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UbD Unit Plan

Title of Unit Curriculum Area Ergonomics Business Education Grade Level Time Frame

8th Grade 1-2 Weeks

Stage 1 Identify De ired !e ult Performance Standard

IST" formally #"TS 5 Digital Citizenship . Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. Students: a. advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology. b exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, . learning, and productivity. c. demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning. d exhibit leadership for digital citizenship. .

Under tanding
Student $ill under tand t%at& Ergonomics is the science or study of fitting jobs to people. Ergonomics is an important factor in igital !ealth and Wellness. E"aluating their personal or student #orkstations is an important health factor. $here are solutions to maintaining a proper #orkstation. !elated 'i conce(tion & %ou ha"e to buy the best e&uipment to maintain a proper #orkstation. 'aptops are ergonomically incorrect. (eparate keyboards are the best. )omputer labs should be set up in a #indo#-less room. *"eruse of an electronic such as a computer can cause cancer.

Kecia McGouir


" ential )ue tion &

*verarc%ing )ue tion & To(ical )ue tion & What is the purpose of ergonomics and Why is ergonomics an important factor in #hy should #e study it+ igital !ealth and Wellness+ What are some misconceptions or What are the ha,ards of technology+ myths about ergonomics+ What are the solutions to maintaining a !o# is ergonomics analy,ed and proper #orkstation+ understood+ What are the benefits of using ergonomic !o# can ergonomics and its concepts design and principles+ be rele"ant in life+ What are musculoskeletal disorders+ !o# can - apply proper ergonomics at What are some ergonomic risk factors+ school and at home+ What are some symptoms of .( s+ !o# does ergonomics impact the #orld What are some .( s pre"entions+ and the #orld impact ergonomics+ What careers can be connected to What are some suggestions for ergonomics+ ergonomic a#areness+

+no$ledge and S,ill +no$ledge

Student $ill ,no$& /ocabulary related to ergonomics0 musculoskeletal disorders0 and #orkstation setup. (ymptoms to ergonomic health issues. 1ppropriate solutions to ergonomic issues.

Student $ill be able to& .ake appropriate choices in ergonomics. E"aluate their #orkstation. Become self-a#are of any health symptoms.

Stage - . "vidence Performance Ta ,/ 0

Kecia McGouir Student $ill& 1ns#er &uestions about their kno#ledge of ergonomics 2pretest3. /ie# statistics on the issues of ergonomics. 4ead about health a#areness and solutions of ergonomics. /ie# "ideo clips about proper ergonomic #orkstations. )omplete an ergonomics multiple choice &ui, online. )reate a computer station checklist using .icrosoft E5cel. )ollaborati"ely create an instructional 6re,i presentation concerning the cause and effect of ergonomics. 6resent 6re,i )omplete a 6ost-test.


*t%er "vidence 2e.g. tests0 &ui,,es0 #ork samples0 obser"ations3

.ultiple intelligence test. (tudents #ill email online &ui, results to instructor. Ergonomics online &ui,. 6retest 6osttest (pread (heet 6re,i

Student Self.A e ment and !eflection

(elf-assess your checklist. (elf-assess your 6re,i. 4eflect on #hat #ere some concepts or areas you struggled #ith+ Grasped+ 4eflect7 $o #hat e5tent has your opinion changed about ergonomics+ 4eflect on ho# you #ould impro"e your 86re,i9 presentation. 4eflect on ho# the teacher can impro"e the 86re,i9 presentation. What #ould you change or add to this assignment+

Stage 1 Plan Learning "2(erience 3ee, 1


Kecia McGouir 14 (tudents #ill partake in a pretest /A((endi2 A0 in order to check for prere&uisite skills and kno#ledge of ergonomics. (tudents #ill also take a &uick Gardner:s 2multiple intelligences3 test /See Learner Analy i 0 so that - may ascertain the types of learning styles and needed modifications for the course. 1ppendi5 17


Tue day& -4 4ead and look through a 6o#er6oint o"er ergonomics. 14 What is ergonomics and #hat is its purpose+ 54 What are some misconceptions of ergonomics+ 64 Watch http7;;;#atch+"<Whhf==>o1=?@feature<related a %ou$ube "ideo demonstrating the proper #ay to setup a computer station. 74 $ake an ergonomics &ui, online. http7;;;ergoAofficeA&ui,.htm 3edne day& 84 Go to and select 8*ffice Work9. 4ead through the information and ans#er the &uestions at the end of the #ebsite. 94 (elect 8)hecklists9. 4ead through the information and ans#er the &uestions at the end of the #ebsite. :4 ?sing .icrosoft E5cel0 create your o#n checklist of setting up a proper computer station.

Kecia McGouir %ou must ha"e at least ten selected items on your checklist. T%ur day& 1;4 Go to and select and read through 8-nter"ie#s9. ?sing .icrosoft Word0 create a document #ith 1C &uestions you #ould ask a )omputer 'ab )oordinator. Friday& 114 ?sing 6re,i0 create a cause and effect presentation o"er ergonomics. (tudents #ill be partnered according to learning styles data.


3ee, 'onday& 1-4 (tudents #ill continue #orking on 6re,i designs. Tue day& 114 (tudents #ill present 6re,i presentations. 3edne day& 154 (tudents #ill present 6re,i presentations. T%ur day& 164 (tudents #ill present 6re,i presentations. 174 (tudents #ill partake in a posttest o"er ergonomics.

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