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CSULB History Social Science Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Title:
Unit Central Historical uestion: Su')ect * Course: ,ra#e: -esson Duration:

The Multiple Costs of War The Spanish Flu

Date: 12-5-2012

What !ere the ori"ins an# effects of the Spanish Flu of 1$1% an# 1$1$ an# ho! #i# WW& contri'ute to its sprea#( Worl# Histor+ 10th $0 .inutes

Stan#ar#: 10/0/1 Descri'e the effects of the !ar an# resultin" peace treaties on population .o1e.ent2 the international econo.+2 an# shifts in the "eo"raphic an# political 'or#ers of 3urope an# the Mi##le 3ast 10/5/4/ Un#erstan# the nature of the !ar an# its costs 5.ilitar+ an# ci1ilian6 on all si#es of the conflict2 inclu#in" ho! colonial peoples contri'ute# to the !ar effort

-esson 7')ecti1e8 Historical Thin9in" S9ill8 an# -iterac+ Strate"+ Stu#ent Frien#l+ 7')ecti1e: Stu#ents !ill un#erstan# !hat the Spanish Flu !as2 its effects an# the effect WW& ha# on its sprea#/ 7')ecti1e: Stu#ents !ill un#erstan# !ith $0: accurac+ !hat the Spanish Flu is2 theories of its ori"in2 the role of WW& in its sprea#2 an# ho! countries atte.pte# to treat it/ Historical Thin9in" S9ill: Cause an# Conse;uence

<arrati1e of Tas9s * =ctions: Stu#ents !ill respon# to the !ar.-up 5a son" fro. the era6 an# !ill recei1e a relate# han#out an# re1ie! the pre1ious lesson 55 .inutes6 >resentation of ;uestions !ritten on 'oar#/ 55 .inutes6 >o!er point lecture on Spanish Flu #escri'in" its ori"in an# scope2 its s+.pto.s2 !orl# reaction2 an# present un#erstan#in" of the 1irus/ 515 .inutes6 ?rief #iscussion on pre1entati1e .easures use# !hen the Spanish Flu sprea# 54 .inutes6 =cti1it+: Stu#ents !ill use an interacti1e co.puter .o#el sho!in" ho! the flu !as sprea# an# ho! #ifferent factors .i"ht ha1e ha# an effect on ho! the 1irus !as sprea# 520 .inutes6 Stu#ents !ill 'e sho!n a short @ouTu'e clip #iscussin" the Spanish Flu 5A .inutes6 Han# out a fact sheet an# #iscuss*re1ie! it as a class 511 .inutes6 Short ;uiB an# ;uiB #e'riefin" 512 .inutes6 Stu#ents !ill !rite in their )ournal an# respon# to ;uestions !ritten on 'oar# at the 'e"innin" of class an# reflections a'out topic for the #a+/ uestions are poste# in Cclosure/D510 .inutes6 Cartoon s+.'olic to the Spanish Flu 51 .inute6 Ho.e!or9: Ta9e ho.e han#outs an# re1ie!

CSULB History Social Science Lesson Plan Template

Materials <ee#e#: 1/ Class co.puter 5prefera'le to use the Co.puter -a'6 2/ War.-up han#out E/ War.-up usin" >o!er>oint/ 4/ -ecture usin" >o!er>oint/ 5/ Fact Sheet han#out 0/ uiB A/ Fournal %/ >o!er>oint Cartoon

&n;uir+-?ase# -esson >lan for Histor+-Social Science

1/ =nticipator+ Set Ti.e: 5 .inutes

WW& has en#e# an# the troops are" ho.e2 an# this Spanish Flu efforts !orl# health "lo'all+2 >opular chil#ren son"s !oul# 'e re!or#e# an# printe# in .a"aBines an# ne!spapers/ 5in >o!er>oint presentation6

2/ -esson -earnin" 7')ecti1e an# Central Historical


What !ere the ori"ins an# effects of the Spanish Flu of 1$1% an# 1$1$ an# ho! #i# WW& contri'ute to its sprea#( Stu#ents !ill un#erstan# !hat the Spanish Flu is2 theories of its ori"in2 the role of WW& in its sprea#2 an# ho! countries atte.pte# to treat it/

E/ Teacher &nput

Ti.e: 42 .inutes

Short re1ie! of pre1ious lesson/ 55 .inutes6 >o!er point lecture on Spanish Flu #escri'in" its ori"in an# scope2 its s+.pto.s2 !orl# reaction2 an# present un#erstan#in" of the 1irus/ >o!er>oint >resentation an# lecture notes attache#/ 515 .inutes6 ?rief #iscussion on pre1entati1e .easures use# !hen the Spanish Flu sprea#/ 54 .inutes6 1/ Han#out attache#: 3Ga.ple of health .easures reco..en#e# for populace '+ health #epart.ent/

Stu#ents !ill 'e sho!n a short +ou-tu'e clip #iscussin" the Spanish Flu 5A .inutes6 1/ @outu'e/co. CThe &nfluenBa >an#e.ic of 1$1%/D Han# out Fact Sheet an# #iscuss*re1ie! it as a class/ 5=ttache#6 511 .inutes6 uiB an# uiB #e'riefin" Teacher !ill lea# class re1ie! an# #iscussion of the ;uiB !ith follo!-up ;uestions 512 .inutes6/

CSULB History Social Science Lesson Plan Template

Cartoon s+.'olic to the Spanish Flu/ 51 .inute6

Ho.e!or9: Ta9e ho.e han#outs an# re1ie!

4. Student Activity and Investigation ( ! di""erentiation#

Time$ %& minutes

Spanish Flu Lesson Plan Activity Students will use an interactive program to learn how the Spanish Flu was spread. Use o the interactive model will provide a un! hands"on! visual tool to help students comprehend how the Spanish Flu was spread through use o a world map. Student should also #e a#le to #etter grasp the severity o the pandemic a ter using the program. This e$ercise will wor% #est in a computer la# where each student will have access to their own computer so they may use the program individually. & use o a la# is not possi#le or practical! then the class may do the e$ercise as a whole with the instructor pro'ecting the program onto a screen. &n addition to seeing how the Flu was actually most li%ely spread! the program allows or the user to input di erent scenarios to see how the spread o the Flu may have #een altered under varying circumstances. (ost pathologists who have studied the Spanish Flu #elieved the initial out#rea% may have occurred in one o two places: )ansas! United States or *taples! France. The program demonstrates how the Flu may have spread under each case. +ther varia#les include the e$tension o ,orld ,ar & to 1-2. /instead o 1-101 and also whether there was no war at all. A lin% to the page where the activity could #e downloaded can #e ound here: http:22resources.modelling3all.org2spanish" lu2how"the"spanish" lu"model"wor%s

'. (ormative Assessment ( ! di""erentiation# Short ;uiB/ uiB an# =ns!er 9e+ are attache#/

Time$ )% minutes

CSULB History Social Science Lesson Plan Template *. Closure Stu#ents !ill su'.it ;uiBBes near the en# of class/ We !ill re1ie! the ;uiB as a class alon" !ith so.e follo!-up ;uestions/ Cartoon !ill 'e #ispla+e# on the o1erhea# Fournal ;uestions on 'oar# at the 'e"innin" of class: What are three health precautions reco..en#e# to pre1ent the sprea# of the flu( What are three possi'le theories !here the Spanish Flu ori"inate#( What is a pan#e.ic( Time$ %+ minutes

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