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Steel Authority of India (SAIL)

SAIL MT Exam Reasoning Previous Paper With Solution 1. How man !ar"s o# E t pe are inserte" in $rown envelopes% & 'il & (ne & Answer is) Two & Three & *ata ina"e+uate ,. Whi!h o# the #ollowing !om$inations o# the t pe o# !ar"s an" the num$er o# !ar"s is "e#initel !orre!t in respe!t o# ellow-!oloure" envelopes% & A-,. /-I. 0-, & /-I. 0-,. *-, & A-,. E-l. *-, & Answer is) A-1. /-1 0-1 & 'one o# these 1. Whi!h o# the #ollowing !om$inations o# t pes o# !ar"s an" the num$er o# !ar"s an" !olour o# envelope is "e#initel !orre!t% & Answer is) 0-,. *-1. E-,. /rown & 0-1.*-,.E-,./rown & /-,. *-,. A-I. Re" & A-,./-,.0-1.2ellow & 'one o# these 3. Whi!h o# the #ollowing !om$inations o# !olour o# the envelope an" the num$er o# !ar"s is "e#initel !orre!t in respe!t o# E t pe !ar"s% & Re"-,. /rown-l & Re"-1.2ellow-, & Re"-,. 2ellow- 1 & 2ellow-1./rown-, & Answer is) 'one o# these 4. 56ort per !ent o# our pro"u!ts are sol" in rural area. #i#t -three per !ent are sol" in semi-ur$an area. sixt per !ent o# emplo ees are #rom rural area.7 Whi!h o# the #ollowing statements is "e#initel true% & The !ompan 8s pro"u!ts are pur!hase" onl $ its emplo ees an" their #amil . & The !ompan "oes not "esire to re!ruit ur$an emplo ees. & The !ompan 8s pro"u!ts are re+uire" in $ig ur$an !ities an" metro areas. & The !ompan hol"s approximatel 9:; o# the mar<et share in its pro"u!t line. & Answer is) 'one o# these =. 5We "o not a"vertise. our pro"u!t spea<s #or itsel#.7> Statement o# manu#a!turer o# two-wheeler ?/@A8. Whi!h o# the #ollowing. i# true. woul" support an" strengthen this statement% AiB The pri!es o# /@A two-wheelers are on higher si"e. AiiB ?/@A8 has won awar" #or Cualit 0ontrol S stems. AiiiB The /@A two-wheeler is slee<-loo<ing an" has goo" !olours. AivB The salaries o# /@A emplo ees are $etter than government servi!es. & (nl AiB an" AiiB

& Answer is) (nl AiiB an" AiiiB & (nl AiiiB an" AivB & (nl AiB. AiiB an" AiiiiB & 'one o# these *ire!tions AC. D-11B) Rea" the #ollowing in #ormation !are#ull an" answer the #ollowing +uestions) 6ollowing are the !riteria #or organiEing interview o# su!h !an"i"ates as have $een sele!te" #rom the promotion to o##i!er8s gra"e #rom assistant gra"e in the PRS In"ustrial Froup Limite") The !an"i"ate to $e !alle" #or interview must) AiB $e a gra"uate with minimum 4:; mar<s. AiiB have minimum #ive ears8 experien!e in the !leri!al !a"re Go$. AiiiB have o$taine" at least ?08 ratings in per#orman!e Aspee" o# wor<B an" the +ualit o# wor< ea!h "uring the last three ears. 6or this #ive ratings A. H. 0. * an" E-have $een !reate" on the $asis o# 7Per#orman!e Appraisal Report7 with the lowest ratings o# A an" the highest ratings o# E. AivB have o$taine" at least ?*8 ratings in the approa!h o# wor< A"epen"a$ilit B an" in the #lexi$ilit o# wor< ea!h #or hisIher wor<s in the last three ears. 6or this. seven ratings A. /.0. *. E. 6 an" F have $een #ormulate" on the $asis o# 5Per#orman!e Appraisal Report7 with lowest ratings o# A an" the highest ratings o# F. However. in !ase o# a !an"i"ate who #ul#ills all other !riteria EJ0EPT AaBAiB a$ove. $ut has passe" Fra"uation Exam an" has got ?E8 ratings in the approa!h o# wor< in the last three ears. ma $e re#erre" to the Assistant Manager APersonnelB. A$B AiiB a$ove. $ut has experien!e o# three ears in !leri!al !a"re Go$ an" has got at least ?*8 ratings in the +ualit o# wor< #or hisIher wor<s in the last three ears. ma $e re#erre" to the *eput Manager APersonnelB. /ase" on these !riteria an" in#ormation provi"e" against ea!h !an"i"ate. "e!i"e the !ourse o# a!tion. 2ou are not to assume an thing. I# the "ata provi"e" are not a"e+uate to "e!i"e the given !ourse o# a!tion. our answer will $e 5*ata ina"e+uate7. All the !an"i"ates #ul#ill the !riterion o# age. K Five answer A1B i# "ata are ina"e+uate A,B i# not to $e sele!te" A1B i# sele!te" #or the interview A3B i# !ase is re#erre" to the Assistant Manager A4B i# !ase is re#erre" to the *eput Manager D. Mohamme" Shei<h is a $rilliant post-gra"uate in S!ien!e an" has se!ure" =1; an"4 mar<s in gra"uation an" post gra"uation respe!tivel . He has ?E8 gra"e #or "epen"a$ilit an" #lexi$ilit inPer#orman!e Appraisal Report #or last #our ears. He has got ?08 rating #or +ualit o# wor< an" spee" o# wor<. He Goine" the /an< #our ears ago. & "ata are ina"e+uate & Answer is) not to $e sele!te" & sele!te" #or the interview & !ase is re#erre" to the Assistant Manager & !ase is re#erre" to the *eput Manager H. Liran /ala is a oung la" an" la$orious assistant who Goine" this organisation six ears ago a#ter passing /. 0ommer!e Exam. The ratings $eing given to her #or the last 3 ears are ?*8 an" ?08 respe!tivel #or +ualit o# wor< an" spee" o# wor<. She is one o# the lea"ers o# the !ler<s. She has got ?*8 ratings #or #lexi$ilit o# wor< #or the last 4 ears. & Answer is) "ata are ina"e+uate & not to $e sele!te" & sele!te" #or the interview & !ase is re#erre" to the Assistant Manager & !ase is re#erre" to the *eput Manager 9. Mar<s "etails missing Man"ar Rhave has passe" his Fra"uation in S!ien!e an" *iploma in /usiness Management with 4H; an" =,; respe!tivel . lie is goo" pla er o# !hess. His rating on PAR are ?*8 #or ?"epen"a$ilit 8 an" ?#lexi$ilit 8 whereas he has ?08 rating #or ?+ualit o# wor<8 an" ?*8 rating #or ?spee" o# wor<8 #or the last 3 ears.

& Answer is) "ata are ina"e+uate & not to $e sele!te" & sele!te" #or the interview & !ase is re#erre" to the Assistant Manager & !ase is re#erre" to the *eput Manager 1:. @oining *ate missing Anu$hav Rege is with the !ompan #or last seven ears. 6or the last 3 ears he has ?*8 rating #or ?+ualit o# wor<8. ?08 rating #or ?spee" o# wor<8. ?68 rating #or ?"epen"a$ilit 8 an" ?*8 rating #or ?#lexi$ilit 8. His mar<s in gra"uation an" post-gra"uation are 3=; an" 4:; respe!tivel . He is ver #on" o# !ultural a!tivities & "ata are ina"e+uate & not to $e sele!te" & sele!te" #or the interview & Answer is) !ase is re#erre" to the Assistant Manager & !ase is re#erre" to the *eput Manager 1,. Shivasun"aram has got ?*8 rating sin!e he Goine" the $an< three ears ago on +ualit o# wor<. spee" o# wor<. "epen"a$ilit an" #lexi$ilit . He has passe" his gra"uation an" post gra"uation with 4,; an" 3D; mar<s respe!tivel . Shivasun"aram is a popular emplo ee $e!ause o# his so!ial a!tivities. & "ata are ina"e+uate & not to $e sele!te" & sele!te" #or the interview & !ase is re#erre" to the Assistant Manager & Answer is) !ase is re#erre" to the *eput Manager 1,. Seema Mu<hi is wor<ing in the !leri!al !a"re #or last #ive-an"-a-hal# ears. She has got ?*8 an" ?E8 ratings respe!tivel on ?#lexi$ilit 8 an" ?"epen"a$ilit 8 an" ?08 rating #or ?+ualit o# wor<8 an" ?spee" o# wor<8 #or last #our ears. She has o$taine" 44; an" 3H; at SS0 an" gra"uation respe!tivel . & "ata are ina"e+uate & not to $e sele!te" & sele!te" #or the interview & Answer is) !ase is re#erre" to the Assistant Manager & !ase is re#erre" to the *eput Manager 11. Anthon 0ruE is a sportsman an" is Ki!e-0aptain o# !ri!<et team o# PRS In"ustries Lt". He is wor<ing with the !ompan #or last seven ears in the!leri!al !a"re. The rating $eing given to him #or the last 1 ears is ?08 an" ?*8 gra"e #or +ualit o# wor< an" spee" o# wor< respe!tivel . Similarl . he has ?*8 gra"e #or "epen"a$ilit an" #lexi$ilit in PAR. He is an Arts gra"uate with 43; o# mar<s & "ata are ina"e+uate & not to $e sele!te" & Answer is) sele!te" #or the interview & !ase is re#erre" to the Assistant Manager & !ase is re#erre" to the *eput Manager *ire!tions AC. 13-1HB) In ea!h +uestion $elow is given a statement #ollowe" $ three assumptions num$ere" I. II an" III. An assumption is something suppose" or ta<en #or grante". 2ou have to !onsi"er the statement an" the assumptions an" "e!i"e whi!h o# the assumptions is impli!it in the statement. Then "e!i"e whi!h o# the answers A1B. A,B. A1B A3B an" A4B is the !orre!t answer. 13. Statement) 5A rare opportunit to $e a pro#essional while ou are at home..> An a"vertisement #or !omputer-literate housewives $ a !omputer !ompan Assumptions) I. Some housewives simultaneousl "esire to $e!ome pro#essional. IL 0omputer in"ustr is growing at a #ast pa!e. III. It is possi$le to $e a pro#essional as well as a housewi#e. & (nl I an" II & (nl II an" III

& Answer is) (nl I an" III & (nl II & 'one o# these 14. Statement) In"ia8s e!onomi! growth has !ome at a terri$le pri!e o# in!rease" in"ustrial an" vehi!ular pollution. Assumptions) I. Pollution is a part o# in"ustrial so!iet . II. In"ian e!onomi! growth is $ase" on onl in"ustrial growth. Ill. A !ountr "esires e!onomi! growth with managea$le si"e-e##e!ts. & onl I & (nl II & Answer is) (nl I an" III & (nl III & 'one o# these 1=. Statement) E##orts to "evelop te!hnologies more appropriate to the nee"s o# the poorest se!tions o# so!iet nee" to $e #urther intensi#ie". Assumptions) I) 'othing is impossi$le i# proper e##orts are ma"e. II. Te!hnolog nee"s are "i##erent #or "i##erent se!tions o# so!iet . III It is possi$le to "evelop appropriate te!hnologies #or various e!onomi! se!tions o# the so!iet . & (nl I & (nl III & (nl II & Answer is) /oth II an" III & 'one o# these 1D. Statement) 5We have the "istin!tion o# $eing the onl !ompan in In"ia as well as the se!on" in the worl" to have won an IS( 9::, +ualit !erti#i!ation in our line o# $usiness7- Statement o# !ompan J8s 0hairman. Assumptions) I. There were not man !ompanies in the line o# $usiness o# 0ompan ?J8. II Fetting IS( 9::, in the line o# $usiness o# 0ompan 5J8 is not eas . III. The !ompan ?J8 "esires to expan" its $usiness. & (nl I & (nl II & (nl III & Answer is) (nl II an" III & 'one o# these 1H. Its *i##i!ult to get an" 0hairman is highlighting this #a!t onl to expan" $usiness Statement) 0ooperative so!ial relationships !ontri$ute to "evelop in"ivi"ual potentialities. Assumptions) I Ever so!iet "esires to prosper. II. In"ivi"uals "esire to "evelop their potential. III It is possi$le to !reate an" maintain !o-operative environment in a so!iet . & Answer is) (nl II an" III & (nl II an" I & (nl I an" III & (nl II & 'one o# these 19. In a s!hool !lass there are =4 !hil"ren $o s outnum$er the girls $ ,1. How man girls are in the !lass . & ,1 & Answer is) ,, & ,= & ,H & 'one o# these ,:. @ohn ha" appointment in *elhi .He Rea!he" there on Sun"a . He #oun" that he was three "a s earlier than the meeting "a . I# he ha" rea!he" on the #ollowing 6ri"a how man "a s late woul" he has

$een. & one "a & Answer is) two "a s & three "a s & #our "a s & 'one o# these

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