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Health Science Education Medical Office Administrative Assistant Pathway

Required Classes: (1.0 Credit) Medical Office Administrative Assistant (1.0) Elective Classes: (2.0 Credits) Health Science, Introduction (.5) Medical Anatomy & Physiology (1.0) Medical Math (.5) Medical Records Technician (.5) Medical Terminology (.5) Medical Transcription (1.0) Health Science, Advanced (capstone) (1.0) Workplace Skills (.5) Sample Occupations

Health Science Education Teacher Medical Coder Medical Secretary Medical Records Technician

__________________________________________________________________________ Workforce Trends A growing and aging population and technological advances in medicine make this one of the fastest growing occupations through 2016, with an expected growth of 35 percent.
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2008-2009 Edition

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