Huzaifa Ahmad For Student Council 2014-15

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The following is the manshoor according to which candidate Huzaifa Ahmad will contest elections for student council 2014-15. The issues have been listed descending order of priority.

1) ENSURING EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION B/w Student Body & Student Council There is a lack of communication b/w student body and student council and in that regard we feel both parties are equally responsible. We feel that the student council doesnt provide ample opportunities to the student body to communicate their concerns and those that it does provide are not utilized by the student body. To bridge the gap we propose the following: a) the candidate will have set office hours. b) Contact info of the candidate, along with his team will be made public, so that any student can effectively communicate his/her concerns to the candidate or a member of his team. c) Student Council open houses will be held more frequently. 2) PDC a) The main issue regarding PDC menu is regarding the rotis/kulchas. Students complain that the roti bread is too thick, whereas the kulcha is expensive and hardens quickly. The solution we propose is really simple. We would ask the existing vendors to just make the roti thinner and Khamiri Roti will be introduced alongside kulchas. Kulchas and Khamiri roti are made from the same dough, the only difference being Khamiri roti doesnt require baking as much as the kulcha. The price would come down from 12 to around 8 and the Khamiri roti doesnt harden as quickly either. b) Students also want a total overhaul of sorts to the PDC menu. Surveys regarding what the student body would like to be included in the PDC menu have been conducted by the student council but the response has been poor. In the latest survey conducted out of 4000 students only 800 replied to the questionnaire. It should be stressed upon that a major change in the menu cant be done if the student body doesnt participate effectively in these surveys. 3) ZAMBEEL/RO Problems a) These are some of the major reasons amongst widespread discontentment amongst the student body. Despite of paying a hefty amount of money in tuition fees, students arent able to get enrolled in courses of their choice. There are two reasons for this, a) Auditorium Capacity b) Discretion of the Instructor. Sometimes there isnt capacity in a particular auditorium; however, the students can still be entertained by allocating a larger auditorium for a course which the RO does not do. And even if there is capacity in an auditorium, enrollment in a course is restricted because it isnt possible for the instructor to teach more than a specific number of students. Frankly, in such a situation, we can do nothing more than pressurize the administration and instructors to increase enrollment for courses. b) What we can and will do is that we will ensure that students at least get pre-enrolled in their core courses. Many times students, who dont opt for the same major as you, get your core courses as

electives. This will be a problem for many freshmen next year once they declare their majors. Preenrollment in core courses will ensure no such problem occurs. 4) FREE PARKING AREA a) Ensuring that students/drivers show discipline while parking cars (i.e. dont park cars in a haphazard manner), so that they dont prove to be a discomfort for others who want to park, unpark their cars in and maneuver them through the said areas. b) Installation of Shade in Free Parking Area, so as to prevent cars from heating up, something which will be a great discomfort for many drivers with the summers just around the corner. * c) Expansion of free parking space by clearing grass covered areas and to make way for proper paved roads. Students have expressed discontent regarding the lack of space which forces them to park cars in these grasslands. * *This suggestion depends upon the availability of necessary finance from LUMS administration. 5) OVERALL CLEANLINESS OF THE CAMPUS Overall cleanliness will be ensured throughout the campus, especially in REC, Hostel dorms, common rooms and toilets. 6) FRENCH FRIES Yaaar sastay, saaday fries ya basin walay chips chahiye There is a huge demand for French fries amongst the student body, since the ones available at Jamin dont fare well on everyones pockets. What we are proposing is installing French fries machine in the superstore. We know what everyone wants is a small French fries street vendor to be present in the LUMS premises, but that is not possible since it would not be financially feasible for the small vendor to bear the rental and misc. cost of installing a shop in LUMS. 7) MID-SEMESTER INSTRUCTOR EVALUATIONS Instructor evaluations do take place, but do so at the end of the semester and many students feel that it is of no use to them since they would be done with course by then. Yes, many can approach instructors directly during their office hours to relay their concerns but many students feel shy doing so. Therefore, such course evaluations will offer students a degree of anonymity to effectively relay their concerns so that changes could be made before finals and students overall grade doesnt suffer. 8) STABILITY IN RICKSHAW FARES The current student council has worked on this matter and managed to decrease the rickshaw fares to some extent, however, these fares arent stable and fluctuate throughout the academic year. We will try to ensure that the rickshaw fares are stable throughout the year.

If you want us to incorporate any problems we have missed thus far or critique us on our current manshoor, please feel free to contact us on our facebook page or get hold of any one of Team Huzaifas members roaming around the campus: P Your feedback will be appreciated. FB PAGE:

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