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Sample Assessment Test Questions for formatting section

1. Which of the following is a proper master scene heading? a. EXT. Car- Day b. Exterior Car- Day c. EXT. CAR DAY d. EXT.- CAR: DAY Answer: C Feedback: Written in all caps in the following format: EXT. or INT, then scene location, then a hyphen, followed by time of day. 2. What is the best way to email a script to someone who doesnt have Final Draft? a. Copy and paste into a word document? b. Email as an fdx, they can download the sample program to read the script. c. Copy and paste into the body of the email. d. Save as a PDF. Answer: D Feedback: While they are all ways to share the script, copy and pasting into another document or email will destroy the formatting and demanding your reader download the software may result in your script not being read. 3. What piece of information should you never put on a title page? a. Draft number b. Author or Agent contact information c. Authors Name d. Title of the work Answer: A Feedback: The number or date of the draft may bias your reader against the piece. If it states first draft then they may think you have put little effort into it and it is a rough piece. If you put a later draft number, other readers may think you have over thought the piece and may now be married to every word.

Sample Assessment Test Questions for formatting section

4. A name, written in caps, centered in the page, (as demonstrated below) is known as what? CHUCK a. b. c. d. Answer: B Feedback: This device is used to cue an actor that their character is the one delivering the next piece of dialogue. 5. What is the following an example of: CHARLIE, a disheveled man in his mid-forties, forces himself into the lonely bar. GILDA, a frosty barkeep, eyes him up and down as he slinks to the corner stool. Dialogue Character Cue Character Direction Named listing

a. b. c. d. Answer: D

Scene Heading Narration Action shot Narrative Description

Feedback: When there is a description of what is happening in a scene so that the production crew and actors know what action to act out, it is known as a narrative description.

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