Mus 463 - Integrated Lesson Plan

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MUS 463 Lesson Plan DAY ONE

Shapes and their attributes

Age Group: Grade 1 Materials Needed: Youtubes The Shape Song by the Little Baby Club. A smart board or projector to show the students the song. Objectives: Curricular Area: Math Know: Students will learn about basic geometric shapes and their attributes Be able to: Students will be able to identify which shapes is which based on its attributes Appreciate: This is the start of the big picture of geometry. In first grade they will understand the differences between circle, square, triangle, rectangle, and oval Standards/Benchmarks: Curricular Area: Math GLCES: G.GS.01.01 Create common twodimensional and three-dimensional shapes, and describe their physical and geometric attributes, such as color and shape Music Know: Students will learn the Shape Song and be able to sing it Be able to: Students will be able to show that they can keep the beat with their fingers as they sing Appreciate: Learning this song students will be able to demonstrate how to keep the beat and notice verse chorus patterns.

Music Standard 1: Singing, along and with others, a varied repertoire of music.

Procedure: 1. Students are well aware of numbers and how to count. This is the beginning of the geometric unit. This lesson will introduce students to 4 basic two dimensional geometric shapes. The kids know that when we begin a math unit we always start by singing or listening to a song about the unit. (Last unit we talked about telling time and the students learned a time song and dance). Students also have previous knowledge of macro beats and micro beats and understand how to use spider fingers and how to switch between macro and micro. 2. Because this is a math lesson I will have the students stay in their seats while we listen to the song to begin the lesson. After listening to the song, I will have the students stand up so they can sing better and be able to use their spider fingers to keep the beat.

3. The song I play on the smart board (or projector) from youtube will be the attention grabber. 4. Step by Step: To begin have the students clear their desks of anything so they are ready to listen and sing. First I will play through the Shape Song on the screen in front of the classroom and the students will listen through. After I have the students listen through once I will explain each of the shapes that the song mentions (triangle, rectangle, circle, oval, square) I will draw the different shapes on the board and we will count as a class each of the shapes sides so we can see the differences between them. Triangle has three sides. Circle and oval have no sides. Rectangle and square each have four sides. Make sure to explain how a rectangle has 2 pairs of equal sides while a square has 4 identical sides. An oval is a stretched out circle Students stand up! After explaining the individual shapes, play through the song again. This time have the students keep the macro beat with their spider fingers and sing along with it. (As best as they can) Near the middle of the song have students switch to keep the micro beats. Next sing through the chorus without the students. As youre singing, leave a blank in the song and choose one student to sing the next word. (do this a couple times) Next describe a shape saying how many sides it has or another aspect to it and then choose a student to come up to the board to draw the shape on the board. Assessment: Curricular Goals: (4) Excelling- Student understands fully the differences between all 4 shapes and can identify them (3) Mastering- Student can identify each of the four shapes but struggles to fully describe all four them (2) Learning- Student can identify and describe 1 or 2 of the shapes but struggles to identify and describe all four Musical Goals (4) Excelling- Student can keep the macro beat, sings along with the class and can pick up on the chorus and be able to sing the next part that I left out (3) Mastering- Student can keep the macro beat but doesnt sing along with the class. Student can pick up on the part I left out (2) Learning- Student can keep the macro beat but doesnt sing along with the class and lacks the ability to sing the note and word that I leave off on when prompted

(1) Exploring- Student can only identify and describe 1 or none of the shapes we defined in class

(1) Exploring- Student struggles to find the macro beat to the song, doesnt sing along with the class, and cannot pick up the note or word that I leave off on

MUS 463 Lesson plan DAY TWO Shapes and their attributes Age Group: Grade 1 Materials: YouTubes The Shape Song by the Little Baby Club. A smart board or projector to show the students the song. Objectives: Curricular Area: Math Know: Through this lesson students will learn more about how to create various shapes Be able to: Students will be able to draw any shape after this lesson and describe its features

Movement Know: Students will gain body awareness and be able to stop and freeze with their movements Be able to: Working with their group students will show their knowledge of the shapes and form the shapes with their bodies Appreciate: I want them to be able to Appreciate: Focusing on the movement see shapes all around them in their elements of space and time Standards/Benchmarks: Curricular Area: Math GLCES: G.GS.01.01 Create common twodimensional and three-dimensional shapes, and describe their physical and geometric attributes, such as color and shape Movement Standard 1: Singing, along and with others, a varied repertoire of music. Standard 8: Understanding relationship between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.

Procedure: 1. The day before students learned about 4 different shapes; triangle, rectangle, circle, oval, and square. This lesson along with the previous lesson falls in the beginning of the first grade to refresh their memory of shapes and their attributes. 2. For the beginning of the lesson we will be in the classroom singing the song, reviewing its verses and chorus. Then we will either head outside or into the gym for the movement portion of this lesson. 3. To begin, I will present the song on the screen as students sing along with it to focus attention on the shapes. 4. Step-by-Step: To begin this lesson, play the Shape Song as the students sing along with the song using the link to the song on YouTube, to help review the shapes we learned about the day before.

Following the song, ask the students to quietly line up at the door. Proceed by leading students either outdoors or to the gym. After arriving at the destination line students up to count off students to form groups of 4 so there are 4 students in each group. Explain to students to activity- When the music is playing ( students must run around using their locomotor skills. When the music stops I will say a shape and students must locate their group members and form that shape in some way with their bodies. Students can stay standing, lay on the ground; use all members of the group, or only a couple members. Then begin the game! Have students scatter around so no one in their group is directly to their left, right, behind, or in front. Explain to students as they are running around with the song to use indirect patterns of movement (curvy pathways instead of straight direct movements) After students have found their group members and formed the prompted shape students must remain frozen in time. The last group to form the shape must sit out and help judge. This is a very active activity so in order to keep management make sure you give good pauses in between rounds so students have a chance to listen to the music and roam around the space with the music before they form the shapes. After there is a declared winner, line students back up and head back to the classroom.

Assessment: Curricular Goals: (4) Excelling- Student participates fully in their group by helping to create the shapes with the proper attributes

(3) Mastering- Student may be able to identify the shapes during the song and sings along but does not participate in the activity (2) Learning- Student participates during song and activity but appears to lack knowledge of how to put together shapes.

Musical Goals (4) Excelling- Student sings along with the song and has good body awareness skills to be able to move around and stop and hold still after the music stops. Student expresses excellent movement skills in space and time. (3) Mastering- Student sings along with the song to best they can, and has average body awareness skills and average space and time skills. (2) Learning- Student does not participate in the singing of the song but does run around during song yet lacks control of body when trying to remain still after creating the shape.

(1) Exploring- Student fails to sing along to the song and does not help participate during shape building activity.

(1) Exploring- Student does not participate in movement activity and cannot distinguish between quick and sustained movement.

MUS 463 Lesson Plan- DAY THREE

Shapes and their attributes

Age Group: Grade 1 Materials: Provide a basket of various shaped non-pitched instruments; egg shakers, shoe boxes, circle drums, triangles. Objectives: Curricular Area: Math Know: Students will learn about patterns, how to create and predict the next item in a pattern of shapes Be able to: Students will be able to create their own patterns by drawing them on sheets of paper Appreciate: Students will see how geometric figures and numbers can create patterns that can be predictable Standards/Benchmarks: Curricular Area: Math GLCES: G.SR.01.03 Create and describe patterns, such as repeating patterns and growing patterns using number, shape, and size. GLCES: G.SR.01.04 Distinguish between repeating and growing patterns. GLCES: G.SR.01.05 Predict the next element in a simple repeating pattern. Music: Instruments Know: Students will gain knowledge of musical patterns and how to predict in a pattern of instruments Be able to: Students will be able to follow a pattern of non-pitched instruments as well as create their own pattern using the instruments Appreciate: Students will able to see how music creates patterns- refer back to the Shape Song and explain how the pattern to that song was the repeating chorus Music: Instruments Standard 2: Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music Standard 4: Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines

Procedure: 1. Students have now learned about the shapes; square, rectangle, triangle, circle, and oval. The previous two lessons are best when kept together. However I feel that this lesson would be better suited when working with mathematical patterns and when students are learning about pitched and non-pitched instruments. Students are familiar with the bucket of instruments in the back of the classroom. 2. For this activity students will remain at their seats in order to write out their own patterns and pay attention to the examples I give at the front of the classroom. 3. In order to grab the attention of students I will have a pair of egg shakers and play a simple pattern (ex. ti, ti, ti-ti-ti) Keep playing different patterns until you have the attention of every student. 4. Step-by-Step:

First play a short patterned beat using the egg shaker until the class is quiet Once that is established draw two or three patterns using shapes on the board. For example, triangle-triangle-circle-circle-square-triangle-triangle.. Explain what a pattern is and how you can predict what comes next. Then draw a couple more patterns on the board but leaving a blank at the end. Then ask a student to come up to the board to complete the pattern with the proper shape that comes next. Explain how in music we have patterns too! In many songs the common pattern is a verse and then the chorus and then another verse and then back to the chorus. We can use instruments to make patterns too! Then describe all the instruments as shapes- the triangle is a triangle, the shoebox is a rectangle, the egg shaker is an oval, and the drum is a circle. To model using instruments- ask for new 8 volunteers. Have the first four students line up in the order of an egg shaker, a drum, a triangle, and then a shoebox. Then line the next four students up with the same pattern and explain that this is a repeating pattern. Students now get a chance to create their own pattern! First have students come up with 3 different patterns using shapes. Then have students come up with 3 different patterns using the non-pitched instruments. While students are creating patterns, roam around the classroom randomly asking students to predict the next element of their written patterns. After students have created their patterns pick 5-7 students to choose an instrumental pattern that they wish to present to the class. (more students if time allows) Students will choose their volunteers and then assign each of them an instrument of their repeating pattern and perform! In case of management problems with the instruments- take the egg shakers and come up with a new pattern to gather the attention of the students. Keep repeating the pattern until the class as gathered in silence once again. Musical Goals (4) Excelling- Student successfully creates 3 instrumental patterns and can predict the next element to a pattern without hesitation. (3) Mastering- Student can create a pattern but struggles to come up with various instrumental patterns implementing multiple instruments.

Assessment: Curricular Goals: (4) Excelling- Students successfully create shape patterns while clearly identifying the different shapes and can predict the next element in their pattern. (3) Mastering- Student may need a little more help with either creating a pattern or predicted the next element- misunderstanding of what patterns are

(2) Learning- Student can easily create a pattern but struggles to identify the next element in a pattern (1) Exploring- Student needs improvement on building patterns of shapes and lacks the ability to be able to predict the next shape in a pattern

(2) Learning- Student can create a pattern with the instruments but cannot predict what instrument is next OR fails to perform their pattern if asked (1) Exploring- Student needs reteaching in pattern making and identifying. Student lacks understanding of what a pattern is and how to create one

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