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Minutes of the meeting of Old Hutton and Holmescales Parish Council on Thursday 17 th April, 201 140417-1 Present Steve

Capstick (Chairman), John Heap, Ruth Rigg, John Shorrock, Peter hornton (S!"C), #rthur Ro$inson (c%erk) an& 'our parishioners 140417-( Remova% o' invasive species he o)nership o' %an& a%ong the parish*s $ecks )as i&enti'ie& to 'aci%itate the remova% o' invasive species $+ South Cum$ria Rivers rust, Jen #%&ous sai& that the !am$rigg an& #rmistea& )in& 'arm 'un&s ha& ma&e grants 'or 'irms to strim an& spra+ invasive species in June, Communit+ invo%vement )i%% $e sought through parishioners a&opting a stretch o' $eck to pu%% out an+ %ate gro)th o' Hima%a+an $a%sam in Ju%+ to Septem$er, -ore &etai%s o' this part o' the scheme )i%% 'o%%o) at a %ater &ate, he communit+ )ork is %ike%+ to $e nee&e& 'or t)o or three +ears, 140417-. #po%ogies /an Ri&&ing 140417-4 #cceptance o' the minutes o' previous meetings he chairman signe& the minutes o' the parish counci% meetings he%& on 00-0.-(014 an& 0(-04-(014 as true recor&s 140417-1 Chairman*s announcements a) he spee& in&icator &evice has $een move& to the 2ri&ge 3n& si&e o' the schoo% 'or the remain&er o' #pri%, $) 4n $eha%' o' the Parish Counci% the chairman thanke& the man+ parishioners )ho &i& such a sp%en&i& 5o$ in -arch picking up %itter on a%% the roa&s, c) 6i%% 7e%son )as thanke& 'or constructing an& &onating a $ench to rep%ace the &eca+e& one at 2ri&ge 3n&, he commemoration p%a8ue on the origina% has $een trans'erre& to the ne) one, 140417-0 "ec%aration o' interests none

140417-7 4pen session Peter hornton reporte& that 2en&rigg !o&ge, )hich )ants to raise 9:;0,000 'or ne) &eve%opments, has $een a)ar&e& 9(0,000 'rom the Ro+a% 6e&&ing <un& a%% o' )hich has no) $een a%%ocate& $+ S!"C, 140417-: P%anning app%ications a) #pp%ications su$mitte& re8uiring counci% comments= S!>(014>0.00 ? erection o' a sing%e store+ e@tension at the rear o' he 4ut%ook ? no o$5ection )as raise& $) he progress o' the 'o%%o)ing app%ications )as note&= S!>(01(>0:41 ? erection o' three )in& tur$ines at Ai%%ington !ake ? the app%ication )as ca%%e& in $+ "C!B on 1;-0.-(014 an& )i%% $e &etermine& $+ the P%anning /nspectorate at a pu$%ic in8uir+ S!>(014>0(1( ? out%ine p%anning 'or erection o' sta$%e an& training area at Cock%ea ? the Parish Counci% supporte& this app%ication at its meeting on 0(-04-(014

c) # %etter o' o$5ection to the Ai%%ington )in& 'arm app%ication )as agree& an& )i%% $e sent to the P%anning /nspectorate to argue that in this case the &ecision o' S!"C to approve the scheme shou%& $e overturne&, 140417-; Pa+ment o' accounts he 'o%%o)ing pa+ments )ere authorise&= 9;,;; to the c%erk 'or a ne) minutes $ook suita$%e 'or computer printout 911(,00 to C#!C 'or the (014>11 annua% su$scription 140417-10 <inancia% report a) he !#P has ma&e a grant o' 9.4( to)ar&s the cost o' a ne) notice $oar& )hich, it )as agree&, shou%& no) $e or&ere&, $) -athe) 3%%)oo& (-23 #ccountants) )as appointe& to $e the interna% au&itor c) /t )as reporte& that the e@tra premium charge 'or insurance cover 'or 1 st to .0th #pri% 'or the use o' the S/" (spee& in&icator &evice - va%ue 9.100) is Cero $ut there )ou%& $e an e@cess charge o' 91(1 in the event o' a c%aim, &) he va%uation o' Parish Counci% assets )as revie)e& 140417-11 Correspon&ence he 'o%%o)ing items o' correspon&ence ha& $een receive& since the %ast meeting= 14-0.-(014 ? 'rom C#!C ? noti'ication that counci%s ma+ no) change their 'inancia% regu%ations to have on%+ one signature on che8ues 01-04-(014 ? C#!C #pri% circu%ar D'or)ar&e& to counci%%orsE 04-04-(014 ? 'rom S!"C ? consu%tation on changes to the %oca% %ettings po%ic+ 'or counci% housing )hich a%so re%ates to ne) a''or&a$%e homes D'or)ar&e& to counci%%orsE

0:-04-(014 ? 'rom !#P ? notes o' the meeting on 1 st #pri% D'or)ar&e& to counci%%orsE 140417-1( !arge vehic%e signs a) he Parish Counci% agree& to or&er ne) signs to &eter %arge vehic%es 'rom entering Breenmoor 2ank an& 2ecksi&e !anes, $) he %ocations o' the ne) signs )ere i&enti'ie&, 140417-1. /nsurance cover /t )as agree& that severa% 8uotations shou%& $e o$taine& 'or insurance cover 'or 1 st June (014 to 1st June (011, the po%icies to inc%u&e propert+ &amage, 140417-14 Parish counci% e-mai% %ist /t )as reporte& that there are 107 homes in the parish an& on%+ 4; are current%+ on the Parish Counci% e-mai% %ist, /t is hope& to improve communication in the parish an& to re&uce costs o' postage $+ a&&ing to this num$er, Severa% parishioners vo%unteere& to visit homes to ask resi&ents i' the+ )ou%& %ike to 5oin the scheme, 140417-11 "ate o' the ne@t meeting a) he Parish 4pen -eeting, #B- an& an or&inar+ meeting )i%% $e he%& on Tuesday !th May 201 $) he provisiona% the &ate 'or the 'o%%o)ing meeting is hurs&a+ 17 th Ju%+ #rthur Ro$inson, parish c%erk, 4ver 2%eaCe, 4%& Hutton, Aen&a%, !#: 0!F e%ephone ? 011.;-7(1;11 e-mai% ? ohpc%erkGgmai%,com ))),o%&hutton,org,uk

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