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Jane Johnson FHS 1500 Abortion

I believe that there is life in the embryo/zygote when the sperm joints with the ovum. I then believe that abortion would be killing or murdering a human life. I have a deep reverence for life. I would consider abortion in the case of rape if the mother would be traumatized by the memory of the rape and the baby would remind her. However, a better option in my opinion would be to place the baby in a caring adoptive family. I would also consider abortion if an amniocentesis showed the baby had so many health problems that it could not survive out of the womb, or if it had already stopped living.

I do not agree with the Chinese practice of abortion for gender selection. The Chinese found that there were too many males and not enough females for them to marry. Also because of my beliefs in the above paragraph I believe that would be killing. The course book, Invitation to the Life Span states on page 5 that unmarried males tend to take more risks to show their bravery than do married men. Unmarried men also have higher rates of suicide, depression and drug addictions. Males have more learning disabilities, violence, wars, schizophrenia and heart attacks. This reduces the male population. With less females, there are less nurses, daycare centers of close family bonds.

Here in the United States we believe in freedom of choice and it is left up to the parents to decide whether to abort or keep the baby.

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