ECCWA Quarterly Brief 02

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Ethnic Communities Council of Western Australia (Inc.


A. Proposed Changes to Racial Discrimination Act As soon as the proposed amendments were announced by the Attorney General, ECCWA issued a media release rejecting the proposed amendments. (Attachment A) We have been since then working to raise our concerns. Two teleconferences have been attended with sister organisations across Australia which were organized by Federation of Ethnic Communities Council of Australia (FECCA) to decide on a course of action. ECCWA will be endorsing the submission prepared by FECCA in consultation with other organisations. In addition we also attended a Cultural and Communities Roundtable discussion following which a joint communique was released. The Executive Committee of FECCA is meeting in Canberra in the second week of May and we will try to meet Attorney General George Brandis in person to raise the concerns. We are also preparing our own submission in consultation with ethnic organisations across WA. These will be presented to the member and non-member organisations on 28th April 2014 (5.30 7 pm) at a discussion forum arranged by ECCWA (Attachment B). Please make time to attend the forum. At your level you can sign the online petition.

Write to your local member of the parliament. (We are happy to provide you the template) Send your submission to by 30th April 2014.


Use the campaign image developed by ECCWA with your signature in emails and communications through social media. (We are happy to provide you with the image) Attend ECCWA forum on 28th April at 5.30 pm.


B. Finances The budget for the incoming financial year is about to be tabled so we are in waiting. As the Hon. Mike Nahan, Minister for Multicultural Interests also holds the Treasurers portfolio, we are optimistic that like all Ethnic Communities Councils across the States and Territories, the West Australian Government will support us. It has been more than three years that our funding has been discontinued and ECCWA has emerged as a resilient body that still holds the status of peak body when it comes to ethnic communities in Western Australia.

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C. Submission to the review of the organisations established under the Equal Opportunities Act 1984 Ethnic Disability Advocacy Centre took the lead in preparing the submission which ECCWA has endorsed and our Management Committee member Jan Williams represented on behalf of ECCWA. D. Harmony Day and Harmony Champions Office of Multicultural Interests launched an online honour roll during the harmony week which was launched by the Hon. Minister Mike Nahan. On behalf of ECCWA, I with Sabrina Haines and Fatima Khushnud attended the event. Congratulations to ECCWA harmony champions who are recognized in the honour roll. a. Ananda Barton b. Kathy Ursich c. Nick Agocs d. Nihal Iscel e. Russell Raymond E. Community Communication a. Our Twitter account @eccwa is also active and is the quickest way to get updates on your mobile devices. b. Facebook Page: has now 145 members and allows you to be in touch with each other and to give comments and suggestions. c. We also have presence on Google+ and web F. Events a. 24th January Australia Day at workplace. ECCWA hosted a morning tea for which we received a gift pack from the Australia Day Council as well. b. International Womens Day 2014: The highlight for this quarter was the dinner celebrating the day which was attended by more than 130 guests from different ethnic backgrounds. Ms. Liz Behjet represented the Hon. Minister Mike Nahan. Hon. Mark McGowan, the Leader of Opposition, Hon. Margaret Quirk, Hon. Alannah Mc Tiernan, Hon. Janine Freeman and Cr Elizabeth from City of Stirling were among many dignitaries who attended the event organized by the ECCWA Womens sub -committee led by Andrea Creado. Our special thanks to ISHAR, Multicultural Services Centre of WA, Office of Multicultural Interests and City of Vincent.

In addition following elected members contributed donations to support the migrant women to attend the event free of cost. Hon. Alannah MacTiernan Hon. Janine Freeman Hon. Kate Doust Hon. Margaret Quirk Hon. Mark McGowan Hon. Roger Cook Hon. Sue Ellery G. Grants a. National Youth Week 2014: Department of Local Government and Communities has given a grant of 1000$ for a photography competition among youth titled VR1: The Visual Collage.

b. Harmony Champions Grant: A grant of 500$ was announced to celebrate Harmony Champions which was celebrated along with International Womens Day celebration. c. Community Crime Prevention: Coordinated by Ms. Kim Luby, will be launched in April during National Youth Week. d. Grants for Women: Outcome is awaited for a grant focusing on migrant womens economic independence submitted to Department of Local Government and Communities.

H. Engagements and initiatives a. During this quarter we also welcomed Tim Soutphommasane, Race Discrimination Commissioner and Nico Keppler, Ethnic Liaison Officer, DIBP at ECCWAs office to meet the members of management committee and discuss relevant issues.

b. We Are One (VR1 Initiative) is the latest campaign from ECCWA. Through this campaign we will initiate activities and projects that aim to integrate ethnic communities within wider Australian community. c. The first issue ECCWA Research Brief was to be circulated in last quarter and all preparations were underway when the Attorney General invited submissions for the proposed amendments to Racial Vilification Bill. As ECCWA has already rejected the proposed amendments, our first research brief (which will focus on research related to racism) will now be circulated on 28 th April to coincide with the ECCWA Discussion forum. It will be sent via mail as well as will be available through social media. d. I was also invited to speak at a training session arranged by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) and attended briefing sessions arranged by DIBP and Red Cross Stakeholder group.

I hope you all have a lovely Easter break and for all the photographs of the IWD and National Youth Week visit our facebook page. Dr. Zarrin S Siddiqui President 100414

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