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Business Education Business Administrative Support Pathway

Required Classes: (1.0 Credit) Business Communication I (.5) Business Communication II (.5) Computer Technology II (.5) Digital Business Applications (.5) Word Processing (.5) Elective Classes: (2.0 Credits) Accounting I (.5) Accounting II (.5) Advanced Accounting (1.0) Business Law (.5) Business Management (.5) Business Math and Personal Finance (1.0) Business Web Page Design (.5) Business Web Page Design, Advanced (.5) Desktop Publishing I (.5) Desktop Publishing II (.5) Leadership Principles (.5) Marketing I (.5) Word Processing Basics (.5) Workplace Skills (.5) Sample Occupations

Administrative Assistant Business Education Teacher Customer Service Assistant Desktop Publisher Executive Secretary Office Manager Legal Secretary/Paralegal

_____________________________________________________________________________ Workforce Trends According to the U.S. Department of Labor, secretaries and administrative assistants held more than 4.2 million jobs in 2006. This is one of the largest job categories in the U.S. About 9 out of 10 secretaries work in firms providing services. These services range from education and health to legal and business services. Secretaries and administrative assistants will have among the largest numbers of new jobs arise, about 362,000 through the year 2016. Large concentrations of office support positions are found in these industries: services, finance, insurance, and real estate, manufacturing, government, except state and local education and hospitals.
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2008-2009 Edition.

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