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1) When a developer creates an XML target definition, how is the Code Page determined?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) The Code Page (also called encoding) is defined in the XML file itself The Code Page (also called encoding) can !e defined in the XML file or the "T" ("ata T#pe "efinition) file The Code page for the XML target definition can !e set to match either the Code Page (also called encoding) in the XML target file or the "T" ("ata T#pe "efinition) file or the Code Page for the repositor# The Code Page for the XML target definition will alwa#s !e the same as the Code Page for the repositor#

$) When the %nformatica server reads an XML data so&rce, how is the Code Page determined?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) The Code Page (also called encoding) is defined in the XML so&rce file itself The Code Page (also called encoding) can !e defined in the XML so&rce file or the "T" ("ata T#pe "efinition) file The Code page for the XML data so&rce can !e set to match either the Code Page (also called encoding) in the XML so&rce file or the "T" ("ata T#pe "efinition) file or the Code Page for the repositor# The Code Page for the XML data so&rce will alwa#s !e the same as the Code Page for the repositor#

(") ') What are the minim&m re(&ired components needed to create an XML )o&rce definition with the "esigner and read the so&rce data with the %nformatica server?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) * properl# formatted XML file * properl# formatted XML file and "T" ("ata T#pe "efinition) file * properl# formatted XML file and either a properl# formatted "T" ("ata T#pe "efinition) file or X)L (XML )chema) file * properl# formatted XML file, either a properl# formatted "T" ("ata T#pe "efinition) file or X)L (XML )chema) file, and a certified relational data!ase

(A) 4) Which method below is not an option for the creation of XML target definitions?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) Man&al creation *&tomatic creation !ased on an e+isting XML so&rce definition *&tomatic creation !ased on an e+isting relational so&rce definition %mport from an e+isting XML file

,) )elect !elow one of the r&les that the "esigner &ses to validate XML so&rce definitions &sed in a mapping

Choose Answer
If one port in a group is connected, all of the ports in that group must be (A) connected. %f a primar# -e# port in a gro&p is connected, then the corresponding foreign -e# ports (B) that the primar# -e# refers to m&st !e connected %f a foreign -e# port of a gro&p is connected, then the port of the primar# -e# that the (C) foreign -e# refers to m&st !e connected %f the primar# -e# of the root gro&p is &ser.defined, then all of the ports of that gro&p (D) m&st !e connected

/) complete the following sentence0 When a developer adds a new col&mn to an e+isting XML so&rce definition,

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) the corresponding elements are added to the XML hierarch# a new gro&p is created, res&lting in a c&stom gro&p a new level is added to the e+isting hierarch# the new col&mn will !e visi!le in the Col&mns ta!

1) What data t#pes are limited to onl# reading and writing?

Choose Answer

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

CL23 4L23 3L23 * and C *ll of the a!ove

(D) 8) What input data t pes can be used with the function !"#$%!&'&(( )?
Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) (*) 7) * data!ase field re(&ires the ho&r of the time that an order is shipped 8or e+ample, if the order was shipped on 9&ne :, $;;; at 1;01: *M #o& need to e+tract the val&e 1; The time is also on a $:.ho&r scale, with /0;; PM represented as 1<0;; )elect the appropriate f&nction !elow )tring )tring, "ate5Time )tring, "ate5Time, 3inar# )tring, "ate5Time, 3inar#, 6aw

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) (C) 1;) What val&e wo&ld the f&nction 4=T>"*T=>P*6T ("*T=>)?%PP=", @??@) ret&rn when the val&e of "*T=>)?%PP=" is n&ll? 4=T>"*T=>P*6T ("*T=>)?%PP=", @??@) 4=T>"*T=>P*6T ("*T=>)?%PP=", @??1$@) 4=T>"*T=>P*6T ("*T=>)?%PP=", @??$:@) 3oth * and C wo&ld prod&ce the desired o&tp&t

Choose Answer
(A) (B) ; A&ll

(C) (D) (3)

1$ * transformation error is generated

11) * mapping contains an error that res&lts in the f&nction T2>%AT=4=6 ( ) receiving alphan&meric inp&t strings, s&ch as @1$, Maple )treet@ %f no defa&lt val&es are s&pplied in the port, what does the f&nction ret&rn?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) (!) 1$) 8or a string val&e of "*T=>)T6 B @;,5$;5;;@ what wo&ld !e the o&tp&t of the f&nction T2>"*T= ("*T=>)T6, @MM5""5CC@)? A&ll ; * transformation error is generated Cannot !e determined from the information provided

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) ;,5$;5;; ;;0;;0;; ;,5$;5$;;; ;;0;;0;; ;,5$;517;; ;;0;;0;; Transformation error, !eca&se the format of "*T=>)T6 is invalid for the specified o&tp&t format

(3) 1') What inp&t data t#pes can !e &sed with the f&nction T2>C?*6( )?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) "ate5Time "ate5Time, "ecimal, "o&!le, %nteger "ate5Time, "ecimal, "o&!le, %nteger, 6eal, )mall %nteger "ate5Time, "ecimal, "o&!le, %nteger, )mall %nteger


1:) What val&e wo&ld !e ret&rned !# the e+pression, T2>8L2*T(ADLL)?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) A&ll * transformation error is generated ':;;;;; ; if the %nformatica server is r&nning on Dni+, ; if on Windows ':;;;;; ; if the %nformatica server is r&nning on Windows, ; if on Dni+

1,) Which o!Eects !elow are re(&ired !# the "e!&gger to create a valid de!&g session?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) * valid mapping * valid mapping or a valid mapplet that contains a )o&rce F&alifier * valid mapping or a valid transformation * valid mapping, or a valid transformation, or a valid mapplet that contains a )o&rce F&alifier


1/) Can !rea-point conditions !e changed while a de!&g session is r&nning?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) (3) 11) Which components are re(&ired to r&n a de!&g session? Ces, provided that the modification is valid Ces, if the session is pa&sed and the modification is valid Ces, if the option "iscard Target "ata is chec-ed (tr&e), the session is pa&sed and the modification is valid Ao, the de!&g session m&st !e stopped first and re.started after the modification

Choose Answer

(A) (B) (C) (D)

The "esigner The "esigner and the Wor-flow Manager The "esigner and a r&nning %nformatica server The "esigner, the Wor-flow Manager, and a r&nning %nformatica server

1<) Can a de!&g session !e r&n &sing a valid, pre.e+isting session that was not created with the "e!&gger WiGard? *ss&me that the session is not part of a !atch and is not config&red for recover#

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) (") 17) When &sing the "e!&gger, what is the difference !etween an instance !rea-point and a glo!al !rea-point? Ces, alwa#s Ao, never Ces, provided that the mapping &sed !# the session does not contain one or more mapplets Ces, provided that the session is not config&red to &se partitions

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) (3) $;) * &ser desires to &se a C&stom transformation with m&ltiple %np&t gro&ps to control transactions )elect the statement !elow that is tr&e %nstance applies to one port, glo!al applies to all ports in the transformation %nstance applies to one transformation, glo!al applies to all transformations in the mapping %nstance applies to one transformation, glo!al applies to all transformations in the folder %nstance applies to one mapping, glo!al applies to all mappings in the repositor#

Choose Answer
(A) (B) The C&stom transformation m&st have no more than one 2&tp&t gro&p The C&stom transformation m&st have no more than one 2&tp&t gro&p and the

Transformation )cope propert# m&st !e set to Transaction (C) (D) When a commit row is generated and there is more than one 2&tp&t gro&p, the commit applies to all 2&tp&t gro&ps This f&nctionalit# is not s&pported &nder an# circ&mstances

$1) Co& are entering a transformation condition that allows the %nformatica server to compare the val&e of two ports d&ring a de!&g session )elect the statement !elow that is false

Choose Answer
(A) The ports m&st have the same data t#pes (B) The ports m&st have compati!le (converti!le) data t#pes (C) * single condition can !e applied to ever# port in the transformation (D) A condition can be configured to apply to updated rows only.


$$) With respect to C&stom transformation f&nctions, select the statement !elow that is tr&e

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) *n# valid CHH li!rar# f&nction can !e &sed as an *P% f&nction *n# valid CHH li!rar# f&nction can !e &sed as a generated f&nction Co& are limited to PowerCenter *P% f&nctions to develop the C&stom transformation logic 4enerated f&nctions can !e com!ined to e+press the C&stom transformation logic

$') * &ser desires to reference a C&stom transformation in an e+pression (Dnconnected Mode) )elect the statement !elow that is tr&e

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) The C&stom transformation m&st !e passive The C&stom transformation m&st have no more than one o&tp&t gro&p The C&stom transformation m&st !e passive and it m&st have no more than one o&tp&t gro&p


This f&nctionalit# is not s&pported &nder an# circ&mstances

(") $:) What is the p&rpose of the Dnion transformation?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) To merge two or more data pipelines or pipeline !ranches into one pipeline !ranch To merge two or more data pipelines or pipeline !ranches into one pipeline !ranch while removing d&plicate rows To merge two or more data pipelines or pipeline !ranches into one pipeline !ranch with the option to remove d&plicate rows To merge two or more data pipelines or pipeline !ranches from two or more heterogeneo&s so&rces into one pipeline !ranch


$,) What factor determines whether a C&stom Transformation is active or passive?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) The proced&re code algorithms The choice of C&stom transformation f&nctions &sed This propert# can !e set !# the &ser C&stom transformations are alwa#s active

$/) )elect the statement that acc&ratel# descri!es how a C&stom transformation wor-s

Choose Answer
he Custom transformation properties and procedure code are used to generate (A) C!code files which are then compiled by the user. The C&stom transformation properties and proced&re code are &sed to generate a set of (B) !inar# files on the %nformatica server machine that instr&ct the %nformatica server how to process the data The &ser provides C or CHH code files containing the proced&res to !e called !# the (C) C&stom transformation

The &ser provides proced&re code in the C&stom transformation that is interpreted (D) directl# !# the %nformatica server

(A) *+) Which statement below is correct?

Choose Answer
(A) * Dnion transformation alwa#s has m&ltiple inp&t gro&ps and one o&tp&t gro&p * Dnion transformation can have m&ltiple inp&t gro&ps and one or more o&tp&t gro&ps, (B) provided that the inp&t and o&tp&t gro&ps have matching ports * Dnion transformation Transaction )cope propert# m&st !e set to *ll %np&t when the (C) transformation recieves rows from m&ltiple transaction generators A "nion transformation ransaction #cope property must be set to All Input (D) regardless of whether the transformation recie$es rows from multiple transaction generators.

$<) What is the p&rpose of the AormaliGer transformation?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) 6ead C232L so&rces 6ead C232L so&rces or normaliGe relational data!ase so&rce data 6ead C232L so&rces or normaliGe an# so&rce data 6ead C232L so&rces, normaliGe flat file so&rces and relational data!ase so&rce data

$7) What transformations are re(&ired to read a C232L data so&rce?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) The C232L so&rce and a C232L )o&rce F&alifier The C232L so&rce and a AormaliGer transformation The C232L so&rce and an ordinar# )o&rce F&alifier The C232L so&rce, a C232L )o&rce F&alifier, and a AormaliGer transformation


';) )elect the choice !elow that is a d#namic loo-&p cache disadvantage

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) The d#namic cache cannot !e persistent Loo-&p )FL override is not s&pported for the d#namic cache * range t#pe loo-&p can res&lt in a severe performance penalt# The Loo-&p transformation m&st !e &sed in connected mode

'1) Wo&ld #o& recommend &sing an 26"=6 3C cla&se as part of a loo-&p )FL override for a cached Loo-&p data set?

Choose Answer
%es, since the Informatica ser$er will need to sort the loo&up data in any case, (A) sorting the data on the database ser$er may result in faster cache creation. Ces, if the 26"=6 3C is done on a field that is part of the loo-&p conditions(s), it ma# (B) res&lt in faster loo-&p performance Ao, since the %nformatica server will sort the loo-&p data again prior to caching, receiving (C) the data pre.sorted from the data!ase will not res&lt in an# !enefit Ao, !eca&se &sing an 26"=6 3C cla&se in a loo-&p )FL override will ca&se the session to (D) fail

3 '$) What is the primar# difference !etween a static Loo-&p cache and a d#namic Loo-&p cache?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) The %nformatica server can insert new rows in the d#namic cache The %nformatica server can insert new rows and &pdate changed rows in the d#namic cache The %nformatica server can refresh the data in the d#namic cache as so&rce data changes The %nformatica server can a&tomaticall# re!&ild (delete and create new) the d#namic cache d&ring a session r&n


'') What is the primar# p&rpose of &sing mapping parameters and varia!les?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) To improve mapping performance To ma-e mappings easier to interpret To improve mapping fle+i!ilit# To simplif# mapping design and development

':) * developer is wor-ing on a mapping that has !een !&ilt !# another developer The previo&s developer has defined three parameters associated with the mapping What is the !est wa# the c&rrent developer can view these parameters and determine their names and initial val&es?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) 3# &sing the =+pression =ditor 3# reading the parameter file associated with the mapping 3# &sing the doc&mentation associated with the mapping 3# reading the code and doc&mentation &sed !# the previo&s developer

',) * mapping is designed to read a parameter val&e from a parameter file )omeone accidentall# deletes the parameter file What happens when someone attempts to r&n a )ession Tas- that &ses the mapping?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) The )ession Tas- will fail with the log file error message, I)pecified parameter file not fo&nd I The )ession Tas- will r&n and it will generate a warning message !eca&se a n&ll val&e is !eing &sed in place of the parameter val&e The )ession Tas- will not r&n !eca&se it is invalid *lso, an invalid message will !e displa#ed in the Wor-flow Monitor 2&tp&t Window The )ession Tas- will r&n and it will a&tomaticall# &se the last saved repositor# val&e %f that is not fo&nd then it will &se the defa&lt val&e or the initial val&e of the parameter if it is set


'/) )elect the statement !elow that is false

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) * single mapping can s&pport !oth parameters and varia!les at the same time * developer can call a parameter or a varia!le within a re&sa!le transformation * mapping parameter or varia!le &sed !# a mapplet can !e &sed !# an# mapping the mapplet is associated with * parameter val&e can !e changed !etween )ession Tas- r&ns

'1) What is the p&rpose of the mapping varia!le propert# Iaggregation t#peI?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) %t is &sed to determine the final val&e of the varia!le across sessions with m&ltiple partitions %t is &sed to determine how the *ggregator transformation will calc&late val&es of the varia!le across rows %t is &sed to determine how the *ggregator and 6an- transformations will calc&late val&es of the varia!le across rows %t is passed to the so&rce data!ase server to determine how aggregations of varia!le fields are handled

(*) '<) What is the difference !etween a mapping parameter and a mapping varia!le?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) * parameter val&e can change thro&gho&t a )ession Tas- r&n, and a mapping varia!le val&e remains constant * parameter val&e remains constant thro&gho&t a )ession Tas- r&n, and a mapping varia!le val&e can change * parameter val&e m&st !e read from a flat file, and a mapping varia!le val&e m&st !e recalc&lated with an e+pression for each row * mapping varia!le val&e m&st !e read from a flat file, and a parameter val&e m&st !e recalc&lated with an e+pression for each row

'7) * n&meric mapping varia!le is defined in a mapping The initial val&e is , * session that &ses the mapping is r&n, and after the session completes a final val&e for the mapping varia!le is stored in the repositor# as 1; *t that point, the mapping varia!le is defined in the

session parameter file and given a val&e of 1, When the session is r&n ne+t, what is the initial val&e of the varia!le?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) 1;, !eca&se the val&e stored in the repositor# will override the session parameter file 1,, !eca&se the session parameter file will override the val&e stored in the repositor# ,, !eca&se the initial val&e defined in the mapping will override an# other conflicting val&es !etween the repositor# and the session parameter file ;, !eca&se the n&meric varia!le defa&lt val&e is &sed in an# case of conflicting val&es !etween the repositor# and the session parameter file

:;) * developer can access the "ata Previewer from these tools0

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) )o&rce *nal#Ger and Wareho&se "esigner )o&rce *nal#Ger, Mapping "esigner, and Mapplet "esigner )o&rce *nal#Ger, Wareho&se "esigner, Mapping "esigner, and Mapplet "esigner )o&rce *nal#Ger, Wareho&se "esigner, and Mapping "esigner

:1) * developer wishes to &se the "ata Previewer to investigate the data val&es in a relational ta!le What t#pe of data!ase connectivit# is re(&ired?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) *n 2"3C connection from the client machine onl# *n 2"3C connection from the client machine and a native connection from the %nformatica server machine =ither an 2"3C connection from the client machine or a native connection from the %nformatica server machine =ither an 2"3C connection from the client machine or a native or 2"3C connection from the %nformatica server machine

:$) * developer wishes to &se the "ata Previewer to determine the total n&m!er of rows in a relational so&rce ta!le The n&m!er of rows e+ceeds 1;,;;; What is the proper proced&re for this operation?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) Connect the "ata Previewer to the so&rce ta!le with all settings left to the defa&lts Connect the "ata Previewer to the so&rce ta!le and chec- the option ICo&nt rowsI This operation is not s&pported !eca&se the n&m!er of rows e+ceeds 1;,;;; %t is s&pported onl# when the n&m!er of rows is 1;,;;; or less This operation is not s&pported

(") :') What is the difference !etween the s#stem varia!les JJJ)ess)tartTime and )=)))T*6TT%M=?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) JJJ)ess)tartTime ret&rns the session start time as a string, and )=)))T*6TT%M= ret&rns the session start time as a date 5 time JJJ)ess)tartTime ret&rns the session start time as a date 5 time, and )=)))T*6TT%M= ret&rns the session start time as a string 3oth will ret&rn the session start time as a string, !&t onl# JJJ)ess)tartTime can !e &sed as a mapping parameter There is no difference in practice =ither can !e &sed to ret&rn the session start time in date 5 time format

(*) ::) What is the p&rpose of the =6626 f&nction?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) Ca&se the %nformatica server to s-ip a row and iss&e a &ser.c&stomiGa!le error message *llow the &ser to specif# an error condition that wo&ld res&lt in a transformation error *llow the &ser to define a s&!stit&te val&e that wo&ld !e &sed in the case of a transformation error Ca&se the %nformatica server to generate a transformation error when the f&nction eval&ates to tr&e

(*) :,) What is the p&rpose of the *326T f&nction?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) *llow the &ser to specif# a condition that wo&ld ca&se the session to a!ort (fail) *llow the &ser to specif# a condition that wo&ld ca&se the session to a!ort (fail), and iss&es a specified error message *!orts (stops) the eval&ation of a specified e+pression, and generates a transformation error if the port has no defa&lt val&e *!orts (stops) the session and starts it again in recover# mode

(3) :/) What is the p&rpose of the )=TK*6%*3L= f&nction?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) )ets the val&e of varia!le ports )ets the val&e of !oth varia!le ports or mapping varia!les )ets the val&e of mapping varia!les "efines mapping varia!les

(C) :1) Which data t#pes are s&pported as inp&t for the 62DA" ( ) f&nction?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) "ecimal "ecimal, "o&!le, 6eal "ate5Time, "ecimal, "o&!le "ecimal, "o&!le, %nteger, )mall %nteger, 6eal

C :<) What is the !est time in a Wor-flow development c#cle to optimiGe a Mapping?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) Prior to optimiGing the so&rce and target data!ases Prior to optimiGing the )ession Tas-s !&t after optimiGing the so&rce and target

data!ases (C) (D) *fter the mapping has tested satisfactor#, and prior to optimiGing the other components of the )ession Tas-s *fter optimiGing the )ession Tas-s, so&rce and target data!ases, and the %nformatica server

(3) :7)When &sing an 26"=6 3C cla&se in a )o&rce F&alifier or ma-ing &se of a )orter transformation, what transformation attri!&te can !e chec-ed within the *ggregator or 9oiner transformations to ma-e them more efficient?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) )orted 2&tp&t )orted data )orted %np&t )orted transformation

,;) What is the !est time in a session development c#cle to optimiGe a mapping?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) Prior to optimiGing the so&rce and target data!ases Prior to optimiGing the session !&t after optimiGing the so&rce and target data!ases *fter the mapping has tested satisfactor#, and prior to optimiGing the other components of the session *fter optimiGing the session, so&rce and target data!ases, and the %nformatica server

(3) ,1) While t&ning a mapping for optimal performance, a developer decides that he needs to -now the n&m!er of rows flowing into and o&t of a 8ilter transformation d&ring a session r&n Where can this information !e o!tained?

Choose Answer

(A) The transformation properties for the 8ilter (B) he #ession as& log

(C) The )ession Tas- transformation details (D) The performance details file

,$) )elect the gro&p of transformations that can sometimes !e made more efficient !# &sing transformation level varia!les, also -nown as local varia!les

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) =+pression transformations =+pression and 8ilter transformations =+pression, 8ilter, Dpdate and Loo-&p transformations =+pression, *ggregator and 6an- transformations

(") ,') Co& desire to cop# mapping logic (i e , part of a mapping) into a different mapping that is in a different repositor# %s this action allowed?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) Ces Ces, provided that !oth repositories are within the same domain Ces, provided that o!Eect dependencies, s&ch as so&rces and re&sa!le transformations, are copied to the destination folder first, and saved to the repositor# This action is not directl# s&pported !&t it can !e accomplished !# cop#ing the entire mapping &sing the Cop# WiGard and then deleting an# part of the mapping that is not needed


(A) -4) What is the primar ad.antage of the M&!A/0"%& function the 1"2%D&X function?
Choose Answer
(A) Performance

(B) *cc&rac# (C) 8le+i!ilit# with respect to so&nd matching criteria (D) A greater number of consonant!$owel combinations are supported.

,,) Which statement !elow !est descri!es how invalidation wor-s in PowerCenter 1? *ss&me that the repositor# s&pports versioned o!Eects

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) Changes to a child o!Eect will invalidate parent o!Eects, which m&st !e validated individ&all# Changes to a child o!Eect will invalidate parent o!Eects, which ma# !e a&to.validated together Changes to a child o!Eect will invalidate parent o!Eects, which can then !e a&to. validated &pon chec- in Changes to a child o!Eect will not invalidate parent o!Eects provided that the changes do not e+plicitl# invalidate the parent o!Eects and the parent o!Eects are chec-ed in !efore the folder is closed

,/) *ss&me that the team !ased development PowerCenter option has !een p&rchased and is active Dnder which circ&mstance !elow wo&ld the 2!Eect ?istor# for a specific o!Eect not !e availa!le?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) The o!Eect has never !een versioned The o!Eect has !een deleted from the repositor# and the deletion s&ccessf&ll# saved The o!Eect has !een p&rged from the repositor# and the p&rge s&ccessf&ll# saved The 2!Eect ?istor# for an# o!Eect will alwa#s !e availa!le

(C) ,1) * mapping was p&rged from the repositor# #esterda# %t is desired to view the version comments that were associated with that mapping ?ow wo&ld #o& accomplish this?

Choose Answer
(A) *ll mapping properties can !e made availa!le !# changing the o!Eect stat&s to

*ctive (B) (C) (D) 3# changing the o!Eect stat&s to *ctive, it is possi!le to perform a 6evert to last saved operation that wo&ld allow the version comments to !e viewed in the 2!Eect ?istor# report The version comments can !e viewed in the 2!Eect ?istor# report even tho&gh the mapping has !een p&rged *fter an o!Eect has !een p&rged, no information a!o&t it is availa!le


,<) * re&sa!le transformation (version $) is edited, and the changes are saved to the repositor# What is the effect of this action on the version n&m!er of this re&sa!le transformation?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) %t is incremented from $ to ' %t is incremented from $ to a &ser.specified version n&m!er %t is incremented from $ to ' after the re&sa!le transformation is chec-ed in %t is incremented from $ to a &ser.specified version n&m!er after the re&sa!le transformation is chec-ed in

(C) ,7) Dnder which circ&mstances ma# a &ser edit child o!Eects when a different &ser has chec-ed o&t the parent o!Eect?

Choose Answer
(A) (B) (C) (D) Dnder no circ&mstances The parent and child o!Eects are in different deplo#ment gro&ps and neither gro&p is deplo#ed When !oth &sers are mem!ers of the same &ser gro&p When !oth &sers are mem!ers of the same &ser gro&p and the folder is not froGen


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