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What do I do If Im Absent?

1. Talk to the teacher during your bell starter to get your work. 2. If you dont understand what to do ask a friend or the teacher. 3. If you dont finish in school, put it in your take home folder.

Noise Levels.
! Level 0: No Noise. ! Level 1: Whispers Only. ! Level 2: Inside Voices. ! Level 3: Outside Voices.

I have to use the Bathroom!

1.Always raise your hand and ask for permission. 2. 3. Dont ask during instruction time.

Make sure you us the bathroom during recess or lunchtime.

I need Help!
1.Sit in ready position and wait for help. 2. Raise your hand and wait to be called on. 3. Never call or yell out

How We Start Our Day

1. Hand me your take home folder. 2. Hang up your backpack and coat. 3. Get your pencil basket and start on your bell starter quietly.

What Do I Do If Im Tardy?
1. Come in very quietly. 2. Hang up your backpack and coat. 3. Get your work from the teacher and start on it.

Do I have Homework?
1. Did I finish all of my work today? 2. Put any unfinished work in your homework folder. 3. Take your homework folder home and finish your work. Dont forget to bring it back tomorrow

Im Finished!
1. Make sure all other work for the day is finished. 2. You may sit in the reading corner and

silently read. 3. You may choose a file folder activity to


Line Up!
1. 2. 3. This weeks line leader leads the line. Stand in a straight line. No wiggly lines. Arms folded and mouths closed.

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