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Name: ______________

Class: ______________ Date: ________

idterm E!am (100 points)

Introduction To Practical English (Fall 2011)

": Con#ersation atch (1$ mar%s)

Question One 1. 2. ". %. . #. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ What time is it? Oh no! I start work at nine. What time do $ou start work? When do $ou &inish work? )o $ou ha*e an$ mone$? -hanks! a& '& c& d& e& (& Oops! You're late! I go home around !"0 or #!00. It's ten to nine. 'o pro(lem. +urr$! ,o to work! I'll pa$. .!"0.

Question Two 1. 2. ". %. . #. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Who's that? /eall$? Is that his 0ar? What does he do? What's he like? What does he like to do? )oes he ha*e a lot o& &riends? a& '& c& d& e& (& +e's reall$ &unn$. +e's also *er$ intelligent. 1$ older (rother. Yeah. It's new. Yes2 he does. +e lo*es snow(oarding. +e's a 0omputer programmer.

Question Three 1. 2. ". %. . #. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ What are $ou shopping &or? What kind do $ou want? You ha*e ten skirts like that! What's it made o&? Is it on sale? Well2 how mu0h is it? a& '& c& d& e& (& It's onl$ ten dollars. Yeah. It's 0heap. I know (ut I like this kind o& skirt. I need a new skirt. It's 0otton. I like this one.

): Con#ersation Com*letion (+ mar%s) 3omplete ea0h 0on*ersation. Write a2 (2 02 or d.



5! What time 4444444444444444? 6! It's twent$ a&ter three. a& '& c& d& it is is it it's is



5! When does 7ri0 4444444444444? 6! 5t midnight. a& '& c& d& (ed going to (ed go to (ed to (ed



5! What do 44444444444444 do? 6! I like wat0hing (ase(all. a& '& c& d& like $ou like to like to $ou like



5! 780use me. I need a desk. 6! 444444444444444444 o*er there ne8t to the window. a& '& c& d& -he$ -he$ are -here -here are


5! -ell me a(out $our pet. 6! 1$ dog 44444444444444444. a& '& c& d& is &riend &riendl$ &riend is &riendl$



5! When 444444444444444? 6! 7*er$ a&ternoon a&ter s0hool. a& '& c& d& do $ou stud$ $ou do stud$ do stud$ $ou stud$

C: ,oca'ular- Choice (. mar%s) 3hoose the (est word or phrase to 0omplete ea0h senten0e. Write a2 (2 02 or d. 4444 1. 1$ dad's daughter is m$ 44444444444444444. a& '& c& d& 4444 2. sister (rother partner mother

9hingo and +ide lo*e 44444444444444 *ideo games. a& '& c& reading dan0ing pla$ing

d& 4444 ".


)o $ou 44444444444444 to (ed late e*er$ night? a& '& c& d& make &ind do ,o



1$ &a*orite 4444444444444444 is :anuar$. What's $ours? a& '& c& d& da$ week month $ear


1i0helle alwa$s looks happ$. 9he 44444444444444 all the time. a& '& c& d& sa$s smiles &inds takes



1ariah 3are$ is m$ &a*orite 444444444444444. I lo*e all o& her songs. a& '& c& d& singer a0tor tea0her pla$er



+iroshi listens to musi0 on his 44444444444444 e*er$ da$ on the train. a& '& c& d& note(ook 1<" pla$er printer wallet



I alwa$s keep m$ mone$ in m$ 444444444444444. I keep a pi0ture o& m$ &amil$ in it2 too. a& '& c& lipsti0k ruler wallet

d& 4444 ..


1$ dad's mom is m$ 44444444444444444444. a& '& c& d& mother grandmother sister partner

D: ,oca'ular- Pu//le (. mar%s) 3omplete ea0h senten0e with a word or phrase in the (o8. hardworking (elt wakes up 1. You wear a 444444444444444 around the top o& $our pants. 2. 1$ dad sta$s at the o&&i0e *er$ late e*er$ night. +e's 4444444444444444. ". You wear 444444444444444 on $our &eet. %. You wear 44444444444444 on $our legs in the summer. . 1in :in 444444444444444 earl$ e*er$ da$ &or 0lass. +is 0lass starts at =!00. #. 1aria 444444444444444 7nglish e*er$ da$. 9he wants to mo*e to the >nited 9tates someda$. ;. Your 44444444444444444 is the pla0e $ou are going. =. 1$ sister makes e*er$one laugh. 9he's *er$ 4444444444444444. .. 1$ 444444444444444 is ;.. <ine 9treet2 3hi0ago2 Illinois. E: 0istening Chec% (+ mar%s) ?isten to the 0on*ersation. -hen answer the @uestion. Question One 4444 1. When does 3hie start 0lass? a& '& c& d& ;!"0 .!"0 12!"0 1!"0 destination shoes shorts &unn $ pra0ti0es address



What time does 3hie eat lun0h? a& '& c& d& 12!00 12!"0 1!00 1!"0



What does 3hie do e*er$ night? a& '& c& d& 9he studies. 9he works out. 9he 0hats online. 9he wat0hes -A.

Question Two 4444 1. What does the woman do? a& '& c& d& 4444 2. 9he works in an o&&i0e. 9he is a student. 9he is a sales0lerk. 9he is a tea0her.

Bor whi0h 0lass does the woman use the di0tionar$? a& '& c& d& 9panish 7nglish 3hinese :apanese



Wh$ does the woman ha*e sna0ks with her? a& '& c& d& 9he gets hungr$ (etween 0lasses. 9he didn't ha*e time &or lun0h. 9he is (ringing them to her 0lassmates. 9he will sell them at the store.

F: 0istening 1a* Fill (12 mar%s) ?isten to the 0on*ersation. Bill in the missing words. 1. W! -ell me a(out $our &amil$2 +iroshi. 1! 1$ &amil$? Well2 m$ mom is reall$ hardworking and (1) 4444444444444444. 9he's alwa$s (us$ doing something. 1$ (2) 444444444444444 is *er$ smart. +e's also &unn$. +e lo*es telling stories and he alwa$s makes me laugh. 1$ older sister is *er$ (") 444444444444444442 (ut I'm prett$ outgoing.


1! Where are $ou &rom 1iki? B! (1) 44444444444444444 :apan. 9apporo2 :apan. 1! What are $our ho((ies? B! I like (2) 4444444444444444. 1! 3ool. What's $our (") 44444444444444444 musi0?


B! I lo*e pop musi0! 1! Where are $ou &rom? B! 3hi0ago. 1! OC. Write it on (1) 4444444444444444. B! OC. 1! When is $our (2) 44444444444444444? B! (") 4444444444444444 .th. 1! <lease write it on line three.


1! What time do $ou (1) 444444444444444442 3hie? W! 1$ &irst 0lass starts at .!"0. 1! What time do $ou eat lun0h? W! I ha*e a (reak (2) 4444444444444444. 9o I eat lun0h at 12!"0. 1! )o $ou stud$ e*er$ e*ening? W! +mm. 'o2 not e*er$ e*ening. 6ut I 0hat online (") 444444444444444444 e*er$ night.

W! What's in $our (ag? 1! I ha*e some (1) 444444444444444 &or work2 some pens and a magaDine &or the train. W! Is there (2) 4444444444444444 in $our (ag? 1! +mm. 'o. It's with all m$ other (") 44444444444444444 on the desk in m$ o&&i0e.

1: 1rammar Error Identi(ication (12 mar%s) 3ir0le the error. Write the 0orre0t word or phrase. 1. 2. ". %. . 44444444444444 44444444444444 44444444444444 44444444444444 44444444444444 9a$ing $our name2 please. 'ow write it on line one. We ha*e a lot o& sweater. What kind would $ou like? )raw a pi0ture o& a house. Write the word EhouseF in the line. I'm a uni*ersit$ student. I studies (usiness. I'm outgoing like m$ dad. I like going to the mo*ies. 1$ older sister is a art student. 9he's reall$ smart. 9he's also sh$.

#. ;. =. .. 10. 11. 12. 1". 1%. 1 .

44444444444444 44444444444444 44444444444444 44444444444444 44444444444444 44444444444444 44444444444444 44444444444444 44444444444444 44444444444444

'aDi& and )idem is &rom -urke$. Istan(ul is their hometown. -he$ like 0lassi0al musi0. )an gets up earl$ e*er$ morning. +e eats a (ig (reak&ast and take the train to work. 1$ 0at are *er$ laD$. +e likes to sleep all da$. 9ometimes he's &riendl$. -here are a desk and a 0hair in m$ room. -here are three posters on the wall. 9un 5e wat0hes -A e*er$ e*ening a&ter dinner. 9he studies &or one hours (e&ore she goes to (ed. CoGi 0hats online e*er$ morning (e&ore s0hool. +e &irst 0lass starts at =!"0. 1$ &ather is a tea0her. +e's &riendl$ and outgoing. +is students reall$ like him. +e likes pla$ tennis. 9o&ia and 1aria stud$ 7nglish e*er$ night. -he$ goes to (ed at ele*en o'0lo0k. I am look &or a (la0k leather Ga0ket. )o $ou ha*e an$? 3he0k the student (o8. )on't to 0he0k the tea0her (o8.

3: 1rammar 4elect (10 mar%s) 3ir0le the 0orre0t word or phrase to 0omplete ea0h senten0e. 1. 2. ". %. . #. ;. =. .. 10. We don't ( ha*e an$ H ha*e some H ha*ing an$ H some ) leather (ags. ( What are $our H What $our H What $our are H What are $ours ) interests? ( Cee$ong eat H )oes Cee$ong eat H )oes Cee$ong eats H )o Cee$ong eats ) a (ig dinner on 9unda$? )o $ou ha*e ( it H a H an$ H this ) striped tIshirts? I'm looking ( &or H &or some H &or a H &or an ) green wool sweater. ( What does H What are H What do H What is ) $ou do? What 0olor would ( like H $ou liking H like $ou H $ou like )? Who ( $our H $our is H is $our H $ours ) &a*orite a0tor? +ow ( mu0h do H mu0h is H mu0h &or H mu0h are ) the$? What ( is :ean H :ean's H :ean's is H is :ean's ) last name?

I: 5riting (12 *oints) 5rite at least 10 sentences a'out a (riend or relati#e

"N45E6 7E8 Introduction To Practical English (Fall 2011)

": Con#ersation atch (1$ mar%s)

idterm E!am (100 points)

Question One 1. 2. ". %. . #. c a ( ' e d What time is it? Oh no! I start work at nine. What time do $ou start work? When do $ou &inish work? )o $ou ha*e an$ mone$? -hanks! a& '& c& d& e& (& Oops! You're late! I go home around !"0 or #!00. It's ten to nine. 'o pro(lem. +urr$! ,o to work! I'll pa$. .!"0.

Question Two 1. 2. ". %. . #. ' c ( a e d Who's that? /eall$? Is that his 0ar? What does he do? What's he like? What does he like to do? )oes he ha*e a lot o& &riends? a& '& c& d& e& (& +e's reall$ &unn$. +e's also *er$ intelligent. 1$ older (rother. Yeah. It's new. Yes2 he does. +e lo*es snow(oarding. +e's a 0omputer programmer.

Question Three 1. 2. ". %. . #. d ( c e ' a What are $ou shopping &or? What kind do $ou want? You ha*e ten skirts like that! What's it made o&? Is it on sale? Well2 how mu0h is it? a& '& c& d& e& (& It's onl$ ten dollars. Yeah. It's 0heap. I know (ut I like this kind o& skirt. I need a new skirt. It's 0otton. I like this one.

): Con#ersation Com*letion (+ mar%s) 3omplete ea0h 0on*ersation. Write a2 (2 02 or d. 4444 1. 5! What time 4444444444444444? 6! It's twent$ a&ter three. a& '& c& d& 4444 ". it is is it it's is 4444 %. 4444 2. 5! When does 7ri0 4444444444444? 6! 5t midnight. a& '& c& d& (ed going to (ed go to (ed to (ed

5! What do 44444444444444 do? 6! I like wat0hing (ase(all. a& '& c& d& like $ou like to like to $ou like

5! 780use me. I need a desk. 6! 444444444444444444 o*er there ne8t to the window. a& '& c& d& -he$ -he$ are -here -here are


5! -ell me a(out $our pet. 6! 1$ dog 44444444444444444. a& '& c& d& is &riend &riendl$ &riend is &riendl$



5! When 444444444444444? 6! 7*er$ a&ternoon a&ter s0hool. a& '& c& d& do $ou stud$ $ou do stud$ do stud$ $ou stud$

C: ,oca'ular- Choice (. mar%s) 3hoose the (est word or phrase to 0omplete ea0h senten0e. Write a2 (2 02 or d. 4444 1. 1$ dad's daughter is m$ 44444444444444444. a& '& c& d& 4444 2. sister (rother partner mother

9hingo and +ide lo*e 44444444444444 *ideo games.

a& '& c& d& 4444 ".

reading dan0ing pla$ing sur&ing

)o $ou 44444444444444 to (ed late e*er$ night? a& '& c& d& make &ind do ,o



1$ &a*orite 4444444444444444 is :anuar$. What's $ours? a& '& c& d& da$ week month $ear


1i0helle alwa$s looks happ$. 9he 44444444444444 all the time. a& '& c& d& sa$s smiles &inds takes



1ariah 3are$ is m$ &a*orite 444444444444444. I lo*e all o& her songs. a& '& c& d& singer a0tor tea0her pla$er



+iroshi listens to musi0 on his 44444444444444 e*er$ da$ on the train. a& '& c& d& note(ook 1<" pla$er printer wallet



I alwa$s keep m$ mone$ in m$ 444444444444444. I keep a pi0ture o& m$ &amil$ in it2 too.

a& '& c& d& 4444 ..

lipsti0k ruler wallet eraser

1$ dad's mom is m$ 44444444444444444444. a& '& c& d& mother grandmother sister partner

D: ,oca'ular- Pu//le (. mar%s) 3omplete ea0h senten0e with a word or phrase in the (o8. hardworking (elt wakes up 1. You wear a 444(elt444 around the top o& $our pants. 2. 1$ dad sta$s at the o&&i0e *er$ late e*er$ night. +e's 4hardworking4. ". You wear 444shoes4444 on $our &eet. %. You wear 4444shorts4444 on $our legs in the summer. . 1in :in 44wakes up4444444 earl$ e*er$ da$ &or 0lass. +is 0lass starts at =!00. #. 1aria 44pra0ti0es444 7nglish e*er$ da$. 9he wants to mo*e to the >nited 9tates someda$. ;. Your 44destination44444 is the pla0e $ou are going. =. 1$ sister makes e*er$one laugh. 9he's *er$ 4444&unn$4444. .. 1$ 44address444 is ;.. <ine 9treet2 3hi0ago2 Illinois. E: 0istening Chec% (+ mar%s) ?isten to the 0on*ersation. -hen answer the @uestion. Question One (Test "udio CD Trac% 20) 4444 1. When does 3hie start 0lass? a& '& ;!"0 .!"0 destination shoes shorts &unn $ pra0ti0es address

c& d& 4444 2.

12!"0 1!"0

What time does 3hie eat lun0h? a& '& c& d& 12!00 12!"0 1!00 1!"0



What does 3hie do e*er$ night? a& '& c& d& 9he studies. 9he works out. 9he 0hats online. 9he wat0hes -A.

Question Two 4444 1.

(Test "udio CD Trac% 1$) What does the woman do? a& '& c& d& 9he works in an o&&i0e. 9he is a student. 9he is a sales0lerk. 9he is a tea0her.



Bor whi0h 0lass does the woman use the di0tionar$? a& '& c& d& 9panish 7nglish 3hinese :apanese



Wh$ does the woman ha*e sna0ks with her? a& '& c& d& 9he gets hungr$ (etween 0lasses. 9he didn't ha*e time &or lun0h. 9he is (ringing them to her 0lassmates. 9he will sell them at the store.

F: 0istening 1a* Fill (12 mar%s) ?isten to the 0on*ersation. Bill in the missing words.


W! -ell me a(out $our &amil$2 +iroshi.

(Test "udio CD Trac% 22)

1! 1$ &amil$? Well2 m$ mom is reall$ hardworking and (1) 44&riendl$4444. 9he's alwa$s (us$ doing something. 1$ (2) 44grand&ather4 is *er$ smart. +e's also &unn$. +e lo*es telling stories and he alwa$s makes me laugh. 1$ older sister is *er$ (") 4444sh$444442 (ut I'm prett$ outgoing. 2. 1! Where are $ou &rom 1iki? B! (1) 44IJm &rom444 :apan. 9apporo2 :apan. 1! What are $our ho((ies? B! I like (2) 44dan0ing4444. 1! 3ool. What's $our (") 44&a*orite kind o&44 musi0? ". B! I lo*e pop musi0! 1! Where are $ou &rom? B! 3hi0ago. 1! OC. Write it on (1) 444line two444. B! OC. 1! When is $our (2) 444(irthda$444? B! (") 44:une4444 .th. 1! <lease write it on line three. %. 1! What time do $ou (1) 44444start 0lass442 3hie? W! 1$ &irst 0lass starts at .!"0. 1! What time do $ou eat lun0h? W! I ha*e a (reak (2) 4&rom 12."0 to 1."04. 9o I eat lun0h at 12!"0. 1! )o $ou stud$ e*er$ e*ening? W! +mm. 'o2 not e*er$ e*ening. 6ut I 0hat online (") 444with m$ &riends44 e*er$ night. . (Test "udio CD Trac% 20) (Test "udio CD Trac% 1+) (Test "udio CD Trac% 19)

W! What's in $our (ag?

(Test "udio CD Trac% 1:)

1! I ha*e some (1) 44&olders44 &or work2 some pens and a magaDine &or the train. W! Is there (2) 444a laptop444 in $our (ag? 1! +mm. 'o. It's with all m$ other (") 4444stu&&44444 on the desk in m$ o&&i0e. 1: 1rammar Error Identi(ication (12 mar%s) 3ir0le the error. Write the 0orre0t word or phrase. 1. 2. 4449a$444 4444sweaters44 9a$ing $our name2 please. 'ow write it on line one. We ha*e a lot o& sweater. What kind would $ou like?

". %. . #. ;. =. .. 10. 11. 12. 1". 1%. 1 .


)raw a pi0ture o& a house. Write the word EhouseF in the line.

4stud$Ham stud$ing4 I'm a uni*ersit$ student. I studies (usiness. I'm outgoing like m$ dad. I like going to the 44 mo*ies. 44an4444444 4444are4444 444takes4444 44444is444444 44444is444444 444hour4444 4444+is44444 44to pla$Hpla$ing4 4444go444444 444looking4444 44440he0k4444 1$ older sister is a art student. 9he's reall$ smart. 9he's also sh$. 'aDi& and )idem is &rom -urke$. Istan(ul is their hometown. -he$ like 0lassi0al musi0. )an gets up earl$ e*er$ morning. +e eats a (ig (reak&ast and take the train to work. 1$ 0at are *er$ laD$. +e likes to sleep all da$. 9ometimes he's &riendl$. -here are a desk and a 0hair in m$ room. -here are three posters on the wall. 9un 5e wat0hes -A e*er$ e*ening a&ter dinner. 9he studies &or one hours (e&ore she goes to (ed. CoGi 0hats online e*er$ morning (e&ore s0hool. +e &irst 0lass starts at =!"0. 1$ &ather is a tea0her. +e's &riendl$ and outgoing. +is students reall$ like him. +e likes pla$ tennis. 9o&ia and 1aria stud$ 7nglish e*er$ night. -he$ goes to (ed at ele*en o'0lo0k. I am look &or a (la0k leather Ga0ket. )o $ou ha*e an$? 3he0k the student (o8. )on't to 0he0k the tea0her (o8.

3: 1rammar 4elect (10 mar%s) 3ir0le the 0orre0t word or phrase to 0omplete ea0h senten0e. 1. 2. ". %. . #. ;. =. .. 10. We don't ( ha*e an$ H ha*e some H ha*ing an$ H some ) leather (ags. ( What are $our H What $our H What $our are H What are $ours ) interests? ( Cee$ong eat H )oes Cee$ong eat H )oes Cee$ong eats H )o Cee$ong eats ) a (ig dinner on 9unda$? )o $ou ha*e ( it H a H an$ H this ) striped tIshirts? I'm looking ( &or H &or some H &or a H &or an ) green wool sweater. ( What does H What are H What do H What is ) $ou do? What 0olor would ( like H $ou liking H like $ou H $ou like )? Who ( $our H $our is H is $our H $ours ) &a*orite a0tor? +ow ( mu0h do H mu0h is H mu0h &or H mu0h are ) the$? What ( is :ean H :ean's H :ean's is H is :ean's ) last name?

I: 5riting (12 *oints) 1 *oint (or each sentence; 1 *oint (or ca*itali/ation; 1 *oint (or *unctuation

5rite at least 10 sentences a'out a (riend or relati#e "ns<ers <ill #ar-

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