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Learner Analysis 8th Grade Ergonomics Unit

Introduction The learning environment that served as the context for the learner analysis took place in a public middle school in Monroe County. The middle school, named Banks Stephens Middle School, is located in Forsyth, GA. It serves grades 6-8 and approximately 450 students. The school met Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for the past 6 years. The learner analysis was completed on twenty-two, 8th grade students. I obtained information and data on twenty-two students from one of Mrs. R. Dorseys Business Education classes. The main goal of the unit will be for the students to know and understand the essentials of ergonomics and how it affects the work environment. Listed below are the various standards retrieved for the learner analysis: ISTE Standards (formally NETS): 5. Digital Citizenship Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. Students: a. advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology. Nine Themes of Digital Citizenship: 8. Digital Health & Wellness: physical and psychological well-being in a digital technology world. Eye safety, repetitive stress syndrome, and sound ergonomic practices are issues that need to be addressed in a new technological world. Beyond the physical issues are those of the psychological issues that are becoming more prevalent such as Internet addiction. Users need to be taught that there are inherent dangers of technology. Digital Citizenship includes a culture where technology users are taught how to protect themselves through education and training.

McGouirk / 2 Georgia Performance Standards: BCS_grade7.pdf MSBCS-BCSII-1: Students will reinforce keyboarding techniques. b) Identify ergonomic issues.

Demographics There are just over 450, 6th through 8th grade students enrolled at Banks Stephens Middle School. There is slight ethnic diversity among the twenty-two students who are classified as being regular education and special education. The students socioeconomic status runs across the continuum. The age ranges of the students are from 13-14 years old. Figures 1.1 and 1.2 (retrieved from show the demographics of the entire school, whereas table 1.1 shows the demographics of the twenty-two students based on my own 8th grade class.

Figure 1.1

McGouirk / 3 Figure 1.2

Table 1.1
Students Male Female Asian African American White Hispanic Regular Ed. Special Ed. ESOL 504

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Totals





McGouirk / 4 Entry Skills and Prior Knowledge In regards to students prior knowledge, the best indicator is the results from a teachermade pretest (see Appendix A). It is my assumption that they are at an average ability level and are ready for the unit that covers Ergonomics in Business Education. A couple of students seemed to be on a slightly lower ability level and will probably need additional help (modifications or accommodations). A few of them had more previous knowledge and seemed to be above the average ability level as it relates to the performance standard.

Academic Motivation Based on my experience as a teacher in the high school and now middle school setting for the past seventeen years, I have found there is a strong correlation between academic motivation and student performance. In addition, motivation is greatly affected by a students ability level. In general, explanations regarding the source(s) of motivation can be categorized as either extrinsic (outside the person) or intrinsic (internal to the person) (Retrieved from http://www.edpsy Because ability level is a factor that can reduce academic motivation, students who have a lower ability level often need additional help or lessons modified to their learning style. Overall, the academic motivation level of the students in my learner analysis group was average. This is based on the information gathered during an activating strategy asking students what they know and what they want to know about ergonomics. Some students showed an interest based on prior knowledge from sixth and seventh grade business education classes, whereas others showed an interest in future concepts.

McGouirk / 5 Learner Characteristics All learners are individuals who are designed differently. Therefore, it is the teachers job to discover and use strategies to meet each learners need. Each learner-type comes with a unique set of instructions that is essential for academic success. Teachers assist their learners when they design their lesson using a variety of learning styles in order to meet the needs of their students. Howard Gardner stated that there are seven multiple intelligences see Figure 1:3 (retrieved from intelligences tests). Figure 1:3

In order to account for the different learning styles of the twenty-two students, I used a Learning Styles Questionnaire (see Appendix B) which is based on Gardners theory of multiple intelligences (retrieved from .htm#multiple intelligences tests). After reviewing each students results, varied intelligence

McGouirk / 6 preferences represented throughout the group. It was concluded that all aspects of learning styles need to be incorporated into my unit of instruction in order to effectively reach each student. This mainly includes verbal, auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learners. Mixing things up and constantly varying the activities and learning opportunities will also help those students from with special needs and with different cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Accommodations (Special Needs) Some students require additional accommodations or interventions in order to improve their ability to learn various concepts. With the learner analysis, there are a total of five students who receive accommodations (see Table 1.1). Special education students have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) which states the type of classroom as well as standardize testing accommodations. ESOL and 504 students can also receive classroom and testing accommodations based on their individual needs. With the pressure for high-stakes testing and performance standards, it is the expectation that all learners, including those with disabilities meet and master the content area. For example, there is a broad range of testing accommodations: presentation, response, timing, and setting. Presentation accommodations involve changes in how the material or questions are presented to the student such as clarifying/simplifying language or repeating directions. Response accommodations refer to the way students respond to the material or questions or determine their answers and timing and setting accommodations deal with where, when, and with whom the students take tests. In the classroom, a teacher can provide a variety of instructional accommodations to the learner such as preferential seating, reading aloud, peer support, graphic organizers, and assistive technology. For instance, I would allow my students to listen to their textbook audio as they

McGouirk / 7 follow along. Also, teachers need to incorporate learning strategies into lessons as well as specialized, direct instructions. For example, while unpacking the Georgia performance standards, I would have students paraphrase or rewrite the standards in their own terms and then explain the importance of this technique. References

Appendix A

McGouirk / 8 Appendix B

Multiple Intelligences Test - based on Howard Gardner's MI Model

Score the statements: 1 = Mostly Disagree, 2 = Slightly Disagree, 3 = Slightly Agree, 4 = Mostly Agree Adults over 16 complete all questions. Young people between 8-16 answer red questions only. Statement I I I I I I I like to learn more about myself can play a musical instrument find it easiest to solve problems when I am doing something physical often have a song or piece of music in my head find budgeting and managing my money easy find it easy to make up stories have always been very co-ordinated

When talking to someone, I tend to listen to the words they use not just what they mean I enjoy cross words, word searches or other word puzzles I dont like ambiguity, I like things to be clear I enjoy logic puzzles such as 'sudoku' I like to meditate Music is very important to me I am a convincing liar I play a sport or dance I am very interested in psychometrics (personality testing) and IQ tests People behaving irrationally annoy me I find that the music that appeals to me is often based on how I feel emotionally I am a very social person and like being with other people I like to be systematic and thorough I find graphs and charts easy to understand I can throw things well - darts, skimming pebbles, frisbees, etc I find it easy to remember quotes or phrases I can always recognise places that I have been before, even when I was very young I enjoy a wide variety of musical styles When I am concentrating I tend to doodle I could manipulate people if I choose to I can predict my feelings and behaviours in certain situations fairly accurately I find mental arithmetic easy I can identify most sounds without seeing what causes them At school one of may favourite subjects is / was English

McGouirk / 9 I like to think through a problem carefully, considering all the consequences I enjoy debates and discussions I love adrenaline sports and scary rides I enjoy individual sports best I care about how those around me feel My house is full of pictures and photographs I enjoy and am good at making things - I'm good with my hands I like having music on in the background I find it easy to remember telephone numbers I set myself goals and plans for the future I am a very tactile person I can tell easily whether someone likes me or dislikes me I can easily imagine how an object would look from another perspective I never use instructions for flat-pack furniture I find it easy to talk to new people To learn something new, I need to just get on and try it I often see clear images when I close my eyes I dont use my fingers when I count I often talk to myself out loud or in my head At school I loved / love music lessons When I am abroad, I find it easy to pick up the basics of another language I find ball games easy and enjoyable My favourite subject at school is / was maths I always know how I am feeling I am realistic about my strengths and weaknesses I keep a diary I am very aware of other peoples body language My favourite subject at school was / is art I find pleasure in reading I can read a map easily It upsets me to see someone cry and not be able to help I am good at solving disputes between others I have always dreamed of being a musician or singer I prefer team sports Singing makes me feel happy I never get lost when I am on my own in a new place If I am learning how to do something, I like to see drawings and diagrams of how it works I am happy spending time alone My friends always come to me for emotional support and advice

McGouirk / 10

Your strengths in each of the multiple intelligences are automatically calculated below, and also shown in graph form. The descriptions of the multiple intelligences are shown on the next worksheet within this file - click the intelligences descriptions tab below. Intelligence type Linguistic Logical-Mathematical Musical Bodily-Kinesthetic Spatial-Visual Interpersonal Intrapersonal

intelligence strength

1 0.9 Your strengths (preferences and personal potential too) 0.8 according to the Multiple Intelligences model 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0

intelligence type

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