Heart Attacks and Death Rates of Children Graphs Gapfill

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Death rates of children

In Maine in 2003, 70 infants died before reaching their first birthday, an infant mortality rate of _____per 1,000 live births. Between 1993 and 2003, the infant mortality rate in Maine ______________by 25%.

The graph shows how age and gender influence the frequency of heart attacks in the US. Less than 6% of all heart attacks occur in the 29-44 age group. The number of women who suffer heart attacks in this group is negligible - only ________per year, compared to _______________men. However the proportion of men and women with heart attacks ______________between 45 and 64, with over half a million per year. Over 420,000 men a year in this age group have heart attacks. The incidence amongst women increases - women have one heart attack for every three men in this age group. Over the age of 65, the number of men suffering heart attacks only _________slightly. However there is a huge increase in the number of women with heart attacks - they comprise over 40% of all victims. In conclusion, men are more likely to be the victims of heart attacks at all ages, but women are increasingly likely over the age of 65.

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