Year Three Topics Year Four Topics

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1. Real Numbers 2. Approximation and Estimation 3. Arithmetic Problems ". Statistics # &. Algebraic Expressions 1 *. Solution o E!uations 1 ,.

)raphs 1 -. Angle Properties /. 0ensuration


Algebraic Expansion and Factorization

2. Algebraic Expressions 2 3. Solution o E!uations 2 ". Set $heor% &. 'inear and (uadratic )raphs *. #ndices and Sol+ing #ndicial E!uations.

,. Standard Form -. P%thagoras. $heorem $rigonometrical Ratios in Right1Angled $riangles Similar and 3ongruent 12. Figures and SolidsAngle Properties /. 11. 0ensuration

Year Three Topics

Algebra 4Algebraic 0anipulation5 Sol+ing 'inear 1. #ne!ualities5 0odulus Functions6 2. Partial ractions 3. $rigonometr% # ". Relations and Functions &. (uadratic Functions *. 3oordinate )eometr% ,. #ndices5 Surds and 'ogarithm -. )raphs ## 3ur+e S8etching using /. $rans ormation Remainder and Factor 12. $heorem 11. 9inematics )eometrical Properties o 12. 3ircles

Year Four Topics

1. Statistics ## 2. Probabilit% 3. 3ircular 0easure ". $rigonometr% ## Remainder and Factor $heorem 7i erentiation and #ts *. $echni!ues Applications o ,. 7i erentiation &. -. #ntegration /. Applications o #ntegration 12. 9inematics 11. 0atrices

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