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DDI 2010

Environmental SUH-KUHRITYYY Table of Contents

Environmental SUH-KUHRITYYY ...........................................................................................................................................................1 Table of Contents.........................................................................................................................................................................................1 LINK GENERIC....................................................................................................................................................................................... LINK SINGLE ISSUE !"CUS................................................................................................................................................................# LINK GENERIC ......................................................................................................................................................................................$ LINK HEGE%&"'IN(NCE....................................................................................................................................................................) LINK GREEN RHET"RIC .....................................................................................................................................................................* GENERIC LINK%I'+(CT........................................................................................................................................................................., LINK Environmental Se-.rit/..................................................................................................................................................................0 (LT EC"L"GIC(L "RIENT(TI"N..................................................................................................................................................11 LINK IN&I2I&U(L EN2IR"N'ENT(L ISSUES............................................................................................................................11 LINK GENERIC ....................................................................................................................................................................................1 LINK EN2IR" THRE(T C"N.............................................................................................................................................................1# LINK EN2IR" THRE(T C"N.............................................................................................................................................................1$ LINK EN2IR"N'ENT '(N(GERI(LIS' .....................................................................................................................................13

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DDI 2010

The affirmative e !a"d# the co"ce!t of #ec$rit% to i"c&$de the e"viro"me"t' thi# frami"( #!i&&# over a"d e !a"d#
(over"me"t !o)er a"d *$#tif%i"( tota&itaria" !ro*ect# i" the "ame of the e"viro"me"t +&e ,aever' -5' Senior Resear-7er at t7e Center for +ea-e 8 Confli-t Resear-79 On Security, 4. 3#-3$ Ce"tra& to the ar($me"t# for the co"ce!t$a& i""ovatio" of e"viro"me" ta& or e-olo:i-al #ec$rit%.1 i# it# mo/i&i0atio" !ote"tia&. (s ;.<an 4oints o.t9 t7e -on-e4t of national se-.rit/ =7as an enormo.s 4o>er as an instr.ment of so-ial an5 4oliti-al mobili<ation= an59 t7erefore9 =t7e obvio.s reason for 4.ttin: environmental into t7e se-.rit/ a:en5a is t7e 4ossible ma:nit.5e of t7e t7reats 4ose59 an5 t7e nee5 to mobili<e .r:ent an5 .n4re-e5ente5 res4onses to t7em. T7e se-.rit/ label is a .sef.l >a/ bot7 of si:nallin: 5an:er an5 settin: 4riorit/9 an5 for t7is reason alone it is li?el/ to 4ersist in t7e environmental 5ebates.= .2 1evera& a"a&%#t# have' ho)ever' )ar"ed a(ai"#t #ec$riti0atio" of the e"viro"me"ta& i##$e for #ome of the#e ver% rea #o"#9 an5 some of t7e ar:.ments I 4resent 7ere fit into t7e 4rin-i4le5 iss.e of se-.riti<ation%5ese-.riti<ation as 5is-.sse5 earlier in t7is -7a4ter. ( first ar:.ment a:ainst t7e environment as a se-.rit/ iss.e9 mentione59 for e@am4le9 b/ ;.<an9 is t7at e"viro"me"ta& threat# are (e"era&&% $"i"te"tio"a&..3 Thi#' /% it#e&f' doe# "ot ma2e the threat# a"% &e## serious, a&tho$(h it doe# ta2e them o$t of the rea&m of will. (s I 4ointe5 o.t earlier9 the fie&d of #ec$rit% i# co"#tit$ted aro$"d re&atio"#hi!# /et)ee" )i&&#3 It ha# /ee"' co"ve"tio"a&&%' a/o$t the effort# of o"e )i&& to 4a&&e(ed&%5 override the #overei("t% of a"other' forci"( or tem!ti"( the &atter "ot to a##ert its )i&& i" defe"#e of it#

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#overei("t%. T7e -ontest of -on-ern9 in ot7er >or5s9 is amon: strate:i- a-tors imb.e5 >it7 intentionalit/9 an5 t7is 7as been t7e lo:iaro.n5 >7i-7 t7e >7ole iss.e of se-.rit/ 7as been frame5. In li:7t of m/ earlier 5is-.ssion9 in >7i-7 I stresse5 t7at =se-.rit/= is not a refle-tion of o.r ever/5a/ sense of t7e >or5 b.t9 rat7er9 a s4e-ifi- fiel5 >it7 tra5itions9 the *$m! to e"viro"me"ta& #ec$rit% /ecome# m$ch &ar(er tha" mi(ht a!!ear at fir#t to /e the ca#e. I 5o not 4resent t7is as an ar:.ment a:ainst t7e -on-e4t b.t9 rat7er9 as a >a/ of ill.minatin: or even e@4lainin: t7e 5ebate over it. Se-on5 in 7is -ritiA.e of t7e notion of environmental se-.rit/9 Ri-7ar5 'oss 4oints o.t t7at the co"ce!t of 6#ec$rit%6 te"d# to im!&% that defense from the !ro/&em i# to /e !rovided /% the #tate3 The mo#t #erio$# co"#e7$e"ce of thi"2i"( of (&o/a& cha"(e a"d other e"vi ro"me"ta& !ro/&em# a# threat# to #ec$rit% i# that the #ort# of ce"tra&i0ed (over"me"ta& re#!o"#e# /% !o)erf$& a"d a$to"omo$# #tate or(a"i0atio"# that are a!!ro!riate for #ec$rit% threat# are i"a!!ro!riate for addre##i"( mo#t e"viro"me"ta& !ro/&em#. ,he" o"e i# reacti"( to the threat of or(a"i0ed e ter"a& vio&e"ce' mi&itar% a"d i"te&&i(e"ce i"#tit$tio"# are em!o)ered to ta2e the mea#$re# re7$ired to re!e& the threat . ;/ t7is same lo:i-9 )he" re#!o"di"( to e"viro"me"ta& threat#' re#!o"#e /% ce"tra&i0ed re($&ator% a(e"cie# )o$&d #eem to /e &o(ica&. 8"fort$"ate&%' i" mo#t ca#e# thi# #ort of re#!o"#e i# "ot the mo#t efficie"t or effective )a% of addre##i"( e"viro" me"ta& !ro/&em#' !artic$&ar&% tho#e that have a (&o/a& character. .$ 'oss :oes on to >arn t7at = the i"#ti"ct for ce"tra&i0ed #tate re#!o"#e# to #ec$rit% threat# i# hi(h&% i"a!!ro!riate for re#!o"di"( effective&% to (&o/ a& e"viro"me"ta& !ro/&em#.=.5 It mi(ht' 7e 4oints o.t9 eve" &ead to mi&itari0atio" of e"viro"me"ta& !ro/&em# .$3 ( t7ir5 >arnin:9 not .nrelate5 to t7e 4revio.s t>o9 is t7e ten5en-/ for the co"ce!t of #ec$rit% to !rod$ce thi"2i"( i" term# of us-them, )hich co$&d the" /e ca!t$red /% the &o(ic of "atio"a&i#m. &an &e.5ne/ >rites t7at =the 9"atio"9 i# "ot a" em!t% ve##e& or /&a"2 #&ate )aiti"( to /e fi&&ed or #cri!ted' /$t i# i"#tead !rofo$"d&% &i"2ed to )ar a"d 9$# vs. them9 thi"2i"( B . . . C "f -o.rse9 ta?in: t7e >ar an5 D.s vs. t7emD t7in?in: o.t of nationalism is a noble :oal. ;.t t7is ma/ be li?e ta?in: se@ o.t of Dro-? an5 roll9D a 4roEe-t >7ose feasibilit/ 5e-lines >7en one remembers t7at Dro-? an5 rollD >as ori:inall/ -oine5 as a e.47emism for se@.=$* The te"de"c% to)ard 6$# vs. them6 thi"2i"(' a"d the (e"era& traditio" of vie)i"( threat# a# comi"( from o$t#ide a #tate9# o)" /order#' are' i" thi# i"#ta"ce' a&#o &i2e&% to direct atte"tio" a)a% from o"e9# o)" co"tri/$tio"# to e"viro"me"ta& !ro/&em# .= !inall/9 t7ere is t7e more 4oliti-al >arnin: t7at the co"ce!t of #ec$rit% i# /a#ica&&% defe"#ive i" "at$re' a #tat$# 7$o co"ce!t defe"di"( that )hich is, eve" tho$(h it doe# "ot "ece##ari&% de#erve to /e !rotected. In a 4ara5o@i-al >a/9 t7is 4oliti-all/ -onservative bias 7as also le5 to >arnin:s b/ some t7at t7e -on-e4t of environmental se-.rit/ -o.l5 be-ome a 5an:ero.s tool of t7e =totalitarian left9= >7i-7 mi:7t attem4t to rela.n-7 itself on t7e basis of environmental -olle-tivism.= Certainl/9 there i# #ome ri#2 that the logic of eco&o(%9 >it7 its reli:io.s 4otentials an5 referen-es to 7olisti- -ate:ories9 s.rvival an5 t7e lin?e5 si:nifi-an-e of ever/t7in:9 mi(ht ea#i&% &e"d it#e&f to tota&itaria" !ro*ect#9 >7ere also t7e science of e-olo:/ 7as foc$#ed &ar(e&% o" ho) to co"#trai"' &imit' a"d co"tro& activitie# i" the "ame of the e"viro"me"t.50


:oc$#i"( o" a #i"(&e e"viro"me"ta& i##$e detract# from "ece##ar% meta &eve& e ami"atio"# of ho) o$r !ractice# affect the e"viro"me"t. ;o" <ar"ett9 !ello> in t7e S-7ool of So-ial an5 Environmental at Universit/ of 'elbo.rne9 20019 T7e 'eanin: of
Environmental Se-.rit/6 E-olo:i-al +oliti-s an5 +oli-/ in t7e Ne> Se-.rit/ Era9 4:. 1# 4:. 1$C E-onomi- 4ro-esses t7erefore affe-t a s4atial o.tso.r-in: of environmental e@ternalities. In t7is >a/9 e"viro"me"ta& de(radatio" a"d i"#ec$rit% ca" /e #ee" to /e a !rod$ct of meta=!roce##e# of deve&o!me"t i" the i"d$#tria&i#ed North at the e !e"#e of $"derdeve&o!me"t i" the i"d$#tria&i0i"( 1o$th Bfor t7e ori:inal e@4lanation of .n5er5evelo4ment see G.n5er !ran? 1033C. Thi# /oo2 $"der#ta"d# e"viro"me"ta& i"#ec$rit% to /e the )a% the im!act# of e"viro"me"ta& de(radatio" affect !eo!&e i" area# a&read% #$/*ect to $"derdeve&o!me"t' )here eco&o(ica& !ro/&em# e acer/ate the #ocia& im!act of eco"omic !roce##e# affecti"( $"derdeve&o!me"t . T7ere is am4le evi5en-e 4ointin: to in-rease5 environmental 5e:ra5ation an5 s.bseA.ent inse-.rit/. ,he" a"a&%#i"( #$ch i"formatio" the "otio" of /io&o(ica& 4i"c&$di"( h$ma"5 a"d /io!h%#ica& i"terde!e"de"ce 4eco&o(%5 m$#t a&)a%# /e 2e!t i" mi"d . :oc$#i"( o" a"% #i"(&e !ro/&em &imit# a!!reciatio" of the /roader !roce##e# a"d tre"d# . T7.s t7e (ristotelian observation t7at Ft7e s.m of t7e 4arts 5oes not t7e >7oleG Beven ass.min: t7at >e 7ave a s.m of 4artsC 7as its -orres4on5in: a44li-ation in t7e .n5erstan5in: t7at Ft7e >7ole

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DDI 2010

of t7e inse-.rit/ 5omain is :reater t7an an/ of its 4artsG B;orro> 10036 $#3C. T7e follo>in: observations abo.t environmental 5e:ra5ation an5 environmental inse-.rit/ s7o.l5 be seen9 t7en9 not onl/ as 4roblems in t7eir o>n ri:7t9 b.t also as si:ns in5i-atin: a far lar:er 4roblem.

1ec$riti0i"( the e"viro"me"t )itho$t a #erio$# reorie"tatio" of the #tate># re&atio"#hi! to #ec$rit% &ead# to mi&itari#m a"d vio&e"ce ;o" <ar"ett9 !ello> in t7e S-7ool of So-ial an5 Environmental at Universit/ of 'elbo.rne9 2001' T7e 'eanin: of
Environmental Se-.rit/6 E-olo:i-al +oliti-s an5 +oli-/ in t7e Ne> Se-.rit/ Era9 4:. $* 4# 4:. $0 41C The mo#t im!orta"t criti7$e of e !a"ded co"ce!tio"# of #ec$rit%' of )hich e"viro"me"ta& co"#ideratio"# are !art' co"cer"# the !o##i/i&it% of .o&o"i0atio re#!o"#e#. <eca$#e the !revai&i"( a!!roach to #ec$rit% i# #ti&& ?mired i" ideo&o(ica& #trait*ac2et#>' a"d carrie# )ith it a" arra% of #e"time"t# a "arro) !ro/&em=#o&vi"( mi"d#et' it# $ti&it% for com!rehe"di"( re#!o"di"( to "o"= mi&itar% i##$e# i# 7$e#tio"a/&e B&alb/ 01 0C. H7en e@aminin: 5is-o.rses of Ft7e >ar on 5r.:sG9 F>ater >arsG9 T7ir5 Horl5 t.rb.len-e an5 so on9 it be-omes in-reasin:l/ a44arent t7at t7is 4ost-Col5 Har se-.rit/ a:en5a is still basi-all/ t7e same realist a:en5a t7at 4revaile5 t7ro.:7o.t t7e Col5 Har9 alt7o.:7 no> e@7ibitin: se-on5ar/ -on-erns bro.:7t fort7 in t7e s.55en absen-e of t7e $oloni<ati HestIEast t7reat. Cam4bell t7at the ,e#ter" re#!o"#e to the c$rre"t era of )or&d !o&itic# i# ?characteri#ed /% the re!re#e"tatio" of "ove& cha&&e"(e# i" term# of traditio"a& a"a&%tic#' a"d the varied attem!t# to re!&ace o"e e"em% )ith 4a"5other> BCam4bell 100 6 ,C. T7is is borne o.t in t7e 100, US National Se-.rit/ Strate:/ >7i-7 states t7at ?the c$rre"t i"ter"atio"a& #ec$rit% e"viro"me"t !re#e"t# a diver#e #et of threat# to o$r e"d$ri"( (oa&# a"d he"ce to o$r #ec$rit%>' i"c&$di"( tra"#"atio"a& threat# #$ch a# ?terrori#m' i"ter"atio"a& crime' dr$( traffic2i"(' i&&icit arm# traffic2i"(' $"co"tro&&ed

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DDI 2010

ref$(ee mi(ratio"# a"d e"viro"me"ta& dama(e> )hich ?threate" 81 i"tere#t#' citi0e"# a"d the 81 home&a"d it#e&f BClinton 100,6 11C. @ 2e% !art of the 81 re#!o"#e i# to ?mai"tai" #$!erior mi&itar% force# at the &eve& of readi"e## "ece##ar% to effective&% deter a((re##io"' co"d$ct a )ide ra"(e of !eacetime activitie# a"d #ma&&er=#ca&e co"ti"(e"cie#' a"d' !refera/&% i" co"cert )ith re(io"a& frie"d# a"d a&&ie#' )i" t)o over&a!!i"( ma*or theater )ar#> BClinton 100,6 11C. T7is 7ol5s tr.e for environmental se-.rit/ as >ell9 as Smil ar:.es6 I" thi"2i"( a/o$t the "e) hor#e of e"viro"me"ta& de(radatio" 9 it is reall/ t7e ol5 :ibbonGs 7eart of national se-.rit/ t7at man/ of t7e ne> #ec$ritaria"# >ant to 4reserve. T7e/ a&ter' di&$te' a"d e te"d the mea"i"( of #ec$rit% /e%o"d a"% c&a##ica& reco("itio"' /$t the% "ever (ive $! o" it# ori(i"a& idea )hich em/odie# co"f&ict a"d vio&e"ce . T7is is t7e i5ea -arries t7em to t7e 7eart of e@istential an:.is7 an5 moral 4eril9 fears >it7o.t >7i-7 t7eir messa:e >o.l5 not merit s.-7 an an@io.s 7earin: b/ 4oliti-ians9 t7e militar/9 or t7e mass me5ia. BSmil 100*6 11,C Th$# the hidde" (oa& of #ec$rit% A that of mai"tai"i"( !o)er )ithi" the #tate A remai"# $"cha&&e"(ed #o &o"( a# #ec$rit% i# !ro*ected a# a" a/#o&$te im!erative . In s7ort9 the effect of /roade"i"( "atio"a& #ec$rit% to i"c&$de #ocia&' !o&itica& a"d e"viro"me"ta& i##$e# A )itho$t cha"(i"( the "atio"= #tate a# the refere"t A i# the f$rther 5co&o"i0atio" of dome#tic #ociet% /% rea&i#m># $&timate&% vio&e"t &o(ic. :or a# &o"( a# #ec$rit% remai"# tied $! i" the #tate=ce"tric rea&i#t !aradi(m' i"trod$ci"( "e) i##$e# )i&& /e co"ce!t$a&&% co$"teri"t$itive a"d !ractica&&% co$"ter!rod$ctive to the#e i##$e#' a"d to the /roader (oa& of *$#tice . In most of t7e a--o.nts 5is-.sse5 in t7is -7a4ter9 t7e lo:i-al -onfines of -onventional se-.rit/ reasonin: are not bro?en9 an5 t7e state remains t7e site of 4oliti-s. So9 a55in: ne> to t7e a:en5a of se-.rit/ st.5ies 5oes not ne-essaril/ eA.ate to a mo5ifi-ation of t7e base9 an5 ma/ lea5 to a bolsterin: of t7e state--entere5 a44roa-7 BS7a> 100#C. E !a"di"( the #ec$rit% a(e"da )itho$t #erio$#&% co"te#ti"( the mea"i"( of #ec$rit% !er!et$ate# the fai&$re of the #ec$rit% co"ce!t to ta2e i"to acco$"t the "eed# of !eo!&e. I" thi# /roader 4/$t "ot dee!er5 a(e"da' #ec$rit% i# #ti&& the !re#erve of #tate# acti"( i" their o)" i"tere#t# A i"tere#t# )hich for the mo#t !art do "ot corre#!o"d to the "eed# of !eo!&e.

The aff i# o"&% i"tere#ted i" !rotecti"( the e"viro"me"t i"#ofar a# it e"ha"ce# o$r mi&itar% !o)er. The aff># #ec$riti0atio" of the e"viro"me"t i# rea&&% a" i"#$ra"ce of mi&itar% readi"e##. ;o" <ar"ett9 !ello> in t7e S-7ool of So-ial an5 Environmental at Universit/ of 'elbo.rne9 20019 T7e 'eanin: of
Environmental Se-.rit/6 E-olo:i-al +oliti-s an5 +oli-/ in t7e Ne> Se-.rit/ Era9 4:. ** 4:. ,1C In 100)9 in 7is re4ort to Con:ress9 t7e US Se-retar/ of &efense asserte5 t7at Denvironmental se-.rit/ is no> an essential 4art of t7e US 5efense mission an5 a 7i:7 4riorit/ for &"&D B+err/ 100)6 1C. T7e involvement of t7e US &e4artment of &efense B&"&C in environmental se-.rit/ be:an in 1001 >7en Senator Sam N.nn9 Chair of the 1e"ate @rmed :orce# Committee' #aid6 There i# a "e) a"d differe"t threat to o$r "atio"a& #ec$rit% emer(i"( A the de#tr$ctio" of o$r e"viro"me"t#. The defe"#e e#ta/&i#hme"t ha# a c&ear #ta2e i" co$"teri"( thi# (ro)i"( threat. I /e&ieve that o"e of o$r 2e% "atio"a& #ec$rit% o/*ective# m$#t /e to rever#e the acce&erati"( !ace of e"viro"me"ta& de#tr$ctio" aro$"d the (&o/e. BCite5 in 'a-&onal5 100)6 C N$"" $#e# a 4arti-.lar di#c$r#ive #trate(% 7ere9 "ame&% the refere"ce to (&o/a& e"viro"me"ta& !ro/&em# a# threat#' therefore im!&icit&% *$#tif%i"( mi&itar% i"vo&veme"t i" defe"ce I even t7o.:7 it is less t7an obvio.s 7o> t7e US militar/ mi:7t 7el4 reverse t7e a--eleratin: 4a-e of environmental 5estr.-tion aro.n5 t7e :lobe. (s t7e follo>in: -7a4ter ar:.es9 t7ere are 4otential roles for t7e militar/ >it7 res4e-t to environmental 5e:ra5ation9 b.t none E.stif/ -ontin.e5 7i:7 levels of on t7e militar/9 an5 fe> >o.l5 ma?e a :en.ine -ontrib.tion to re5.-in: envi ronmental 5e:ra5ation. (lso in 10019 t7en Senator (l Gore 4.blis7e5 a 4a4er -allin: for a Strate:i- Environment Initiative

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BSEIC BGore 1001C. Gore state5 t7at Dt7e :lobal environment 7as ... be-ome an iss.e of national se-.rit/D an5 4ro4ose5 t7at >7at >as reA.ire5 >as Da mobili<ation of talent an5 reso.r-es .s.all/ reserve5 onl/ for t7e 4.r4oses of national 5efenseD BGore 10016 319 3#C. GoreDs 4a4er ar:.e5 t7at ra5i-al -7an:es in t7e meanin: an5 im4lementation of 5evelo4ment >ere reA.ire5 if environmental 5e:ra5ation is to be 7alte5. His SEI 4ro4osal >as -onsistent >it7 t7e 4oli-/ inte:ration i5ea of s.stainable 5evelo4ment in t7at it so.:7t to -.t a-ross all 4oli-/ se-tors. He i5entifie5 ener:/ resear-7 an5 5evelo4ment 4oli-/ as t7e se-tor most .r:entl/ reA.irin: reform9 see?in: to reverse t7e f.n5in: 4riorities of t7e US &e4artment of Ener:/9 >7i-7 in 1001 5evote5 t>o t7ir5s of its b.5:et to 5efen-e-relate5 4ro:rammes an5 onl/ one fift7 to ener:/ resear-7 an5 5evelo4ment BGore 10016 33C. Ho>ever9 Gore >as rel.-tant to 5ra> on f.n5s from 5efen-e to finan-e environmental 4oli-ies. T7is rel.-tan-e e@4lains in 4art >7/ 7is ot7er>ise -ommonsense 4ro4osals >ere .ltimatel/ re5.-e5 to a set of narro> militar/ an5 forei:n 4oli-/ res4onses. Hee5in: N.nn an5 Gore9 in November 1001 t7e US Con:ress allo-ate5 USJ 11 million to t7e Strate:i- Environmental Resear-7 an5 &evelo4ment +ro:ram BSER&+C9 o4erate5 b/ t7e &e4artment of &efense BT7omas 100*C. SER&+Ds aim is Dto 7arness some of t7e reso.r-es of t7e 5efense establis7ment ... to -onfront t7e massive environmental 4roblems fa-in: o.r nation an5 t7e >orl5 to5a/D B&"& 1000C. It 7as fo.r f.n-tions6 to 4romote resear-7 of relevan-e to t7e &"& an5 t7e &e4artment of Ener:/ B&"EC9 enablin: t7em to meet t7eir environmental obli:ationsK to i5entif/ o.t-omes of t7is resear-7 an5 te-7nolo:ies 5evelo4e5 b/ &"& an5 &"E >7i-7 D>o.l5 be .sef.lD Brea5 saleableC to ot7er :overnmental an5 4rivate or:anisationsK to s.44l/ ot7er :overnmental an5 4rivate or:anisations >it7 5ata an5 5ata-7an5lin: me-7anisms for .se in environment-relate5 resear-7 an5 5evelo4mentK an5 to i5entif/ te-7nolo:ies 5evelo4e5 b/ t7e 4rivate se-tor t7at mi:7t be of .se to &"& an5 &"E B&"& 1000C. T7e im4li-it f.n-tion of SER&+ seems9 t7erefore9 to lie in ens.rin: t7at &"& an5 &"E -om4lian-e >it7 environmental re:.lations is -ost-effe-tive9 an5 t7at an/ 4otential mar?etin: 4ossibilities from &"& an5 &"E resear-7 an5 5evelo4ment are e@4loite5. T7is -ommer-ial f.n-tion is reveale5 in a re4ort b/ t7en Se-retar/ of &efense Hilliam +err/ to Con:ress6 DT7e &e4artmentDs Lte-7nolo:/M strate:/ is to ... e@4e5ite t7e .se an5 -ommer-iali<ation of t7ese te-7 nolo:iesD B+err/ 100)6 #C. In 100# t7e &e4artment of &efense .4:ra5e5 t7e 5ivision res4onsible for environmental matters9 a>ar5in: it t7e offi-ial title of "ffi-e of t7e &e4.t/ Un5er Se-retar/ of &efense BEnvironmental Se-.rit/C9 or &US&LESM. Initiall/9 &"& involvementD n environmental matters >as 5omesti-all/ oriente5 an5 not lin?e5 to se-.rit/ as s.-7. T7is involvement be:an in 10,$ >it7 t7e establis7ment of t7e &efense Environmental Restoration (--o.nt B+err/ 100)C. ( n.mber of le:islative a-ts 4ro:ressivel/ for-e5 t7e &"& an5 &"E to -om4l/ >it7 environmental le:islation. T7e t>o most im4ortant >ere t7e 10,3 S.4erf.n5


C+NTIN8E1 N+ TEET DELETEDF.. (men5ments an5 Rea.t7ori<ation (-t9 an5 t7e !e5eral !a-ilities Environmental Com4lian-e (-t of 100 B+err/ 100)C. (s a res.lt9 bet>een 1001 an5 100) t7e &"& in-rease5 its on environmental 4ro:rammes from SJ1.$ billion to USJ) billion B 4er -ent of t7e total 5efen-e b.5:etC. Even at t7is rate t7e &"& >ill not -om4l/ >it7 -.rrent le:islation .ntil o.n5 1)1 BT7omas 100*C. '.-7 of t7e im4et.s for t7e &"&Ds environmental a-tivities Ban5 SER&+C >as not internall/ 5riven9 t7erefore9 .t e@ternall/ im4ose5. T7omas B100*C s.::ests t7at at t7e b.rea.-rati- vel9 t7e &"& move5 to ta?e res4onsibilit/ for its environmental 4roblems in or5er to 4revent t7e Environment +rote-tion (:en-/ BE+(C om :ainin: some levera:e over 5efen-e 4oli-/. T7is im4osition of -om4lian-e is -learl/ reveale5 in t7e first of t7e US&BESCDs Doverri5in: an5 inter-onne-te5 :oals9D >7i-7 is Dto -om4l/ >it7 t7e la>D B&"& 100*C. T7e ot7er t7ree :oals are6 To s.44ort t7e militar/ rea5iness of t7e US arme5 for-es b/ ens.rin: -ontin.e5 a--ess to t7e air9 lan5 an5 >ater nee5e5 for trainin: an5 testin:K To im4rove t7e A.alit/ of life of militar/ 4ersonnel an5 t7eir families b/ 4rote-tin: t7em from environmental9 safet/9 an5 7ealt7 7a<ar5s an5 maintainin: A.alit/ militar/ fa-ilitiesK To -ontrib.te >ea4ons s/stems t7at 7ave im4rove5 4erforman-e9 lo>er -ost9 an5 better environmental -7ara-teristi-s. B&"& 100*C ,hat i# /ei"( #ec$red i" thi# i"ter!retatio" of e"viro"me"ta& #ec$rit% the mi&itar% readi"e## of the armed force# rather tha" the #tate Bas t7e SS >o.l5 7ave itC9 let alone t7e -iti<ens of t7at state. The threat here i# the !o##i/i&it% that e"viro"me"ta& de(radatio" mi(ht $"dermi"e the effective"e## of the 81 mi&itar% /% &imiti"( acce## to trai"i"( area# or /% e tracti"( from the hea&th a"d )e&fare of mi&itar% !er#o""e& . T7e "at$re of the D+D9# re#!o"#e i# co"#i#te"t )ith the reactive a"d rhetorica& !o#itio" ma"% other #ector# a"d (over"me"t a(e"cie#

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thro$(ho$t the odd have ado!ted i" re#!o"#e to e"viro"me"ta& co"cer"# a"d &a)#. T7e referen-e to >ea4ons s/stems >it7 Dbetter environmental -7ara-teristi-sD is ambi:.o.s9 b.t in +err/Ds re4ort 7e s.::ests t7at t7e &"& is see?in: to Din-or4orate environmental se-.rit/ -onsi5erations into all as4e-ts of >ea4on s/stem a-A.isition9 maintenan-e an5 o4erationsD B+err/ 00)6 #C. T7e aim seems to be to fa-tor environmental benefits an5 -osts to >ea4ons s/stems 4.r-7asin:. +err/ .ses 47rases li?e D>7ere 4ossibleD an5 Das feasibleD9 >7i-7 s.::ests t7at t7is is a r7etori-al9 more t7an a 4ra-ti-al9 :oal. In5ee59 it i# diffic$&t to #ee a #ecretive )ea!o"# "e(otiatio" !roce## devoti"( m$ch atte"tio" to the e"viro"me"ta& characteri#tic# of the )ea!o" i" 7$e#tio". ,hat i# &i2e&% to /e (ive" mo#t atte"tio" i# the a/i&it% of the )ea!o" to de#tro% &ife rather tha" to co"#erve it. Thi# (oa& of deve&o!i"( 9e"viro"me"ta&&% /e"i("9 )ea!o"# i# f$rther !ro/&emati#ed /% the 81 "$c&ear ar#e"a& .


The 1@C># e"(a(eme"t i" (ree" rhetoric a"d cri#i# co"#tr$ctio" i" co"te t of e"viro"me"ta& #ec$rit% o"&% #erve# to mai"tai" the &e(itimac% of #tate mi&itar% a(ai"#t +ther"e##. ;o" <ar"ett9 !ello> in t7e S-7ool of So-ial an5 Environmental at Universit/ of 'elbo.rne9 20019 T7e 'eanin: of
Environmental Se-.rit/6 E-olo:i-al +oliti-s an5 +oli-/ in t7e Ne> Se-.rit/ Era9 4:. ,* 41 4:. ,, 4#C
T7e NSS9 &"& an5 State &e4artment inter4ret environmental se-.rit/ in a >a/ t7at maintains t7e le:itima-/ of t7e US :overnment in t7e fa-e of 4ressin: environmental 4roblems. <% de!&o%i"( a (ree" rhetoric the #tate ma2e# e"o$(h of a to2e" (e#t$re to !&acate the co"cer"# of

the (e"era& !$/&ic a"d to fore#ta&& a cri#i# of &e(itimac%. Thi# com!&ete&% fai&# to e"(a(e )ith e"viro"me"ta& !ro/&em# them#e&ve#' for )hi&e e"viro"me"ta& i"#ec$rit% i# a !rod$ct of ca!ita&i#m' mi&itari#m a"d i"d$#tria&i #atio"' the a!!roach of the#e a(e"cie# i# to de!&o% ?a com!&e re!ertoire of re#!o"#i/i&it% a"d cri#i#=di#!&aceme"t #trate(ie# G BHa/ 100$6 1*C. The 81 a!!roach to e"viro"me"ta& #ec$rit% mai"tai"# &e(itimac% /%3 a com/i"atio" of #%m!tom ame&ioratio"' to2e" (e#t$ri#m' the ?(ree"i"(> of &e(itimati"( !o&itica& ideo&o(%' a"d the di#!&aceme"t of the cri#i# i" a variet% of differe"t directio"s6 eit7er 5o>n>ar5 into -ivil so-iet/K or .4>ar5 onto a :lobal 4oliti-al a:en5a6 or9 in5ee59 si5e>a/s in 4resentin: t7e -risis as anot7er bo5/Gs Be.:.9 stateGsC le:itimi<ation 4roblem. BHa/ 100$6 1C Do#t of the#e tactic# are evide"t i" 81 e"viro"me"ta& #ec$rit% !o&ic% di#co$r#e. T 7e let7ar:i- effort to -lean .4 5omesti- -ontaminate5 bases b.t not t7ose abroa5 is in5i-ative of t7e Fs/m4tom ameliorationG ta-ti-. The ?(ree"i"( of !o&itica& ideo&o(%> i# mo#t c&ear&% ma"ife#t i" the e"vi ro"me"tAco"f&ict di#co$r#e' )hich i# f$"dame"ta&&% co"#i#te"t )ith rea&i#t i"ter"atio"a& re&atio"# theor%. There i# &itt&e di#!&aceme"t do)" )ard# i"to civi& #ociet%' /$t the tactic of

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di#!&aci"( !ro/&em# $! to the (&o/a& &eve& i# c&ear 9 4arti-.larl/ in C7risto47erGs 4rono.n-ements. T7at t7is :lobal r7etori- also o4ens .4 t7e 4ossibilit/ of t7e US as :lobal mana:er an5 4oli-eman f.rt7er en7an-es t7e of t7is ta-ti-. !inall/9 di#!&aceme"t #ide)a%# to !re#e"t e"viro"me"ta& de(radatio" a# #omeo"e e&#e># !ro/&em i# a&#o c&ear&% a!!are"t i" the refere"ce# to i"#ta/i&it% a"d !o&itica& $!heava& )hich i"tert)i"e )ith the e"viro"me"tAco"f&ict di#co$r#e . :or the 81 (over"me"t' the"' e"viro"me"ta& #ec$rit% i# $#ed to !re#erve &e(itimac%' avoid radica& reform a"d di#tract atte"tio" from the co"tradictio"# of the moder" )or&d for )hich the 81 i# i"e trica/&% re#!o"#i/&e. Ha/ -alls #$ch co"ti"$ed #trate(ie# of di#!&aceme"t ?d%#f$"ctio"a& &o"(=term te"de"cie#> )hich i" thi# ca#e ma2e the 8"ited 1tate# ?a !rofo$"d threat to (&o/a& #ec$rit%> 4Ha/ 100$6 *C. @&& of the#e a!!roache# to e"viro"me"ta& #ec$rit% i"ter!ret the e"viro"me"t a# a direct or i"direct threat to 81 i"tere#t#. Ta&2i"( i" term# of threat# i" thi# )a% co"f$#e# e"viro"me"ta& !ro/&em# )ith mi&itar% !ro/&em#. Thi# i# a" i"a!!ro!riate )a% to $"der#ta"d e"viro" me"ta& !ro/&em#9 4arti-.larl/ :iven t7at Ft7reatG in se-.rit/ 5is-o.rse is a !ote"t #%m/o& of de&i/erate a"d ma&i("a"t da"(er to the i"#ide ema"ati"( from the o$t#ide. I" thi# re#!ect the e"viro"me"t /ecome# a"other da"(er )hich he&!# co"#tit$te the #e"#e of 8# "ece##ar% for the !o!$&ar acce!ta"ce of the "atio"=#tate. Ta&2i"( i" term# of (&o/a& threat# he&!# to /&$r the di#ti"ctio"# /et)ee" #$/*ect a"d o/*ect' a"d ca$#e a"d effect' a"d thi# o/#c$re# 81 com!&icit% i" e"viro"me"ta& de(radatio n. T7is environmental se-.rit/ 4oli-/ 5is-o.rse eva5es t7e most salient 4oint abo.t national se-.rit/ an5 environmental 5e:ra5ation6 t7at the co$"tr% mo#t com!&icit i" ?(&o/a&> e"viro"me"ta& de(radatio" i# the 8"ited 1tate# it#e&f. Ta&2i"( i" term# of threat# i# th$# a di#c$r#ive tactic that #im$&ta"e o$#&% do)"(rade# the i"terde!e"de"ce of e"viro"me"ta& !ro/&em# >7ilst e@-l.5in: from -onsi5eration t7e role of US b.sinesses9 -ons.mers an5 :overnment in :eneratin: environmental 4roblems. Cam4bell is s.--in-t abo.t t7is 5is-o.rse of threat# a"d +ther#3 "ne of t7e effe-ts of t7is inter4retation
7as been to reins-ribe EastIHest .n5erstan5in:s of :lobal 4oliti-s in a 4erio5 of international transformation b/ s.::estin: t7at t7e Ft7e/G in t7e East are te-7nolo:i-all/ less so47isti-ate5 an5 e-olo:i-all/ more 5an:ero.s t7an t7e F>eG in t7e Hest. T7is 4ro5.-es a ne> bo.n5ar/ t7at 5emar-ates t7e FEastG from t7e FHestGN. ;.t environmental 5an:er -an also be fi:.re5 in a manner t7at -7allen:es tra5itional forms of i5entit/ ins-ribe5 in t7e -a4italist e-onom/ of t7e FHestG. (s a 5is-o.rse of 5an:er >7i-7 res.lts in 5is-i4linar/

the e"viro"me"t ca" #erve to e"frame a differe"t readi"( of ?rea#o"i"( ma"> tha" that a##ociated )ith the #$/*ectivitie# of &i/era& ca!ita&i#m' there/% ma2i"( it more $"#ta/&e a"d $"decida/&e tha" a"ticomm$"i#m. BCam4bell 100 6 10*C It i# !reci#e&% the#e im!&icatio"#' of deterritoria&i0atio"' comm$"a& co=o!eratio" a"d refi($ri"( eco"omie# that threate" the 81 #ec$rit% e&ite' a"d #o are de"ied a"d e c&$ded i" their e"viro"me"ta& #ec$rit% !ro"o$"ceme"t#.
strate:ies t7at are 5eterritoriali<e59 involve -omm.nal -o-o4eration9 an5 e-onomi- relations7i4s9

E"viro"me"ta& #ec$riti0atio" mere&% #erve# the #tat$# 7$o /eca$#e it i# #o foc$#ed o" #ec$ri"( #ociet% from a #!ecific e"viro"me"ta& harm that it !reve"t# di#c$##io"# a/o$t &ar(er h$ma" !ractice# a"d ca$#e# more i"#ec$rit% a"d #tr$ct$ra& vio&e"ce. ;o" <ar"ett9 !ello> in t7e S-7ool of So-ial an5 Environmental at Universit/ of 'elbo.rne9 20019 T7e 'eanin: of
Environmental Se-.rit/6 E-olo:i-al +oliti-s an5 +oli-/ in t7e Ne> Se-.rit/ Era9 4:. ,0 4# 4:. 01 41C <e"eath c$rre"t 81 i"itiative# 9a"d !ro"o$"ceme"t# o" e"viro"me"ta& #ec$rit% &ie# a re#i#ta"ce to mea"i"(f$& cha"(e a"d a defe"ce of the #tat$# 7$o. (s &alb/ notes9 Din so far a# #ec$rit% i# !remi#ed o" mai"tai"i"( the #tat$# 7$o it r$"# co$"ter to the cha"(e# "eeded to a&&eviate ma"% e"viro"me"ta& a"d eco"omic !ro/&em# /eca$#e it i# !reci#e&% the #tat$# 7$o that ha# !rod$ced the !ro/&em#9 B&alb/ 100$6 ##5. The 81 (over"me"t9# re#!o"#e to e"viro"me"ta& #ec$rit% is not t7e ne> forei:n an5 se-.rit/ 4oli-ies >e mi:7t 7ave e@4e-te5 to flo> from t7e -on-e4tK instea59 it 7as res4on5e5 )ith the $#$a& a!!roach to forei(" !o&ic% /a#ed o" i"#ideCo$t#ide ratio"a&it% . !or t7e US9 environmental se-.rit/ is abo.t #ec$ri"( the ver% &ife#t%&e# a"d i"#tit$tio"# that de(rade the e"viro"me"t a(ai"#t the ri#2# a##ociated )ith thi# #ame de(radatio". Thi# i# a !arado &o#t 9o" mo#t' a"d a da"(ero$# a"d co$"ter!rod$ctive o$tcome )hich ca""ot /e i("ored /% a"% !ro!o"e"t of e"viro"me"ta& #ec$rit%. T7is +resi5ent ;.s7Ds -omment at Rio in 1900 I t7at t7e lifest/le of t7e US ne:otiable Istill 7ol5s tr.e. T7.s far 81 e"viro"me"ta& #ec$rit% !o&ic% ha# do"e &itt&e to he&! mi"imi#e the ca$#e# of e"viro"me"ta& i"#ec$rit%' i"deed it #eem# f$"da me"ta&&% im!&icated i" their !er!et$atio". It doe# "ot reco("i#e that

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f$"dame"ta& &o"(=term cha"(e# i" the #tr$ct$re of the (&o/a& !o&itica& eco"om% are re7$iredJ nor 5oes it re-o:nise t7at9 if an/ sin:le -o.ntr/ nee5s to im4lement t7is reform9 it is t7e US itself I"#tead' it ho&d# to a #i"($&ar /e&ief that the /e#t )a% to #ec$re a(ai"#t threate"i"( +ther# i# to !re!are for )arJ the iro"% i" thi# #trate(% of #ec$ri"( a(ai"#t vio&e"ce /% advocati"( vio&e"ce i# )e&& 2"o)". ;.t9 as >e s7all see in t7e follo>in: -7a4ter9 4re4arin: for >ar is a si:nifi-ant of t7e ver/ environmental 5e:ra5ation t7e US militar/ fin5s so t7reatenin:9 an5 so the o$tcome of the#e !o&icie# i# a co"ti"$ed #!ira&i"( do)")ard# of the i"terre&ated !ro/&em# of direct vio&e"ce' #tr$ct$ra& vio&e"ce a"d e"viro"me"ta& i"#ec$rit%.

LINK E"viro"me"ta& 1ec$rit%

E"viro"me"ta& #ec$rit% #erve# a# a Tro*a" hor#e for the #ec$rit% i##$e it !reve"t# !rod$ctive di#c$##io" of eco&o(ica& #ec$rit% ;o" <ar"ett9 !ello> in t7e S-7ool of So-ial an5 Environmental at Universit/ of 'elbo.rne9 20019 T7e 'eanin: of
Environmental Se-.rit/6 E-olo:i-al +oliti-s an5 +oli-/ in t7e Ne> Se-.rit/ Era9 4:. 110 4# 4:. 1 1 4 C &es4ite see?in: to .n5ermine 4revailin: 4ra-ti-es of national se-.rit/ an5 soverei:nt/9 !ro!o"e"t# of eco&o(ica& #ec$rit% have "ot had the #ame im!act o" the domi"a"t di#co$r#e a# co$"ter=he(emo"ic !ro!o"e"t# of e"viro"me"ta& #ec$rit% s.-7 as Bfor e@am4leC ;ro>n B10**C an5 'at7e>s B1D1,0C. "ne nee5 loo? no f.rt7er for 4roof of t7is t7an t7at 9eco&o(ica& #ec$rit%9 i# "ever $#ed /% the 81 #ec$rit% e#ta/&i#hme"t' "or /% the va#t ma*orit% of a$thor# )ho )rite a/o$t e"viro"me"tA#ec$rit% &i"2a(e#. Thi# i# a !ro/&em of the !o&itic# of di#co$r#e. To co"ti"$e the a"a&o(%' thi# /oo2 co"te"d# that the Tro*a" hor#e of eco&o(ica& #ec$rit% ha# /ee" &eft o$t#ide the (ate# of the "atio"a& #ec$rit% fortre##' )herea# e"viro"me"ta& #ec$rit% ha# /ee" )hee&ed i"#ide. So9 alt7o.:7 eco&o(ica& #ec$rit% #!ea2# to the )ho&e i##$e of e"viro"me"t a"d #ec$rit% i" im!orta"t a"d i""ovative )a%#' it i#' i" effect' "ot heard /% the mai"#tream. Eco&o(ica& #ec$rit% doe# "ot do )hat 9e"viro"me"ta& #ec$rit%9 doe# #o )e&& A that i#' co"te#t the termi"o&o(% a"d the di#c$r#ive terrai" of "atio"a& #ec$rit%. It i# thi# co"te#tatio" that i" !art ma2e# e"viro"me"ta& #ec$rit% va&$a/&e. I" de!&o%i"( a&ter"ative &a"($a(e eco&o(ica& #ec$rit% i# mar(i"a& to thi# di# c$r#ive co"te#t. To be s.re9 t7ere is somet7in: to be sai5 for .sin: ne> >or5s to a55ress ol5 4roblems. (s 7as been s7o>n9 e"viro"me"ta& #ec$rit% i# a #ome)hat ri#2% ve"t$re for !ro!o"e"t# of a Gree" a"d !eacef$& f$t$re. I" thi# #e"#e e"viro"me"ta& #ec$rit% i# a form of co"ce!t$a& #!ec$&atio"

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)here the co"ce!t i# ve"t$red i" order to (ai" 4!ote"tia&&%5 a re"e(otia tio" of the co"ce!t$a& /a#e# of #ec$rit%. T7e 5an:er is t7e -olonisation of t7e -on-e4t9 as 7as o--.rre5 in t7e US. 8#i"( "e) )ord# &i2e eco&o(ica& #ec$rit% ma% tem!orari&% avert thi# da"(er. The !ote"tia& (ai" of thi# #!ec$&ative e erci#e' ho)ever' i# the de#ta/i&i#atio" of "atio"a& #ec$rit% di#co$r#e a"d !ractice /% hi(h&i(hti"( it# co"tradictio"# a"d di#co"ti"$ itie#. Ultimatel/ t7is ma/ lea5 to its -olla4se9 to a more beni:n s/nt7esis9 or to t7e aban5onment of t7e term b/ se-.rit/ 4oli-/ ma?ers an5 -ommentators. @&tho$(h the "e(ative o$tcome of #ec$riti#i"( e"viro"me"ta& i##$e# i# rea&' the !o#itive o$tcome i# ar($a/&% )orth #trivi"( for. Thi# co"te#t i# o"e i" )hich eco&o(ica& #ec$rit% ha# "ot !&a%ed a 2e% ro&e /eca$#e of it# a&ter"ative voca/$&ar%. It ma% #eem !eda"tic to de"% the efficac% of eco&o(ica& #ec$rit% /eca$#e of the )ord 9eco&o(ica&9 a# o!!o#ed to 9e"viro"me"ta&9' /$t i" the rea&m of di#co$r#e 2e% )ord# matter.


Reorie"ti"( more to)ard# eco&o(ica& #ec$rit% create# a hea&th% e7$i&i/ri$m )ith the eco#!here )itho$t commodif%i"( it. ;o" <ar"ett9 !ello> in t7e S-7ool of So-ial an5 Environmental at Universit/ of 'elbo.rne9 2001 T7e 'eanin: of
Environmental Se-.rit/6 E-olo:i-al +oliti-s an5 +oli-/ in t7e Ne> Se-.rit/ Era9 4:. 110 4 4:. 111 41C @# a mea"# to di#ti"($i#h eco&o(ica& #ec$rit% from e"viro"me"ta& #ec$rit%' Ro(er# defi"e# eco&o(ica& #ec$rit% a#3 ?the creatio" of a co"ditio" )here the !h%#ica& #$rro$"di"(# of a comm$"it% !rovide for the "eed# of it# i"ha/ita"t# )itho$t dimi"i#hi"( it# "at$ra& #toc29 BRo:ers 100*6 #1C. T7is is not .nli?e t7e E-olo:i-al E-onomistsD 5efinition of s.s tainabilit/ Bsee Common an5 +errin:s 100 9 an5 +e<<e/ 100 C. T7e 5istin-tion9 for Ro:ers9 is t7at e"viro"me"ta& #ec$rit% refer# more to the defe"ce of "at$ra& re#o$rce#' i" effect a "e(ativeCreactive #ec$rit% &i2e mo#t !revai&i"( co"ce!tio"# of #ec$rit%' )herea# eco&o(ica& #ec$rit% refer# to a !o#itive #ec$rit% that #ee2# to mai"tai" eco&o(ica& e7$i&i/ri$m i" the &o"(.' term . The foc$# i# th$# o" eco#%#tem# a# the refere"t o/*ect of #ec$rit% . The refere"t o/*ect i# therefore rever#ed to ma2e the /io#!here the !rimar% #ec$rit% refere"t. In t7is -on-e4t.alisation h$ma"# are #ec$red o"&% i" #o far a# the% i"ha/it the /io#!here' a"d h$ma" activit% i# the !ri"ci!a& threat to eco&o(ica& #ec$rit% Ba 4oint lost on most environmental se-.rit/ anal/stsC. T7.s 9the da"(er ari#e# "ot from )hat "at$re ca" do to the h$ma"' /$t rather the im!act of h$ma" activitie# o" "at$re a"d' i" t$r"' the co"#e7$e"t effect# o" the h$ma"9 B'is-7e 10,06 #0 C. Eco&o(ica& #ec$rit% stems from a Green -osmolo:/ >7ere s/stemi- inter5e4en5en-e9 -om4le@it/9 .n-ertaint/9 7armon/ an5 s.stainabilit/ are ?e/ t7emes. It ca&&# for a #hift i" foc$# from i"divid$a& a"d i"#tr$me"ta& rea#o" to a co"cer" for the overa&& )e&fare of the !&a"et. Thi# cha&&e"(e# #tate=ce"tred #ec$rit% theor% a"d !ractice' a"d i"#tead Ke"co$ra(e#' a"d i" fact re7$ire#' that m$&ti!&e actor# /ecome

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i"vo&ved9 BRo:ers 100*6 #1C. It therefore offer# a radica& a"d ecoce"tric a!!roach to #ec$rit% 9 alt7o.:7 t7e 4arti-.lars of s.-7 an a44roa-7 7ave /et to be arti-.late5 be/on5 t7e assertion t7at eco&o(% he&!# to cha"(e mi"d#et#' a"d from thi# a&& thi"(# (ood )i&& re#$&t B'is-7e 10,0C. So9 alt7o.:7 it 7as em47asise5 t7e e-olo:i-al 5imension of e-olo:i-al se-.rit/9 t7e 7as t7.s far sai5 little abo.t t7e s4e-ifi- se-.rit/ 5imension. In t7is absen-e9 t7e -riti-al A.estion is6 >7/ 7it-7 e-olo:/ to se-.rit/O


The affirmative># "arro) foc$# o" i"divid$a& e"viro"me"ta& i##$e# i# detrime"ta&= the%>re *$#t a"other attem!t to more efficie"t&% commodif% the e"viro"me"t. 1imo" Da&/%9 4rofessor of :eo:ra47/ an5 4oliti-al e-onom/ at Carleton Universit/ in "tta>a9 2002 Environmental Security9
4. @@@i-@@@ii T7is is not a matter of 5is4.tin: t7e -laims t7at environmental -7an:e is or is not o--.rrin:9 or -7allen:in: t7e te-7ni-al 4ra-ti-es of n.mero.s 5is-i4lines. H7atever t7e finer 4oints of t7e s4e-ifi-ation of =:lobal= e-olo:i-al 4ro-esses9 t7ere are man/ reasons for :reat -on-ern on all manner of an5 in n.mero.s -onte@ts from bio5iversit/ 5e-line to stratos47erio<one 7oles9 an5 from risin: -7il57oo5 ast7ma in-i5en-e rates to t7e -ontem4orar/ s.fferin:s of mar:inali<e5 4easants an5 ref.:ees.$* ,hat i# mo#t )orri#ome to a"%o"e )ho o/#erve# the#e matter# i# "ot a"% #i"(&e co"cer"A/e it c&imate cha"(e' /iodiver#it% &o##' s/nt7eti- -7emi-als9 5eforestation9 lon:- live5 ra5ioisoto4es9 or a"% o"e of ma"% other matter#A /$t the tota&it% of the di#r$!tio"# ca$#ed /% moder" i"d$#tria& #%#tem# a"d the co"#$m!tio" of their !rod$ct#' )ho#e c$m$&ative a"d i"crea#i"( im!act ha# reached i"to a&& !art# of the /io#!here. T7is is9 of -o.rse9 bot7 t7e stren:t7 of t7e environmentalist ar:.ment an59 :iven t7e 5iversit/ of its s.bt7emes9 its :reatest 4oliti-al T7e fo-.s in some of >7at follo>s in t7is is on t7e .se of fossil f.els9 bot7 t7e/ are so inte:ral to -ontem4orar/ mo5 ern mo5es of e-onomi- e@isten-e9 an5 7en-e -an be rea5 as s/m4tomati- of t7e lar:er -on5ition9 an5 at a ver/ sim4le level9 b/ literall/ t.rnin: ro-?s into air9 t7eir >i5es4rea5 .se 5ra>s attention 5ire-tl/ to t7e ant7ro4o:eni- alterations of basi4lanetar/ s/stems. H7at is most im4ortant for t7e ar:.ment t7at follo>s is a re-o:nition t7at co"tem!orar% e"da"(erme"t# materia&i0e )ithi" !o&itica& a"d c$&t$ra& co"te t# that co"#trai"' i" im!orta"t )a%#' ho) the#e matter# are re!re#e"ted. The !o&itica& a"d

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eco"omic order of moder"it% i# rare&% f$"dame"ta&&% 7$e#tio"ed i" #$ch di#c$##io"#. The com modificatio" of 6"at$re6 i# ta2e" for (ra"ted a# a" $"avoida/&e "ece##it%.$, In 4arti-.lar9 5es4ite all t7e ambi:.ities of mo5ernit/9 the deve&o!me"ta&i#t a##$m!tio"# that #$((e#t that each #tate )i&& /ecome moder" a&o"( a!!ro imate&% #imi&ar tra*ectorie# of i"d$#tria&i0atio" a"d moder"i0atio" are im!&icit i" mo#t co"ve"tio"a& a"a&%#e#.6 Environmental 5is-o.rses o--.r >it7in lar:er 5is-.rsive e-onomies >7ere some i5entities 7ave more val.e t7an ot7ers9 an5 -r.-iall/ >7ere t7e 5ominant 5evelo4ment an5 se-.rit/ narratives are 4remise5 on :eo4oliti-al s4e-ifi-ations t7at 7istories of e-olo:/ an5 reso.r-e a44ro4riation. T7e/ also freA.entl/ o4erate in 5is-.rsive mo5es t7at reassert :eo4oliti-al i5entities 4re-isel/ b/ 7o> t7e/ s4e-if/ ot7er 4eo4les an5 4la-es. E"viro"me"ta& !o&itic# i# ver% m$ch a/o$t the !o&itic# of di# co$r#e' the !re#e"tatio" of 6!ro/&em#'6 an5 of >7o s7o.l5 5eal >it7 t7e -on-erns so s4e-ifie5. T7ese di#co$r#e# fre7$e"t&% t$r" com!&e !o&itica& matter# i"to ma"a(eria& a"d tech"o&o(ica& i##$e# of #$#tai"a/&e deve&o!me"t )here #trate(ie# of 6eco&o(ica& moder"i0atio"6 finesse t7e A.estions b/ 4romisin: te-7ni-al sol.tions to n.mero.s 4oliti-al 5iffi-.lties an59 in t7e 4ro-ess9 >or? to co=o!t or mar:inali<e f.n5amental cha&&e"(e# to the co"tem!orar% )or&d order. )1 In Tim L.?eDs a4t s.mmation6 =Un5erneat7 t7e en-7antin: :reen 4atina9-#$#tai"a/&e deve&o!me"t i# a/o$t #$#tai"i"( deve&o!me"t a# eco"omi ca&&% ratio"a&i0ed e"viro"me"t rather tha" the deve&o!me"t of a #$# tai"i"( eco&o(%.=) Lin?in: s.-7 t7emes to se-.rit/9 >it7 its 4ra-ti-es of s4e-if/in: t7reats an5 its mana:erial mo5es for res4on5in: to 5an:ers9 s.::ests a broa5 -on:r.en-/ of 5is-o.rse an5 4ra-ti-e.)# ;.t >7at o.:7t to be se-.re5 freA.entl/ remains .ne@amine59 as 5oes t7e 4re-ise of >7at it is t7at -ontem4orar/ en5an:erments.Li?e ot7er 5is-i4linar/ en5eavors9 bot7 environmental mana:ement an5 se-.rit/ st.5ies 7ave t7eir 4ra-ti-es for t7e 5elimitation of a44ro4riate obEe-ts9 met7o5s9 an5 4ro-e5.res. 'a?in: t7ese e@4li-it an5 s7o>in: 7o> t7e/ bot7 fa-ilitate an5 limit is an .navoi5able tas? for an/ st.5/ t7at ta?es !o.-a.ltDs form.lation of -ritiA.e

1!ecif%i"( the e"viro"me"t a# a #ec$rit% threat create# a M)eN a(ai"#t MthemN !ortrait that or(a"i0e# ever%thi"( i"to #ec$rit% re&atio"# 1imo" Da&/%9 4rofessor of :eo:ra47/ an5 4oliti-al e-onom/ at Carleton Universit/ in "tta>a9 2002 Environmental Security9 4.
11-1 The !o&itica& a/i&it% to #!ecif% a threat to a co&&ectivit% i# o/vio$#&% a"d im!orta"t !art of the !roce## of #ec$rit%. The a/i&it% to #!ecif% da"(er a"d mo/i&i0e a 6)e6 a(ai"#t a #$!!o#ed&% threate"i"( 6them6 ha# &o"( /ee" f$"dame"ta& to the !roce##e# of !o&itic#. Carl S-7mittDs insi:7t t7at t7e 5istin-tion bet>een frien5 an5 enem/ is basi- to >7at 4oliti-s is abo.t is often -learest in 5is-.ssions abo.t 5an:er an5 t7reats9 t7e s.bEe-t matter of se-.rit/.#, Neorealist #cho&ar&% artic$&atio"# of #ec$rit% #ometime# o/#c$re the !o&itica& dime"#io"# of the matter i" detai&ed tech"ica& a"a&%#e# of )ea!o"# #%#tem#' defe"#e /$d(et#' or the #ocia& !ro!e"#itie# of #tate# to )arfare. (s t7e 5is-.ssion of t7e UN&+ se-.rit/ a:en5a s.::ests9 t7e de/ate# a/o$t rethi"2i"( #ec$rit% i" the &a#t decade have a&#o ofte" o!erated to o/#c$re the !o&itica& dime"#io"# of the matter i" co"#tr$cti"( "ormative #cheme# that t$r" i"to !o&itica& )i#h &i#t# to #ec$re a&& ma""er of thi"(#. +"e of the 2e% ar($me"t# in t7e 4ostmo5ern9 str.-t.ralist9 an5 feminist-ins4ire5 of -onventional international relations t7in?in: in :eneral9 an5 se-.rit/ in 4arti-.lar9 ha# /ee" that the ta2e"=for=(ra"ted cate(orie# of #ec$rit% are /etter $"der#tood a# co"#tit$tive of the !o&itica&.30 H7atever t7e im4ression from t7e 5is-.ssions in -ontem4orar/ an5 t7e less t7an 7el4f.l 5esi:nations of t7ese 5is-.ssions in terms of vario.s =4osts9= t7is is not a novel ar:.ment9 b.t one t7at r.ns ba-? t7ro.:7 t7e 5ebates abo.t mo5ernit/ an5 t7e emer:en-e of soverei:n states. T7omas Hobbes an5 Po7n Lo-?e bot7 >rote abo.t lan:.a:e an5 .n5erstan5in: as im4ortant 4arts of 4oliti-s9 alt7o.:7 t7ese ar:.ments freA.entl/ 5isa44ear in t7e oversim4lifi-ations of international relations te@tboo?s an5 t7e -laims to s-ientifi- met7o5. T7e -ontem4orar/ interests in

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5is-o.rse an5 t7eories of re4resentation follo> .4 t7ese t7emes9 ma?in: t7e 4oint in vario.s >a/s t7at se-.rit/ is a 7i:7l/ -onteste5 4oliti-al -on-e4t 4re-isel/ of its lo-ation >it7in n.mero.s 4oliti-al 5iffi-.lties.$Q The a"a&%tica& ta#2 that ari#e# from t7e insi:7ts of -ontem4orar/ so-ial theor% i# "ot o"e #$((e#ti"( the "eed for %et more co"ce!t$a& a"a&%#i# to $"der#ta"d the co"te"t a"d mea"i"( of #ec$rit% /etter' /eca$#e #ec$rit% i# "ot *$#t a matter of co"te"t. T7is 4oint is one t7at ;al5>in misses in 7is 5ismissal of ar:.ments abo.t se-.rit/Ds essentiall/ -onteste5 He 5oes so b/ .sin: a narro> 5istin-tion bet>een 4oliti-al an5 anal/ti-al -ate:ories t7at 5oes not allo> for an .n5erstan5in: of 4oliti-al lan:.a:e an5 t7e so-ial -onstit.tion of se-.rit/ as 4art of t7e 4ro-esses t7at anal/sis 7as to en:a:e. Rat7er9 maintainin: an .n5erstan5in: of anal/sis as onl/ a matter of -larifi-ation an5 stabili<ation of meanin:9 7e fails to o4en .4 7is -aref.l an5 a44osite revie> of HolfersDs earlier ar:.ments abo.t t7e of t7e -on-e4t.D=


The affirmative># co"#tr$ctio" of the Me"viro"me"ta& threatN i# a co&o"ia& $"der#ta"di"( that o!erate# o" a##$m!tio"# of e ter"a& "at$re )ho#e re#o$rce# are to /e ma"a(ed. 1imo" Da&/%9 4rofessor of :eo:ra47/ an5 4oliti-al e-onom/ at Carleton Universit/ in "tta>a9 2002 Environmental Security9 4.
00-111C T7e environmentalist ar:.ments freA.entl/ fo-.s on A.estions of t7e a44ro4riate .se of reso.r-es an5 t7e 4reservation of nat.re9 s4e-ies9 an5 7abitats. T7is native a-tivist .n5erstan5s t7at the co"#tr$ctio" of Me"viro"me"tN i# a co&o"ia& $"der#ta"di"(' o"e that o!erate# o" the $r/a" a##$m!tio"# of a" e ter"a& "at$re )ho#e re#o$rce# are to /e ma"a(ed' rather tha" a co"te t9 4la-e9 or 7ome t7at is to be live5 in. ;.t t7e insi:7t is es4e-iall/ tellin: i" &i(ht of Ri-7ar5 GroveGs e = te"#ive hi#torica& i"ve#ti(atio"# i"to the ori(i"# of co"tem!orar% e" viro"me"ta&i#m' )hich9 as note5 in -7a4ter $9 are &i"2ed direct&% to matter# of co&o"ia& admi"i#tratio" a"d a" ietie# a/o$t c&imate' de fore#tatio"' a"d m$ch e&#e.)# The c$&t$ra& co"#tr$ctio" of "at$re a# e ter"a& i# of co$r#e a" e te"#io" of the etio&o(% of the term Me"viro"'N )hich &itera&&% refer# to that )hich #$rro$"d#' a"d hi#torica&&% to that )hich #$rro$"d# a to)" .)$ @# the #ca&e of the (&o/a& eco"om% e !a"d#' a"d a# the !o!$&atio" i" citie# ma2e# ever &ar(er dema"d# o" di#ta"t r$ra& re#o$rce#' the 7$e#tio" of the a!!ro!riate de#i("atio" of the#e !roce##e# /ecome# ever more critica& . In ( Es-obarGs terms t7is is so /eca$#e the% are i"cor!orated i"to the )or&d ca!ita&i#t eco"om%' eve" the mo#t remote comm$"itie# of t7e T7ir5 Horl5 are tor" from their &oca& co"te t' redefi"ed a# ?re#o$rce#> to /e 4lanne5 for9 ma"a(ed.R)) I" di#c$##i"( e"viro"me"ta& #ec$rit%' the e !a"#io" of $r/a" e !ro!riatio" of r$ra& re#o$rce# ha# to /e )or2ed i"to the a"a&%#i# if the a!!ro!riate (eo(ra!hica& $"der#ta"di"(# are to /e made !art of t7e 5is-.ssion. (s -7a4ter $ 7as ma5e -lear9 :ettin: t7e :eo:ra47/ of environmental se-.rit/ >ron: 5oes not 7el4 -larif/ matters. Geo!o&itica& rea#o"i"( ma% /e a !o)erf$& mode of rai#i"( !o&itica& co" cer"

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a/o$t #ec$rit% i##$e#' /$t a# a mode of thi"2i"( i"te&&i(e"t&% a/o$t co"tem!orar% #ocia& a"d e"viro"me"ta& !roce##e#' it &eave# m$ch to /e de#ired' !reci#e&% /eca$#e it #o fre7$e"t&% !er!et$ate# the !atter"# of deve&o!me"t thi"2i"( a"d the (eo!o&itica& a##$m!tio"# of #e!arate com!eti"( !o&itie# that are the ca$#e of #o m$ch diffic$& t% i" the fir#t !&ace.


The affirmative ca&&# for actio" i" re#!o"#e to the threat of e"viro"me"ta& i"#ta/i&it% )hich red$ce# "at$re to a #omethi"( i" "eed of co"tro& 1imo" Da&/%9 4rofessor of :eo:ra47/ an5 4oliti-al e-onom/ at Carleton Universit/ in "tta>a9 2002 Environmental Security9 4.
1 )-1 3 1ome of the mo#t !o)erf$& meta!hor# dra)" o" /% #trate(ic #t$d ie# a"d i"ter"atio"a& re&atio"# i" (e"era& $#e term# that re&ate direct&% to the "at$ra& )or&d. Nota/&e amo"( the "at$ra& meta!hor# i" fre 7$e"t $#e are refere"ce# to )i&d car"ivore# )ho threate" $"!re!ared me" . Ro.ssea.Ds sta: 7.nt offers mo5els for -oo4eration an5 5efe-tion in allian-es >7en 7ares 4rovi5e instant :ratifi-ation.) In t7e :eo4oliti-al tra5ition' the Dar)i"ia" meta!hor# of #tate# a# or(a"i#m# i" a #tr$((&e for #!ace &ed' )he" &i"2ed to doctri"e# of racia& !$rit%' eth"o"atio"a&i#m' a"d roma"tic e##e"tia&i0atio"# of "at$re9 to Na<i form.lations of t7e nee5 for lebensra.m.3 +er7a4s most obvio.s is t7e freA.ent mention of T7omas HobbesDs state of >7ere life is s.44ose5l/ 4oor9 nast/9 br.tis79 an5 s7ort. Thi# #$((e#t# that #ec$rit% i# "ece##ar% to !rotect a(ai"#t a !re#tate e i#te"ce that re"der# h$ma"# v$&"era/&e to m$t$a& ho#ti&it% .D In li:7t of t7e 5is-.ssion in -7a4ter )9 it is >ort7 4ointin: o.t t7at9 in 4art9 it #eem# thi# vie) )a# co"#tr$cted a# a mi#readi"( of the #it$atio" of the "ative i"ha/ita"t# of North @merica.I The re&ated a##$m!tio" that "at$re i# a ho#ti&e force re7$iri"( !o&itica& or(a"i0atio"' a"d &ater tech"ica& co"tro&' to #$/d$e it i# a" #!ecia&&% !o)erf$& tro!e that #ho$&d "ot /e for(otte" i" di#c$##io"# of the form$&atio" of #ec$rit%. I"divid$a& #$/*ectivit% i# fre7$e"t&% #et a(ai"#t a ho#ti&e "at$re i" a #tr$((&e for domi"a"ce. Nat$re i# th$# co"#tr$cted a# a" e ter"a& +ther to /e domi"ated a"d co"tro&&ed. 0 T7e ass.m4tion t7at 7.manit/ is se4arate from or9 as matters are later ren5ere59 from t7e environment is t7e -r.-ial of lo:i-al move9 one t7at infl.en-es m.-7 of t7e t7in?in: in international se-.rit/ abo.t t7e environment. Co$!&ed to !o#itivi#t e!i#temo&o(ie# a"d

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co"tem!orar% !o&ic% di#co$r#e# /a#ed o" the tech"ocratic !$r#$it of 2"o)&ed(e a"d co"tro&' the idea of ho#ti&e "at$re ha# co"#idera/&e ideo&o(ica& !o)er. In Ka4lanDs terms it is ren5ere5 as .n-7e-?e5.=

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DDI 2010


The affirmative># ma"a(eria& effort# of the e"viro"me"t tie to the vio&e"t !roce## of #ocia& e"(i"eeri"( thro$(h moder"i0atio" 1imo" Da&/%9 4rofessor of :eo:ra47/ an5 4oliti-al e-onom/ at Carleton Universit/ in "tta>a9 2002' Environmental Security9 4.
1) -1)# Thi# rai#e# the &ar(er' (e"era& 7$e#tio" of tech"ica& !ractice# a"d the !ote"tia& for (&o/a& ma"a(eria& effort#. ,ho #ho$&d defi"e the !ro/&em a"d de#i(" the !ractice#O I" &i(ht of the "$mero$# fai&ed de ve&o!me"t !ro*ect# a"d re&ated attem!t# at #ocia& e"(i"eeri"( of the &a#t ha&f ce"t$r%' attem!t# to ma"a(e #ocia& !ro/&em# at the (&o/a& #ca&e $#i"( #imi&ar mode# of co"tro& raise :reat s?e4ti-ism amon: t7ose familiar >it7 t7e on 5evelo4ment. * Some9 alt7o.:7 not all9 of the ca$#e# of i"#ec$rit% a"d vio&e"ce are a re#$&t of the di#r$!tio"# ca$#ed /% the !roce##e# of (&o/a&i0atio" . +.t in t7e terms of t7e UN&+ se-.rit/ a:en5a9 t7e 4oint is t7at attem!t# to e"ha"ce e-onomi- #ec$rit% thro$(h moder"i0atio" ofte" $"dermi"e food' e"viro"me"ta&' a"d comm$"it% #ec$rit% amo"( the !oor a"d mar(i"a&i0ed Se-.rit/ a-ross t7ese t7emes is not ne-essaril/ a55itive. &ilemmas abo.n5 an5 im4l/ t7at 4oliti-s >ill not easil/ be avoi5e5 eit7er in 4ra-ti-e or in a-a5emi- t7in?in: abo.t se-.rit/. T7is is a -ontrar/ ar:.ment to man/ of t7e ass.m4tions in t7e =enlar:ement :eo4oliti-s= mo5e of reasonin: t7at s.::est t7at mo5erni<ation an5 mar?ets are t7e ans>er to t7e -onfli-ts .n5erstoo5 as en5emi- in areas not /et blesse5 b/ t7e 4resen-e of mo5ern liberal states an5 mar?et e-onomies. The idea that moder"i0atio" i# the a"#)er over&oo2# the Lio&e"ce i"here"t i" the !roce##' ofte" /% i("ori"( the di#ta"t co"#e7$e"ce# of #!ecific cha"(e# . T7e Unite5 Nations -on-e4t of se-.rit/ 7as t7e -onsi5erable anal/ti-al a5vanta:e of 5ra>in: attention to man/ of t7ese -ontra5i-tions.

E"viro"me"ta& Da"a(eme"t mi#$"der#ta"d# o$r eco#%#tem i" the #ame )a% co"ve"tio"a& IR di#tort# !o&itic#= eco#%#tem# are i"here"t&% $"#ta/&e a"d re#i#t o$r effort# to "orma&i0e them. 1imo" Da&/%9 4rofessor of :eo:ra47/ an5 4oliti-al e-onom/ at Carleton Universit/ in "tta>a9 2002 eEnvironmental Security9 4.
1$)C :rom thi# it i# c&ear that a !ro(ram of e"viro"me"ta& ma"a(e me"t )i&& have to $"der#ta"d h$ma" eco&o(% /etter tha" co"ve"tio"a& i"ter"atio"a& re&atio"# doe# if )or&d !o&itic# i" the (&o/a& cit% i# (oi"( to #erio$#&% tac2&e e"viro"me"ta& #$#tai"a/i&it%. @cce&erati"( attem!t# to ma"a(e !&a"et Earth $#i"( tech"ocratic' ce"tra& i0ed mode# of co"tro&' )hether dre##ed $! i" the &a"($a(e of e"vi ro"me"ta& #ec$rit% or "ot' ma% #im!&% e acer/ate e i#ti"( tre"d#. The fre7$e"t fai&$re# of re#o$rce ma"a(eme"t tech"i7$e# !remi#ed o" a##$m!tio"# a/o$t #ta/&e eco#%#tem# are eve" more tro$/&i"( i" the ca#e of c&aim# a/o$t the "ece##it% of ma"a(i"( the )ho&e !&a"et. Give" the i"ade7$ac% of ma"% e i#ti"( tech"i7$e#' if the#e !ractice# are to /e e te"ded to the #ca&e of the (&o/e' the re#$&t# are !ote" tia&&% di#a#tro$#. In t7e fa-e of e@treme 5isr.4tion9 no -omfort -an be ta?en from bios47eri- t7in?in: or t7e Gaia 7/4ot7esis. (s Pames Lovelo-? 7as 4ointe5 o.t9 t7e A.estion for 7.manit/ is not t7e -ontin.e5 e@isten-e of -on5itions fit for life on t7e 4lanet. In t7e fa-e of A.ite 5rasti- str.-t.ral -7an:e in t7e bios47ere in t7e 4ast9 t7e -limati- -on5itions 7ave remaine5 >it7in t7e limits t7at 7ave ass.re5 t7e overall s.rvival of lifeIb.t not ne-essaril/ t7e -on5itions s.itable for -ontem4orar/ -ivili<ation. $

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