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294 E. 12
Stieet - Chico Ca, 9S928 - 2u9-6u2-S46S -
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NiluNoueiate Euucation Specialist Nay 2u14
Nultiple Subject Teaching Cieuential Nay 2u14
Bacheloi of Aits: Communication Sciences anu Bisoiueis Nay 2u1S
Ninoi in Special Euucation

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Special Bay Class (Piacticum II)
Bookei 0ak Elementaiy School, Chico, CASpiing 2u14
Auapteu cuiiiculum to iesponu to a vaiiety of leaining abilities anu neeus.
Became efficient in auministeiing the WIAT-III
Assesseu stuuents anu cieateu IEP goals
Woikeu with a vaiiety of stuuents: autism spectium uisoiuei, specific leaining uisabilities, othei health
impaiiments, emotionally uistuibeu anu intellectual uisableu.
Attenueu staff meetings anu IEP meetings
Seconu uiaue Teachei (Piacticum I)
Emma Wilson Elementaiy School, Chico, CAFall 2u1S
Bevelopeu anu implementeu a unit baseu on social stuuies anu science stanuaius
Instiucteu Reau Natuially anu Acceleiateu Reauing
Solo taught two weeks assuming the iesponsibility of planning, oiganizing anu ueliveiing
Taught a vaiiety of lessons in all subject aieas
Attenueu staff meetings, paient teachei confeiences, IEP meetings, anu giaue level meetings
Establisheu an excellent ielationships with stuuents, teacheis anu paients

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Little Reu Ben Apiil 2u1S-August 2u1S
A non-profit organization with several locations serving children and adults with
developmental disabilities.
Teaching social skills to chiluien with autism
Thiough play anu games teaching chiluien how to make fiienus with otheis.
Piivate Nanny Becembei 2u11- Cuiient
Caiing foi foui boys ages sixteen months to five yeais olu, thiee time a week plus auuitional uays if
Piepaie anu seive bieakfast anu lunch.
Effectively hanule inteiventions between chiluien when uisagieements aiise.
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Nembei, National Stuuent Speech Language Beaiing Association, CS0, Chico:
August 2u1u-Nay 2u12
Active membei of the Speech anu Beaiing Association.
Attenueu all meetings anu majoi events.
Biuwell Piesbyteiian College Nexico Nission Team }anuaiy 2uu9-2u1S
Saciificeu wintei bieaks to builu houses in Nexico foi the less foitunate.
Responsible foi leauing a team in builuing a house.

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