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Adonis Golden Ratio System

Abs & Arms Assault

4 Weeks 2 Workouts Per Week

By: John Barban

Copyright Strengthworks International Publishing Inc 201

!"#S $he ar%s co%ponent o& this routine is base' on two concepts( antagonistic supersets an' oscillating intensity &or !r%s) !ntagonistic Super Sets: !ntagonistic super sets are sets that inclu'e two e*ercises 'one back to back that work %uscles that %o+e a speci&ic ,oint in the opposite 'irection) -or ar%s this woul' %ean 'oing a set o& biceps i%%e'iately &ollowe' by a set o& triceps) $he biceps &le* the ar% at the elbow ,oint( an' the triceps e*ten' the ar% at the elbow ,oint) $here&ore they are consi'ere' .antagonistic/ %uscle groups with respect to the elbow ,oint) 0another e*a%ple o& antagonistic %uscle groups woul' be 1ua's an' ha%strings with respect to the knee ,oint) 2ua's e*ten' the leg at the knee ,oint( ha%strings &le* the leg at the knee ,oint3 4scillating Intensity: 4scillating intensity si%ply %eans hea+y +s light weights) 5ach 'ay o& this progra% has a hea+y an' a light co%ponent an' each %uscle group is 'oing the opposite intensity o& the other) -or e*a%ple( on 'ay 1 i& you are going hea+y on biceps you will be going lighter on triceps) $here&ore on 'ay 2 you will be going hea+y on triceps an' lighter on biceps) $his pattern continues throughout the 46week progra%) !BS $he ab'o%inal co%ponent o& this progra% increases in intensity an' is 'esigne' to hit all areas o& the core region inclu'ing the %ain ab'o%inal %uscles &ro% top to botto%( as well as the obli1ue %uscles along the si'e o& the core area) $he &ollowing 46week progra% is %eant to be use' in !77I$I48 to the %ain !'onis 9ol'en "aito $raining Progra% you are currently 'oing) $he total +olu%e is controlle' so as to not buil' too bulky o& a waist area) I suggest a''ing one o& these workouts on an .o&&/ 'ay when you/re not 'oing other !'onis 9ol'en ratio workouts) :ou can a'' the secon' o& these workouts to the en' o& one o& your other !'onis 9ol'en "atio workouts that &ocus/s %ostly on leg work)

Copyright Strengthworks International Publishing Inc 201

Week 1 Day 1
Super Set # 1 2 Exercises Stan'ing 7u%bbell Curls ;6bar Push'owns Cable Curls $ate Press Set s 4 Reps 1 < 21 = Rest (mins) 2 2

Exercise Bo'yweight Sit @ps Bent >eg "aises Stability Ball "oll64uts Sets Reps 21 1 1 Rest (sec) A0 A0 A0

Super Set # 1 Exercises >ying $ricep 5*tensions 0barbell3 Incline 7u%bbell Curls $ricep "ope Push'owns ?a%%er Curls Set s 4 Reps 1 < 21 = Rest (mins) 2

Copyright Strengthworks International Publishing Inc 201

Week 1 Day

5*ercise Bnee ups >ying >eg "aises Stability Ball Curl @ps Sets "eps 1 1 1 "est 0sec3 A0 A0 A0

Super Set # 1 2 Exercises

Day 1
Set s Reps 21 4 1 1 = Rest (mins) 2 2

Incline 7u%bbell Curls Incline $ate Press Barbell Curls $ricep 5*tensions 0'u%bbell3

Copyright Strengthworks International Publishing Inc 201

5*ercise Bo'yweight Sit @ps Bent >eg "aises >ying >eg "aises Sets 4 "eps 21 1 1 "est 0sec3 A0 A0 A0

Super Set # 1 2 Exercises ;6bar Push'owns

Set s Reps 1 4 < < = Rest (mins) 2 2


Cable Curls 4ne !r% Push ups Seate' !lternate 7u%bbell Curls

5*ercise Bnee ups >ying >eg "aises Stability Ball "oll6 4uts Sets 4 4 "eps 21 21 21 "est 0sec3 A0 A0 A0

Copyright Strengthworks International Publishing Inc 201

Week ! Day 1
Super Set # 1 Exercises Stan'ing !lternate 7u%bbell Curls $ricep "ope Push'owns ?a%%er Curls $ate Press Set s 4 Reps < 1 4 < 1 2 Rest (mins) 2

5*ercise Weighte' Bnee "aises ?anging Swinging Bnee "aise to the Si'e Planks Sets 4 1 "eps < = ?ol' to -ailure "est 0sec3 A0 A0 A0

Copyright Strengthworks International Publishing Inc 201

Week ! Day
Super Set # 1 Exercises >ying $ricep 5*tension 0Barbell3 Incline 7u%bbell Press ;6bar Push'owns Cable Curls Set s 4 Reps < 1 < 1 Rest (mins) 2

5*ercise Bent >eg "aises ?anging Bnee @ps Planks Sets 4 2 2 "eps < Per&or% to -ailure ?ol' to -ailure "est 0sec3 A0 A0 A0

Copyright Strengthworks International Publishing Inc 201

Week " Day 1

Super Set # 1 2 Exercises ?a%%er Curls Incline $ate Press Barbell Curls >ying $ricep 5*tension 0'u%bbell3 Set s = = Reps = < = < Rest (mins) 2 2

5*ercise ?anging >eg "aises Bo'yweight Sit @ps -eet6to6the6Bar >eg "aises Planks Sets 4 4 4 2 "eps 10 21 A ?ol' to -ailure "est 0sec3 A0 A0 A0 A0

Copyright Strengthworks International Publishing Inc 201

Week " Day

Super Set # 1 Exercises >ying $ricep 5*tension 0Barbell3 Incline 7u%bbell Curls 2 $ate Press Stan'ing !lternate 7u%bbell Curls = Sets = Reps = < = < 2 Rest (mins) 2

5*ercise Sets ?anging >eg "aises 4 ?anging Swinging Bnee "aise to the Si'e 4 Stability Ball "oll64uts 4 Planks 2 "eps 1 21 21 ?ol' to -ailure "est 0sec3 A0 A0 A0 A0

Copyright Strengthworks International Publishing Inc 201

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