional List !or 9ersonalit< Test in c,0 -*t$ RLST2HM3( *+-* and *nd RLST2LIB3( *+-* ;inal Vacanc< Count in c,0 -*t$ RLST2HM3( *+-* and *nd RLST2LIB3( *+-*


ation !or t$e Candidates in c,0 -*t$ RLST2AT3( *+-- 4Last 5pdated on 6 +>,+.,*+-.8

Combined 6erit 'ist "or all Candidates )ho a++eared 1ersonalit Test ,nder 13th 2'ST(AT), 3*11

5etailed Advertisement

ent !or t$e Selection !or t$e 9ost o! Head

aster and Li:rarian

In"ormation 2egarding Advertisement "or the 1ost o" -eadmaster(13th 2'ST(-6), 3*13 In"ormation 2egarding Advertisement "or the 1ost o" 'ibrarian(3nd 2'ST('ib), 3*13

Mutual Trans!er 45pdated on6 *>,+1,*+-.8

!otice 2egarding de"erment o" 6,t,al Trans"er "or ne<t batch West Bengal School Service Commission (6,t,al Trans"er) 2,les, 3*13

2 of 4

08-04-2014 20:03

Welcome to the official website of The West Bengal School Service Commission

S<lla:us !or Wor' Education 4 Click here for entire Work Education Syllabus 8 Candidates )ith 0rad,ation in Vis,al Arts, have to ans)er "rom 0ro,+ A = 0ro,+ C Candidates )ith 0rad,ation in 1er"orming Arts, have to ans)er "rom 0ro,+ A = 0ro,+ 5 Candidates )ith 0rad,ation other than Vis,al Arts and 1er"orming Arts, have to ans)er "rom 0ro,+ A = 0ro,+ B

S<lla:us !or Ant$ropolog<( Biotec$nolog< and Micro:iolog< Clic4 here "or Anthro+olog s llab,s Clic4 here "or Biotechnolog s llab,s Clic4 here "or 6icrobiolog s llab,s

S<lla:us and Sa

ple Auestions !or CHIL& &EVELO9MENT AN& 9E&AGOGB

S llab,s "or the C-I'5 59V9'8169!T A!5 195A080: Sam+le >,estions "or the C-I'5 59V9'8169!T A!5 195A080: (2ight Clic4 on the +d" icon and clic4 on ?Save 'in4 As. Save Target As? to do)nload the "ile)

GENERAL IN;ORMATION 8nline A++lication @or 0eneral Trans"er has been started "rom *A#*(#3*1( @inal 'ist o" Vacanc "or 0eneral Trans"er o" Assistant Teacher has been +,blished on *(#*(#3*1( 1rovisional @o,rth 'ist (1art&II) "or Co,nselling ,nder 13th 2'ST(AT), 3*11 has been +,blished on 31th 6arch 3*1(# 1rovisional @o,rth 'ist (1art&I) "or Co,nselling ,nder 13th 2'ST(AT), 3*11 has been +,blished on 3%th @ebr,ar 3*1(# 'ast date "or selling and receiving o" T9T A++lication "orm(8nline) has been ",rther e<tended ,+to 1$th @ebr,ar , 3*1( %B** 16 'ast date "or selling and receiving o" T9T A++lication "orm(8nline and 8""line) is 11th @ebr,ar , 3*1( 1,blic !oti"ication "or T9T has been 5eclared on 39th Can,ar , 3*1(

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08-04-2014 20:03

Welcome to the official website of The West Bengal School Service Commission

1rovisional Third 'ist "or Co,nselling ,nder 13th 2'ST(AT), 3*11 has been +,blished on 1%th 5ecember, 3*1$# 1rovisional Second 'ist "or Co,nselling ,nder 13th 2'ST(AT), 3*11 has been +,blished on 3(th 8ctober, 3*1$#

Contact D Site6a+ 5esigned and maintained b B WBCSSC D Best vie)ed in I9 & %E and 6o/illa @ire"o< 3E and 1*3(<7%7 resol,tion

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08-04-2014 20:03

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