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Bilwadhi Leha

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Contents :
Bilwa moola -
adaka (128 tola)
Jala -
Prepare |||||l7|2 |||

Guda - 16 pala

Procedure :
Prepare Leha with the fine powders of above drugs taken
in the specified quantity and then add the following
Prakshepaka Dravyas :

Ghana (Mustha), Dhanyaka, Jeeraka, Triti (Ela), Twak,
Kesara, Trayushana (Trikatu)
- 1 Karsha Each

Indications :
Chardi, Aruchi, Mandagni, Shwasa, Praseka

Dosage : 6 gms

Anupaana : Water

Shelf Life : 3 Years

Reference : Sahasrayogam/Leha Prakarana

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