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Paper X : Advanced MultiMedia Goal : To learn about Animation & Graphical concepts.

Objective: On successful completion of this subject the students should have: * Writing programming ability for creating animations using Photoshop & Flash. Unit I: What is Multimedia? - Introduction to making MM - MM skills - MM authoring tools: Card and page based, icon and object based, Time based. Text: using text in MM, Hypermedia and Hypertext Sound: Digital Audio, MIDI, MIDI Vs Digital Audio - Images: Making still Images, Image file formats. Unit II: Starting Photoshop cs3 - Menu commands: File menu Edit menu Image menu. Layer menu Select menu Filter menu View menu Window menu Help menu. Unit III: Tools of Photoshop (Tool Box tools). Using paints and colors: Color tools Color picker Color palette Swatches palette Blending modes. Unit IV: File types in Flash: File documents-Contextual menus-Tools Panel-Time line window. Drawings in Flash (All drawing tools). Unit V: Timeline Animation: Basic methods Frame-by-Frame animation-modifying multiframe sequences-using tweens for animation. Applying layer types: Guide layer-motion guides-mask layers. Text Books: 1. Multimedia: Making it work, Tay Vaughan, Seventh Edition, Tata MC Graw Hill. 2. Adobe Photoshop CS3 LP editorial board, law point publications, kolkata, 2008. 3. Macromedia Flash 8 Bible, Robert Reinhardt and Snow Dowd, Wiley India Edition, 2006. Reference Books: 1. Adobe Photoshop CS3, Shelly, Cashman, Starks, CENGAGE Learning, India Edition, 2009. 2. Photoshop CS4 in simple steps, DreamTech Press, Kogent Learning Solutions Inc, 2010. 3. FLASH MX in easy steps - NICK VANDOME, Dreamtech, New Delhi

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