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Q: Why am I critical to the project.

I am critical to the project because of my strong technical background and ability to identify problems quickly. Furthermore, I contributed to the third and fourth carriers add by providing technical support and drop calls analysis. ince, city of an !iego hosted many special events throughout the year, I spearheaded on live monitoring of cell sites performances that are covering the events. "dditionally, I #ork close #ith customers optimi$ing and monitoring the net#ork performances on the daily basis. "ny outage situations, they relied on me to pinpoint the issues quickly and resolve or escalate it accordingly. %his is critical, as customers #ant to maintain &'reen( level )*I. +eside all the responsibilities mentioned above, I also support sales department in drop calls analysis for &paid customers(. ,oreover, I-m required to train and find ne# #ays or ideas to improve )*I.

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