Stephanny Ramos ADHD

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Stephanny Ramos PSY-123, Professor Truman In Rachel Pomerance Berl article, Meds or No Meds?

How to treat a child with ADHD. Berl writes about how parents whose children struggle with ADHD have to worry about if behavioral changes will stand in the way of their childs learning process. Berl goes on to explain that eleven percent of all children in between the ages of four and seventeen have been diagnosed with ADHD. And 2/3 of kids diagnosed being prescribed stimulant medication for treatment which had been known to have side effects such as stunting their growth, abdominal pain and loss of appetite. Berl also goes on to explain that there are more treatments aside from medication that can be used to treat children who suffer from ADHD such as options like Psychotherapeutic treatments that have yet to show any substantial Impacts. Berl writes about a myth that has been circulating for some time about ADHD not being real but rather the result of bad parenting. At the end of the article Berl explains that there is not right or wrong answer When choosing whether to give a child 3who suffers with ADHD medicine as she clearly states In her article she states giving kids meds is not the right answer but also not giving kids meds is the wrong answer so parents have to a balance of not over medicating their children so it can be beneficial to those children who do suffer from ADHD in the long run. This Article relates to Chapter 9 in page 239 where it goes into descriptive details about almost everything you could wish to know about ADHD. I completely Disagree with the myth ADHD is not real after being around children who have ADHD I have firsthand experience in knowing that those children could not fake ADHD and that it is not a negative side effect of bad parenting. ADHD is one of those things that no matter how much the child nd parent wish they could control it they cannot because it is something the child had been born with.

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