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The soup princess A very good morning, I bid to the honorable judges, the prompt timekeeper, all the

teachers, and my dearest friends. Today I would like to share an interesting story entitled The Soup Princess Once a upon a time in a faraway kingdom. There lived a beautiful Princess named Maria, who lived with her father the king, in a majestic palace. Maria was just like the other princesses; she was beautiful, clever, polite, and smaller than the other girls and.a bit stubborn. Guys! Do you want to know something? She had this, she had that, she had everything in her lifebut. All she wanted was just soup.

Yes! A soup! Our beautiful princess loved soup. All kinds of soup, vegetable soup, meat soup, thin soup, thick soup, hot soup, cold soup, spicy soup and so on. Hmmmm Do you know why? Actually no one really know why Maria liked soup so much, but many says.., it was because of what happened to her when she was still a little child. Once, she sneaked out of palace and played on a frozen lake nearby, suddenly she slipped and fell into freezing water. Unfortunately, An old man saved her from drowning. That kind old man served her a nice hot bowl of soup, he brought as his lunch while working, to keep her warm. Maria took a sip, the warm of the soup travelled to her throat into her freezing body. Warming her soul up. As she ate that soup she would thought about warmness of the soup and the nice old man that saved her and enjoyed the soup very much ever since that day, she would have soup whenever she could. As years passed by and as it approached the Princess 21st Birthday, the Kings thoughts of turning it to the marriage of his only daughter and finding a suitable prince for Maria. The King was a gentle and loving man, often skipping important state event in order to help Maria with her riding or hand delivering soup whilst she painted her pictures . Of soup. Maria loved her father and she knew how important this was to him.

But she found the suitor her father presented to her, boring and uninteresting. Maria could not marry for his sake she wanted someone special.. and she could wait! So, she had an idea, she agreed to marry on one condition; the man I would marry must be able to cook the best soup in the world said Maria strictly. The King pondered over this for some time.. scratching his long beard deep in thought it was more difficult than the king had first thought, after all Maria was rather an expert on the subject. The King looked at his daughter and smiled.. I think that is a very good idea!.. he said in his soft but deep voice.. The King set about telling the kingdom.. delivering posters across the land offering his daughters hand in marriage if a man could cook the worlds perfect soup. Of course there was many tried to sweep her off her feet with their best recipe but no one could steal her heart thank you that was nice.. but I have tasted better This went by, day by day, week by week, month by month until the king got fed up. Hmmm.. I wonder who would make it Im tired of this crazy idea! How could you find a good husband through their soup. Said the king. Hearing that Maria felt very depressed as her loving father got mad over her stupid idea. Ill give you 3 month to find your ideal husband or else you have get married to Rudolf! Rudolf? Are you crazy? He cant even differentiate between soup and curry. said to herself. Maria agreed to her condition and started travelled around the kingdom to find her love and soup. She tried every soup she could see but nothing could satisfied his taste bud until one day, Maria smelt something nice which dragged her off to a very beautiful shop. The strange things was that, no one was there. a beautiful shop with nice man but no customer? Strange. Maria entered the shop with curiosity. She called for order but no one there. She waited until a weird man out. The man has green and slummy skin, ugly face with a blunt snout, and huh?? A tail ,wait! He is a lizard- like man! Yucks!

The man peeked from the kitchen, and asks Maria what she searched about. I smell something good here, are you the chef here? Yes! Do you want to taste it? Ask the lizard chef. Yes! Why not. Maria said it directly. The lizard chef served her a special soup. It smelt fantastic and wonderful. Maria took out her special spoon she always used when eating the soup. The first sip, she could feel the sensation of the soup through her throat. Maria was fascinated to her fullest. wow! The is so delicious! Once Maria said the word delicious, suddenly the lizard-chef turns into a handsome guy. Maria was shocked and fainted because of it. She couldnt believe her eyes! WHAT!! HOW!! relax. Im actually a prince who really loves to cook. I had been cursed by a witch for refusing to serve her a bowl of soup. The spell will only break when a girl eats it with a sincere heart and that is you Hearing that Maria was shocked but indeed very happy to find this handsome guy was the one who cooked the best soup in the world. Maria right away tells the prince about her story and they went to meet the King and got married. They lived happily ever after. ladies and gentleman, ___________________________________. From the story, do you think Maria would have get her ideal husband if she just stay at the palace until the right soup comes? So, if we want anything we should work for it. Dont wait for it to come to us. With that, thank you.

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