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SN Kansagra School

Lesson Plan- General Slope and Relief Std 10- Scope of Syllabus- Interpretation of various aspects like General slope of land and Relief Features
Instructional Objectives: Students would be able to define slope of land Students would be able to find out t e direction in w ic land slopes in a particular !ap e"tract# Students would be able to apply t eir understandin$ of spot ei$ ts in deter!inin$ t e slope of land in a particular !ap e"tract Students would be able to identify t e direction in w ic t e river flows in a particular !ap e"tract based on t e widt of t e river% arrows s own in t e river pat and an$le !ade by a tributary w ile !eetin$ wit !ain river Students would be able to locate !ajor and !inor relief features in t e !ap e"tract usin$ four fi$ure $rid references Students will be able to describe t e type of relief% &ature of !ountains ' ills% nature of rivers and ot er features on t e basis of evidences $iven in t e !ap e"tract

(eac in$ !et ods )"planation t rou$ lecture *iscussion a!on$st $roup !e!bers +ands On ,earnin$

*etailed plan First 1- !inutes e"planation of t e concept will be done by t e teac er# &e"t 1- !inutes will be used by students for discussion a!on$st $roup !e!bers' doubt solvin$ done by teac er ,ast 1- !inutes will be used by eac student to co!plete t e ./ assi$n!ent nu!ber 10 individually# (eac er will !onitor eac student and $uide if re1uired# 2dditional practice 1uestions will be $iven as a soft copy to students on ed!odo as +/ assi$n!ent nu!ber 10

SNK / Department of Geography/Std 10 2014-15

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