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Beck 1

Ashley Beck Professor Presnell ENGL 1102 27 March 2014

What Took Place Dur n! the Last "ce A!e# An$ W ll There Be Another#

My Pur%ose When " f rst hear$ a&out th s n'u ry %ro(ect the f rst to% cs that %o%%e$ nto )y hea$ *ere ones that " alrea$y kne* a&out+ As the se)ester *ent alon! " soon real ,e$ that th s s not the %ur%ose of th s %ro(ect at all+ Th s %ro(ect s )eant to )ake you th nk outs $e the &o-. or !o %ast your co)fort ,one+ " ha$ a /ery har$ t )e $ec $ n! *h ch to% c to % ck for th s %ro(ect at f rst then a l !ht &ul& 0%o%%e$1 nto )y hea$ *h le *atch n! T2 one $ay+ Wh le *atch n! the h story channel they *ere $o n! a $ocu)entary on the "ce A!e an$ thats *hen " real ,e$ that t *as %erfect &ecause " kne* a&solutely noth n! a&out the ce a!e an$ " foun$ that nterest n!+ Not )any %eo%le can say that they are kno*le$!ea&le a&out the ce a!e an$ *hat e-actly t *as. " kno* at the t )e " *asn3t+ When *atch n! the $ocu)entary t sho*e$ reenact)ents of the %er o$ an$ *hat t *as l ke+ 4ee n! ho* $ fferent the earth looke$ an$ *hat an )als roa)e$ $ur n! that t )e s%arke$ )y nterest to f n$ out of another one *oul$ ha%%en+

When Was the Last "ce A!e#

Beck 2

Accor$ n! to the En/ ron)ental Protect on A!ency3s *e&s te. )any t )es $ur n! earth3s e- stence *e ha/e &een n th n!s calle$ 0l ttle ce a!es1 they are *hen s)aller areas of lan$ are co/ere$ for a lar!e a)ount of t )e+ There ha/e also &een )any %er o$s of t )e $ur n! h story *ere )ost of the earth surface has &een co/ere$ * th ce &ut the )ost recent starte$ a&out 1+5 ) ll on years a!o+ Th s %er o$ of t )e *as kno* as the Ple stocene E%och+ The *or$ Ple stocene t self n !reek )eans. 0)ost recent1+ The Ple stocene e%och en$e$ a&out 11.000 years a!o * th the en$ of the ce a!e $ur n! that t )e+ But accor$ n! to the EPA. 0The "ce A!e en$e$ n na)e only. there * ll &e another+1 " *oul$ l ke to &el e/e fro) the th n!s " ha/e rea$ a&out the %oss & l ty of another "ce A!e that there * ll &e another+ There are a lot of factors l ke !lo&al *ar) n! an$ hu)an nfluences that the earth $ $ not ha/e such a s !n f cant a)ount of $ur n! the Ple stocene E%och+ " th nk th s coul$ lessen the %oss & l ty that there * ll &e another one n the future. &ut the %oss & l ty al*ays re)a ns+

What Was the "ce A!e L ke# " foun$ )yself )any t )es $ur n! th s %ro(ect *on$er n! *hat the ce a!e *as l ke+ Was the cl )ate sur/ /a&le# Were there an )als an$ %lants for foo$# These are the 'uest ons that " stro/e to ans*er. an$ " succee$e$+ Before " !o n to $eta l a&out the ce a!e " *ant to take a ) nute to e-%la n so)eth n! that really $ sa%%o nte$ )e *h le " *as look n! for nfor)at on+ The )e$ a 6es%ec ally D sney7 has a *ay of %ortray n! the "ce A!e as so)eth n! that t *as not+ Th s ! /es youn! ch l$ren false nfor)at on *hen they see )o/ es l ke 0"ce A!e1+ "n the cartoon
Pa nt n! that sho*s a Ma))oth an$ the %otent al of hu)an act / t es $ur n! the ce a!e+

Beck 3

they talk a&out $ nosaurs. *h ch $ $ not e- st $ur n! the ce a!e+ Accor$ n! to an art cle *r tten &y NA4A " $ sco/ere$. the ce a!e of course has a /ery col$ cl )ate 6*h ch the f l) !ot accurate7 e/en n areas of the !lo&e that )ost of the t )e s cons $ere$ to &e /ery *ar)+ Dur n! the Ple stocene E%och the a/era!e !lo&al te)%erature *as a&out 40 $e!rees 8ahrenhe t+ " $ sco/ere$ on the N9AA *e&s te that to$ay the a/era!e !lo&al te)%erature stays any*here fro) :7 to 50 $e!rees 8ahrenhe t+ There *ere )any $ fferent ty%es of )a))als that roa)e$ the earth $ur n! the %er o$ of the ce a!e+ The ;h l$ren3s D sco/ery Museu) of 4an <ose asse)&le$ a *e& $ocu)ent on the )a))al3s of the ce a!e+ "t nclu$e$ th n!s l ke horses. )a))oths. ca)els. !roun$ sloths. $eer. !roun$ s'u rrels. !o%hers. an$ )any )ore+ 4o)e of these )a))als *ent e-t nct $ue to cl )ate chan!es. an$ %oss &ly hu)an hunt n!s+ The )ost *ell kno*n an )al that *ent e-t nct *as the )a))oth+

What3s the Poss & l ty for Another 9ne# " ha/e foun$ that )any %eo%le &el e/e that there * ll &e another ce a!e n the future. no one (ust really see)s to kno* *hen+ " !athere$ that nfor)at on &y con$uct n! a l ttle research on )y o*n throu!hout )y ho)eto*n+ " aske$ e-actly ten of )y fr en$s an$ fa) ly ho* )any of the) &el e/e$ that there *oul$ &e another an$ e !ht out of the ten sa $. 0yes1+ When " aske$ the) *hy they &el e/e$ that " hear$ rel ! ous &el efs. tele/ s ons sho*s. an$ sc ence all as ans*ers &ut
A / e* of the !lo&e fro) *hat sc ent st &el e/e ho* t a%%eare$ $ur n! the "ce A!e+

Beck 4

none of the) ha$ le! t )ate ans*ers as to *hat facts they hear$ that )a$e the) &el e/e th s+ There are )any factors that " rea$ that )a$e )e &el e/e th s theory as *ell+ There are )any theor es that 0) n 1 ce a!es ha/e &een ha%%en n! off an$ on for years so)e &e n! sl !htly lar!er than others+ 4 nce these ce a!es ha/e &een occurr n! t s easy to &el e/e that another one * ll e/entually take %lace+ But * th the *ay that !lo&al *eather sh fts s !o n! t *oul$ take thousan$s an$ thousan$s of years to %ro$uce enou!h !lac ers an$ ce to &e cons $ere$ a ce a!e+ Another theory that " foun$ a&out an ce a!e n the future s the ce ca%s )elt n!+ When they )elt $ue to !lo&al *ar) n!. allo* n! the *ater to $ra n n the North Atlant c 9cean+ Th s affects c rculat on n the at)os%here th s lo*ers te)%eratures o/erall. caus n! another ce a!e+ Th s cau!ht )y attent on ))e$ ately+ " ne/er real ,e$ ho* )uch effect the ocean an$ t3s currents $eter) ne our *hether an$ cl )ate+ "t s )%ly aston she$ )e+ The 'uest on an$ ans*er s te fro) the D9E !ets aske$ the 'uest on fro) a 7th !ra$e stu$ent *hat s the l kel hoo$ for another "ce A!e an$ a sc ent st na)e$ Grant says. 0=ou3re not l kely to see an ce a!e n your l fet )e+1 Accor$ n! Grant " rea$. 0th s s &ecause of the )an )a$e %ollutants6 n$ustr al %ollutants l ke factor es an$ %lants7. so you *oul$ &e )ore l kely to see an ncrease n te)%eratures rather than a $ecrease+1
A %a nt n! calle$. 0Beaut ful W nter 8antasy+1

Beck 5

B &l o!ra%hy

D9E 9ff ce of 4c ence+ >Another "ce A!e#+> Ask A 4c ent st+ D9E 9ff ce of 4c ence. n+$+ We&+ 2? Mar+ 2014+ @htt%ABB***+***+ne*ton+$e%+anl+!o/Baskasc B!enCCB!enCC1DC+ht)E+ D9E 9ff ce of 4c ence+ >8uture "ce A!es+> Ask A 4c ent st+ D9E 9ff ce of 4c ence. n+$+ We&+ 2? Mar+ 2014+ @htt%ABB***+ne*ton+$e%+anl+!o/Baskasc Ben/CCBen/CC?10+ht)F8uture "ce A!esE+ >Glo&al Analys sF<anuary 2014+> + N9AA. 14 8e& 2014+ We&+ 2 A%r 2014+ @htt%sABB***+nc$c+noaa+!o/BsotcB!lo&alB2014B1E <ohn. ")&r e an$ Gather ne ")&r e+ "ce A!esA 4ol/ n! the Mystery+ Har/ar$ In /ers ty Press. <uly 1CD5+ Pr nt+ >Ple stocene A 9/er/ e*+> Ple stocene A 9/er/ e*+ N+%+. n+$+ We&+ 2? Mar+ 2014+ @htt%ABB%aleo& olo!y+s +e$uB!eot )eB)a nBht)l/ers onB%le stocene1+ht)lE+ In te$ 4tates En/ ron)ental Protect on A!ency+ >The "ce A!e 6Ple stocene E%och7+>. n+$+ We&+ 2? Mar+ 2014+ @htt%ABB***+e%a+!o/B!)%oBe$resourcesB%le stocene+ht)lE+ >What ty%es of )a))als l /e$ $ur n! the "ce A!es#+> What ty%es of )a))als l /e$ $ur n! the "ce A!es#+ Nat onal 4c ence 8oun$at on. n+$+ We&+ 2 A%r+ 2014+ @htt%ABB***+c$)+or!B)a))oth$ sco/eryB cea!e)a))als+as%E

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