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Kayla Mountain Recommendation

I have had the pleasure of working with Ms. Mountain since June of 201 . Kayla is a very persona!le young lady with an up!eat personality. "s an employee in the service industry# she has gained valua!le e$perience with interacting with all types of people. Kayla has e$celled with taking on e$tra tasks during high stress situations and her a!ility to adapt is unmeasura!le. %he has a passion for anything she em!arks on and is an asset to any organi&ation she is a part of. 'eyond her work with 'envenuto(s# Kayla is knowledgea!le and dedicated to her field of study with a remarka!le willingness and a!ility to share her knowledge with others. Kayla(s desire to e$cel in the )*+ ,ealth +romotion program is apparent with her dedication and drive. %he eagerly shares the knowledge she learns through her coursework and en-oys the opportunity to offer advice to those who seek it. I can honestly say that advice Kayla offers is thoughtfully calculated# assessed and honestly given. %he truly cares a!out those around her and their well.!eing. /ne particular occasion comes to mind that !rings a smile to my face0 around the 1ew 2ear# Kayla formulated a fun challenge amongst co.workers. %he !egan a playful contest in which each mem!er agreed to avoid eating the! items offered at our Italian restaurant for a month. 3his 4!uddy.system5 !ased initiative allowed for many to start working towards a healthier lifestyle under Kayla(s guidance. It is with my most sincere hope that Kayla is a strong consideration for this internship e$perience. ,er personality# dedication to health# her studies# work and those around her are unparalleled. It has honestly !een a pleasure to get to know such a great young lady and I am e$cited to see where her knowledge and dedication will take her.


Michael %teiner "ssistant Manager 1621 +rogressive +arkway +latteville# *I 7 818 michael9platteville!

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