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Why We Exist
Camp Lotsafun provides recreational, therapeutic and educational opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities, while providing respite care for their families. Children, teens and adults with disabilities are often excluded from social interactions and free play with peers. Their inability to verbally express themselves, short attention span and lack of interaction with others often leads to social isolation and decreased physical activity.

Our Population

Number of Campers: 60 65 Age Range: 6 99 Profile of Campers:

60% of Camp Lotsafun participants have Autism. 40% consists of children with:

Down syndrome Attend Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Bi-Polar Disorder Cerebral Palsy Traumatic Brain Injury and many other disabilities.

In addition, many of the participants have a secondary diagnosis such as:

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and/or Post Traumatic Distress syndrome.

These disorders negatively affect their ability to control impulses, interact and communicate appropriately with peers, identify social cues and maintain personal care and hygiene.

Make Winter Camp Blossom

Winter Camp provides an environment for this population to socialize, learn new technical skills and build confidence. Some of the activities that Camp Lotsafun provides are:

Snow shoeing Ice skating Cross country skiing Sledding Construction and execution of snow caves The art of building snow men, women or children.

Along with our regular activities and arts.

Potential Funding Candidates

Option One: DSF Charitable Foundation

Option Two:

Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism

Option One
October 18, 2013
Name, Address, Contact Person

DSF Charitable
DSF Charitable Foundation, 5840 Ellsworth Avenue, Suite 200, Pittsburgh PA 15232

Camp Lotsafun
Jill Gabel, Program Director (775)827-3866

Financial Data: Total Assists Total Grants Paid Grants Ranges/ Amount Needed Period of Project Funding Subject Focus Geographic Limits Type(s) Support Population(s) Served

$ 1,225, 302.00 $5,000 1,000,000 No Deadline Human Services All States Community Service Grant All ages, all abilities $ 10,000 - $ 15,000 12/1/2013 3/1/2015 Health Equality Truckee, California Winter Camp Developmental Disabilities

Type(s) of Recipients

Hospice, day care, therapeutic camps

Autism, AHAD, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy

People (officers, trustees, staff)

David N. Scaife (Chairman), Sanford B. Ferguson (Vice Chairman)

Heather Davis, Office Assistant Sandy Sovie, Camp RN Randy Carter, Chairman

Option Two
October 18, 2013
Contact Information

Doug Flutie Jr.

Doug Flutie Jr., Foundation for Autism, P.O. Box 767 Framingham, MA 01701 Kristen Kuliga $ 2,302,289 $ 428, 088 $10,000 - $20,000 2011 Autism MA, NE territories, NY, NJ, CA & National Educational & Advocacy Programs Financial Support Families, Education, Advocacy & Therapeutic Recreational and Social Skill Programs

Camp Lotsafun
Jill Gabel, Program Director (775)827-3866 $ 1,225, 302.00 $ 10,000 - $ 15,000 12/1/2013 3/1/2015 Health Equality Truckee, California

Financial Data Total Assets: Grants Ranges/ Amount Needed: Period of Project Funding: Subject Focus Geographic Limits

Type(s) Support Population(s) Served

Winter Camp Developmental Disabilities

Type(s) of Recipients

Autism Alliance, Community Theatre, Special Citizens Future Lisa Borges (Executive Director), Christopher Chirco (Program Director)

Autism, AHAD, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy Heather Davis, Office Assistant Sandy Sovie, Camp RN Randy Carter, Chairman

People (officers, trustees, staff)

Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation

Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism P.O. Box 767 Framingham, MA 01701

Kristen Kuliga, Here at Camp Lotsafun, that is exactly what we intent to do, have Lots of fun, while improving the lives of those we interact with. This camp has primarily been a summer camp program but, with the snow accumulation that Truckee receives it is only fair to extend our charisma through the winter time and, improve social and technical skills of our participants through the winter season. Camp Lotsafun winter camp facilitates activities that include but are not limited to: backcountry travel, snowshoeing, ice climbing, intro and intermediate snowboarding, cross country skiing, the arts of snow sculpting such as: snow caves and snow families (women, men and children), and our traditional arts.

The money provided from the Flutie Foundation will be used on making the
winter program more successful and sustainable. The money invested will be used on improving Camp Lotsafun winter equipment. We would be replacing some of the outdated safety equipment such as beacons and probes used for the backcountry travel. We are adding ice climbing to the winter program, a portion of the money received from the Flutie foundation will be invested in this equipment. In addition to new equipment the money received will be used for expanding or staff. We currently have an amazing crew which I am very proud of but in order for our winter camp to run efficiently and safely I need to add

an additional instructor. At Camp Lotsafun not only do we believe in improving the quality of staff and our program for the population that we are serving but we also believe in supporting them after they leave our facility. Some of the participants that come to camp leave with warmer clothing but all leave with healthy relationships. Our participants leave knowing our open door policy. They can count on any of our counselors with any problems and can contact us at anytime. We are able to use moments at camp and apply it to a problem that is happening at home. This way they can get through that moment safely like we did here at Camp Lotsafun. Our open door policy not only continues to build relationships after camp but also allows us to evaluate the program. By remaining in contact with the participants and their families we are able to monitor the success of the program by asking questions such as their favorite part of winter camp or what they didnt like as much. Qualitative questions work will with this program because it currently only hosts 60 participants. We evaluate the participants experience but also talk to the families during our evaluation. We ask the families of the participants if they have noticed a positive change in the participant since camp has ended. We also ask questions such as: what are something's they would like us to focus on next time? Will they be re enrolling them in our summer/winter camp? Why or why not? We will have demonstrated success by calling and reviewing progress with participants and their families. The similarities for Camp Lotsafun and the Flutie Foundation is that our missions align. The

Flutie foundation has made a commitment to improving the quality of life for families and people with
Autism. This has a direct correlation with Camp Lotsafun mission statement on improving the social interaction for families and individuals with Autism.

By receiving the minimum $10,000 from the Flutie foundation can provide us with our additional staff member and new backcountry safety equipment. Camp Lotsafun is requesting $15,000 from the Flutie Foundation to add our additional staff, safety equipment and our ice climbing equipment. We have taken advantage of our successful summer camp program and used evaluation tools for our winter camp. The phone calls that are made after our summer camp ends have included: what are some programs you

would like to see start at Camp Lotsafuns winter camp? 50% of our participants want Ice Climbing, 20%
want backcountry touring which includes, snowshoeing and cross country skiing, the remaining 30% is a mix of winter arts, including building snow caves. Camp Lotsafun has sponsors such as the Charles Stout Foundation, Wells Fargo, California State Bank and C&S Wholesalers. We will be using some resources from these donors which we currently have a strong relationship with. Participants currently pay $200 for the week that they are at camp which covers the housing, food and equipment use for the week. Camp Lotsafun does subsidize 10% of the participants because of their financial instability. We believe everyone should have an opportunity to participate in our program. Another way that we raise money is by auctioning off the art of the participants at camp. Although it does not bring in a lot of funds it does help pay for the subsidized participants. In reflection to our summer camp, its years of success and its stability the winter camp will be just as successful for Camp Lotsafun. We would like to build a relationship with the Flutie Foundation because of our mission alignment. Both organizations serve the same population and are wanting the same successes for these individuals and their families.

Allocation of Funds
Staff Equipment Facility Subsudized

1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year

Winter Activities
Ice Climbing Snow Shoeing

Cross Country

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