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Tata McGraw-Hill Published by the Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 7 West Patel Nagar, New Delhi 110 008. Copyright © 2008 by Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited. First reprint RZLQCDDXRCYLQ No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise or stored in a database or retrieval system without the prior written permission of the publishers. The program listings (if any) may be entered, stored and executed in a computer system, but they may not be reproduced for publication. This edition can be exported from India only by the publishers, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited. ISBN 13: 978-0-07-066895-9 ISBN 10: 0-07-066895-7 Managing Director: Ajay Shukla General Manager: Publishing—SEM & Tech Ed: Vibha Mahajan Sponsoring Editor: Shukti Mukherjee Jr. Editorial Executive: Surabhi Shukla Executive—Editorial Services: Sohini Mukherjee Senior Production Manager: P L Pandita General Manager: Marketing—Higher Education & School: Michael J Cruz Product Manager: SEM & Tech Ed: Biju Ganesan Controller—Production: Rajender P Ghansela Asst. General Manager—Production: B L Dogra Information contained in this work has been obtained by Tata McGraw-Hill, from sources believed to be reliable. However, neither Tata McGraw-Hill nor its authors guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information published herein, and neither Tata McGraw- Hill nor its authors shall be responsible for any errors, omissions, or damages arising out of use of this information. This work is published with the understanding that Tata McGraw- Hill and its authors are supplying information but are not attempting to render engineering or other professional services. If such services are required, the assistance of an appropriate professional should be sought. Typeset at Bukprint India, B-I80A, Guru Nanak Pura, Laxmi Nagar 110 092 and printed at Rashtriya Printers, M-135, Panchsheel Garden, Naveen Shahdara, Delhi-11 032 Cover: Rashtriya dea cetem deed CONTENTS Preface xiii Visual Walkthrough avi List of Symbois . xix 1, Simple Stress and Strain 1 1.1__Introduction J 1.2 Stress 2 1,3__Shear Stress 3 LA _ Steak 1.5 Modulus of Elasticity and Modulus of Rigidity 4 1.6 Elongation of A Bar 5 1.7 _ Principle of Superposition 5 18 Bars of Tapering Section 7 1,9 Elongation Due to Self Weight _9 1,10 Column of Uniform Strength 9 1.11_Statically Indeterminate Systems _10 1,12 ‘Temperature Stresses 2/ 1.13. Shrinking on 29 1.14 Strain Analysis 30 1.15 Tensile Test Diagram 35 1,16 Factor of Safety 36 L17 Elastic Constants 36 @ Relation B Elastic Constants 37 Summary 39 Review Questions 40 2. Compound Stress and Strain 4a 2,1 Introduction _44 2.2 Stress Analysis 44 2.3 Principal Stresses 53 24 Mobr’s Stress Circle 55 2.5 Three Coplanar Stresses _68 2.6 Ellipse of Suess 70 - 2.7 Principal Stresses From Principle Strains 77 2.8 Strain Analysis 72 Summary 75 Review Questions 76 3._ Strain Energy and Theories of Failures 9 3th jon 79 3.2 Strain Energy 80 nraterial 3.4 Shear Strain | Energy 82 Shear Strain Energy (Three-dimensional Stress System) 82 36 Stresses Due to Various Types of Loading 88 Review 4. Shear Force and ee ‘Moment. 99 4.2 Types of Supports and Beams 99 4.3 Shear Force JO/ _ 44 Bending Moment 10! 4.5 Relation Between W,F andM_ J02 : 4.6 Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams for Cantilevers 103 4.7 Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams for Simply Supported Beams _/08- _ 4.8 Loading and Bending Moment Diagrams From Shear Force Diagram 125 Re Questions 127 ‘5. “Bending Stress in Beams 129 5.1 Introduction 720 $.2__ Theory of Simple Bending _130 5.3 Moment of Inertia _132 Ss 4 Beams With Uniform Bending Strength _/42 Flitched Or Composite Beams _/47 5.7 Unsymmetrical Bending 157 s Determination of Principal Axes _/62 5.9 _ Ellipse of Inertia Or Momenial Ellipse 170 5.10 Combined Direct and Bending Stress 171 Summary _ 179 Review Questions 181 a Review Ques 7._Slope and Deflection 208 oduction 208 Copyrighted material Contents tite 7.2 Beam Differential Equation 208 7.3 Slope and Deflection At A Point 209 Double Integration Method 2/0 7.5 Macaulay’s Method 226 6 Moment—Area Meth 238 in Energy Due to Bending 244 7.8 Castigliano’s First Theorem (Deflection From Strain Energy) 244 7.9 Conjugate Beam Method _25/ 7.11 Betti’s Theorem of Reciprocal Deflections __25 Summary _259 Review Questions 260 B wid s Bi 262 Bl Introduction 262 8.2 Effect of Fixidity 262 c nal Niel m 8.4 Macaulay’s Method 270 8.5 Clapeyron’s Three-moment Equation 275 8.6 Moment Distribution Method 283 Summary 297 Review Questions 298 9. Bending of Curved Bars 301 9.1 Introduction 307 9.2 Bars of Small Initial Curvauire 30 9.3 Bars of Large Initial Curvature (Winkler-Bach Theory) 304 94 Ve ( P2 to jous Sections _3¢ 9.5 Stre: In A Circular Ring 3/5 6S 318 ect ae e 3 9.8 Deflection By Strain Energy (Castighiano's Theorem) 324 Summary 330 Review Questions 331 10. Torsion 333 a 23 0.2 Circular Shafts 332 3 ve is 5 10.4 Torsion of Tapered Shaft 338 10.5 Shafts In Series and Parallel 340 10.6 Strain Energy In Torsion 345 10.7 Combined Bending and Torsion _35/ 10.8 Thin Tubular Sections (Bredt-Batho Theory) 353 10.9 Thin-walled Sections 355 10.10 Thin Rectangular Members 357 Summary 360 Review Questions 361 11, Springs ILI Introduction 264 11.2 _ Close-coiled Helical Springs _364 11.3 Springs In Series and Parallel 370 11.5 Open-coiled Helical Springs 373 11.6 _ Flat Spiral Springs _378 11.7 Leaf Or Laminated Springs 380 Summary 384 Review Questions 385 12. Columns and Struts 12.1 Introduction 388 12.2 _Euler’s The 388 12.3” Equivalent Length 397 12.4 Limitations of Euler's Formula 397 12.5 Rankine’s Formula 396 12.6 Other Formulae 397 12.7 _ Strut With Eccentric Load (Secant Formula) 399 12.9 Strut With Lateral Loading 405 12.10. Tie With Lateral Loading 417 12.11 Struts of Varying Cross-section 413 Summary 415 Review Questions 416 13. Cylinders and Spheres 13.1 Introduction 4/9 13.2. Thin Cylinder 4/9 13.3. Thin Spherical Shell 427 13.4 Thin Cylinder With Spherical Ends 42] 13.5 Volumetric Strain 422 13.6 Wire Winding of Thin Cylinders 430 13.7 Thick Cylinders 433 13.8 Compound Tubes 439 13.9 Hub on Solid Shaft 444 13.10 Wire Winding of Thick Cylinders 447 13.11 Design of a Thick Cylindrical Shell 457 13.12 Thick Spherical Shells 454 Summary 457 Review Questions 458 14. Rotating Discs and Cylinders 14.1 Introduction 467 Contents 419 461 Contents. 14.2 Rotating Ring 46] 14.3 Disc of Uniform Thickness 463 14.4 Long Cylinder 476 14. Disc of Uniform Strength 48/ 14.6 Collapse Speed 482 Summary 484 Review Questions 485 15. Circular Plates 487 15.1 Introduction 487 15.2 Symmetrically Loaded Circular Plates 487 15.3 Uniformly Distributed Load on A Solid Plate 491 54 Central Point Load on Solid Plate 497 5.5 Load Roun: ircle on A Solid Pl 503 15.6 Annular Ring, Load Round An Inner Edge 508 Summary i Review Questions 512 16. Plastic Bending and Torsion 513 ct 513 16.2 Plastic Theory of Bending 5/3 16.3 Moment of Resistance At Plastic Hinge 5/4 16.4 Symmetrical Bending 5/5 16.5 Unsymmetrical Bending 5/6 16.6 Collapse Load 523 16.7 Torsion of Circular Shafts 525 16.8 Combined Direct and Bending Stress 528 Summary 529 Review Questions 530 17. Plane Frame Structures 532 17.1 Introduction 532 17.2 Perfect Frames 532 17.3 Reactions At the Supports 5933 17.4 Statically Determinate Frames 533 17.5 Assumptions In the Analysis of Frames 534 17.6 Sign Convention 534 17.7 Methods of Analysis 535 17.8 Method of Joints 535 Summary 544 Review Questions 545 18, Properties and Testing of Materials 548 18.1 Introduction _548 18.2 Mechanical Properties 548 18.3 Factor of Safety 549 tate» Contents 18.4 Tensile Testing 18.5 Compression Testing 552 18.6 Torsion Testing 552 18.7 Hardness Testing 553 18.8 Impact Testing 554 18.9 Column Testing 555 18.10 Creep Testing 555 18.11 Fatigue Testing 556 Summary 558 Review Questions 558 Appendix I 560 Appendix IT 578 Index 581 PREFACE An engineer always endeavours to design structural or machine members that are safe, durable and economical. To accomplish this, he has to evaluate the load-carrying capacity of the members so that they are able to withstand the various forces acting on them. The subject Strength of Materials deals with the strength, stability and rigidity of various structural or machine members such as beams, columns, shafts, springs, cylinders, etc. These days, a number of books on the subject are available in the market. However, it is observed that most of the books are feature-wise fine when considered on parameters like coverage of a topic, lucidity of writing, variety of solved and unsolved problems, quality of diagrams, etc., but usually, the students have to supplement a book with another book for one reason or the other. The present book aims to cover all good features in a single book. The book is mainly aimed to be useful to degree-level students of mechanical and civil engineering as well as those preparing for AMIE and various other competitive examinations. However, diploma-level students will also find the book to be of immense use. The book will also benefit post-graduate students to some extent as it also contains some advance topics like bending of curved bars, rotating discs and cylinders, plastic bending and circular plates, etc. The salient features of the book are the following: _« A moderately concise and compact book covering all major topics Simple language to make it useful even to the average and weak students ¢ Logical and evolutionary approach in descriptions for better imagination and visualisation Physical concepts from simple and readily comprehensible principles Large number of solved examples Theoretical questions as well as sufficient number of unsolved problems at the end of each chapter Summary at the end of each chapter An appendix containing objective-type questions Another appendix containing important relations and results expected that students using this book might have completed a course in applied mechanics. Chapters | and 2 introduce the concept of simple and compound stresses at a point. It is shown that an axial load may produce shear stresses along with normal stresses depending upon the section considered. The utility of Mohr’s circle in transformation of stress at a point is also discussed, Chapter 3 explains the concept of strain energy that forms the basis of analysis in many cases. Chapters 4 to 8 are related to beams which may be simply supported, fixed at one or both ends or continuous having more than two supports. The analysis includes the computations of bending moment, shear force and bending and shear stresses under transverse loads. The concept of plastic deformations of beams beyond the elastic limit, being an advanced topic is taken up later and is discussed in Chapter 16. Sometimes, curved members such as rings and hooks are also loaded. Chapter 9 discusses the stresses developed in such members. The theory of torsion is developed in Chapter 10 which ow Preface also includes its application to shafts transmitting power. The springs based on the same theory are discussed in the subsequent chapter, Columns are important members of structures. Chapter 12 discusses the equilibrium of columns and struts. However, the computation of stress in plane frame structures which is mostly included in the civil engineering curriculum is discussed later in Chapter 17. Some other important machine members include cylinders and spheres under internal or external pressures; flywheels, discs and cylinders which rotate while performing the required function; circular plates under concentrated or uniform loads. These topics are covered in chapters 13 to15. Chapter 18 discusses the properties of materials as well as the methods to determine the same. Though students are expected to exert and solve the numerical problems given at the end of each chapter, hints to most of these are available at the publisher’s website of the book for the benefit of average and weak students. However, full solutions of the unsolved problems are available to the faculty members at the same site. The facility can be availed by logging on to http://www.mhhe.convrattan In preparing the script, I relied heavily on the works of renowned authors whose writings are considered classics in the field. | am indeed indebted to them. I sincerely acknowledge the help of my many colleagues, who helped me in one form or the other in preparing this treatise. I also acknowledge the efforts of the editorial and production staff at Tata McGraw-Hill for taking pains in bringing out this book in an excellent format. I am immensely thankful to the following reviewers who went through the manuscript and enriched it with their feedback. Name Affiliation Anup Maiti Haldia Institute of Tech., Haldia, West Bengal PK Kundu Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Heritage Institute of Technology, . Kolkata PS Mukherjee Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad AK Dutta Dept. of Applied Mechanics National Institute of Technology, Durgapur A Dutta Dept. of Civil Engineering, HT, Guwahati Sukhwinder Singh Jolly Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Sukhmani Institute of Engineering and Technology, Derabossi, Punjab Chandana Rath Schoo! of Materials Science and Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi Sunil Kumar Srivastava Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Madan Mohan Malviya Engineering College. Gorakhpur (Conid) ne ~ Name ‘ ‘Affiliation SS Pathak Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, IEC College of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida ‘Aasim Quadri Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Galgotia College of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida Abhay Kakirde Dept.of Mechanical Engineering, RGPY, Bhopal DR Pachpande Dept.of Civil Engineering, JT Mahajan College of Engincering, Jalgaon, Maharashtra K Palanisamy Dept. of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli S Shivaraj Dept. of Civil Engineering, Karunya University, Sadiapet J Girish Dept. of Civil Engineering, Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla Finally, | am also indebted to my wife, Neena, and my children Ravneet and Jasmeet, for being patient with me while I went about the arduous task of preparing the manuscript. But for their sacrifice, | would not have been able to complete it in the most satisfying way. A creation by a human being can never be perfect. A number of mistakes might have crept in the text. I shall be highly grateful to the readers and the users of the book for their uninhibited comments and pointing out the errors. Do feel free to contact me at SS Rattan VISUAL WALKTHROUGH 3 ENERGY AND THEORIES OF FAILURES Introduction at the beginning of each chapter sums up the aim and contents of the chapter. Example 8.22 Acowimous beamABCit h om pees ag Sng of eerie A variety of solved examples to reinforce the concepts. + Snipa AR rine tn Bt king opr By 12 am, es (Baap 7, ting terse) Concise and comprehensive treatment of topics with emphasis on fundamental concepts. Visual Walkthrough. ‘7 on eating Sn i Reams @e Review Questions What do yoann yt te sr ai al mt sce? 2 Develop te oy of simp beng sy etre asa made 2 pened rtan =n srs ine ££ Wier loys eemy ited eos Dei fr te ¢ Sinres cerca bene Wren try mt foe doy tt A number of theoretical 2 Whanenmary te papa pr meme of be questions and unsolved a. Bowe il plc meen of er af set problems for practice to 4 DOR amend fede ee of rt may Widen neh NOB SE comprehension of the topic. “und M221 MP) 12. Abe cesar nda tea a ote nce wi of {tie ame 18 heed maimed ot ON ‘Sc aoe hg seus 100 MP, dennis elude net of eee ‘ae nm Summary at the end of each chapter recapitulates the inferences for quick revision. [ ‘Sontho Maess Example 3.7 4.1 opened by de mpes ech having 28 wires of 14m (dimer Te cage weigh I an he gh fhe ips 42 Neg Deseret masa al eared byte ach wie ef 36 eng ode ‘pepe eta ay dep ta po nen a eran "Eempe) = 78 GPv ond oma as = Se Stu oa ne cos = 14 = 99 a? a ia og i nis Bork ET toni ates martessets ait oe = Mash gett ag r= nt tin bpepenerreeteran Sess sb email ss EE ia oven Win pti te bacotenctrtibaoty wovaers w woessine imei Example 3.8 A wera compose te bar ily fad the per ent cont Intemational system of units (S!) throughout the book for universal approval. Simple diagrams for easy visualization of the explanations. Appendix containing multiple choice questions to prepare for competitive examinations. Appendix It IMPORTANT ff RELATIONS AND RESULTS Appendix containing important relations for ready reference. mMe>k eons Rom ROS Ts ORF a = STS LIST OF SYM area area width width diameter, height, depth diameter eccentricity modulus of elasticity, Young’s modulus force acceleration due to gravity shear modulus, modulus of rigidity height, distance height moment of inertia length number of joints polar moment of inertia torsional stiffness, stiffness of spring Bulk modulus length length, load factor mass, modular ratio, number of members moment, bending moment, mass number of coils pressure, compressive stress force, load shear flow Ze scqr yt hens AZ 4 J—— i a (a) (b) element will tend to rotate the Fig. 1.4 block in the clockwise direction. As there is no other force acting on the element, static equilibrium of the element can only be attained if another couple of the same magnitude is applied in the counter- clockwise direction, This can be achieved by having shear stress of intensity 7° on the faces AB and CD (Fig. 1.46). Assuming x and y to be the lengths of the sides AB and BC of the rectangular element and a unit thickness perpendicular to the figure, The force of the given couple = 7.(y.1) * Strength of Materials The moment of the given couple = (T.y).x Similarly, The force of balancing couple = t’.(x.1) The moment of balancing couple = (7’.x).y For equilibrium, equating the two, (ty)x=(t.x).y or T= 7’ which shows that the magnitude of the balancing shear stresses is the same as of the applied stresses. The shear stresses on the transverse pair of faces are known as complimentary shear stresses. Thus every shear stress is always accompanied by an equal complimentary shear stress on perpendicular planes. Owing to the characteristic of complimentary shear stresses for the equilibrium of members subjected to shear stresses, near a free boundary on which no external force acts, the shear stress must follow a direction parallel to the boundary. This is because any component of the shear force perpendicular to the surface will find no complimentary shear stress on the boundary plane. The presence of complimentary shear stress may cause an early failure of anisotropic materials such as timber which is weaker in shear along the grain than normal to the grain. 1.4 STRAIN The deformation of a body under a load is proportional to its length. To study the behaviour of a material, it is convenient to study the deformation per unit length of a body than its total deformation. The elongation per unit length of a body is known as strain and is denoted by Greek symbol €. If A is the elongation of a body of length Z, the strain ¢ is given by e=A/L (1.3) As it is a ratio of similar quantities, it is dimensionless. Shear Strain A rectangular element of a body is distorted by shear 9 stresses as shown in Fig. 1.5. Ifthe lower surface is assumed / 1 to be fixed, the upper surface slides relative to the lower surface and the comer angles are altered by angle g. Shear strain is defined as the change in the right angle of the element measured in radians and is dimensionless. Fig. 1.5 t t ~————_—_ 1.5 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY.AND. MODULUS OF RIGIDITY. For elastic bodies, the ratio of stress to strain is constant and is known as Young's Modulus or the Modulus of Elasticity and is denoted by E, i.e., E=ole (1.4) Strain has no units as it is a ratio. Thus £ has the same units as stress. The materials that maintain this ratio are said to obey Hook's law which states that within elastic limits, strain is proportional to the stress producing it. The elastic limit of a material is determined by plotting a tensile test diagram (Refer section 1.15). Simple Stress and Strain : ed Young’s modulus is the stress required to cause a unit strain. As a unit strain means elongation of a body equal to original length (since € = A/L), this implies that Young’s modulus is the stress or the force required per unit area to elongate the body by its original size or to causes the length to be doubled. However, for most of the engineering materials, the strain does not exceed 1/1000. Obviously, mild steel has a much higher value of Young’s modulus E as compared to rubber. Similarly, for elastic materials, the shear strain is found to be proportional to the applied shear stress within the elastic limit. Modulus of rigidity or shear modulus denoted by G is the ratio of shear stress to shear strain, i.c. G=19 (1.5) 1,6 ELONGATION OF A BAR An expression for the elongation of a bar of length L and cross-sectional area A under the action of a force P is obtained below: o o As E=2 2 eaZ or Se € E L a Al ‘Thus elongation of a bar of length, A= PE (1.6) 1.7: PRINCIPLE OF SUPERPOSITION The principle of superposition states that if a body is acted upon by a number of loads on various segments of a body, then the net effect on the body is the sum of the effects caused by each of the loads acting independently on the respective segment of the body. Thus each segment can be considered for its equilibrium. This is done making a diagram of the segment alongwith various forces acting on it. This diagram is generally referred as free body diagram. The principle of superposition is applicable to all parameters like stress, strain and deflection. However, it is not applicable to materials with non-linear stress-strain characteristics which do not follow Hook’s law. Example 1.1 A steel bar of 25-mm diameter is acted upon by forces as shown in Fig. 1.6a. What is the total elongation of the bar? Take E = 190 GPa. BoC SOKN—<20KN— > 30KN > 5OKN A BC He2 mote te —3 m—A (a) A e0~<4 f>60 804 fe 50<4 +50 A B BC 2 c D (b) Fig. 1.6 oe Strength of Materials Solution Area of the section = : (25) = 490.88 mm’, E = 190 GPa = 190 000 N/mm? Forces in various segments are considered by taking free-body diagram of each segment as follows (Fig. 1.6): Segment AB: At section AA, it is 60 KN tensile and for force equilibrium of this segment, it is to be 60 kN tensile at BB also. Segment BC: Force at section BB = 60 KN (as above) + 20 KN (tensile force at section BB) = 80 KN (tensile) = Force at section CC Segment CD: Force at section CC = 80 KN (as above) ~ 30 KN (compressive force at section CC) = 50 KN (tensile) = Force at section DD PL Elongation is given by, A= — gation is given by, A= <= 1 TTT my (60 000 x 2000 + 80 000 x 1000 + 50 000 x 3000) = 3.75 490.88 x 190 000 © 000% 2000 + “ ee) ale mam Example 1.2 A steel circular bar has three segments as shown in Fig. 1.7a. Determine (i) the total elongation of the bar (ii) the length of the middle segment to have zero elongation of the bar (iii) the diameter of the last segment to have zero elongation of the bar Take E = 205 GPa. B c D 415mm | 300 vf 0 my ] zofm —— beeoKn 30 mm r A a ¢ 2 }- 150 mm—>}+— 200 mm—»}«— 250 mm——>| @ A B ¢ D 50 kN =~ r= — [= 80 kN SOKN 80KN A 8 c D B 250 kN—>| — 250 kN a we Fig. 1.7 Solution Forces in various segments (Fig. 1.75): Simple Stress and Strain & (i) Segment CD: At section DD, it is 80 kN tensiles and for force equilibrium of this segment, at CC also it is to be 80 KN tensile. Segment BC: Force at section CC = 80 kN (as above) — 330 kN (compressive force at section CC) =-— 250 kN (compressive) = Force at section BB Segment AB: Force at section BB = — 250 KN (as above) + 300 KN (tensile force at section BB) = 50 KN (tensile) = Force at section AA Total elongation, _ 1 (See - eee Boe (mia) x 205 000 15* 30° 20° 1 = 161007 (33 333.3 — 55 555.5 + 50 000) = 0.173 mm (ii) Let the length of the middle segment be L to have zero elongation of the bar. I 250 000 x L . 3 333.3 - “= + 50 000] =0 hea 4 aol? 3 30? ) 2 or L= 350 000 * 83 333.3 = 300 mm (iii) Let the diameter of the last segment be d to have zero elongation of the bar. (33 333.3 - 555555 + own) =0 1 A= 161 007 80 000 x 250 f= ym 7 or d=30mm 1.8 BARS OF TAPERING SECTION Bars of tapering section can be of conical section or of trapezoidal section with uniform thickness. Conical Section Consider a bar of conical section under the action of axial force P as shown in Fig. 1.8. p. P Let D = diameter at the larger end d = diameter at the smaller end ox L = length of the bar —— 1% +4 E = Young's modulus of the bar Fig. 1.8 material Consider a very small length dy at a distance x from the small end. The diameter at a distance x from the small end = d+ D> 4 L * Strength of Materials The extension of a small length we (a4 PE . é+24 y E < x]. rs Extension of the whole rod = f————#? ___ on(d +(D-dyL) .E Pia + Pmt x) den L 1 y “REY & " RE’ (D—d)\ (d + —d)xlL) eta -4) ata (4) a mE(D-d)\d D mE(D-—d)\ dD mEdD Trapezoidal Section of Uniform Thickness Let ‘idth at the larger end b = width at the smaller end ‘ickness of the section L = length of the bar E = Young’s modulus of the bar material Consider a very small length Sx at a Lot distance x from the small end of the rod i T (Fig.1.9). of a z 5 The width at a distance x from the { small end Kx: ol aa =bt Fa? eb tke Lt «-{Taking k = (B—b)/L] Fig. 1.9 The area of cross-section at this distance = (b + kx).t The extension of the small length = ——-2* _ (b+ ke E Extension of the whole rod ~f— Pee Pf, qt ME 1Ey (b + kx) Pi uP b+kL)_ P, B = ——[log,(b + kT = —I k = —_log, — 1.8) cE glee! Dh al Be 5 } we 5 a8 wo(bemansF tran) | | Simple Stress and Strain ea | 1.9 ELONGATION DUE TO SELF-WEIGHT The elongation due to self-weight of bars of rectangular and conical sections may be considered as follows: Rectangular Section Ly Consider a bar hanging freely under its own weight as shown in Fig: 1.10. Consider a small length 5x of the bar at a distance x from the free end. | L Let A = area of cross-section of the bar & weight per unit length of the bar f weight of the whole bar = wL x W, = weight of the bar below the small section = wx | W,.6x _ wxdx The extension of a small length = AE” AE Fig. 1.10 Extension of the whole rod ee aa g AE AE\| 2 2AE 2AE 2AE . = deformation due to a weight W at the lower end/2 Thus the deformation of the bar under its own weight is equal to half the deformation due to a direct load equal to the weight of the body applied at the lower end. Conical Section Consider a small length 5x of the bar at a distance x from the free end (Fig. 1.11). | Let A = area of cross-section at the small length w = weight per unit volume of the bar W, = weight of the bar below the section = wAx/3 W,8x _ wAxdx { The extension of a small length = AE 3AE fwAx wf Extensi f the whole rod = | ——.dx = —— | x.dx Extension of the whole Sone aE} = (1.10) Comparing it with Eq. 1.9, this elongation is one-third that of the rectangular section of the same length under own weight of the bar. 1.10 COLUMN OF UNIFORM STRENGTH Let a bar of varying cross-sectional area be acted upon by a load P as shown in Fig. 1.12. Consider a small length dx at a distance x from the top. 10 Strength of Materials Let A = area at distance x P A +4dA = area at distance x + dx w = weight per unit volume of the bar Considering the balance of forces acting ‘on the small Jength, o(A+dA) = 0A + weight of the small length dx of the bar or o (At dA) = OA + wAdx oA WA.OX or o.dA = wAdx or 4 = Integrating both sides, log, A = s 4C At the top, where x = 0, let Area A =a Then, log,a=0+C or C=log,a Thus log,A= %+1og,a or tog, 4 = “x o a o Ay yj or Sie. a or A= aenslo da) 1.11 STATICALLY INDETERMINAT®: SYSTEMS, When a system comprises two or more membe:s of different materials, the forces in various members cannot be determined by th principle of statics alone. Such systems are known as statically indeterminate systems. In such systems, additional equations are required to supplement the equation: of statics to determine the unknown forces. Usually, these equations are obtained ‘rom deformation conditions of the system and are known as compatibility equations. A compound bar is a case of an indeterminate system and is discussed below: Compound Bar A bar consisting of two or mere bars of different materials in parallel is known as a composite or compound bar. in such a bar, the sharing of load by each can be found by applying equilibrium and the compatibility equations. Consider the case of a solid bar enclosed in a hollow tube es shown in Fig. 1.13. Let the subscripts 1 and 2. p denote the solid bar and the hollow tube respectively. Equilibrium equation As the Fig. 1.13 total load must be equal to the load taken by individual members, P=P)+Py @ Simple Stress and Strain hg Compatibility equation The deformation of the bar must be equal to the tube. AL Bk gp. RAR (i) AE, AE) ALE, Inserting (ii) in (i), pa BABEL, p PAB + RAE, _ (AE + AE) = BAB, p BAB t Au _ BOAR + bE) AE, AE, ALE, or Pp, = PA _ (1.12) AE, + A,E, Similarly, p= PAE _ (1.13) AE, + AE Se eainnaemeannanunenaemeeert Example 1.3 Three equally spaced rods in the same vertical plane support a rigid bar AB. Two outer rods are of brass, each 600-mm long and of 25-mm diameter. The central steel rod is 800-mm long and 30 mm in diameter. Determine the forces in the bars due to an applied load of 120 KN through the mid-point of the bar. The bar remains horizontal after the application of load. Take E,/E, = 2. Solution Refer Fig. 1.14. As the bar remains horizontal after the {1 30 mm application of load, the elongation of eachof — £ the brass bars andof the steel bararethesame. From compatibility equation, A, = A, or L, E (a) or Pate ls | P. 120 KN Pele) 3 Fig. 1.14 _ 800 1/25 600° 2( 30} * or P, = 0.463 P, From equilibrium equation, 2P, + P, = P or 2X 0.463 P,+P,=120 or 1.926 P, = 120 or P,= 62.3 KN and P, = 28.84 kN ’s Example 1.4 Three equidistant vertical rods each of 20-mm diameter support @ load of 25 KN in the same plane as shown in Fig. 1.15. Initially, all the rods are adjusted to share the load equally. Neglecting any chance of buckling, and taking E= 205 GPaand E, = 100 GPa, determine the final stresses when a further load of 20 KN is added. oe Strength of Materials Solution A =(/4) 20? = 100 x mm? es A 25 000 Initially, the stress in each rod = Woe x3 26.53 MPa On adding a further load of 20 KN, let the 1 increase of stress in the steel rod be o, and in the copper rod o, = Then from equilibrium equation, the a u d additional load P is w 8 w oogm (20, +0,)A=P or (20, + 0,) x 1007 2 le in = 20000 fi) | From compatibility equation, A, = A, f 7 3.6 _ 100 000 o,= =~ x , 28 205000 Inserting this value of g, in (i) (20, + 0.627 o,) x 10077= 20 000 9, or 0, = 0.6270, = 15.19 MPa Final stress in steel rod = 24.23 + 26.53 = 50.76 MPa Final stress in copper rod = 15.19 + 26.53 = 41.72 MPa Example 1.5 A steel rod of 16-mm diameter passes through a copper tube of 20 mm internal diameter and of 32-mm external diameter. The steel rod is fitted with nuts and washers at each end. The nuts are tightened till a stress of 24 MPais developed in the steel rod. A cut is then made in the copper tube for half the length to remove 2mm from its thickness. Assuming the Young’s modulus of steel to be twice that of copper, determine (i) the stress existing in the steel rod. (ii) the stress in the steel rod if a compressive load of 4 KN is applied to the ends of the steel rod. Solution Refer Fig. 1.16. n COPPER n ZZZZZZL PLL PLZZLZI ZL ele E\E fiemm ‘STEEL als BS Fig. 1.16 Simple Stress and Strain. ry A = x 16? = 640 mm? and A= < or 207) = 1567mm On tightening the nut, the steel rod is elongated and the stress induced is tensile whereas the tube is shortened and the stress is compressive. Let ©, = stress in the steel rod = 24 MPa ,, = stress in the copper tube From equilibrium equation Push on copper tube = Pull on steel rod OX A,=O,XA, OF 0, x 156 = 24 x 640 or ©, = 9.846 MPa —_—_ (compressive) (i) When the copper tube is reduced in diameter, Av = reduced area of cross-section of the tube = ; (28? - 202) = 96 Oy = stress in the steel rod stress in the reduced section of tube and Oz = Stress in the remaining section of tube From equilibrium equation, Force in each section of copper tube as well as in the steel rod are to be equal ie. 6.2 X 1560 = 6, X 961 = Oy x 64 @ 6,2 = 0.4103 6,3 and 0,2: = 0.6667 6, From compatibility equation, When the cross-section of the tube is reduced, the change in length of the rod as well as of the tube is to of the same nature, ic. cither the length of both is increased or decreased. Let us assume that the length of each is reduced which means a reduction of tensile stress in the rod and increase of compressive stress in the tube. Thus reduction in length of steel rod = reduction in length of copper tube Let Ou 2 Fa L E. 2 OF Oy -OQ= Oat G5-25, vee (E,=2E) (i) or 24-0 = 0.4103 ¢ a + 0:56670%3 —2% 9.846 or 2.071 69 = 43.692 or Oj, = 21.036 MPa As the stress in the steel rod is decreased from 24 MPa to 21.036 MPa, the assumption of reduction of the length of the two is correct. In case, the lengths are assumed to be increased, the stress in the steel rod is increased and in the copper tube decreased. The equation formed would have been 9279" 5 . Ga— Fb, Oo 0 Lb E, E, 2 E, 2 and the result would have been the same i.e. 0,) = 21.036 MPa which would have indicated that the length actually would be reduced due to decrease in the stress of steel rod. a Strength of Materials (ii) When a compressive load of 4 KN is applied to the ends of the steel rod, the length of the rod is further reduced. Equilibrium equation 3 X 1560 = 05 X96 = 0.3% 64+ 6000 [as in (i)] or 0,3 * 156 = 0,5 x 96 = 43x 64 + 1909.9 or 0,3 = 0.4103 0,3 + 12.243 and 0’ 3 = 0.6667 6,3 + 19.895 Compatibility equation 0, -— 03 = 0.3 + 0,4- 20, [as in (ii)] or 24 - 63 = 0.41036,3 + 12.243 + 0.66676,3 + 19.895 ~ 2 x 9.846 or 2.0770,3 = 11.554 or 0,3 = 5.56 MPa Example 1.6 Aroundsteel rod Load supported in a recess is surrounded I by a co-axial brass tube as shown in Fig. 1.17. The level of the upper 0.08 mm end of the rod is 0.08 mm below that 7 | of the tube. Determine: 2 3 E (i) the magnitude and direction 2 7g #3 of the maximum permissible ie @ a 6 axial load which can be 2 applied to a rigid plate resting onthe top of the tube. 0am: The permissible values of the compressive stresses are Last | 105 MPa for steel and 75 60 mm MPa for brass. ‘ (ii) the amount by which the Fig. 1.17 tube is shortened by a load if the compressive stresses in the steel and the brass are the same. Take E, = 210 GPa and E, = 105 GPa. Solution A,= = x 36° = 3242 mm? and A= tx (60? - 507) = 275 mm? (i) Let W, be the load applied for the initial compression of the tube before the compression of the rod starts. Then = Gok = Tb 300) 4, = SE or 0.08= T5009 or 6, = 28 MPa and W, = 28 x 275= 24 190N But limiting value of stress in the bra: 5S MPa ~. Maximum value of stress due to additional load can be = 75 ~ 28 = 47 MPa Simple Stress and Strain 18 Let W be the additional load to compress both, the tube and the bar. Let o, be the stress induced in the steel rod and ;, the additional stress in the brass tube. Equilibrium equation, 6,.A, + 6, A,=W Compatibility equation, A, = A, or eke = Sol op ga Brg, 30 0G eg = 1.59, E, & L, Ey 400° 105 Therefore the stress induced in the steel rod = 1.5 x 47 = 70.5 MPa It is less than the permissible value of stress for steel. Thus W =p,A, + pp Ay = 70.5 X 3240+ 47 x 275 = 112 365 N Total maximum load = 112 365 + 24 190 = 136 555 N or 136.555 KN (ii) Let A be the shortening of the steel rod. This will also be the additional shortening of the brass tube. Then A, + A = oly Ey or 0, = 15 O00 (008+) and 0,= 210:000 55 300 400 Equating the stresses in the steel and the brass, — 000 (6.08 + +A) = a 00 A or 0.08+A=15A or 0.5 A= 0.08 or A= 0.16 mm Total shortening = 0.08 + 0.16 = 0.24 mm Example 1.7 Three wires of the same material and cross-section support a rigid bar which further supports a weight of 5 kN. The length of the wires is 3m, 8m and 6m in order. The spacing between the wires is 2m and the weight acts at 1.6 m from the first wire. Determine the load carried by each wire. Solution As the wires are of different lengths and the weight suspended is LLL unsymmetrical, the bar will not remain horizontal but will be deformed as shown ae am in Fig, 1.18. t 6m Let P,, P and P; be the loads taken by 5” the first, second and the third wire { [r2mope 2m respectively. A Then P,+P,+P,=P=5000 (i) eal Taking moments about the first wire, 2P) +4P, = 1.6 x 5000 = 8000 * A or P,= 4000 — 2P, (ii) Ce Also, from symmetry, Fig. 1.18 ‘ig. 1. eres ge Ply) Ail, , Pils 2 AE = TE AE or 2Pyly= Pil, + Ply or 2P,X8=P,X5S +P, x6 2 ie Strength of Materials or 16P, = 5P, + 6P; or 16(4000-2P;) =5P,;+6P, or 64000 32P; = 5P, + 6P, or SP, = 64 000- 38P; or P, = 12 800-—7.6P; (iii) Inserting the values of P, and P, from (ii) and (iii) in (i), 12 800 - 7.6P; + 4000- 2P, + P;= 5000 or 8.6P; = 11800 or P;=1372N or 1.372kN P, = 4000 — 2P; = 4000 - 2 x 1372 = 1256N or 1.256 kN P, = 12 800-7.6 x 1372= 2373 N or 2.373 kN Example 1.8 A system of three bars supports a vertical load P as shown in Fig. 1.19. The outer bars are identical and of the same material whereas the inner bar is of different material. Determine the forces in the bars of the system. Solution Owing to symmetry, forces in the outer bars 1 and 3 will be equal. Let it be P, and the force in the inner bar P, The dotted lines show the deformed shape of the system under the load P. Fig. 1.19 From equilibrium equation, 2P, cos0 + P, =P ....(assuming negligible change in @) (i) From compatibility equation, A,=A,cos@ or 4 - Fle cose AE, Age, oe Raila oygg = MERU 288) 4.9 MEP uty gy AL, A,EnL, AE, Substituting this value of P, in (i), AEP s oos3 _ - P 2S eos’ +Pi=P or Ps aa 7 AE, From (ii), P,= . A,E, |, 2A FE, Simple Stress and Strain @ Example 1.9 Figure 1.20 shows a horizontal bar supported by two suspended vertical wires fixed to a rigid support. A load W is attached to the bar. The left hand side wire is of copper with a diameter of 5 mm and the right hand side wire is of steel of 3 mm diameter. The length of both the wires is 4 m initially. Find the position of the weight on the bar so that both the wires extend by the same amount. Also, calculate the load, stresses and the elongation of each wire if W = 1000 N. Neglect the weight of the bar and take E, = 210 GPa and E, = 120 GPa. Solution A, = 7 = 6.25m mm? and A, = } Wax P.= i or Ps= O79 (i) Z x a Taking moments about B, 240 P, = W( 240 - x) ar .ppellits0=2) i) | 240 = w Dividing (ii) by (i), 7 = 2os (iii) Fig. 1.20 As both the wires extend by the same amount, A, = A, Pe Fle 2 Pils RA Be (o Le=L,) AE, AE, Ps Ay Es 6.25 120.000 = 925m" 210000 ~ 1°87 ™ From (iii) and (iv), “#0 = 1.587 or x =92.77 mm Numerical: P= W(240 ~ x) _ 1000x (240- 92.77) _ 615 46 240 240 P, = WX _ 1000x9277 _ 396 54.N 240 240 o, = Fe. = 913-46 _ 31.04 MPa A, 6.254 0,= PB. _ 386.54 _ 54 6g MPa A, 2.25% war Cee SA 00 rng rt E, c 120 000 as Strength of Materials Example 1.10 Three identical pia-connected bars support a load P as shown in Fig. 1.21. All the bars are of the same area of cross-section and same length. Determine (i) the force in each bar (ii) the vertical displacersent of the point where the load i: applied Neglect the »ossibility of lateral buckling cj the bars. Solution (i) The dotted lines show the deformed shape of the structure. Assuming that there is negligible change in the angles after the deforming of the bars. Equilibrium equation 2P, cos 60° + P, = P or P\=P-P, @ Compatibility equation, A, = A, cos 60° or AE PL cos 60 or Rat Gi) AE AE 2 From () and (i), B= PA, ot a and P,= P33 se " . _ PL PL (ii) Vertical displacement of the joint, A, = —2= = 2PL AE 3AE Example 1.11 A bar system is loaded as shown in Fig. 1.22. Determine (i) the reaction of the lower support, and (ii) the stresses in the bars. Take E = 205 GPa Solution (i) When the load is applied and the sup- t port touches it, the Pe reactions of both the 80 mm?—>}_ [+ fram t supports will be up- } ward since the load is 40 downward. kN Let R, = reaction of the upper support - t R, = reaction of the 0.8mm Pa Fy = 40 KN — Re lower support Re Then R, + R, = 40 000 ; on R= 40 000- R, Fig. 1.22 The free-body diagrams of the two portions of the bar system is shown in the figure. It is clear that the upper portion is in tension whereas the lower portion in compression. Simple Stress and Strain ww Aly _ (40 000— Ry) x1200 AE 80 x 205 000 Shortening of the lower portion, A, = £242 =" X2400_ AyE ~ 160% 205 000 Elongation of the upper portion, A, = From compatibility equation, Elongation of upper portion — shortening of lower portion = net elongation = 0.8 mm (40.000-R)x1200__R, x2400_ _ 9 80 x 205 000 160 x 205 000 (40 000 - R,) x 15 - 15R, = 0.8 x 205 000 or 40 000 — 2R, = 10 933 or Ry = 14533 N and R, = 40 000 - 14 533 = 25 467N (ii) O, = 25 467/80 = 318.3 MPa (tensile) Oy = 14 533/160 = 90.8 MPa (compressive) or Example 1.12 A rigid horizontal bar AB hinged at A is supported by a 1.2-m Jong steel rod and a 2.4-m long bronze rod, both rigidly fixed at the upper ends (Fig.1.23). A load of 48 kN is applied at a point 3.2 m from the hinge point A. The areas of cross- section of the steel and bronze rods are 850 mm’ and 650 mm? respectively. Find (i) stress in each rod (ii) reaction at the pivot point. E, = 205 GPa and E, = 82 GPa LLLLL/ Solution Refer Fig. 1.23. (@ Let P, and P, be the forces in 8 the steel and bronze wires 2 respectively as the load is T eLyll/ a € applied. Taking moments 0.8m oem” about the pivot point, E oo — 16m—>e | P, x 800 + P, x 2400 - 48 000x ~ u 3200 =0 t 5 P,+3P,= 192 000 @ B From compatibility equation, 4 A e te, 2 4BkKN as ~ P. x1200 P, x2400 .135 oF '850 x 205 000 650 x82 000 s P,= 2.179 Py (ii) From (i) and (ii), 2.179 P,+ 3P, = 192 000 or P, = 37073 N = Strength of Materials P, = 192 000-3 x 37 073 = 80781 N 37.073 _ 57.04 MPa and o,= oe = 95.04 MPa oO, = (ii) The reaction at the pivot can be found from force equation, let it be down- wards, P,+P,—-R, = 48.000 R, = 80781 + 37 073 - 48 000 = 69 854 N or 69.854 kN Thus the assumed direction is correct. Example 1.13 4 rigid bar AB is to be suspended from three steel rods as shown in Fig. 1.24a. The lengths of the outer rods are 1.5m each whereas the length of the middle rod is shortened than these by an amount of 0.8 mm. The area of cross-section of all the rods is the same and is equal to 1600 mm?. Determine the stresses in the rods after the assembly of the structure. E, = 205 GPa. Solution The position of the rigid bar ee after the assembly is shown in Fig. 1.24b. 1 2 3 It is raised upward by amounts A,, A, and A, at the rod positions 1, 2 and 3 respec- tively. Thus the rods 1 and 3 are shortened by amounts A, and A, respectively whereas . 2 rod 2 is elongated by an amount (0.8 - A,). A (a) ‘We have, As i 3a A, a or PLIAGE, ©) RLIAE, Fig. 1.24 As Ly = Ly, Ay=A, and Ey =E, . P, =3P, @ Aa 224 4, OB-Als/ AEs A, a RL, / AE, The length of the rod 2 is shorter by 0.8 mm. However, to find the elongation of the rod, this may be ignored as its effect will be negligible and the length of rod 2 can be taken equal to that of rod 1. + 8 ® +B % 1 f—1.5 m- Also, Thus =k, Also, A, =A,and E, =, OS-BL/AE 9 og O8%A4H Foy BL/AE, ALOR or 281600 x 205000 _ Fe <> or 174933-P,=2P, Px 1500 R or OP, + P, = 174.933 ® Taking moments about A, P,.a + P;3a = P,2a or P,+3P; =2P, ii) Simple Stress and Strain Solving (i), (ii) and (iii), From (i) and (iii), P, +3X3P,=2P, or P,=5P, (iv) From (ii) and (iv), 2P, + 5P, = 174.933 or P, = 24 990N P, = 24.990 5 = 124952 N P= 24990x 3 = 74971 N 0, = 24 990/1600 = 15.62 MPa (compressive) Oy = 15.62 x 5 = 78.1 MPa (tensile) 6; = 15,62 x 3 = 46.86 MPa (compressive) 1,12 TEMPERATURE STRESSES The length of a material which undergoes a change in temperature also changes and if the material is free to do so, no stresses are developed in the material. However, if the material is constrained, stresses are developed in the material which are known as temperature stresses. Consider a bar of length L. If its temperature is increased through 7°, its length is increased by an amount L. zt, where is the coefficient of thermal expansion. But if the bar is constrained and is prevented from expansion, the temperature stress is induced in the material which is given by ES temperature st or O=QtE (1.14) or O=ato/e or temperature strain, € = at (1.15) Compound Sections Consider a copper rod enclosed in a steel tube as shown in Fig. 1.25 rigidly joined at each end. Now, if the temperature is increased by 1°, the copper rod would tend toexpand more as compared to steel tube. As the two are joined together, the LZ222£ 2227777) copper is prevented its full expansion and is put in compression. The final position of the compound bar will be as shown in the figure. Let —_ o, = tensile stress in steel ©, = compressive stress in copper A, = cross-sectional area of Fig. 1.25 steel tube A, = cross-sectional area of copper rod From equilibrium equation Tensile force in steel = compressive force in copper INITIAL, FINAL POSITION "1 POSITION COPPER ie STEEL POSITION IF FREE = Strength of Materials 6,.A,= 0A, (1.16) Let ©, = coefficient of thermal expansion in steel @, = coefficient of thermal expansion in copper Now Elongation of steel tube (due to temperature + due to tensile stress) = Elongation of copper rod (due to temperature — due to compressive stress) or Temperature strain of steel + tensile strain = Temperature strain of copper — compressive strain od + OJE, = at - OJE, or Ott &, = Ot, or £,+6.=(a,-a)t (17) Equations (1.16) and (1.17) are sufficient to solve the problems. Example 1.14 wo parallel wails 8 m apart are to be stayed together by a steel rod of 30-mm diameter with the help of washers and nuts at the ends. The steel rod is passed through the metal plates and is heated. When its temperature iy raived to 90°C, the nuts are tightened. Determine the pull in the bar when it is cooled 10 24°C if (i) the ends do not yield (ii) the total yielding at the ends is 2 mm. E = 205 GPa and coefficient of thermal expansion of steel, a, = 11 x 10-°7C. Solution AS Fo? = 225" mm? (i) Pull in the bar, P=0.A =a@tEA = 11x 10-6 x (90 — 24) x 205 000 x 225 w= 105 202 N (ii) When the yield at the ends is 2 mm, PL A=(aLt-2) = —— (a ) AE or P= ata —2AE = 105 202 - 22258205 000 _ 195 292 _ 36 227 EL 8000 =68975N or 68.975 kN Example 1.15 A composite bar made up of copper, steel and brass is rigidly attached to the end supports as shown in Fig. 1.26. Determine the stresses in the three portions of the bar when the temperature of the composite system is raised by 70°C when (i) the supports are rigid (ii) the supports yield by 0.6 mm. E, = 100 GPa; E, = 205 GPa; E, = 95 GPa 1, = 18 X 10° PC; O% = HX 10°C; , = 19. X 10- PC Simple Stress and Strain a Solution A, = (1114)50? A, = (71/4) 40? = 400 2mm?; A, = (17/4)60? = 900 x mm? (i) When the temperature is BRASS raised, each portion tends to COPPER = STEEL clongate which is resisted by the rigid supports and the | - E compressive stresses are |g mm 3 developed in each portion. — However, the forces so }=-—-}+— 600 mm developed in each portion are 300 mm 200 mm equal, Fig. 1.26 ie. 0,A= OA, = yA, or 0, = Ag, = 2000. xo, = 1.440, A? 625m and 0, = So, = et x0, = 2.250, A 4007 Elongation in the absence of supports, A= A. + A, +A, =a@.L.t.+ a, L,t,+ mL, t, = 18x 10- x 300 x 70+ IL x 10 x 600 x 70 + 19 x 10% x 200 x 70 = 70 x 10°6 (5400 + 6600 + 3800) = 1.106 mm ‘Also fiom. sttess considerations, A= Zhe Ske 5 Cole: E £& & 1.440, x300 , 2.250, x 600 _ 0, x 200 Thus, 100.000 * 205000 * 95000 = !:!06 or (0.004 32 + 0.006 59 + 0.002 11) 6 = 1.106 0.01302 6, = 1.106 6, = 84.95 MPa 6, = 84.95 x 1.44 = 122.33 MPa 0, = 84.95 x 2.25 = 191.13 MPa (ii) When the supports yield by 0.6 mm, 0.0132 o, = 1.106 — 0.6 = 0.506 ©, = 38.33 MPa = 38.33 x 1.44 = 55.20 MPa 6, = 38.33 x 2.25 = 86.24 MPa Example 1.16 A steel tube of 35-mm outer diameter and 30-mm inner diameter encloses a gun metal rod of 25-mm diameter and is rigidly joined at each end. If at a temperature of 40°C there is no longitudinal stress, determine the stresses developed in the rod and the tube when the temperature of the assembly is raised to 240°C. Coefficient of thermal expansion of steel = 11 x 10-° PC. - Strength of Materials Coefficient of thermal expansion of gun metal = 18 x 10-°7C. Young’s modulus for steel = 205 GPa Young's modulus for gun metal = 91.5 GPa Also find the increase in length if the original length of the assembly is 1 m. Solution Refer Fig. 1.27, f (ZL LLITL TALL TL — GUN METAL = 19 Q A= 2 os" ~30°)=255.25mm* 8 30 mm and A,= ex 25? = 490.87 mm? CLLEP LLL ZA As the coefficient of expansion of STEEL the gun metal is more as compared to that of steel, the final expansion Fig. 1.27 will be less than the free expansion of gun metal due to temperature rise and thus compressive stresses will be developed in the gun metal rod. In a similar way, as the coefficient of expansion of the steel is less, the final expansion will be more than the free expansion of steel due to temperature rise and thus it will have tensile stresses. Temperature strain of steel + tensile strain = Temperature strain of copper — compressive strain z os os ie. a+ =a,t-— or att =a,t-—— E, E, AE, A,Eq 1 1 P| —+ = (a, -a s (ae Al ene) (a, ~ a) (240 - 40)(18 - 11) x10* or eS) GAO = 8 IT = Peyit AE, A,E, 255.25 % 205 000 * 490.87 x91 500 2s = 00x10" __ 3341 19.11x10~9 + 22.2610 o, = 2841 ~ 130.6 MPaand o, = 2284" = 68.94 MPa 255.25 490.87 Increase in length of assembly = Elongation of steel tube (due to temperature + due to tensile stress) = Elongation of copper rod (due to temperature — due to compressive stress) Using the first equation, Increase in length a, Lt+ oak atx a E, E, 's s 2.847 mm 1000{ 11x10 x 200 + 1326 205 000 Simple Stress and Strain = Example 1.17 Rails are laid such that there is no stress in them at 24° C. If the rails are 32-m long, determine (i) the stress in the rails at 80°C, when there is no allowance for expansion. (ii) the stress in the rails at 80°C, when there is an expansion allowance of 8 mm per rail. (iii) The expansion allowance for no stress in the rails at 80°C. (iv) The maximum temperature for no stress in the rails when expansion allowance is 8 mm. Coefficient of linear expansion, a = I] x 10-°PC and E = 205 GPa Solution Change in temperature = 80° — 24° = 56° (i) When there is no allowance for expansion, O= atE=11 x 10-° x 56 x 205 000 = 126.28 MPa (ii) When there is an expansion allowance of 8 mm, A= a@L t-8= x 11 x 10° x 32 000 x 56 g- GM = aes *29—8= “305 000 or 19.712-8 = 0.1561 6 or o=7503 MPa (iii) If stresses are to be zero, the expansion allowance A= aLt= 11 x 10-6 x 32 000 x 56 = 19.71 mm (iv) For no stress in the rails when expansion allowance is 8 mm. 8=aLt or 8 = 11x 10-° x 32 000 xt or t= 22.73°C Example 1.18 A steel rod of 16-mm diameter and 3-m length passes through a copper tube of 50-mm external and 40-mm internal diameter and of the same length. The tube is closed at each end with the help of 30 mm thick steel plates which are tightened by nuts till the length of the copper tube is reduced by 0.6 mm. The temperature of the whole assembly is then raised by 56°C. Determine the stresses in the steel and copper before and ofter the rise of temperature. Assume that the thickness Of the steel plates at the ends do not change during tightening of the nuts. C COPPER LLLLLLLLLLL LLL LLL. fremm STEEL | eee 30 [em —____» 80 mm am mm Fig. 1.28 - [- i {1 1 50mm 40mm E, = 210 GPa; E. = 100 GPa; @, = 12 x 10°C; a, = 17 x 10°C eo Strength of Materials Solution Refer Fig. 1.28. A, = (11/4) 167 = 64 x mm?; A, = (a/4) (50? — 40°] = 225 2 mm? Stresses due to tightening of the nuts oL 6, x 3000 = 2 06-2 = i As A Ee 100 000% %= 20 MPa (compressive) and as the force in the rod and the tube is the same, 6,.A, = ,.A, or 6, x 64= 20 x 225 2 or 0, = 70.3 MPa (tensile) Stresses due to temperature rise As the coefficient of expansion of copper is more than that of steel, it expands more. Thus compressive stress is induced in the copper tube and tensile in the steel rod. As 6,.A, = G,.A, ” 6, = (A,/A,) 6, = (225/64) 6, = 3.516 0, Now, from compatibility equation, ‘Temperature strain of steel + tensile strain of steel = Temperature strain of copper — compressive strain of copper ode 12 10 x (3000 + 60) x 56 + 2216 Fe * 3060 210 000 = 1710 x 3000 x 56 ~ 2% 3000 100 000 or 2.056 + 0.0514, = 2.856 - 0.03 g, or 0.081 0,=0.8 or 0,=9.87 MPa and 6, = 3.516 x 0, = 3.516 x 9.87 = 34.7 MPa Final stresses 6, = 20 + 9.87 = 29.87 MPa (compressive ) and 6, = 70.3 + 34.6 = 104.9 MPa (tensile) Example 1.19 A steel rod of 30-mm diameter is enclosed in a brass tube of 42-mm external diameter and 32-mm internal diameter. Each is 360 mm long and the assembly is rigidly held between two stops 360 mm apart. The temperature of the assembly is then raised by 50°C, Determine (i) stresses in the tube and the rod (ii) stresses in the tube and the rod if the stops yields by 0.15 mm (iii) yield of the stops if the force at the stops is limited to 60 KN E, = 205 GPa; = IDX 10-PC; 04, = 19 X 10-7 Solution Refer Fig. 1.29. A,= (1/4) 30? = 22572 mm? Simple Stress and Strain & Ay = (1/4) [422 - 327} ss 2 7 = 185 77mm a 7 @) When the temperature is Q| gE raised by 50°, 2 oy Stress in the steel rod = @,t E, 5 = 11 x 10% x 50 x 205 000 /k——— 360 mn ——+] & = 112.75 MPa (compressive) Fig. 1.29 Stress in the brass tube = a, t E, = 19 x 10-° x 50 x 90.000 = 85.5 MPa (compressive ) (ii) If the stops yields by 0.15 mm, A, = (a,Lt - 0.15) = st or op sage, = SEs i135 = 215X205 00 L 360 = 112.75 - 85.42 = 27.33 MPa (compressive) and A,=(o%,L1 — 0.15) = Sib b ISE, =85,5— 0.15 x 90 000 360 = 85.5 — 37.5 = 48 MPa (compressive) (iii) When the force at the stops is limited to 60 KN, let the yield of the stops be 6, 0. or 0, = OE, - Then A, =(aLr- 6) = s or 0, = GJE,- SE, 119.75 - 8% 205000 119 75 _ 569.485 Z 360 and A, = (o,Lt- 8) = wt ) or o, = ae, - 2% 2hge 020.000 L 360 = 85.5 - 2505 Now, Force exerted by steel rod + Force exerted by brass tube = total force on the stops: O,A, + 0;.A, =P (112.75 - 569.44 6) x 225 m+ (85.5 — 250 5) x 185 1 = 60 000 79 698 — 402 513 § + 49 692 - 145 299 6 = 60 000 547 812 6 = 69 390 6= 0.127 mm Example 1.20 A rigid block AB weighing 180 kN is supported by three rods symmetrically placed as shown in Fig. 1.30. Before attaching the weight, the lower ends of the rods are set at the same level. The areas of cross-section of the steel and copper rods are 800 mnt? and 1350 mnt respectively. Determine ae Strength of Materials (i) the stresses in the rods, if the temperature Aaa is raised by 25° ee (ii) the stresses in the rods, ifthe temperature se u is raised by 50° d § ad th 8m (iii) the temperature risz for no stress in the z # ‘ copper rod. EE able a E, = 95 GPa; a, = 18 x 10°67°C; a E, = 205 GPa; 0, = 1 x 10-°C Solution Considering the increase in tempe- saci rature alone (neglecting the weight of the block), the elongation of copper rod is more as compared Fig. 1.30 to steel rods. On the other hand, if the temperature does not change, there is elongation of all rods and there is tensile stress in all the rods. Total elongation of each rod is the sum of elongations due to temperature and due to weight. As the block is rigid, it will remain horizontal under all conditions. Thus the total elongation of each rod is the same. (i) Assume the stress in the copper rod to be compressive, i.e. the force acting upwards. PL, Pl, Th @Lt+ —* = o,L,t-— en tht A, AE. 11 x 10° x 1200 x 25+ P1200 _ 800 x 205 000 = 18 x10 x 1800 x 25 - fe *1800 _ 1350 x95 000 330 000 + 7.317P, = 810 000 ~ 14.035P, P, = 65 601 — 1.918P, @ From equilibrium equation 2P,-P. or P,-O5P. 65 601 - 1.918P,-0.5P, = 90.000 (from (i)] or 2.418 24 399 or 10 090 N (compressive) P, = 90 000 + 0.5 x (— 10 090) = 84 955 (tensile) and o, = — 100% __7474 MPa 1350 This shows that the stress in the copper rod is opposite of what was assumed i.e. tensile and not compressive. o, = 54955 _ 106.19 MPa (tensile) 800 Simple:Stress and Strain - Gi) If the temperature is raised by 50°, 11x 10° x 1200 x 50 + 7.317 x10°° P, = 18x 10° x 1800 x50 — 14.035x 10° P. 660 000 + 7.317 P, = 1.620 000- 14.035P, P, = 131 201 ~ 1.918 P. From equilibrium equation 2P,- P,= 180000 or P,-0.5P,=90000 or 131201 - 1.918 P, 10 000 or P= 17 039 N (compressive) ©, = 17 039/1350 = 12.62 MPa (compressive) P, = 90.000 +0.5 x 17 039 = 98 520 N 6, = 98 520/800 = 123.1 MPa (tensile) (iii) As there is to be no stress and hence no load on the copper rod, 6, = 0 Hence load in each rod = 180 000/2 = 90 000 N 11x10 x 1200 x¢ + 7.31710 PB = 18x10 x1800x1-0 13 200 t + 7.317 P, = 32 400¢ 19 200 t = 7.317 x 90 000 tm343° 1,13 SHRINKING ON A thin tyre of steel or of any other metal can be shrunk on ! to wheels of slightly larger diameter by heating the tyre to a certain degree which increases its diameter. When the tyre has been mounted and the temperature falls to the normal temperature, the steel tyre tends to come to its original diameter and thus tensile (hoop) stress is set up in the tangential direction. As shown in Fig. 1.31, let d and D be the diameters of the steel tyre and of the wheel on which the steel tyre is to be mounted (Fig. 1.31), then mD-nd _D-d The strain, eS . 1. e strain, a 7q Fig. 1.31 ‘ c ‘ D-d Circumferential tensile stress or hoop stress = €.E = > E (1.18) Example 1.21 4 thin tyre of steel is to be mounted on to a rigid wheel of 1.2-m diameter. Determine the internal diameter of the tyre if the hoop stress is limited to 120 MPa. * Strength of Materials Also determine the least temperature to which the tyre should be heated so that it can be slipped on to the wheel. E, = 210 GPa and a, = 11 x 10-6PC Solution 5 5 mD-ad_D-d_(o Tensile strain, e = ———— = ——— =| — nd d E D o O+E d E or = = |+1l= o — d E D G+E DE _ 1200x210 000 or 7 = 1199.31 mm or 1.19931 m “O+E 120+210000 Increase in the circumferential length = 2(D-d) Thus aLt=n(D-d) or 11 x 10 x (x 1199.31) x #= (1200 — 1199.31) t=52.3°C 1.14: STRAIN. ANALYSIS. So far, the effect of an axial force on the length of a bar or rod has been considered. In case of a tensile force, the length increases, and in a compressive force, it decreases. However, this axial increase or decrease takes place at the cost of a change in the lateral dimensions of the bar or rod. If an axial tensile force is applied to a bar, its length is increased and its lateral dimensions i.e. the width and breadth or the diameter are decreased (Fig. 1.32). Therefore, any direct stress produces a strain in its own direction as well as an opposite kind of strain in all Fig.1.32 directions at right angles to its own direction. Poisson’s Ratio The ratio of the lateral strain to the longitudinal strain of a material, when it is subjected to a longitudinal stre: s known as Poisson’s ratio and is denoted by v. It is found that for elastic materials, the lateral strain is proportional to the longitudinal strain ie. the ratio of the iateral strain to the longitudinal strain is constant. Thus Lateral strain Se — = constant = v (1.19) Longitudinal strain The value of v lies between 0.25 and 0.34 for most of the metals. Lateral strain = — v x Longitudinal strain = - v. 0/E (negative sign indicates that it is opposite to the longitudinal strain) Two-Dimensional Stress System Consider a system with two pure normal stresses @, and 6 as shown in Fig, 1.33. Simple Stress and Strain om Strain due to ; in its own direction =O/E Strain due to © in the direction of 0, =- Vvo,/E o~- ‘Thus, net strain in the direction of o; & = O/E-VvoysE (1.20) Ina similar way, 1 Net strain in the direction of o, % & = O,/E~-vosE (1.21) Fig. 1.33 Remember that a tensile stress is taken positive whereas a compressive stress negative. re Leo Three-Dimensional Stress System a Let there be a system with three pure normal stresses Oj, O and 03 as shown in Fig. 1.34. Strain due to 6; in its own direction= 0,/E Strain due to 6, in the direction of 0, =- vo,/E $ Strain due to 6; in the direction of 0, = — voJE Thus, the net strain in the direction of o,, £,= OE voJE- voJE Ina similar way, &= o/E- voyE - voy/E Fig. 1.34 and &= OE — vo/E- voJE o 6 6 ea Volumetric Strain Volumetric strain is defined as the ratio of increase in volume of a body to its original volume when it is acted upon by three mutually perpendicular stresses 0), 0;, and 05. For a rectangular solid body of sides a, b and ¢ (Fig. 1.34), let €,, & and €, be the corresponding strains. Initial volume = a.b.c Final volume = (a + aé)) (b + be) (c + C&) = abe (1 + &) (1 + &) (1+ &) Increase in volume Volumetric strain = ra Original volume abc (1+6, (1+ 6) )(1+ 6) — abe abe =(1+4)(1+e)(1+&)-1 = LE + Et Et EE, t+ EE + EE) + EEy— 1 FE tate (1.22) Thus if the products of very small quantities are neglected, the volumetric strain is the algebraic sim of the three mutually perpendicular strains, In terms 0! »'resses the volumetric strain can be expressed by substituting the values of €;, & and &; from above. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. & Strength of Materials (iii) Let o be the longitudinal swess to have the same strain, TL ~~ 100 ~ 205 000° 07 869 MPa Longitudinal load = ox A = 86.9 x 35 x 35 = 106 452 N or 106.452 kN Example 1.25 A square steel bar of dimensions 50 mm x 50 mm x 150 mm is subjected to an axial load of 250 kN. Determine the decrease in length of the bar if (i) the lateral strain is fully prevented by applying external uniform pressure on the rectangular surfaces. (ii) only one-third of the lateral strain is prevented by the external pressure. Solution @ ©, = 250 000/50 x 50) = 100 MPa Let the compressive stresses applied on the similar lateral 250 kN sides be 0 (= 6%) to prevent the lateral strain (Fig. 1.35). Then Fle va- v4) =0 oo—> % or (6,-0.3 6)-0.3X100)=0 0G, = 6) or 0.7 6, = 30 ) = 42.857 MPa ” L Fig. 1.35 Decrease in length = == (G; ~ vo, vo,) = 0 50. = 5p5 999 (100-0.3%2x 42857) =0 {0 = 05) = 0.054 36 mm (ii) In the absence of compressive stresses on the sides to prevent the lateral strain, The lateral strain = vo,/E (tensile) Now, one-third of this is to be prevented i.e. vo,/3E and leaving 2v0,/3E as such, Let the compressive stresses applied on the sides be 0. Then 1 2vo; = (6, — vo,- vo,)=- + Be VV ap The two strains are of opposite directions. or (6, -0.3 x G— 0.3 x 100) =-2 x 0.3 x 100/3 (G) = 6; ) or 0.7 0, = 30-20 14.286 MPa Decrease in length = £@ — VO, — VO3) = 0 = 395 900 (100 - 0.3 x 2x 14.286) = 0 (= 0) = 0.0669 mm aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. = Strength of Materials From (i) and (ii), tT _t 26 gam or E=2G(1+v) As E=3K(1-2v) »(Eq, 1.27) % E = 2G(1 + v) = 3K(1-2v) (1.28) This equation relates the elastic constants. Also from above, 1+ v= =, o 2+2va = ji) 2G G E se id 1-2v= — an vo Gi) Adding (i) and (ii), 3 = E{ +L |= 4_@x+@) . n= "GE "3K |” 3KE or E= aK (1.29) 3K +G Example 1.26 A bar, 24 mm in diameter and 400 mm in length, is acted upon by an axial load of 38 kN. The elongation of the bar and the change in diameter are measured as 0.165 mm and 0.0031 mm respectively. Determine (i) Poisson's ratio, and (ii) the values of the three moduli Solution A= (1/4) 24 = 144 nmm? 38 000/144 = 84 MPa Lateral strain = v .Linear strain Sd _6L _ 0.0031 65 or 2.008" or v= 0.313 qb” g= 2=—*4 _ _193 636 MPa 0.165/400 Also, £=2G(1+v)=3K(1-2v) E 203 636 G= saw 20 +0313) ~ 17 946 MPa and E__ ,__203636__ _ 191 404 MPa K= = 3(1-2v) 301-2 0.313) Example 1.27 A bar, 12 mm in diameter, is acted upon by an axial load of 20 KN. The change in diameter is measured as 0.003 mm. Determine (i) Poisson's ratio and (ii) the modulus of elasticity and the bulk modulus. The value of the modulus of rigidity is 80 GPa. Solution A = (9/4) 12? = 36 2mm? o = 20 000/36 m= 176.84 MPa aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. a Strength of Materials 24. In the framed structure of Fig. 1.43, the outer P rods are of steel and of 260-mm? area of cross | section whereas the central rod is of brass and =< of 420-mm? area of cross-section. The length 7 0.4mm op 8 26. 27. 28. of the central rod is 1200 mm. Initially, all the rods are of required length. However, while assembling, the central rod is heated through 40°C. Determine the stresses developed in the rods. E for steel = 205 GPa, E for brass = “00 mm 85 GPa and o for brass = 19 x 10°9/°C. (17.9 KN in 2; 10.34 KN in 1 and 3) A steel sleeve of 24-mm internal diameter and a 36-mm external diameter encloses an aluminum rod of 22-mm diameter. The length of the rod Fig. 1.44 is 0.4 mm longer than that of the sleeve which is 400 mm long as f STEEL 8mm shown in Fig. 1.44. Determine (i) the compressive load up to sistance which only the rod is 20mm. ALUMINIUM 4mm stressed (ii) the maximum load on the assembly, if the per- STEEL Sienin missible stresses in aluminum and steel are 130 MPa and 175 MPa res- eo main pectively Fig. 1.45 (iti) the deformation of the assembly under maximum load E, = 75 GPa and E, = 205 GPa (17.42 KN; 138.7; KN; 0.3416 mm) A composite bar of 2C mm x 20 mm cross section is made up of three flat bars as shown in Fig. 1.45. All the three bars are rigidly connected at the ends when the temperature is 20°C. Determine (i) the stresses developed in each bar when the temperature of the composite bar is raised to 60°C (ii) the final stres:es in each bar when a load of 17.6 KN is applied to the composite bar E,=80GPa, a, = 11x 10-6C 100 GPa, a, = 22 x 10-8°C MPa; o,, = 32 MPa; o, = 42 MPa; 0, = 52 MPa) A load of 120 KN i is applied to a bar of 20-mm diameter. The bar which is 400-mm long is elongated by 0.7 mm, Determine the modulus of elasticity of the bar material. If Poisson’s ratio is 0.3, find the change in diameter. (218 GPa; 0.0105 mm) A metallic prismatic specimen is subjected to an axial stress of G, and on one pair of sides ny constraint is exerted whereas on the other, the lateral strain is aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 6 Strength of Materials © When 8=90, o9=0 and t9=0 © When @= 135°, = 0/2 and t,= 0/2 (maximum, clockwise) oo (cw) 6 (cow) or on 9) i FO, On oe te 7 Oy 180°+6}’180°-6 180°-0 1180°+6 (ew) * (ccw) (cw) (cow) @ Fig. 2.2 Figures 2.2 (a) and (b) show the planes inclined at different angles to the vertical alongwith the stresses acting on them. It can be noted from these figures alongwith the above observations that © a plane at angle @ with the vertical also is the plane with angle (180° + 6). Thus a plane at angle 45° clockwise with vertical can also be mentioned as the plane at 225° clockwise or 135° counter-clockwise. Similarly, a plane at angle — 45° with the vertical would also mean a plane at angle 45° counter-clockwise or angle 225° counter-clockwise or angle 135° clockwise. © the normal stress on the inclined plane decreases with the increase in angle 0, from maximum on the vertical plane to zero on the horizontal plane. © the shear stress is negative (counter-clockwise) between 0° and 90° and positive (clockwise) between 0° and— 90°. Remember that plane at 135° to the vertical also means a plane at — 45° as described above. © the maximum shear stress is equal to one half the applied stress. The resultant stress on the plane AC, Noe? +t" =0,Vcos* @+sin* Acos” 8 = 0, cos@V cos? @+sin?@ = 0,c0s 8 (2.3) Inclination with the normal stress, 6, 6, sin OcosO tang = ~——— stan @ od, cos” 8 or gp=8 That is, it is always in the direction of the applied stress. (i) Bi-axial Stress Condition Let an element of a body be acted upon by two. tensile stresses acting on two perpendicular planes of the body as shown in Fig. 2.3. Let dx, dy and ds be the lengths of the sides AB, BC and AC respectively. Considering unit thickness of the body and resolving the forces in the direction of op, Fig. 2.3 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. o Strength of Materials The above equations show that © the normal stress is positive (tensile) when 8 is between 0° and 90° and negative (compressive) between 90° and 180°. Maximum values being at 45° (= 1) and 135° (=-2) © the shear stress is positive (clockwise) for 0< 45° and negative (counter- clockwise) for @> 45° and < 135° and again positive between 6 > 135° and < 180°. © the shear stress is zero at 45° and 135° where the normal stress is maximum. These conclusions indicate that when a body is acted upon by pure shear stresses on two perpendicular planes, the planes inclined at 45° are subjected to a tensile stress of magnitude equal to that of the shear stress while the planes inclined at 135° are subjected to a compressive stress of the same magnitude with no shear stress on these planes. Compare this result with Eq. 2.12. (iv) Bi-axial and Shear Stresses Condition Let an element of a body be acted upon by two tensile stresses alongwith shear stresses acting on two perpendicular planes of the body as shown in Fig. 2.5. Let dx, dy and ds be the lengths of the sides AB, BC and AC respectively. T.d5 o oedy.sin 8 tdxsind 00.45 /, 4 A OL. ay Oxy o,.dy.cos 6 r A ~ J = tady.cos@ TAY t.dy.sin @ y.dx.c0s Bay.dx oydxsind fox 0.0 Fig. 2.5 Considering unit thickness of the body and resolving the forces in the direction of Om O¢.ds — 6, .dy.cos @- 6, .dx.sin 0— T.dy.sin 6 — T.dx.cos 0 6, dycosO ds sin@ | rdysin@ , tdrcos@ ee Ep ds ds ds or Oy = G,dycosO o,ydxsin@ 4 Tdysin® , tdrcosd dy/cos@ = dx/sin@ = dy/cos@ = dx/sin® = 0, cos” 9 +0, sin” 6+ Tsin @cosO + TsinOcosO = 6, cos” +0, sin” @+Tsin 20 (2.19) =6, (HS) +0, (5%) resi 20 1 = 30, +0,)+5@, — 0, )cos26 + t.sin 20 (2.20) aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Strength of Materials Maximum (Principal) Shear Stress In any complex system of loading, the maximum and the minimum normal stresses are the principal stresses and the shear stress is zero in their planes. To find the maximum value of shear stress and its plane in such a system, consider the equation for shear stress in a plane, i.e. 1 ‘ 3 = 3 (6, — Gy)sin 20 + 100828 (Eq. 2.21) For maximum value of Tg, differentiate it with respect to @ and equate to zero, dt, . = a= -(G, —0,)cos20—2tsin26 = 0 O,-Oy 20 This indicates that there are two values of 26 differing by 180° or two values 6 differing by 90°. Thus maximum shear stress planes lie at right angles to each other. (e, - 95) 20 or tan 20 = - (2.33) Now, as tan 2@ = — can be represented as (ox- oy shown in Fig. 2.7 o,-9, sin 265 F Vo, - oy)? +42? 2t cos 26= £=—————— Jo, -0,7 +47 Right-hand sides of both the above equations should have the opposite signs, if one is positive the other is negative while using them. Substituting these values of sin 26 and cos 26 in Eq. 2.21, two values of the shear stress are obtained. 1) = -e, — 0, )sin26 + tcos 20 1 o,-0, | FSO, —. SS | OOS ae YO, -9,) +42” \@,-9,) +407 2 bar? O,-0,) +41 a Exp) oy) +407 This provides maximum and minimum values of shear stress, both numerically equal. In fact the negative or minimum value indicate that it is at right angle to the positive value as discussed above and two are the complimentary shear stresses. Thus magnitude of the maximum or principal shear stress is given by aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. . Strength of Materials © Bisect LM at C and draw a circle with C as centre and radius equal to CR (= CS). Let ZLCR = B. ¢ Rotate the radial line CR through angle 26 in the clockwise direction if @ is taken clockwise and let it take the position CP. e Draw NP 1 on the x-axis. Join OP. It can be proved that ON and NP represent the normal and the shear stress components on the inclined plane AD. From the geometry of the figure, 1 Ooc= 30 +0)) as before. CN = CP cos (26- B) 'R cos (20— B) «(CP = CR) R (cos 26 cos B + sin 20 sin B) CR cos B) cos 26 + (CR sin f) sin 20 = CL cos 20+LR sin20 = ca = ,)cos 20 + t.sin 20 ..(CL = OL - OM) Thus ON = OC + CN= 5; +o) +50, —0,)cos 26 +T.sin 20 = og ...(Eq. 2.20) and NP = CP sin (20— B) = CR sin (26 - B) CR (sin 20 cos B - cos 20 sin B) CR cos ) sin 20—(CR sin B) cos 26 = CL sin 20- LR cos 20 = ~(6, —6,)sin 20 - tc0s 20 = -ty (Eq. 2.21) As NP is below the x-axis, therefore, the shear stres clockwise. iS negative or counter- Mathematically, NP = [3 (6, —6,) sin 20—Tcos 29] (o, ~¢,)sin20 + tc0s 20] Principal Stresses As shear stress is zero on principal planes, OF represents the major principal plane with maximum normal stress. In a similar way, OE represents the minor principal plane. OF = OC + CF = 0C + CR=0C+ Jez +R? 2 1 (0, +0,)+ {Le -o)} +0 1 1 = 5, +) +5 (0, - Oy)? +40” = Major principal stress nie aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. oe Strength of Materials Make angle FCR = 60°, i.e. double the angle of the inclined plane with OF in the clockwise direction. Then CR represents the inclined plane. 039 = OL = 90 MPa (tensile) Ty = 17.32 MPa (counter-clockwise) 0, = OR = 91.65 MPa Inclination of the resultant with OL or 03, p= 10.9° The results are shown in Fig. 2.11(b). (b) yg = 100 cos” 30° - 60 sin? 30° = 100x ; -60x ; = 60 MPa (tensile) 1 Tq = ~ 5 {100 ~ (-60}] sin 60° = ~ 80x 0.866 = ~69.28 MPa (cow) 6,= fog? +14 = (60? + (— 69.28)? = 91.65 MPa inclination with oy, tan 9 = = Z = = 1.155 or g=49.11° can be found to be -19.11° Solution by Mohr'’s circle is shown in Fig. 2.12 which is self-explanatory. Ox OL = 60 MPa (tensile) Tj = LR = 69.3 MPa (counter- clockwise) 6, = OR=91.65 MPa Inclination of the resultant with OL or O39, = 49.1° (©) Gy = —100cos? 30° +60 sin? 30° 100x 2+60x4 4 4 = ~60 MPa (comp.) Ta) = -4¢-100 — 60) sin 60° = 80 x 0.866 = 69.28 MPa (cw) Oo" +t = (60)? + (69.28)? = 91.65 MPa ili gas 730 Inclination with O39, tan p= ——~ = —— Fx or o=49.11° can be found to be —19.11°. @ Cy = —100cos 30° - 60sin? 30° = ~100x2- 60x = - 90 MPa (comp,) aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. ra Strength of Materials Thus in a plane at 60°, 20 " $(-50+0,) +4(-50-0,)e0s120° +30 sin120° 40 = 50+0, +(-50-a, (0.5) + 60x 0.866 40 = 50+0, +25 +0.50, +51.96 15 6,= 13.04 or ,= 8.69 MPa To = ~(- 50 ~ 8.69) sin 120° + 30 cos 120° = 10.414 MPa 1 1 Principal stress = 5(0, +0,)45 4, -0,)' +407 F-s0 +8.69) ; (50 - 8.69)? +.4(30)? = —20.66 + 41.97 = 21.31 and -62.63 MPa tn29 = 2 1.0223 6, -6, or 20 = -45.63 or 6, =-22.82° or 157.18° and 0p = -22.82° +90" = 67.18° Example 2.7 Figure 2.15(a) shows the resultant stresses on two planes at a certain point in a material. On a certain plane it is 800 MPa compressive at an angle of 30° to its normal and on another plane it is 600 MPa tensile at an angle of 75” to its normal. Determine the angle between the planes. Also find the principal stresses and their directions to the given plane. 200 MPa 1305 p Fig. 2.15 Solution On the plane p, the resultant stress is 800 MPa compressive, its normal component will be compressive and the shear component counter-clockwise. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. ~ i Strength of Materials 2.6 ELLIPSE OF STRESS This is another graphical method to be used when a material is subjected to direct stresses 6, and 6,, The method is as follows: © Draw two circles with O as centre and radii equal to ¢, and 6, taken to a suitable scale (Fig. 2.19). © Through O draw AB parallel to the inclined plane © Draw OF 1 AB through O intersecting the inner circle at D and outer circle at E. © Draw EG 1 OX. © Draw DG L EF. Now, OP = OD + DP =OD + DGcos 8 Fig. 2. = 0,+(DE cos 8) cos 8= 0, + (0, — 6, cos? 8 19 = 0, cos? 0 + 0, (1- cos? 6) = G, cos? 6+ G, sin? 8 = Oy and PG = DGsin6@=(DE cos @)sin@ 1 = (6,~ 6, )e0s Osin = (0, —,)sin20 = ty (Refer Eq. 2.5) (Refer Eq. 2.24 with t=0) Also, OF = OE cos @= 0, cos @ and FG = HD cos @= a, sin @ OG = Jo? cos? 6+ (Refer Eq. 2.8) tana = = tan Refer Eq. 2.11 ane = a a (Refer Eq. 2.11) PG (0, — Gy)sin@cos uno "? = OP 6,cos*6+6,sin “6 (Refer Eq. 2.9) For different values of 8, point G can be located, the locus of which is evidently an ellipse as shown in the figure. The diagram is thus known as ellipse of stress. Example 2.10 A piece of material is subjected to two perpendicular stresses as follows: (a) Tensile stresses of 100 MPa and 60 MPa (b) Tensile stress of 100 MPa and compressive stress of 60 MPa Determine normal and tangential stresses on a plane inclined at 30° to the plane of 100 MPa stress. Also find the resultant and its inclination with the normal stress using ellipse stress method. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. ae ‘Strength of Materials Example 2.11 Figure 2.24(a) shows the strains in three directions p, q and r in aplane, the magnitudes being 600 x 10, -150 x 10° and 250 x 10. Determine the magnitude and direction of the principal strains in this plane. Fig. 2.24 Assuming no stress in a plane perpendicular to this plane, find the principal stresses at the point. Take E = 205 GPa and v = 0.3. Solution 1 1 1 &g= Bate )+ 7 Ex— 6 Joos 20+ 7 Psin 26 (Eq. 2.40) 1 1 &= get G+ 3 Ex &) = 600 x 10% or @ 1 6 1 6 vy dee £45 = 7 (600 x 10% + &,) + (600 x 10° 6, )cos 90° + 5p sin 90° 1 1 -150 x 10% = 7 (600 x 10% + ¢,) +30 or 6+ =-900x 10% (ii) 1 1 1 £120 = 7 (600x 10%+e,)+ 3 (600 x 10° ~ g, Jcos 240° +5 esin 240° 250 x 10° 1 1 3 7 (600 x 10° + €,)— 7 (600 x 10% £,)- 1 B 3 = {90x 10+ 5 5-9 &,-0.577 = 133.3 x 10 ii) aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. & Strength of Materials 17. A piece of material is acted upon by tensile stresses of 50 MPa and 25 MPa at right angle to each other. Determine by ellipse of stress, the magnitude and direction of the resultant stress on a plane at 45° to the 50 MPa stress. (39.5 MPa, 18° with normal stress, 27° with 100 MPa stress) 18. The stresses at a puint in three coplanar directions are measured as dy = 80 MPa (tensile), Og = 400 MPa (tensile) and 0,9 = 200 MPa (compressive) where subscripts indicates the relative angular position of the planes in degrees. Determine the principal stresses and the planes. [449 MPa (tensile) at 14° to 400 MPa and 251 MPa (compressive) at 16° to 200 MPa stress} 19. The readings of a strain gauge rosette inclined at 45° with each other are 4x 10, 3 x 10-and 1.6 x 10°, the first gauge being along x-axis. Determine the principal strains and the planes. (4.04 x 10%, 1.58 x 10 ; 5° and 95°) aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. a2 Strength ‘of Materials 3.4 SHEAR STRAIN ENERGY Consider a block with dimensions L, b and h as shown in Fig. 3.5. Assume it to be rigidly fixed to the ground. A shear force P is applied gradually along the top surface. Strain energy, U = Work done in straining = ; x Final couple x Angle turned = 1 x Final force xx 9 = ; x (Shear stress x Area) x hx @ =5 rE DAE ‘As G = t/por p= TIG) e =D .Wbh 2G ¢ ) = xXiGlime (3.9) 2G 3 or Shear strain energy per unit volume = (3.10) It is similar to 07/2E for direct stress. 3.5, SHEAR STRAIN ENERGY (THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRESS. SYSTEM) Consider a unit cube acted upon by three principal stresses 0), 0, and 0; as before. The total work done by the extemal forces cause © change of volume due to application of direct stresses and * distortion due to shearing stresses which do not affect the volumetric change. Thus, ‘Total strain energy = Volumetric strain energy + Shear strain energy Now total strain energy, . yo +03 +03 —2v(o,02 + 0,0; +030;) per unit volume —_(Eq.3.5) Volumetric strain energy, 1 oe U, = 5 Average stress x Volumetric strain 1(0, +0, +6: A 1-21 (4 A 2) , Gite +eNi-2) (Using Eq. 1.23) 2 3 E Blait+o +0,)° (l-2y) 3.11) " aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. ae ‘Strength of Materials Similarly, (iii) UL 0.6667/2 + 0.3333 ad4 GO uu = 0.5/24+0.5 = U, = 2x0.6667 + 0.3333 U, 2x05+05 U _ 0/241 W) = U, 2x0+1 Example 3.4 = The cross-sections of two bars A and B made up of the same material and each 320-mm long are as follows: © Bar A: 24-mm diameter for a length of 80 mm and 48 mm for the remaining 240 mm © Bar B: 24-mm diameter for a length of 240 mm and 48 mm for the remaining 80 mm An axial blow to bar A produces a maximum instantaneous stress of 160 MPa. Determine the (i) maximum instantaneous stress produced by the same blow to bar B. (ii) ratio of energies stored by the two bars when subjected to maximum permissible stress. (iii) ratio of energies per unit volume of the two bars when subjected to maximum permissible stress. Solution (Refer Fig. 3.7.) For the same blow to bar B, the strain energy € E E produced by the blow should equal to that & wt L | |e lL produced by the blow to the first bar. 8 a x E In bar A, E ¢ Maximum instantaneous stress in the smaller a E cross-section = 160 MPa £ g E 8 Maximum instantaneous stress in the larger a 24 € cross-section = 150x(3) =40 MPa E 48, Z In bar B, Let maximum instantaneous stress in the 48mm 48mm smaller cross-section = 0 (Bar A) (Bar 8) Then maximum instantaneous stress in the Fig. 3.7 larger cross-section = 0/4 Strain energy of bar A = strain energy of bar B 40° 160? 2 eG x04 xt (24)? x80 = LOE cagy? e904 ox (08)? 240 2E “<4 ES > 80 Dividing throughout by ox wx, aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. ae Strength of Materials Example 3.7 4 lift is operated by three ropes each having 28 wires of 1.4 mm diameter. The cage weighs 1.2 kN and the weight of the rope is 4.2 N/m length. Determine the maximum load carried by the lift if each wire is of 36 m length and the lift operates (i) without any drop (ii) with a drop of 96 mm during operations. E (rope) = 72 GPa and allowable stress = 115 MPa x Solution Total area of cross section, A = ql A)? x3x 28 = 129.3 mm? The maximum stress occurs at the top of the wire rope where the weight of the rope is maximum. ‘Thus maximum load = weight of cage + weight of rope = 1200 + 3 x 36 x 4.2 = 1653.6N .. . _ 1653.6 _ Initial stress in the rope, © =T03 7 12.8 MPa Equivalent static stress available for carrying the load = 115 — 12.8 = 102.2 MPa Thus, equivalent static load that can be carried, P,= 102.2 x 129.3 = 13 214N 102.2 x 36 000 The extension of the rope, A = 72000. = 51.1mm 1 @ With no drop, Let W be the weight which can be applied suddenly, W.A= 5 P.A or W= 13214/2 = 6607N or 6.607 kN (ii) With 96 mm drop, Let W be the weight, 1 1 Wh+ A= gPA or W096 + SLI) = 5 x 13214x 51.1 or W = 2295N or 2.295 kN Example 3.8 A vertical composite tie bar rigidly fixed at the upper end consists of a steel rod of 16-mm diameter enclosed in a brass tube of 16-mm internal diameter and 24-mm external diameter, each being 2 m long. Both are fixed together at the ends. The tie bar is suddenly loaded by a weight of 8 kN falling through a distance of 4mm. Determine the maximum stresses in the steel rod and the brass tube. E, = 205 GPa and E,= 100 GPa Solution Refer Fig. 3.9. A, = (@/A)LO? = 64 A, = (1/4)(24 — 16°) = 80 © Let x = Extension of bar in mm. E,.x = and o,, Strain energy of the bar = E2x* E2x* = A,L+ v"" P2E, aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. me Strength of Materials = 100? + 50? + (-25)? - 2 x 0.3 x [100 x 50 + 50 x (-25) + (25) x 100] = 13 125 o = 114.6 MPa Factor of safety = 220/114.6 = 1.92 (v) Maximum shear strain energy theory 20? = (0,-0,)° +(0, -05) +(0,-0,)° = (100-50)? + (50 +25)? +(-25-100)* = 23 750 o?= 11 875 o = 108.97 Factor of safety = 220/108.97= 2.02 Example 3.10 A bolt is acted upon by an axial pull of 16 KN alongwith a transverse shear force of 1OKN. Determine the diameter of the bolt required according to different theories. Elastic limit of the bolt material is 250 MPa and a factor of Safety 2.5 is to be taken. Poisson's ratio is 0.3. Solution The permissible stress in simple tension = 250/2.5 = 100 MPa Let the required area of cross-section and the diameter of the bolt be a and d respectively under different theories. The applied tensile stress = 16 000/a The applied shear stress = 10 000/a 1 1 Maximum principal stress, 0)= (6, +0) +5 |e, -0,) +40" 1 1 = 5, (16 000)+=— {16 0007 +410 000" ...(6,=0) = (8000 + 12 806)/a = 20 806/a (tensile) Minimum principal stress, 6,= (8000 — 12 806)/a = 4806/a (compressive) (i) Maximum principal stress theory: Maximum principal stress, 0, = 20 806/a Thus 20 806/a = 100 = a? = 20806 of d= 16.28 mm (ii) Maximum shear stress theory Maximum shear stress = [20 806 — (— 4806)}/2a = 12 806/a Maximum shear stress in simple tension = 100/2 = 50 MPa 12 806/a = 50 Zp qf = 256.12 or d= 18.05 mm (iii) Maximum principal strain theory 6, ~Vo, —vo, = [20 806 — 0.3 x (—4806)Va = 22 2478/a ...(0,= 0) 22 247.8/a = 222.48 T gv = 222.48 or d= 16.83 mm aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 7 ‘Strength of Materials 4 5. 6. 1. 8. 9. 10. i. 12. 13. 14. 15, 16. Derive expressions for the strain energy in a three-dimensional stress system. What is shear strain energy? Find its value per unit volume of the material. Derive the relation for shear strain energy for a three-dimensional stress system. What is the value of maximum stress induced in a body when the load is applied suddenly? Deduce the relation for stress in case of impact and shock loading. What are the main theories of failure for a material? Explain their relative use. Give an account of graphical representation of various theories of failure. A load of 22 KN is lowered by a steel rope at the rate of 750 mm/s. The diameter of the rope is 28 mm. When the length of the rope unwound is 12 m, the rope suddenly gets jammed. Find the instantaneous stress developed in the rope. Also calculate the instantaneous elongation of the rope. E = 205 GPa. (187.1 MPa, 10.95 mm) A weight of 2 KN falls 24 mm on to a collar fixed to a steel bar that is 14 mm in diameter and 5.5 m long. Determine the maximum stress induced in the bar. E, = 205 GPa. (166 MPa) A weight of 800 N falls 30 mm on to a collar fixed to a steel bar of 1.2-m length. The steel bar is of 24-mm diameter for half of its length and 12 mm for the rest half. Determine the maximum stress and the extension in the bar. E, = 205 GPa. (347.7 MPa; 1.272 mm) A lift is operated by two 20-m long ropes and consisting of 30 wires of 1.5-mm diameter. The weight of the cage is 1 KN and the rope weighs 3.6 N/m length. Determine the maximum load that the lift can carry if it drops through 120 mm during operations. E (rope) = 78 GPa and allowable stress = 125 MPa. (1.188 KN) A vertical tie rod consists of a 3-m long and of 24-mm diameter steel rod encased throughout in a brass tube of 24-mm internal diameter and 36-mm_ external diameter. The rod is rigidly fixed at the top end. The composite tic rod is suddenly loaded by a weight of 13.5 kN falling freely through 6 mm before being stopped by the tic. Determine the maximum stresses in steel and the brass. E, = 205 GPa and E, = 98 GPa. (143.8 MPa; 68.76 MPa) Anaxial pull of 20 kN alongwith a shear force of 15 kN is applied to a circular bar of 20 mm diameter. The elastic limit of the bar material is 230 MPa and the Poisson’s ratio, v = 0.3. Determine the factor of safety against failure based on (a) maximum shear stress theory (b) maximum strain energy theory (c) maximum principal strain energy theory (d) maximum shear strain energy theory (2; 2.3; 2.37; 2.2) aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 102 Strength of Materials Sagging A Fo Fig. 4.4 convexity upwards is taken as negative bending moment and is called hogging bending moment. A bending moment diagram (BMD) shows the variation of bending moment along the length of a beam. 4.5: RELATION BETWEEN W, F AND M Consider a small length x cut out from a toaded beam at a distance x from a fixed origin O (Fig. 4.5). Let FAoF Fig. 4.5 w= mean rate of loading on the length dx F = shear force at the section x F + OF = shear force at the section x + && M = bending moment at the section x M + OM = bending moment at the section x + &x ‘Total load on the length 4x = w.&x acting approximately through the centre C (if the load is uniformly distributed, it will be exactly acting through C). For equilibrium of the element of length &x, equating vertical forces, F=wéx+(F+6F) or wee (4.1) that is, rate of change of shear force (or slope of the shear force curve) is equal to intensity of loading. Taking moments about C, M or error 2M +6M)=0 Neglecting the product and squares of small quantities, dM P27 (4.2) ie. rate of change of bending moment is equal to the shear force. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. e e Portion EG: F, = 4 kN (constant); © Portion DE: F, = 4 + 2(x- 4) (linear); F, = 4 kN; Fy = 6KN 4kN Strength of Materials 6 kN 4kN 10 KN 2am'2m. 3m! 3m am © Portion CD: F, = 4+ 2x - a 8 ¢@ é é 6 4) +6; (linear); F,= 16KN; F,=22kN 2 og © Portion BC: F, = 22 + 4; (constant); F, = F,=26kN; © Portion AB: F, = 26 + 6; (constant); F, = F,, = 32 KN; Shear force diagram has been shown in Fig. 4.10. Bending moment diagram ¢ Portion EG: M, = 4x (linear); M, = 0, M, = 16 SF 4 KN.m * Portion DE: M, = 4x + —4)2 2 ... (parabolic); M, = 16 kN.m ; My = 37 kN.m ' 2x-4" , © Portion CD: M, = 4x + —— + 6(x-7) (parabolic) Ma 37 KN.m; Mj¢ <1) = 94 KN.m © Portion BC: M, = 4x + 2 x 6(x —7) + 6(x- 7) + 4(x— 10) (linear) Mex = 10) = 94 KN.m; My, 12) = 146 KN; © Portion AB: M, = 4x + 2 x 6(x -7) + (x - 7) + 4(x— 10) + 6(x- 12) (linear) Migs = 12) = 146 KN.m; May = 14) = 210 KN Bending moment diagram has been shown in Fig. 4.10c. Example 4.4 A cantilever is loaded with distributed load of varying intensity with zero load at the free end as shown in Fig. 4.]1a. Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams. Solution Intensity of loading at any cross-section C at a distance x from free end = ~.x Shear force diagram Lwx At a distance x from B, F, = ai =— . wl (parabolic); F, =0; F, = 2 Shear force diagram is shown in Fig. 4.11b Bending moment diagram ol§ Fig. 4.11 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. ito Bending moment diagram ‘Strength of Materials The bending moment at a section is found by treating the distributed load as acting at its centre of gravity. M, = R,.x-wx (parabolic) Maga = 9% Myxen = 95 For maximum value, F = 2! _ 9 ul Thus maximum bending moment, Mia zn) = Bending moment diagram is shown in Fig. 4.15c. Uniformly Distributed Load with Equal Overhangs Let w be the uniformly distributed load on the beam as shown in Fig. 4.16a. _ w(l+2a) ~ 2 As the overhangs are equal, R, Shear force diagram © Portion DA: F, =-wx (inear); F)=0; F,=—- wa . w(I + 2a) wl wl © Portion AB: F,= —wx +S (near); Fyyea)= “5 + Faeateoy= 1+ 2 wx MERIDA == x + wl + 2a) (linear) Figs ata) = WO Fagen 420) = 05 Shear force diagram is shown in Fig. 4.16b. Bending moment diagram 2 © Portion DA: M, = 2 (parabolic) ; M,=0; M, = an © Portion AB: M, = — we Mite) a) (parabolic) 2 wa’ 2 M, = wa > Mysatsa)= 2 © Portion BE: Bending moment will be reducing to zero in a parabolic manner at E. Itis convenient to consider it from end E. Then M, = -wx?/2. At midpoint C, wa +1/2)? 4 Wd +2a) 1 2 2 (2 2 2 --3[« + 0 + at al] qe 4a) Moe= asin = ~ aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. We Strength of Materials Sw(2+a) _ 3. It is maximum when dM/dx=0 or = -wxt+ 0 or -3x+5(2+a)=0 or x=524+a)3 4 2 _w{(5/3)(2 +a) +2249 (F04)-0) .. Maximum bending moment 2 3 (10+ 2a) = 2 24a)? pare), 18 9: = SE (24 a)-10—5a+20+4a] Sw = jgl(2tado-a)l = ™(2048a-a") 18 The maximum bending moment will be as small as possible if the magnitudes of the sagging and the hogging bending moments are equal. Thus equating the positive and negative bending moments, 5 9048a-a2) = WE 18 2 or 5(20+8a-a2) = 9a? or 14a? 40a - 100 =0 40+ Vi600+4x14%100 _ 40+84.85 or a= 28 As negative value of a is not practical, taking positive sign, a = Thus distance of piers from the ends = 4.46 m and (8 — 4.46) = 3. p= Smeta) _ 52+ 4.46) 7 =10.77w and Ry = 20w — 10.77w = 9.33 Bending moment diagram 2 2 * x 4.4 Monax = a AAG Ao 450 at 5 5 andat x= 5(@2+a)=3(2+446) =10.77 m 2 © Portion AB: M, = a +10.77w(x- 4.46) (parabolic); Mog = 4.46 + 12) =~ 6.230 wet «Portion BE: M, = — 75 $10.77 w(x- 4.46) + 9.2314 - 16.46) (parabolic) My =) = 9; My(x= 4.46 + 12) =— 6.23 _8-4.467 w _ M, can also be considered from end E, M, = — 6.260 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. ® * Portion BC: x from end C. x x - O33" Example 4.11 A simply supported beam has distributed load of varying intensity with zero at one end to w per unit run at the other. Draw the shear Force and bending moment diagrams. Solution The loading on the beam is shown in Fig. 4.22a. Strength of Materials > .Acubic); F.= 0; F, =-288 kN.m Bending moment diagram is shown in Fig. 4.2lc. ” * A | ol—*~ |p +—_—_—— }. Ra (a) Ro wi + a ~ 4, - he Shear force and bending moment diagrams have been shown in fied 4.22b and c respectively. Example 4.12 A beam of 9-m span supports a 160-mm thick concrete wall. The height of the wall is 1 m at the left end and increases to 2 m at the right end. The beam has two supports, one at 2 m from the left end and the other at 1 m from the right end. Find the maximum bending moment on the beam if the concrete weighed 25 kN/m3. Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams. Solution The loading on the beam is shown in Fig. 4.234. Intensity of load at C = Volume per m length x 25 = (1X1x0.16)x 25 =4 kKN/m Intensity of load at D = (1x 20.16) 25 =8 N/m The loading can be divided into (i) uniformly distributed load of 4 kN/m and aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. a Strength of Materials Solution Taking moments about B, 12 kN R,x 10= 12% 5+ (2x8)x0 a, 2kwm or -R, = 6KN A— a € and R,=12+16-6=22kN got tk a The effect of the bracket is to apply a (a) (m) load of 12 KN and a bending moment of 12k (12 x 2) KN.m at the point C (Fig. 4.266). oly Orpen Shear force diagram A G E © Portion AC: F, =6kN (constant) bp 1 3 © Portion CD: F, =6 - 12 =-6 KN o i) (constant) © Portion DB: F,=-6-2(r-6) (linear) _ 6 kN 8kN Fegc ag) =— 6 EN: Fyeg = 10) = —14 KN { ee © Portion BE: = §= 2a 6) 422 SIN (inear) Tae Figx=10)= 8 KN; Fog = 14) =0 8 Shear force diagram is shown in Fig. 4.26c. mee Bending moment diagram 18kNm © Portion AC: M, = 6x (linear) Magoo) = 95 Mogg) = 18 RNa BM © Portion CD: M,= 6x—12(x—-3)+24 [/——8.74m——>| (linear) 46kN.m Moy 23) = 42 KN; My = 6) = 24 KN @ © Portion DB: Fig. 4.26 M,= 6x=12(¢~3) 424-2059 (parabolic) Mac 26) = 24 KN; Moca = 1) =—16 KN . Ax-6)" It is zero at E—NEHI += =0 or -6+60-7-36+ 12x=0 or Plena coors SENIOR ee = 345.74 = 8.74m (taking positive value) (parabolic) © Portion BE: from end B, M, = = Fyza4) = lO KN; Fear 29) = 0 Bending moment diagram is shown in Fig. 4.26d. Example 4.16 Draw shear force and bending moment diagrams for the beam Shown in Fig. 4.27a. Solution There is no bending moment at point C. Taking moments about C for the left portion, R,x6= (Sx8xs)( 3x6) or R,= 16 kN aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. & Strength of Materials e There is an upward force of (10.5 + 6 = 16.5 KN) at C which indicates the reaction of the support. © There is drop of 6 KN at D indicating a point load of 6 KN. Load diagram is shown in Fig. 4.29b. Bending moment diagram 1x2? 2 Portion BC:-M, = 7.5x-= ~9(x—4) (parabolic); Myx =4) = 22 KN.m; Mey <9) =—18 KN.m. 2 Portion AB: M, = 7.5x- (parabolic); M, = 0; My, ..4) = 22 KN.m It is zero when 15x-7-9x-4) =0 or r=7.12m Portion CD:M, = 7.5x-9(x-4.5)-9(x- 4) +16.5(x-9) (linear) Moy a9) =-18 KNam; My = 19) = 0 Bending moment diagram is shown in Fig. 4.29c. Summary e A structural element which is subjected to loads transverse to its axis is known asa beam. A beam with both of its ends on simple supports is known as a simply supported beam. Each support exerts a reaction on the beam. A beam with one end fixed and the other end free is called a cantilever. There is a vertical reaction and moment at the fixed end (known as fixing moment). © Generally, beams with more than two reaction components cannot be analysed using the equations of static equilibrium alone and are known as statically indeterminate beams. © Shear force is the unbalanced vertical force on one side (to the left or right) of a section of a beam and is the sum of all the normal forces on one side of the section. © Shear force is considered positive when the resultant of the forces to the left of a section is upwards or to the right downwards. A shear force diagram shows the variation of shear force along the length of a beam. © Bending moment at a section of a beam is the algebraic sum of the moments about the section of all the forces on one side of the section. e The bending moment causing concavity upwards is referred as sagging bending momentand is taken as positive. A bending moment causing convexity upwards is taken as negative and is called hogging bending moment. e A bending moment diagram shows the variation of bending moment along the length of a beam. © Rate of change of shear force (or slope of the shear force curve) is equal to intensity of loading. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. ie Strength of Materials 5.2 THEORY OF SIMPLE BENDING The following theory is applicable to the beams subjected to simple or pure bending when the cross-section is not subjected to a shear force since that will cause a distortion of the transverse planes. The assumptions being made are as under: (i) The material is homogeneous and isotropic, i.e. it has the same values of Young’s modulus in tension and compression. (ii) Transverse planes remain plane and perpendicular to the neutral surface after bending. ii) Initially the beam is straight and all longitudinal filaments are bent into circular arcs with a common centre of curvature which is large compared to the dimensions of the cross-section. (iv) The beam is symmetrical about a vertical longitudinal plane passing through vertical axis of symmetry for horizontal beams. (v) The stress is purely longitudinal and the stress concentration effects near the concentrated loads are neglected. Consider a length of beam under the action of a bending moment M as shown in Fig. 5.2a. NN is considered as the original length of the beam. The neutral surface is a plane through XX. In the side view NA indicates the neutral axis. O is the centre of curvature on bending (Fig. 5.2b). HE lareiore Tension (a) Fig. 5.2 Let — R = radius of curvature of the neutral surface @ = angle subtended by the beam length at centre O © = longitudinal stress A filament of original length NN at a distance y from the neutral axis will be elongated to a length AB AB-NN . ; The strain in AB = —>— (original length of filament AB is NN) _(R+y)O=RO_ y a or E RO R aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 1 Strength of Materials 2 360x800 or oBxI5 a or o = 128 MPa 6 Now, in the cantilever let the loading be w N per m run to break it. wi? _ wx 2 2 (In the above relation as w is in N/m, / has to be in consistent units, i.e. in m) bd? 40x75? Moment of resistance = 0-Z ore =128x € Maximum bending moment =1.28~N.m = 4800 x 103 or 4800 N.m Equating the two, 1.28w = 4800 or w=3750 N/m Example 5.2. A floor carries a load of 8 kN/m? and is supported by joists 120- mm wide and 240-mm deep over a span of 6 m. Determine the spacing centre to centre of the joists if the maximum allowable bending stress is 10 MPa. Solution Let the spacing of the joists be s Floorboard m (Fig. 5.8), Loading on the joist per unit length w = Area supported by joist per unit 6m length x Load/unit area 240 mm | ]7 LV = (Spacing of the joists x 1)xLoad/ -F e—-s—> i ee unit area 120 mm = sx 8000 = 8000 s N/m Fig. 5.8 : 5 wh? Maximum bending moment = “s _ 800056? - 8 = 36 000s N.m 2 2402 :. Moment of resistance one =10x 120X240" = 11520 x 10° or 11 520N.m Equating the two, 36 000s = 11 520 or s=0.32m or 320mm Example 5.3 A simply supported beam of 6.75-m span is made up of symmetrical I-section (Fig. 5.9a). Determine what concentrated load can be carried at a distance of 2.25 m from one support if the maximum permissible stress is 80 MPa. Solution Let WKN be the concentrated load so that the reaction at the supports are W/3 and 2W/3 as shown in Fig. 5.9b. Maximum bending moment aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. - Strength of Materials Similarly for the inner hexagon, /,, =0.541b* B = 80 mm; h = 80 sin 60° = 80 x 0.866 = 69.28 mm b = B—2(Stan30°) = 80—-5.77 = 74.23 mm Thus for the hollow hexagonal tube Ip, = 0.541(B* —b*) = 0.541(80* -74.23+) = 5734x10° mm* Figure 5.5c shows the loading on the beam. Let a m be the distance of each load from the respective end support. Each reaction = 24 KN Maximum bending moment (at the centre) = m2 _a4y( 24-0) = 28.8 — 28.8+ 24a = 24a kN.m or 24a x 10© Now, M=o0Z or 24a x 10° = 120% 82766 or a=0414m Least distance between the loads = 2.4 — 2 x 0.414 = 1.572 m Example 5.7 Figure 5.13a shows ; Y 8, eee the section of a beam. Determine the ratio 50 i y y of its moment of resistance to bending in i ; i 251 25 i i the y-plane to that in the x-plane if the ad i i i z xe pete 150 i maximum bending stress remains same i 50 | i in the two cases. Fr i 4 j i el fo Solution ; iy tom) yoy 1 3 25x 25° — 100 7% 100x150" -4 x= (a rn) = 27.995 x 1o¢mm* Fig. 5.13 L 995 X 10° = = 27.995 X10" =0.373X10° mm} Ymax 75 50x 25° 4 50x25 36 1, = 4x150xi00° -2 12 2 50) (25+2) |- (refer Fig. 5.136) = 12.5x10® —2.21410° =10,286x10° mm4 6 = 10:280x10" _ 0.2057x10° mm? My — Zyy _ 0.2057x108 = 0.552 Zy. 0.373«10° aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. tae Strength of Materials 5.4 BEAMS WITH UNIFORM BENDING STRENGTH Usually, the beams are designed on the basis of maximum bending stress occurring at any cross-section of the beam and a constant cross-section is provided throughout the length of the beam. However, as the actual moment and thus the stress varies and is less at all other cross-sections along the length of the beam, a beam with constant cross-section or with uniform moment of resistance is uneconomical. In beams with heavy loads, beams may be designed on the basis of variation in the bending moment. Such beams will have the same maximum bending stress all along the length and are known as beams with uniform bending strength. This can be achieved by having either a uniform width of the section or a uniform depth. Beam with Constant Width and of Varying Depth Let / be the length and 6 the constant width of a beam with uniform strength. Also let the depth be d, at a distance x from the support. Then,moment of resistance of the section, M, = OZ, Moment of resistance of the section will depend upon the losing on the beam, Longitudinal section Longitudinal section c } 1, C eat Plan F Plan t @ © Fig. 5.18 (i) Concentrated load W at the midspan (Fig. 5.18a) Ww Bending moment at the section = Equating the moment of resistance and the bending moment, 2 23 “ == a des @ age ke where & is a constant. The expression indicates that the variation is parabolic. At the centre d, =kVI/2 (ii) Uniformly distributed load throughout (Fig. 5.18b) wl wat _ wx Bending moment at the section = > —= = "(I —x) Equating the moment of resistance and the bending moment, bd? yx(1 — ght _ we _3uxl=2) By ST pH 8) or d= or dy = aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Me Strength of Materials If tensile stress reaches to maximum value He 20mm of 18 MPa, Compressive stress 280 —89.13 Me = 18x———_—— = 38.6 89.13 MEE igo an which is well within permissible limits. Thus moment of resistance Fig. 5.22 18x147.48x10° oat 29.784x10° or 29 784 N.m Let w be the total weight (channel + water) N per m length of the channel. wx? Then > =29784 or w=1969.2 Nim Let x m be the level of water in the channel. Weight of channel + weight of water = Total weight/m (0.36 x 0.02 + 2 x 0.28 x 0.02) x 68 000 + 0.36x x 9810 =1969.2 1251.2 + 3531.6 x = 1969.2 or x= 0.203 m or 203 mm Example 5.16 | The cross-section of a beam is shown in Fig. 5.23a. Determine the moment of resistance of the section about the horizontal neutral axis for both positive and negative bending moment. The permissible stresses in tension and compression are 24 MPa and 85 MPa respectively. 30, 60 30 180 8h —8 bn Kk 120-—+{ mm) #120 —4} C) (o) Fig. 5.23 Solution Refer Fig. 5.23b, Distance of the centroid of the net section from the bottom edge, _ 120x180x90- 60% 90x (60+ 45) _ 120180 — 60x90 ~ pe 120x180° ~ 12 = 58.86%10° —5.805x10° = 53.055x10° mm* 85 mm 3 sransaaoxs? |] oxo0.20 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 0. Strength of Materials Example 5.20 Tivo rectangular bars, one of brass and the other of steel, each 36 mm by 9 mm are placed together to form a beam of 36-mm width and 18-mm depth on two supports 800 mm apart, the steel bar being at the bottom. Find the maximum central load if the bars are (i) separate and can bend independently (ii) firmly secured to each other throughout the length. Maximum permissible stress in steel is 102 MPa and in brass 72 MPa. Take E, = 204 GPa and E, = 85 GPa. Solution Refer Fig. 5.27, Compression | Tension afenrnnine Brass--=-----} ~ Steel == g9mmgmm., -——— 36 mm ——+ Fig, 5.27 (i) When the bars are separate and can bend independently, each will have its own neutral axis. ‘We have E, R= 226, 2208, of Sf = 2 =—= Op ©, YE, Ey 85 If the stress in steel reaches to maximum value, the stress induced in brass = 102/2.4 = 42.5 MPa M, = Moet +Miyass = 102% +42.5%. = 49572+20 655 =70 Wx08 4 36x9? 36x9? 6 For a central load, 2 =70227 or W=351,1N (ii) When the bars are firmly secured to each other throughout the length, they will bend about a common neutral axis XX. Fig. 5.28a shows the equivalent section in terms of brass. The dimensions of the steel parallel to the neutral axis are increased in the modular ratio 2.4. Distance of the centroid of the net section from the bottom edge, (36*9)x13.5 + (86.4%9) x 4.5 hoe PVT + CORO) NA? 57.15 mm 36X9+86.4x9 3 3 l= eee aces), [ee +(36x9)x(18-7,15-4.5)? For area ~ (1) Q) 3) = 25 961 mm* aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. ” Strength of Materials Height of N.A. from the bottom axis, 2x80x180x 90 + 200x130x65 280x180 + 200x130 2x80X78.14* ¥ 2x80x101.86° | 200x78.14’ yy 200x51.86° = 78.14 mm 3 3 3 3 For area a) (2) (3) (4) = 122.93 x 10° mm4 Maximum tensile stress in timber (at bottom edge) _ 10000x10* 122.93 x 10° Maximum tensile stress in steel (at bottom edge) = 6.356% 20 = 127.13 MPa x 78.14 = 6.356 MPa Maximum compressive stress in timber (at top edge) = 10.000%10" 191.86 =8.286 MPa 122.93x10' 101.86 6.356x- = or The = 8286 MPa Maximum compressive stress in timber at the level of top fiber of steel 51.86 = 8.286X = 4219 101.86 MPa Maximum compressive stress in steel = 4.219X20 = 84.37 MPa Example 5.24 A straight bimetallic rectangular composite bar of width b and thickness 21 is made up of a strip of steel of rectangular section of width b and thickness t joined along its length by a strip of brass having the same dimensions. The bar is uniformly heated and is freely allowed to bend. Show that it bends to a radius ER +E, +14E,E, t ~ I2E,E, (0, ~a,) ‘T where 04, and ct,are the coefficients of linear expansions of brass and steel respectively and T is the rise in temperature. Solution Let a, is greater than a. ae? Mo : oe P A force at the interaction of the two sf fi | la 6 strips will tend to compress the brass and {fo Bra ny, F Ey ui elongate the steel. Let this internal force enon fermicen be F This force induces a direct load F at c the centre of each section alongwith a bending moment in each strip (Fig. 5.33). Fig. 5.33 Bending moment due to this foree = Fr ‘Assuming R to be the same for both strips and much larger as compared to 1, Iyky _b0E, bt, L=—R aR: Similarly. M,= or aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 1. Strength of Materials In cases of unsymmetrical bending, if the load is applied in such a way that it Passes through the shear centre, the above theory can still be applied by resolving the bending moment into components about the two principal axes. If a cross-section has an axis of symmetry, then it can easily be shown that this satisfies the condition for a principal axis. The other principal axis will be at right angle through the centroid. The shear centre mentioned above is a point in or outside a section through which the shear force applied produces no torsion or twist of the member. If the load is not applied through the shear centre, there is twisting of the beam due to unbalanced moment caused by the shear force acting on the section. For sections symmetrical about an axis, shear centre lies on the axis of symmetry. For sections having two axes of symmetry, the shear centre lies at the intersection of these axes and thus coincides with the centroid. (Also refer section 6.5). Example 5.27 A 4-m long simply supported beam of 80-mm width and 100-mm depth carries a load of 10 kN at the midspan. The load is inclined at 30° to the vertical longitudinal plane and the line of action of the load passes through the centroid of the rectangular section of the beam. Determine the stresses at all the corners of the section. Solution The section being symmetrical, the centroid is at the centre of the rectangle and the principal axes are ne & x-x and y-y (Fig. 5.36). 80100? = = 8.667110 mm* xe 100x80* and J, = A267 x10? mm! Maximum bending moment c 10x4 = =10 kKN.m or 10 x 10° Resolving into components, M,= 10X10° cos30° = 8.66 10° (due to vertical component of load) M, = 10X10° sin30°=5x10° Nmm — (due to horizontal component of load) As it is a simply supported beam, © the vertical load component induces compressive stress in the upper half and tensile stress in the lower half and the horizontal load component induces compressive stress in the right half and tensile stress in the left half. Thus the bending stress at any point (2, y) in the section consists of two parts, one due to bending about the axis x-x and the other due to the bending about y-y, M ee dy a 5 As both the components are to give tensile stress in the 3rd quadrant, x and y both can be assumed positive in this quadrant. In the opposite quadrant, x and y both are aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 1 ‘Strength of Materials or -80=-9.749F or F=8.206kN G, = 0.0361 x (61.43) +0.1255x60 2.216 F +7.533 F or 40 = 5.317 F or F=7.523 kN In quadrant containing point C, x and y are both positive, ©, = 0.0361x (180 - 61.43) +0.1255x10 = 4.278F + 1.255F or 40 = 5.533 F or F=7.229kN Thus the maximum load can be 7.229 kN nud 5.8 DETERMINATION OF PRINCIPAL AXES pS Sometimes, in case of unsymmetrical sections, the directions of the principal axes are not known. In such cases, the direction of these can be found as follows: Let OX and OY be any two perpendicular axes through the centroid and OU and OV the principal axes (Fig. 5.40). Also let the inclination of OU with OX be 0. Let 4A be an elemental area and x and y = coordinate of the area relative to Ox, OY uand v = coordinate of the area relative to OU, OV Then u= xcos@+ysin@ And y= ycos@-xsin@ Product of inertia = [,,, = JuvdA = [(xcos6 + ysin@)(ycos@ — xsin 6)dA J(aycos” 6x? sin cos@ + y* sin8 cos @ — xysin® @)dA " sin 8cos(J y?dA - J x7dA) +(cos* @-sin?@) | xyaa sindcoso(f y?da—f Pan) +( #52 is eV dA " ($sinz0)1.- 1,)+c0s20.,, (5.19) Applying the condition for principal axes, or ( sin 26)(1,- 1,)+c0s201,, = or sin26(1, -7,)=—2c0s20,, @ aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Sod : Strength of Materials For C, u = OD = 90.44 mm; v G, = —32.253+19.382 = CD = AD = 212.69 mm; v negative, u positive. 12.871 MPa (compressive) 0914 Inclination of the neutral axis, tan“! a@ =~ = 00914. 0.2563 or a = —14.38° u 0.3566 Neutral axis has been shown in the figure, on the upper side of which are compressive stresses and on lower side are tensile stresses. Example 5.32 A 60 mm x 40 mm x 6 mm angle is used as a cantilever with a 40-mm leg horizontal and on the top. The length of the cantilever is 600 mm. Determine the position of the neutral axis and the maximum stress developed if a load of | kN is applied at the free end. Assume the centre line of load to pass through the shear centre. Solution As the centre line of the load passes through the shear centre, no twisting moment acts (Refer section 6.5). The load acts as shown in Fig. 5.43. To locate the centroid, take moments about the left and upper edge, Fig. 5.43 = 40x6x204+54x6x3 102 * = Gox6+54x6 mm 5 = 1OXOX3+54x6x(27+6) a 40x6+54x6 =ehemm 3 3 fin “ +oxsaxiz8* + S26 +40X6x17.2? = 203 537 mm* 3 3 Le SAX6" 5467.22 + 9X0 +6X40x9.8? = 72 818 mmé Ip = 54X6X(—7.2)( -12.8) + 40X6x9.8X17.2= 70314 mm*...(Eq. 5.24) 21, 2x70314 tan 29 = —~ = ————___ =-1.0758 or 20=—47° or @ =-23.5° |, 72818—203537 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 1 Strength of Materials o OE, 14.56 ZAOE = 008"! = cos! 2 = ZAOV’ = 81.33°— (90° 26.82%) = 18.15° Thus vy = 96.544 x cos 18.15° = 91.74 mm and « = 96.544 x sin 18.15° = 30.07 mm © = 1.066 x 91.74 + 1.129 x 30.07 = 131.74 MPa cos”! 0.1508 = 81.33° 5.9° ELLIPSE OF INERTIA OR MOMENTAL ELLIPSE This is a graphical method which can be used to find moments of inertia about two mutually perpendicular axes through the centroid when moments of inertia about the principal axes are known. The method is as follows: From equations 5.19, 5.21 and 5.22, Ty = (50 20)(t, -1,) +0520, 1, = cos” 0.1, +sin? 6, - sin 26.1, 1, = cos’ OI, +sin? 6.1, +sin20.1,, If XX and YY are the principal axes, ,, is zero, and UU, VV are any other mutually perpendicular axes. The above equations are changed to I= (sin 26)(0, -1,) cos” @.1, +sin” 6.1, iy W 1, = cos? 8.1, +sin? 8.1, The first two equations are similar to equations for shear stress and direct stress at an angle when a material is subjected to two perpendicular stresses (refer section 2.6). Fig. 5.47 Draw two circles with O as centre and radii equal to /, and /, taken to a suitable scale (Fig. 5.47) and complete the diagram. "1 Now, OP = OD + DP=OD + DG cos @ = 1,+ (DE cos 6) cos @ = 1, + (G,- 4, )cos’ @ = I, cos? 6+ I, (1 —cos? 6) = 1, cos? 6+ J, sin? @ =1, (Refer Eq. 2.5) and PG= DGsin 9 =(DE cos 6) sin @ 1 . (,-I, Joos @ sin @ = as —J,)sin26 =1,, The diagram is known as ellipse of inertia. 1, can be found from the relation, J, =1, +1, —1, aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 0 Strength of Materials e The maximum bending moment which can be carried by a given section for a given maximum value of stress is known as the moment of resistance. © Moment of inertia of a rigid body is obtained by summing the products of its various particles with the square of their distances from a given axis. ° Parallel axis theorem states that the moment of inertia about any axis parallel to the centroidal axis is equal to the moment of inertia through the centroidal axis plus the product of the area of the figure and the square of the distance between the two axes. © Moment of inertia and section modulus of different sections are: Rectangle: Tq. = bE2, Ly, = bd°/B and Z, = ba16 Hollow rectangle: Ty = (BD? — bd?)/12, Z, = (BD? — bd? 6D E-section: Ly = (BD? - bd®)/12, Z, = (BD* — be? 6D ‘Triangular section: Ixy = bd7/36; Loy, = bAPN2 Circular section: Tee = 144164; Z, = id °132 Hollow circular section: [,, = m(D* - d*V/64; Z, = mD* - d)/32D e Beams made up of two different materials such as wooden beams reinforced by steel plates are known as flitched or composite beams. © Atany common surface in a flitched beam, strain = 0/E, = OE, © Moment of resistance of a flitched beam, M, = 6j,,(/, + ml,)/y, where m= modular ratio E,/E, and 1, + ml is known as equivalent moment of inertia of the cross-section © To compensate for the weakness of concrete, steel reinforcement is done on the tension side of concrete beams and to have the maximum advantage it is put at the greatest distance from the neutral axis of the beam. © The integral [xy dA = 0 is known as product of inertia and the axes for which it is zero for a section are known as principal axes of the cross-section. The limitation of the theory of bending moment is that it can be applied only to the case of bending about a principal axis. © The directions of the principal axes can be found from the relation tan 20= 2/,,/ (i, — 1); where /,, for a rectangle with sides parallel to the principal axes is given by, /,, = Then Uy = 5llly + 1,)+80¢20(1, -1,)1 and 1, = sla, +1,)-sec20(1, -1,)] © Ellipse of inertia or momental ellipse is a graphical method which can be used to find moments of inertia about two mutually perpendicular axes through the centroid when moments of inertia about the principal axes are known. © Inmasonry columns, it is desirable that no tensile stresses are set up. It is ensured if the line of action of the load lies within a central area of the section. In rectangular sections, it should lie within the middle third and in circular sections within middle quarter or within a circle of diameter d/4 with centre O. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. SHEAR STRESS IN BEAMS 6.1 INTRODUCTION While discussing the theory of simple bending in the previous chapter, it was assumed that no shear force acts on the section. However, when a beam is loaded, the shear force at a section is always present along with the bending moment. It is, therefore, important to study the variation of shear stress in a beam and to know its maximum value within safe limits. It is observed that in most cases, the effect of shear stress is quite small as compared to the effect of bending stress and it may be ignored. In some cases, however, it may be desirable to consider _its effect also. Usually, beams are designed for bending stresses and checked for shear stresses. This chapter discusses the shear stress and its variation across the section. A shear force in a beam at any cross-section sets up shear stress on transverse sections the magnitude of which varies across the section. In the analysis, it is assumed that the shear stress is uniform across the width and does not affect the distribution of bending stress. The latter assumption is not strictly true as the shear stress causes a distortion of transverse planes and they do not remain plane. As every shear stress is accompanied by an equal complimentary shear stress, shear stress on transverse planes has complimentary shear stress on longitudinal or horizontal planes parallel to the neutral axis. 6.2: VARIATION OF SHEAR STRESS «. Figure 6.1 shows two transverse sections of a beam at a distance 5x apart. Considering the complimentary shear stress T at a distance y, from the neutral axis, let F, F + 6F and M, M + 6M be the shear forces and the bending moments at the two sections. z is the width of the cross-section at this position. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 188 Strength of Materials. Thin Circular Tube If the thickness of a circular tube is small, then the fact that the shear stress follows the direction of boundary can be used to find the same. Let the bending be about XX and A and B two symmetrically placed positions at angle @ from vertical sv, NF i (Fig. 6.7). Let the shear stress at A and 8 B be t. Now, the complimentary shear x-| eae Yad ened i stress is on longitudinal planes and is ba- lanced by difference of normal stresses on the area subtended by angle 26. The force due to complimentary shear ox stress on the area at A and B tends to Fig. 6.7 slide the block above which is resisted by the difference of the longitudinal forces over the area above AB. Thus, For a length dx of the beam, 6A = (R60). A ik (o oe 2tdx = [),dodd =f" doiRdg)t 1 (9 60 ==) (Rd oe "9 ]e5, 4) But 5o= oUy, L 16 6M yl y 5M =| = (Rdg).—=—] F{(R.dg).— sees F=— glo Gy Py alo my 5x q, 3 Polar moment of inertia \ = 3 Area (ean radius)? = jeer? =7R Hence FR @ FR t= 2 | 49= seal, Roos gdp Fé F 7. a Fsin@ ~ Sani cos ede = FR (sine), = aRt or 1=2X mean shear stress (6.9) Square with a Diagonal Horizontal Refer Fig. 6.8, 3 4 1, = 2/822) # 12 48 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4 Example 6.2. A simply supported beam of 2-m span carries a uniformly distributed load of 140 kN per m over the whole span. The cross-section of the beam is a T-section with a flange width of 120 mm, web and flange thickness 20 mm and overall depth 160 mm. Determine the maximum shear stress in the beam and draw the shear stress distribution for the section. Fig. 6.12 Solution Refer Fig. 6.12, Fig, = 140 1 = 140 KN Taking moments about the top edge, Cross-section Shear stress variation = 120x20x10+4 140x 20x90 =53.08mm - 120 20+140x 20 3 3 T= ne + 120%20%(53.08—10)? + 200" 2014090 -53.08)? = 12.924 x 10° mm* Shear stress in the flange at the junction AY _ 14010? x (120 x 20)(53.08- 10) _ = PAY = MOx10 x20 20)(53.08- 10) _ 9 355 apy a 12.924 10° x 120 Shear stress in the web at the junction = 9.333% 20 = 56 MPa Maximum shear stress (at N.A.) 40x 10° . _ 40x10 x [120%20%43.08 + (20%70)x35] _ 9 <4 ayp, 12.924x10° x20 Example 6.3 Figure 6.13 shows a cast 200-1 iron bracket subjected to bending. If the “ = —t- maximum tensile stress in the top flange is not to exceed 15 MPa, determine the 300 bending moment the section can take. If the iia 40. oo beam is subjected to a shear force of 150 KN, skeich the stress distribution over the depth of the section. Solution Taking moments about the top Fig. 6.13 edge, _ 200x 40x 20 + 300x40x190 + 120x 40x 360 SSS eee eR ? 200x 40+ 300x 40+ 12040 mm 40x300° 12 1 Cross-section Shezr stress variation _ 200% 40? 2 1 + 200% 40 (168.1- 20)" + + 40x 300 (190 - 168.1)” 120% 40° pix 7 +120x 40 (360 - 168.1)" aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. a Strength of Materials (iv) At the neutral axis, o= 0 3 25x10 xteisin) =0.781 MPa 360 x 10° x160 Principal stresses, 6, = 6, = 0.781 MPa; 0, = 8, = 45° At the neutral axis, there is a state of simple shear. Principal stresses are 0.76 MPa compressive along one diagonal plane and 0.76 MPa tensile along another diagonal plane. Example 6.7 A 320 mm x 160 mm I-section joist has 20-mm thick flanges and a 15-mm thick web. At a certain cross-section it is acted upon by a bending moment of 100 kN.m and a shear force of 200 KN. Determine the principal stresses (i) at the top (ii) in the flanges at 140 mm from neutral axis (iii) in the web at 140 mm from neutral axis (iv) at the neutral axis Plot the variations along the section. Solution — Refer Fig. 6.17, 0.15 t oase o 93.24 2 93.21 20 mm s728_\q ais far.s6 2 Td ae 2 & Tite Be 8 e 3; i. — | tf Shear ° eS 160 mm—4 stresses Bending Principal stres stresses Fig. 6.17 rr — 145% 280" 171.65 10° mm 12 (At the top, o = OXI X160 _ 5491 MPa; 7=0, 171.65x10' Principal stresses, 0, = 93.21 MPa; o, = 0 (ii) At 140 mm from neutral axis, 0 = 93.21 xa = 81.56 MPa F pt_g =—(D -d « (Eq. 6.3. t TA ) (Eq. 6.3) 200 10° = ————__y (320° - 280°) = 3.495 MPa 8x 171.65 x10 Principal stresses, 6, = 218 (° = +3.495? = 40.784 40.93 = 81.71 MPa and — 0.15 MPa aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. oo Strength of Materials Horizontal shear stress at level 2, ‘i SOO 20x 40%80 =0.2 MPa Ib 80 10° x 120 Load carried by each bolt = 7 area = 7X b x spacing Shear stress in the bolt = —%2*sPacing _ 0.2x120x110 _ ¢ 40) vapa Area of bolt 314.2 Horizontal shear stress at level 3, T= SO 20S, =0.3 MPa 80x 10° x 120 3x 120x1 Shear stress in the bolt = eee = 12.603 MPa Example 6.10 A composite beam consists of a 180 mm x 140 mm timber section bonded with 10 mm x 140 mm steel plates at top and bottom. Determine the stresses in the beam when it is subjected to a shear force of 100 KN. Also find the spacing of bolts of 12 mm diameter for the shear connection between the flitches and the timber beam. Allowable shear stress in steel is 100 MPa. The Young’s modulus of steel is 210 GPa and of timber 15 GPa. Solution Refer Fig. 6.22, i 10 1 ; 3.151 44.108 sii ° pedo 57.54 | seesesctcns Boned f eee eee eieeef eer Le | 4.11 jo C ] 3.151 44.108 3.151 -—140 4 F — 140 —| é i ‘Shear stresses in Shear stresses in Actual section Equivalent steel section equivalent steel section actual section Fig. 6.22 Modular ratio = 2+ = 210 44 E15 Transforming the composite beam into an equivalent steel section, 10x 180° I,= ——— + 12 3. 140%10" 5 14010% 95? | = 30.153 10° mm* 2 Shear stress in the equivalent steel section, At steel plate timber junction (in the flanges) r= FAX = 100 x10" x AOS _ 3.151 Ma Iz 30.153 10° x 140 At steel plate timber junction (in the web) = 3.151 x 14 = 44.108 MPa aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 6 Strength of Materials Solution az z tk Re fraa=fe AyAt.dy) A |y dy Ax? = o(d-ert je sdismrereyncmcreaasee # Ft =arh fs (ay Day + y?)dy +t =f i 2 -’— b+ = Fy 4a) Fig. 6.26 F,= fran JF speed) = Fll«(G-g}"4 tdz 2 = Fi a(h-oenyee= Bl ath-odzehe] « Saath - a) +hb] Taking moments about point D, Fe= 2b 42h. 4 =2hb+ Behe Fie an 4ab+ 2 (2a(h—a) + hblh e= * (6ha? — 8a° + 6ah - 6ha® + 3h°b) 127 tt (6ah? — 80° + 317) 21 ta hia be ny | a3 —tta| --= | |+2|—+bt = | |+— 1 22 12 2 12 2 ria + 6ah? —12a7h + 2br* + 6bh? + i? | _ b(6ah? — 8a + 3h?b) (8a° + 6ah? —12a7h + 2bi? + 6bh + h?) _ bh7b) © (2bt? + 6bh +h) And neglecting moment of inertia of flanges about their axes, Ifa=0, 3p? e= a as obtained earlier. Ob+h aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. SLOPE AND DEFLECTION 7.1 INTRODUCTION) As a load is applied on a beam, it deflects. The deflection can be observed and measured directly whereas other parameters such as shear force, bending moment and stresses can only be calculated. Though it is important that the cross-section of a beam is strong enough to withstand the bending stresses and shear stresses, i.e. it is based on strength criterion, the deflections must also be restricted. Excessive deflections can cause visible or invisible cracks in beams. Also, excessive deflections perceptible by naked eye give a feeling of unsafe structure to the occupants of the building causing adverse effect on their health. Thus it is extremely important to have the knowledge of maximum deflection in a beam under the given loading. The maximum deflection of a beam must not exceed a given limit. The designing of a beam from this aspect is known as stiffness criterion. In this chapter, the governing differential equation of beams is formulated and various methods of solution are discussed. The basic method involves integrating the differential equation whereas in other methods the integral is obtained indirectly. The relation obtained provides the elastic curve, i.e. the curve into which the axis of the beam is transformed under the loading. 7.2. BEAM DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION As mentioned above, the deflection profile of a beam is known as its elastic curve. If a beam is subjected to pure bending, it is bent into a circular arc and the radius M CE El of bending or the radius of curvature is given by TR or R =a However, R the radius of curvature may not be constant at all the points as the beam may not be subjected to pure bending, which is generally the case. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. » 7 Senate Matera and y= - Aye - x) (7.6) e Atthe free end, x= /, the slope and the deflection are maximum and are given by we we Slope = — oe and Deflection = ~ 357 (7.6a) The slope and deflection are shown in Fig. 7.46 and c respectively. (ii) Concentrated load not at freeend BetweenAC, at any sectionat a distance x from A (Fig. 7.5a), M=- Wa-x) The equation of slope and elastic curve can be obtained as in previous case in the form w Y=-3R (ax — 3x?) and au 3); y SEI - (Bax? — x°), ie. by replacing / by a. > ace 3 Wa tC, x= a, Y=- se _ Wa? and =~ 357 a 4 Between CB, at any section ata erection G distance x from A, M =0, dy a F . E2=0 or oj 6 Sah ax? je C,- i. the slope is constant Fig. 7.5 between CB and is equal to slope at C or the portion of cantilever from C to B GF Wa? GE — Er or GF = y’.GE (Fig. 7.55). Deflection at B = Deflection at C + GF = Deflection at C + y’.GE remains straight with slope %. ys Wa? wa? sj =~ Ser 7 ier ’-® OD . aa - wy wey 1) swe If Wis at the midpoint, deflection = 3ET 2ET 2 |" 48ET (7.7a) (iti) Gniformly distributed load on whole span Let origin be at the free end (Fig. 7.6a). At a section at a distance x from the free end, dty El ae =M= . dy wr? « Integrating, E/ aoe aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. (a) For whole span having uniformly distributed load, y, = wl ar (Refer Eq. 7.10) For span loaded with varying wl A (b) intensity, y, =— 30Er (Refer Eq. 7.14) Thus deflection of B = - lus deflection o! =~ Ser - Simply Supported Beam (i) Concentrated load at midspan Figure 7.12a shows a simply supported beam AB of span / carrying a load W at the midpoint C. 2 R,=R,=W2 Consider a section of the cantilever from A (origin at A), WwW M= ze (Positive, being sagging) Wx? 1216 Integrating again, Ely = Atx=0,y=0, 3 C,=0 wl 30EI « Ely= ‘Strength of Materials B y 1wi* TD0ET (7.15) | At c we —+}-+— W2; (a) w wi2 16E/ o Slope 3 : Deflection ) Fig. 7.12 we wrx 12 16 Therefore, slope and deflection are given by, oy ax 16EI wi? ALA, x=0, TeEE -. Slope = — 2 Deflection at C W apt ig lection al = ~ FRET Bese a 8 Ww 2 2 Ww 2 a ~qpgg 48?) and y =~ Fee Px 4°) (7.16) (7.17) aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. m ‘Strength of Materials wh? wrx? ¢ Integrating again, Ely = 36 "To +Ox+C, Atx=0,y=0, .. C,=0 on wl cy c= Tw? Atrshy=Q, 4. O=GE-T5+Gl or G=-zR Twi 300% (7.25) To find maximum deflection, equate the slope to zero, i.e. ah ee TP og dx 12241360 or 30/x?-15x4-71 =0 or 15x4—30/7x? +714 =0 Let x = ki 30+ Y900—4x7x15 Then 15k*—30k? +7 =0; Solving, k? = ——~~—_"" > = 0.2697 30 (considering the feasible value of k, it cannot be more than 1) or Ul? =0.2697 or x= 0.5193! Thus for maximum deflection, wl(0.5193I)> w(0.51931)° Tw? Ely = se ——-—a307 369 51930) wit or Ely =—0,00652wI* or yng =— 0.00652 (7.26) Example 7.1 Two parallel steel cantilevers one above the other, each of length | project horizontally from a vertical wall. Their free ends are connected together by a vertical steel tie rod of length a. A load W is applied at the midpoint of the lower beam. Show that the pull in the rod is given by, P = wi 32° 1} +(6al)/( xd? ) where d is the diameter of the rod and I the moment of inertia of the section of each beam about its neutral axis. Ifthe length of each cantilever is 3 mand that of the tie rod 2.4 m, find the proportion of the load W carried by the tie bar. The diameter of the rod is 20 mm and the moment of inertia of each cantilever is 28 x 10° mm. D Solution Figure 7.16 shows the cantilevers. P 2 For cantilever CD, ¥, = 3B (downwards) 7 ‘ Eq. 7.6a) | F ilever AB, sw) Pe HW2—>+—— 2 — ‘or cantilever AB, Y2 = Za -ap 48EI 3EI Fig. 7.16 (downwards) _...(Eq. 7.7a) aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. ie Strength of Materials Example 7.14 A beamoflength lis loaded as shown in Fig. 7.31a. Find the expressions A Cam? B for slope and deflection at any point. f teu rp | Solution When the load does not reach the (a end support, it is treated in a way that first it reaches the end and then an upward load is wD superimposed for that portion where originally A__© B there is no load, i.e. the loading is considered 14 be 14->f<— 112. downward from C to B and upwards from D to B (Fig.7.31b). (b) Taking moments about B, Fig. 7.31 T(t ol R= Swl R,law.g ate or X= 37 At int from A, er? 2-502 |, Mea U2] _ wee —2y? any point x a A 1 ine, Free SHE integrating, EI 7 =x + ste “(SSC Swl Integrating again, Ely=—55x°+C,x+C, Atx=0,y=0; «. C,=0 (considering first part only) Swit w 8l, wily 9 Atxshy=0; 4 OF To tl tae gee! — zag! of C= Fag Thus Slope is — dy 1] Sw, 95, wf LY x ° f=) Ss a El 6 a wf t)l wh ty “pal t 74 || 22 Example 7.15 A simply supported beam has its supports 8 m apart at A and B. It carries a uniformly distributed load of 4 kN/m between A and B starting from 1 m and ending at 5 m from A. The end B of the beani has an overhang of I m and at the free end a concentrated load of 8 kN is applied. Determine deflection of the free end and the maximum deflection between A and B. Tale E = 210 GPa and | = 20 x 10° mnt. And deflection is py =| 3034 2% ya “Y= FT| 792" * 6144” “| aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. te Strength of Materials of cantilevers (zero slope at fixed ends), symmetrically loaded simply supported beams (zero slope at the centre) and built-in beams (zero slope at each end). Examples: (i) Cantilever with a concentrated load at the free end Figure 7.34 shows the cantilever with the w concentrated load W at the free end and its bending moment diagram. A B Area of the bending moment diagram, 1 we i——— = <)LW=—— ne = wi si freeende 4 wi BM. lope at free end = —— = -—_ ey at Fig. 7.34 , AX _ Ww? 21 We Deflection = Er — 2573 ~ SET (730) (ii) Cantilever with uniformly distributed load Figure 7.35 shows the cantilever with uniformly distributed load and its w bending moment diagram. Area of the bending moment , , 1 wi? wit diagram, A = Tis A wh we —— sop sn > BM. Slope at free end = Ei 6ET 2 AR _ wl 3t_ wit Fig'7-35 Deflection = tas 3H (7.31) (iii) Simply supported beam with w concentrated load at the midspan c As the loading is symmetrical, areaof A 8 half the bending moment diagram can be v2 >|. 12 considered (Fig. 7.36). Area of the bending moment diagram, 1iw we 224° «16 Bending moment diagram A we El 16ET ¥ = distance of centroid of the bending moment diagram from A = Ax WP ot We ‘EL 16EI3 48ET Slope at free end = Fig. 7.36 Deflection = aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. ee Strength of Materials 106 x ee, 120.2107 f 2?!9.dr mvoo2nio4( 55 3/3 3 = 72.1%10% (2374) = 0.171 mm 7.7 STRAIN ENERGY DUETO BENDING © 0 Consider two sections of a beam a small distance dx apart (Fig. 7.41). As the distance is small, the bending moment acting may be taken to be same throughout the length dx. Let it be M. Let o be the bending stress on an elemental cylinder of area dA at a distance y from the neutral axis. 2 2 o o Strain energy in the elemental cylinder = oF x volume = pp & Strain energy of the length dr, o 1 (MyY M?.de bu = [oO aAdr= a7 dade =F fy".aa Bul fy dt=r M? dx OU= er M?.dx 2EI (7.34) Strain energy stored in the whole beam, U = J 7.8, CASTIGLIANO’S. FIRST THEOREM (DEFLECTION FROM STRAIN ENERGY): Castigliano’s first theorem is stated as below: If a structure is subjected to a number of external loads (or couples), the partial derivative of the total strain energy with respect to any load (or couple) provides the deflection in the direction of that load (or couple). Mathematically, Let U = total strain energy of the structure W,, W,, W, .....External loads at points O,, 02, O; M,, M2, M,.....External couples at the same points . aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. as Strength of Materials Example 7.22 Compare the strain energy of a centrally loaded simply supported beam with that of the same beam with a uniformly distributed load. Assume the value of the maximum bending stress to be the same in the two cases. Solution As maximum bending stress = M/Z, for the same beam in the wo cases, maximum M has to be the same, i.e. wi wi? Fry oo Wewil2 2: B ¢ For central load W, U, = (Refer Example 7.21) 96EI © Figure 7.46 shows a simply ww supported beam of length / and 4 carrying a uniformly distributed load w per unit length. 4 xl ' “ (I-x) Fig. 7.46 wl wx? wx 2 2 8 aah (2.2 434 —2b3)dx =oo|— tee Eo 8EI| 3 5 4 240EI UA veh wi wPS jf; wh 5 U,” 96ET! 240ET~ 4x96ET/ 240ET” 8 Example 7.23 Derermine the maximum deflection of a simply supported beam of span | carrying a load of w per unit length using strain energy method. Solution Maximum deflection is at the w midspan. Thus assume a concentrated load t iA Wat this point (Fig. 7.47). A 8 ReRe Wtwl i =R,= : 2 Fig, 7.47 Bending moment at a distance x from Wewl wx? SEN ES 2 2 U=2 xstrain energy in the half beam 5 wo{ W+wl dx 1 anf W+wl we? 2 om f| 3 Ele To find the deflection, differentiate the total strain energy with respect to W, i.e. g- UL, W+wl wr? |x ow Ef lo 2 2 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Simple (real) beam ‘Strength of Materials Conjugate beam Bending moment diagram from loading diagram provides the bending moment at any section. shear stress at a section. simply supported beam is zero. support has no deflection. and zero bending moment. Actual loading is the loading diagram. Shear force diagram provides the Shear force and bending moment at the fixed end of a cantilever exist. Shear force and bending moment at the free end of a cantilever are zero. Bending moment at the supports of Shear force moment at the supports of simply supported beam exists. An intermediate support has same slope on both sides. Also, an intermediate A hinge support has same shear force Bending moment is the loading diagram. Bending moment diagram from loading diagram provides the deflection at any section. Shear force diagram provides the slope at a section. S.F. and B.M. at fixed end will provide some values of slope and deflection which are not feasible. Thus a fixed end is transformed into a free end to obtain S.F. as well as B.M. as zero. S.F. and B.M. at the free end will provide zero slope and deflection which are not feasible. Thus a free end is transformed into a fixed end. Deflection at the supports is zero. So, end conditions remain same. Slope at the supports exists. So, end conditions remain same. To have same shear force (slope) on both sides and zero bending moment (deflection), it is transformed into an intermediate hinge. It is transformed into an intermediate support. Example 7.28 Find expressions for the central deflection and the slope at the ends of a beam simply supported at the ends by conjugate beam method. Solution Figure 7.48a shows the actual loading diagram. As maximum bending moment at the centre is WI/4, in the M/ET diagram the same is shown as WI/AE] in Fig. 7.48b. Now, in the conjugate beam method, this diagram is to be considered as loading diagram and a new bending moment BMJE/ ciag, trom actual loading diag. }_w12 (loading diag. for conjugate beam) | ee 4857 from conjugate loading diag. (deflection diag. for actual beam) Fig. 7.48 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. ee Strength of Materials Slope at the free end = shearing force at B w Iw? 1 we — 3.2 EL GEL AY Deflection at the free end= bending moment {*—————! —_— wh 31 wit (a) at B for conjugate beam = 3H 4 ~ 8H - Example 7.34 A beam is loaded as ~E, | shown in Fig. 7.54a, Determine the slopes Conjugate beam at the load and the support points and the (6) deflections at the load points using conjugate Fig. 7.52 beam method. for conjugate beam = B alg Solution To find reaction at the . supports, take moments about B, Rl owt wt R aw : id= Wap Wego Ry = (a) 3W OW and R, = 3W --= aw raw wie Bending moment at C= Ie 2 Conjugate beam tow (0) Bending moment at B = “Wy 2 Fig. 7.53 Point of contraflexture in CB: Let this point be at a distance x from C, Wl) oweo M3 ice we TT z x x= or ata t= or A 10 ow w Conjugate beam 10 ¢ Ger Fig. 7.54 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Strength of Materials moment of this beam gives the deflection curve of the actual loading and the new shear force diagram provides the slope. ® Maxwell's theorem of reciprocal displacements states that the deflection of any point P resulting from application of a load at any other point @Q is the same as the deflection of Q resulting from the application of the same load at P. © Betti's theorem of reciprocal deflections states that in an elastic system, the extemal work done by a force acting at P during the deflections caused by another force at Q is equal to the external work done by the force at Q during the deflections caused by the force at P. Review Questions 1, Establish the governing differential equation of beams. What are its limitations? 2. What is Macaulay’s method of beam deflection analysis? What are its advantages over the direct integration method? 3. State and prove the moment—area theorem. 4. State and develop the analogies between the real beam and the conjugate beam, 5. State and prove Castigliano’s first theorem. “ 6. Deduce the expressions for deflection by the energy method. 7. State and prove Maxwell's reciprocal deflection theorem. 8. What is Betti's theorem of reciprocal deflection? 9. The rate of loading ona simply sup- P ported beam of length / is p sin x/l We wi where x is the distance from one end. Show that the reactions at the ce supports are p/m and the maximum ke | ——>- re >| bending moment is pl/z?. Fig. 7.56 10. A simply supported beam with an overhang is loaded as shown in Fig. 7.52. Find the ratio of W/P to make the deflection at the free end equal to zero. (6) 11, Determine the maximum deflection of a simply supported beam of 5-m length and carrying a uniformly distributed load from zero at the ends to 8 KN/m at the centre. El = 2 MN.m?. (20.8 mm) A simply supported horizontal beam carries a load which varies from 20 kN at one end to SOKN at the other. Determine the central deflection if the span is 10 m and the width is 420 mm, The bending stress is limited to 84 MPa. E=210 GPa. (25 mm) A simply supported beam has a span of 15 mand carries two point loads of 4 kN and 9 KN at 6 mand 10 m respectively from one end. Find the deflection under each load and the maximum deflection. E = 200 GPa and J = 400 x 10° mm‘. (9.39 mm, 8.99 mm; 10.48 mm at 7.79 m) 14. A beam AB of 6-m span is simply supported at the ends. Itcarries a concentrated load of 6 KN at a distance of 6 m from the left-hand end support and a uniformly 12. 13. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. ee Strength of Materials Similarly, if the deflection of one end relative to other is zero, the moments of areas of the bending moment diagram about an end are zero, ie. Moment of area of free moment diagram = Moment of area of fixed moment diagram or AR = AX (8.2) The area to be considered may be broken into parts to obtain convenient rectangles, triangles and parabolas. ‘Total reactions at the ends, R,=R,+R= R a M,-M, and Ry = Ry-R= Ry Example 8.1 Determine the maximum bending moment and the deflection of a beam of length land flexural rigidity EI. The beam is fixed horizontally at both ends and carries a concentrated load W at the midspan. Solution The beam is shown in Fig. 8.2a. Due to symmetry, fixing moment M, = M, = M (say) The free moment diagram is a triangle with maximum ordinate Wi/4 as shown in Fig. 8.2b. © As the slope at A is equal to slope at B = 0, net area of the moment diagram must be zero, i.e. 1Mem or mew ©) 24 8 ‘The combined bending moment diagram is shown in Fig. 8.2c. The maximum _ ZN bending moment is W//8 hogging (at the @ ~ ends) and sagging (wi/4 - wi/8, at the centre). Fig. 8.2 © To find the deflection of C relative to A, Take moments of the areas of the bending moment diagram between A and C about A, Effi weiyf2. 8) (wet) 1) _ we yee: tel LE 2 ee. Groin By BoB y alee )G4 (E44) iozer From Fis: 8:26) Example 8.2 Determine the maximum bending moment and the deflection of a beam of length | and flexural rigidity El. The beam is fixed horizontally at both ends and carries a uniformly distributed load w over the whole span. Solution The beam is shown in Fig. 8.3a. Duc to symmetry, fixing moment M, = M, = M (say) aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. * Strength of Materials = a) 2 4 ama fang (LEYLA Lp Se owe), wt 0 2 16 2)\2 32 0 8 Z 96 & xe =)" wit Twit 83 8 96 «384 21 _ Twit $Mly ti Mts ee 39275" 3 (384 7 2 or Mg +2M, = Gi) _IwP 64 e'12. 192 192 Bending moment diagram has been shown in Fig. 8.7c. Reactions at the ends, wl | 6wl _ 13wl R, = + « R192 32. and FS Rye Ma Ma we _ Ow! out > 1 8 192 32, Shear force diagram nas been shown in Fig. 8.7d. Example 8.6 A beam of /8-m span is fixed horizontally at the ends. A downward point load of 18 kN acts on the beam at a distance of 6 m and an upward force of 12 KN at a distance of 9 m from the left-hand end. Find the end reactions and the (fixing moments. Also draw the bending moment and shear force diagrams. Solution The beam is shown in Fig. 8.8. Let the fixing moments be M,, and M, at the two ends. © A, =A, Take moments about end B, R, x18-1812+12x9 = 0 or Ri =6 KN and R, = 18- 12-6=0 Bending moment diagrams for the free and fixing moments are shown in Fig. 8.2b. Thus Meee ig = 0 or M,+M, =18 @ © AR = gk) 18? _ 6x36 444208 (M, +2My)~— = > x7 or (M, +2M,) =15 i) aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. oe Strength of Materials ad @ Integrating again, Ely =—M, os ae = +0 ...(Constant B will be zero) Also, Atx=1,y’ = Oand y=0 a) 2 2 on ga and My em, = 4 6 12 12 wl? P wit wit wit Maximum deflection at midspan, Ely =—“—.— +" or y=-——_ Pan T7896 384? SRAET Example 8.10 A beam has its ends fixed horizontally at the same level. The beam is of length | and carries a load W at a distance a from one end and b from the other end. Determine the fixing moments at the ends. Solution Let the load be at a distance a from the left-hand fixed end (Fig. 8.12) © Ely” =—-M, +R,x|-W(x—a) a——>—b 2 Integrating, Ely’ =-M,.x+R, = +0 w Ww 2 Ma Cc Mp -szle-a a 8 (Atx=0,y'=0,.A=0) 2 is © Integrating agai * nIPErBnOE a8 , Fig. 8.12 eos w 3 Ely = Mas +R Zt ~ gle a) _(B=0) Also, Atx=1,y’ = Oand y=0 Pow 2 2 2 . O=—MyT+ R55 ma? or 2M yd = Ril? Wb @ PoobB ow a. and O=—M 5 +R, ee (l-ay or 3M,/° = R,0°—Wb? (i) Multiplying (i) by / and subtracting from (ii), Wab* ME = Wb?(l—-b)=Wab? or M, ara a From (i), 22?) = Ry? Wo? L 2 2 2 or R= (20 +1)= Sr (2a +atb)= SF (30+8) © Bending moment at right fixed end, 2 2 Wav’ +e (2a-+ by -W(1-a) Pe —M, = — aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. @ ; Strength of Materials: Solution The load diagram is shown in Fig. 8.162. 3xs? 2x10? For AB, Myx = z =9.325 kN.m; For BC, Mya. = ; = 25 kN.m; 2 For CD, Miax $x3" 43 uN Also, M, = My=0 SF 1.16 10.49 9.96 Fig. 8.16 Apply the three-moment equation for uniformly distributed loads to the spans AB and BC, 4 M, X5-+2M,(5-+10)+M, x10 = 2x2 _ Bue or 30M, +10M, = 593.75 or = M, +0.333M, =-19.79 @ Apply the three-moment equation for uniformly distributed loads to the spans BC and CD, M, X10+2M, (10 +3) +My 3 = — or 10M, + 26M, or M,+2.6M, Subtracting (i) from (ii), 2.267M, = ~32.91 or M,= -i4.52kN.m and M,= -14.95 kN.m To find R,, take moments about B, R,x5-3x5x25=-14.95 or R,=4.51 kN To find R,, consider bending moment at C, 2x10? 4x3? 4 4 i) aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Fixed and Continuous Beams ae 4EI _2EI © AtD: Stiffness factor for CD, 54. = o> (as the beam is fixed at A) 3EI EI : . and for DE, Sade = ED (as the beam is continuous at C) Distribution factor for CD, ky = = __ = 8 See ASLOEIOEDSS “TENS + END 7 Ell2 3 istribution factor for DE, Kye = >> = Distribution factor for de - De34 B27 A B c D E Distribution factors 12 2 V2 V2 Aly 37 Fixed end moments | -3 a -6 6 + 6 -3 3 Release E 3 Carry over W1.5 Net moments 3 3 6 6 6 6 45 0 Distribute 15 | 15 0 0 -0.86 | -0.64 Carry over 0.75 0.75 | -0.43 Distribute 0.16 | -0.16 Carry over -0.08 -0.08 Distribute 0.04 | 0.04 0.046 | 0.034 Final moments 2.25 4.54 | 4.54 6.59 |-6.59 5.106 | -5.106 0 Bending moment diagram: PP _ 1x6 For span AB, Minyx = wre = < =45 wi? Wl _1x@ 4x6 For span BC, Ming, = + +2¥2=105 EN. ‘or span mx = 5 i m Wi 8x6 For span CD, My, = == = = 12 kNm 4. 4 2 2 vl x For span DE, Minx = ae = pe. =4.5kN.m Now, the bending moment diagram can be completed as shown in Fig. 8.29b. © Shear Force diagram To find reaction R,, taking moments about D, R,X6-6x3=-5.108 or R,= 2.15 kN Taking moments about C, 2.15x12-6x9 +R, X6-8x3=-6.588 or Ry=7.6KkN Taking moments about B, 2.15 x 18-6xX15+7.6x 12-8x9+R, Xx6-4X3-6x3=-4.541 or R.=9.59 KN Taking moments about B, R, X6-2.229-6X3=-4.541 or RK, = 2.61 kN R, =12+4+8+46-2.15-7.6—9.59 — 2.61 = 8.05 KN aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. cd Strength of Materials Consider an element at a distance y from the neutral axis. Strain in the element AC ~ AB _ (R' + yO + 80) -(R+ yO AB (R+ y)@ R(O + 60) + yO + yd — RO - yO ~ (R+ y)6 R(O + 50) — RO + yde ~ (R+ 6 As length of the neutral axis remains constant, R(0+ 50) = RO and 60 = f =e 8 R _ v8 _ (R= RO (R+y)O (R+y)0.R” Strain If y is neglected compared to R, Strain= y (z - 2) Normal stress (neglecting the lateral stress), 1 1 o= Ey| —-— i (4-3) ° As total normal stress is to be zero, 1 1 Jo-dA = E|—-— ROR or Jy-da =0 which indicates that the neutral axis passes through the centroid of the section. Moment of resistance, \iv-arzo 1 1 1 i M =SoydA = (Z - 2) iveaa = alz -+) (ii) From (i) and (ii), M_o tol 773 op Strain energy of asmall length 5s along the neutral axis under the action of bending moment M, sus ty ol B® a 2 Rr 1 Io 1 M_M? = Lon t-4) == Méds—=—ds 9.2) 2 R R 2 El 2EI Example 9.1 A piston ring is required to keep its outer surface circular in the stressed as well as in the unstressed condition when a uniform radial pressure exerted is uniform. Express the variation of thickness of its surface along the angular direction aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 06, Strength of Materials 2 Then J (iv) 1 dA =-> dant, ik aizon rR’? Eq. 9.5 becomes Fs tale ase p-t)e 7) R)R As transverse plane sections before bending remain plane after bending, F = 0 2 e=( +e(z - i= Inserting this value of ’ in Eq. 9.4, 2 sate) ($-3) 1+ y/R\R OR # DBD stig JR =Fo+e(t ial a 1 Now, = El (1 >- low, o f ret But from Eq. 9.6, M= E(1 + &) (4 - £) ap" (using iii) (9.8) 1 ot M 64 +e)(2-4)-44 ES ol% i) Ap? 2 2 =p 2] [1B | oy Ap? R R+y| AR| pPRty At inside of the centroidal axis, y is negative and thus, 2 o= 4),_2 _y AR p> R-y The position of the neutral axis can be found from the fact that at the neutral axis, o=0, o= MM 1+ £ J =0 AR R+ ep” z +p ” for different sections can be evaluated easily by the following simplified expression: Ip kyl Ry eagles = ti(o- fo )a 4 - Rf ,-—R- isle al ale = Ufa fin [an or yR?=-Rp?-yp? or y= (9.10) aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. ae Strength of Materials wiry __ 80000 202? 88 SA pp R+y 4000 1830.5 202 +88 —443.64 x 0.3034 =-134.6 MPa (compressive) Stress at inside face Or yed=52mm = = 443.64 x -———— = i 302 52 153.8 MPa (tensile) Example 9.5 An open ring has an I-section as shown in Fig. 9.13. Itis subjected toa load of SO KN. Find the stresses at points P and Q. 50.KN He 29 100 (Section at PQ) > 50 kN Fig. 9.13 Solution A = 80x 20+ 100x 20 + 60 x 20 = 4800 mm?. = 80%20X10 +100 20x 70+ 69x 20130 _ 6 a 4800 =o mm = 120 + 65 = 185 mm 20 mm; R, = 140 mm, R, = 120 +20 + 100 = 240 mm and R, = 240 +20 = 260 mm 2 P= ce bn 51 Ba, ne -R A R Ry R; = RET go in 8 4 201m 8° 4. 601m 20] 1852 = 2597 mam? 4800 120 140 240 Stress at outside face (P) a= wR! Rey i+ AR pRty wR y 50.000 1857 75 Ap R+y 4800 2597 185+75 137.28 x 0.2885 = 39.6 MPa (tensile) aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Strength of Materials o> Fig. 10.1 Let @ be the angle of twist of a cross-section relative to another cross-section at distance / apart. Then Arc AB = r6= 6 seseeelG = TI) or t_ 6 (i) ro Now, tangential force on the element = t (2ar. dr) Moment of the tangential force on the element = t(2ar. dryr Sum of moments for the whole shaft, T= JeQnrdrjr = JFronrair = SF fiomrary? But { 2zrrdr)r? is the polar moment of inertia ofthe shaft, Thus T= 68, ji) fl From (i) and (i, 2 = = = 2 doy om (i) and (ii), 5 = >= . This shows that for a given shaft, shear stress is proportional to radius. 4 © Solid shaft Fora solid shaft, J = = Taide at the outer surface (10.2) nd4 132 xd? ¢ Hollow shaft If D and dare the outer and inner diameters respectively of the hollow shaft, then ~. Maximum shear stress, T= n(D* -d*) 32 Js aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. a » has a ratio of 0.9 from the inner to outer diameter. Also determine the error in the angle of twist. Solution © By Bredt—Batho theory, 2 T=2uA o T= ar( Bod) #( Bed) 2 = aZo(1-£}e(1+4) 6D D a 2 2 16T = 2r.—_D(1-0.9).D*(1+09 or ig Du =08)Dr(in09) 1134D> By normal theory, = 107. _16TD___16T_ mDt-d*) xD*-0.9*) 1.08D Thus, ratio F _ 1.08 _ 9959 T 134 © By Bredt~Batho theory, ~ T_T (224) 1 1 46a 4G" 2 (2/4)(D+a)/2yPP (D=ay/2 = 1 P49) 486 16 ee Z 4G 2 nm Di(1+0.9)' D (1-09) = 29.71x— cp* 1 3ar 1 3or Tl By shaft theory, 6’ = —,———_ = —.—_—- =9.62x — Ee G.n(p'-d*) G. xD*a-0.94) — Gp‘ fe 2: Thus, ratio =F = 29-2 _ g997 6 2.71 10.9. THIN-WALLED SECTIONS Consider a thin-walled twin-celled section shown in Fig. 10.14. Let ADC be of uniform thickness ¢, and stress 1,, CBA of uniform thickness f, and stress 7,, and AC of uniform thickness ft, and stress 73. Also let A, and A, be the mean areas of the two cells. It may be assumed that the direction of shear flow in AC is downwards, Fig. 10.14 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. SPRINGS 11.1 INTRODUCTION Any elastic member which can deform under a force can act as a spring. The main function of a spring is to deflect under a load and to recover the original shape when the load is released. However, the term is normally used for those members that deform considerably under the action of forces without exceeding the safe limit of stresses, e.g. a steel helical spring may be expanded to twice its length without loosing its elasticity. Springs can be made to act under tension, compression, torsion, bending or combination of these loads. Usually, the springs are made from conventional metals though sometimes they can be of non-metallic materials. In general, the springs are used to — absorb energy and to release the same according to the desired function to be performed such as a spring of a clock. — absorb shocks as in case of automobiles. — deflect under external forces to provide the desired motion to a machine member such as springs used in weighing machines, safety valves, clutches, governors, etc. © Stiffness of a spring is defined as the force required for unit deflection. © Solid length of a spring is the length of a spring in the fully compressed state when the coils touch each other. 11.2 CLOSE-COILED HELICAL SPRINGS Close-coiled helical springs are those in which the angle of helix is so small that if the axis of the spring is vertical, the coils may be assumed to be in a horizontal plane. Such a spring may be acted upon by an axial load or an axial torque. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. & gee : Strength of Materials Solution s = 600 N/m or 0.6 N/mm; W= 40 N; t= 100 MPa Solid length, nd = 60 mmorn = 60/d Relation between d and D can be obtained from the relation, t= “ m That is 190 = 8X40XP oe p= 0.9824? axa 3 Stiffness s of the spring can be obtained from the relation, 5= ee ‘ Ww _ Ga* 32 000xa* That is s=—=—_ or 0.6= ——,——_ 5 8pD'n 8(0.982d7)* x 60/d d*=1173 or d=3.29mm se D = 0.982 x 3.299 = 35 mm Number of coils, nn = 60/3.29 = 18.24 Example 11.5 A close-coiled helical spring made of 10-mm diameter steel bar has 8 coils of 150-mm mean diameter. Calculate the elongation, torsional stress and the strain energy per unit volume when the spring is subjected to an axial load of 130 N. Take G = 80 GPa. If instead of the axial load, an axial torque of 9 N.m is applied, find the axial twist, bending stress and the strain energy per unit volume. E = 205 GPa. Solution 8WD'n _ 8x130x 150° x8 Under axial load, 5= 7 =~ = 35.1 mm Gd 80 000 10 - aw _ S505 yee MPs nd nx10' 2 Strain energy/unit volume = a ..(Bq. 10.5) 49.667 3 y 5 ———_ = 0.007 71! or 7710 N.m/m} or 7.71 KN.m/m 4x80 000 . 64TDn _ 64x9000%150%8 _ Under axial torque, p= y= Sp age = 0.5372 mad Bending stress, a 529000, emo = 91.7 MPa nd’ mx10 Tp/2 Strain energy/unit volume ey ‘Volume 9000 x 0.3372/2 (exo? 4) x150%8 10° /4) 7 x150x8 = 0.005 124} or 5.124 kN.m/m> mx nu aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Dn 32 { sin’a | 2cos"a =T = + cos a ad & E (11.10) 327Dn (sin? , 2cos?o G E d* cosa = au _ 2(Tsinar) Rcos al 7 2(T cosa) (-Rsina)! “(aT jweo 2GJ 2EI TRI sin @cos a a aL Gif D xDn 32 + 1 2 =T —zsina cosa] —-— 2 cosa nd’ GE 167D*nsina (1 2 - es (3-2) (ual) Example 11.11 An open-coiled helical spring has 12 turns wound to a mean diameter of 100 mm. The angle of the coils with a plane perpendicular to the axis of the coil is 30°. The wire diameter is 8 mm. Determine (i) the axial extension with a load of 80 N. (ii) the angle turned by the free end if free to rotate. E = 205 MPa and G = 80 GPa. Solution ga BWD'n ( costa | 2sin*a | _ 8x80x100' x12 / cos?30° , 2sin?30° d‘cosal G E 8'.cos30° | 80000 205 000 = 2.165x10°(9.375x 10~* + 2.439x 107°) = 25.88 mm _ 16fD?nsina (1 16x80x 100 x12sin30°(_ 12 ar GE # 80 000 205 000 = 18 750X2.744x 107° = 0.0515 rad or aosisx 22 = 295° Example 11.12 An open-coiled helical spring has 10 coils and is made out of a 12-mm diameter steel rod. The mean diameter of the coils is 80 mm and the helix angle 15°. Find the deflection under an axial load of 250 N. What are the maximum intensities of direct and shear stresses induced in the section of the wire? If the above axial load is replaced by an axial torque of 60 N.m, determine the axial deflection and the angle of rotation about the axis of the coil. G = 80 MPa and E = 204 GPa. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. wa & fer, x- Fy) ds @ Us IZ xan t 2 As O is the fixed end of the spiral strip, deflection in x-direction is zero. Applying Castigliano’s theorem, Fx —Fyy- y WU yor is EFM) og aR, EI or fe. -F,.y\- y)ds =0 or F, ‘ef y°.ds - F, f xy.ds =0 Ffrds ds or “frase yds Due to symmetry of the spiral curve about the x-axis, Py Joy. F,=0 - _ 2 Tx RY _— Thus Us om J (F,.x).ds U oar ds (as T= F,R) Equating the strain energy to work done, 2 tre = fea where @is the rotation of the spiral 2 2ET T ¢. = ge a The integral feas is found to be approximately equal to 1.257 L2SRIT _ 1.2571 EIR EI Maximum bending moment = F,.2R = 27 at the left-hand edge of the spiral If b is the width and ¢ the thickness of the spiral material, a Wwe Maximum stress G,,,, = — 2 —T 4 Z br/6 bt Therefore, O= (11.12) (14.13) SS Example 11.16 A 5-mm wide and 0.3-mm thick flat spiral spring is 2-m long. The maximum stress is 600 MPa at the point of greatest bending moment, Determine the torque, the work stored and the number of turns to wind up the spring. E = 208 GPa. Solution Maximum suess, 0, =ZE or 600 = a or T=22.5N 5x0.3' o= 1.2571 1.25 x 22.5x 2000 — a = 4 rad EL 208 000x (5x0.3°/12) aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. a Strength of Materials The actual deflection for a proof load of 6 kN, 3 6000 x 650° 8° 13x 505° x 205 000 At proof load, the spring is straight, therefore, the initial radius of curvature is 650° R=— 85 8x37. Example 11.20 A quarter-elliptic type of laminated spring is 800-mm long. The static deflection of the spring under an end load of 3 KN is 100 mm. Determine the number of leaves required and the maximum siress if the leaf is 75-mm wide and 8-mm thick. Also find the height from which a load can be droppedonto the undeflected spring to induce a maximum stress of 750 MPa. E = 208 GPa. 37.1 mm = 1424 mm or 1.424.m Solution owe 6 x 3000 x 800° | 100 2 — ee o=— aK TS x8 208 O00 7 = 11-54 say 12 leaves oo = SWE _ 6%3000%800 _ 950 Nim? nb? 12x 75x8? Equivalent gradually applied load to induce a maximum stress of 750 MPa = 3000x 22 ~ 9000 N 250 6x 9000 x 800? 12x75x8* x 208 000 Loss of potential energy = Gain of strain energy The corresponding deflection, 6= = 288.5 mm 3000(h + 288.5) = $9000 288.5 Height from which the load can be dropped, 4 = 432.8 — 288.5 = 144.3 mm Summary © Springs are used to absorb energy and to release the same according to the desired function to be performed, or to absorb shocks or to deflect under external forces to provide the desired motion to a machine member. * Any member which can deform under a force can act as a spring. However, the term is normally used for those members that deform considerably under the action of forces without exceeding the safe limit of stresses. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Both Ends Hinged Consider a strut initially straight acted upon by an axial load P through the centroid. The deflected shape of the strut is shown in Fig. 12.1. The X-axis is taken through the centroids of the end sections and the origin is assumed at O. At a section at a distance x from O, let y be the deflection from the central line, dy From equation of bending of beams, Ela =M=-Py ‘To write the above equation with the soe sign is important. As the left-hand side indicates the bending moment from a positive value of deflection y, the Y-axis is to be taken in such a way that the deflection is positive, i.e. towards left in this case. Then viewing ‘from the right side of the figure so that y-axis is upwards. Treating it as a beam, consider the bending moment at the point. As P provides counter-clockwise moment on the left of the section, it is negative, Had we taken deflection of the strut towards right, Y-axis Fig, 42.1 would have been towards right and then viewing from left side of the figure P would provide clockwise moments on the right of section and thus negative. P 2, The equation can be written as ay +a?y=0 where a? =— dx’ El The solution is y = Asinax + Bcosax Atx=0,y=0, -. B=0 and at x =/, y=0 and thus Asinal=0 If A=0, y is zero for all values of load and there is no bending. ’. sinal=0 or ol=z (considering the least value) or a=nil ,. Euler crippling load, P, =a?) === “EL ‘The higher solutions of sin al =0 leads to higher harmonics of the deflected column and practically are not important. One End Fixed, Other Free (Fig. 12.2) Take Y-axis towards right for positive value of y. Viewing from the left end, P provides a clockwise bending moment P(a — y) on the left side and thus positive. ay 1 Then = M = Pa - y)= Pa- ee y Py d*y Pa P or So paty = <2 where o? =— dx EI El The solution is y = Asinax + Bcosax + es z Ela = Asinax + Bcosax+a Fig. 12.2 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Columns and Struts co } where otis the coefficient of linear thermal expansion. we iA teat 0.750" A sl 05 Solution The average temp along the bar = 22! +! ~ 9.75, ‘Thermal expansion of the bar = 0.75alr Let P be the force exerted by the spring on the bar on heating of the bar. PL Compression of the bar under force P = aE Net expansion of bar = Compression of spring i or 0.75ceht — Ba = F or 0.75alt = P A + AE s AE s 0.75alt Thus P= TTAB +15) 0.750dt “(IE +A/s) The bar will buckle when the load reaches to Euler’s value i.e. WEI ___0.75alt P (/AE + V/s) WEL ( L hoy 0.75 al? \ AE and stress in the bar, 0 or t= wi ( a) ee Oe 0.75a17 A sl Example 12.6 A straight cylindrical bar of 15-mm diameter and 1.2-m long is freely supported at its two ends in a horizontal position. It is loaded with a concentrated load of 100 N at the centre when the centre deflection is observed to be 5 mm. If placed in the vertical position and loaded vertically, what load would cause it to buckle? Also find the ratio of the maximum stress in the two cases. 3 Solution Deflection due to centrmal load, 5 = gy A! -§ WE BEL 485 2 nEL 2 Wl 2 100 x 1200 n = = —— = 1° ——— = 4935 Euler load, P. E 486 48x 5 N As a strut maximum stress, 6, = Ae a! = 27.93 MPa A RxI5°/4 WI _ 1001200 As a beam, maximum bending moment = | =—— = 30 000 4 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 400 Strength of Materials. Prof. Perry found that sec [J ot? ana snus soo H = fof. Perry foun 2 Pp Ppp us SC = Bp € P Inserting this in the Secant formula of Eq. 12.14, 0,4. = “{ —£; Then Omax = O,| 1+ A Sos = Ye 126. og | Sax yy -2o J EE¥e 915) G, kK 6,-6, o, °o, k This is Perry's approximate formula from which o, and hence P can easily be calculated. Example 12.9 An initially straight tube of 48-mm external diameter and 40-mm internal diameter in 2.4-m long and has hinged ends. It carries a com- pressive load of 25 KN parallel to the axis at an eccentricity of 2 mm. Determine the maximum and the minimum intensities of stresses in the tube. Also find the maximum permissible eccentricity so that no tension exists anywhere in the section. E=205 GPa. Solution 25 000 |—__—_______ = sec 1.141 = sec 65.4° = 2.4 205 000x42 944.0 176% 244 = ‘er (+7724 ) Mra (compressive) " 45.22(1 — 0.472) = 23.88 MPa (compressive) For maximum permissible eccentricity so that no tension exists anywhere in the section 25 | ex(—24) = 1+———— ‘cto 2 ——— x 2.4 }=0 or 1-0.236e =0 ore =4.24 mm 176 244 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa 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You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. o uE 4aC 8aC 2440 ~ l-v? | Pv Py vP 1- ——log x + —— + -—_| 2log R+ ane °° ** tae Sel eT uE —v |4 | toe R—logx + Vlog R —Vlog.x)+ ( P 8c 2 82C 2P 8aC ve 2P v? BC" uE Barvpioe®/ 1-v' 8 Sprit vlog? Alice’. ary) + x A+ yo Er 12d-v) 3 3 P [a+ vite -v| x Similarly, 6, ==. <2 a *) -2 41+ —— ++. l+v ‘eis P zt ter(iee)l x 8aC lt+v lt+v P f{ mI aC itv l+v Strength of Materials P Po1P l-v ——— (log x +1) + —~ + =| 2log R + — (log+1) (2togr + =") l-v l-v ] (15.24) (15.25) At the centre, these stresses become infinite theoretically. However, as the load cannot be a point load in the true sense, i.e. it must extend over a finite area, the maximum stresses will be finite in practice. (ii) Edge clamped _ A plate firmly clamped at the edges and having a central ze load is shown in Fig. 15.11. x, CG .O=- pe BS sents inc? ac ty @cannot be infinite at the centre, Px x x C,=0 or @=-— +—— + > : anc 8** gnc #7 Px Now Vege loex- D+ CG. + C Atx=0,y=0, -.C=0 2 2 im - PE doge-9 +6. © 4 Atx=R, dy/dx = 0 =0, 0=- 22 tog e+ +Srcd eR Fig. 15.11 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. ae Strength of Materials P gq Cy q ~ gag lll + Melogr +1-v]+- d+ y)- Sd w= zat (iii) Also at x =R, My =0, P cg cy ~Fagill+ V2log R +1-v]+ 5-4 )- FEW) = 0 (iv) Multiplying (i) by (1 + v) Cc, 2 ayy= ¢.Ld+y) (v) r 2 -7e4 +v)logr+ eas v)+ asa +t Multiplying (iii) by r, Pr y+ ot ot geywa Gt F gaclltvi2logr +1 v]+ 2 a+v)-—a-w 5 (l+y) (vi) Subtracting (vi) from (v), 2 Pt yg cy oe 8mC or 8aC Multiplying (i) by Z 2 2 , 2 2 yp per poe Sheet 82C 162C 4 2 4 oo Pa Poo, : r and equation (ii) is, tac 08 r-l)+C/ 7 +Cy logr+Cy = at Subtracting first from the second, Pr Ps? Pr Pr Y + -— ogr + =0 or Cy =—T(logr-1 5 + T6me G8" 6ne 2% = age (8 -) P G Ge Equation (iv) is ~gycllt W2logR + 1-v] +--+) @ (l-v)=0 P Cc Pr? -——[(i+ v)2logR + 1-v]+—-(+v)+ l-v)=0 oF ~gaglt+ toe Ie anc? |” Pr? (l-v)_ P l-v -——| 2logR + —|+C/ + = or al Bee 4 1 aRCR? (I+ v) eo 2 cf =| age +24 1- 4nc l+V! R P I-v( R=? Cf =——_| 210g R+ —| oo &| ° = Rr J Thus deflection is given by, Px? 4 J ey 2 Y= peg OBA D+ G/77 + Cy loge + Cy aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Circular Plates oo gy > Summary In circular plates, freely supported at the edges and with uniformly distributed load, wt Deflection at the centre = 3 5 (S+v)d-v) 16Er . . BWR? . Radial and tangential stress at the centre = Be (3+¥) (maximum) 5 In circular plates having clamped edges, and with uniformly distributed load, . 3wR* 2 Deflection at the centre = —— (I- v") 16Et wR? Maximum radial stress = [—3~ at clamped edge 3wR? Maximum tangential stress = “eC +V¥) at centre In circular plates, freely supported at the edges and with a point load at the” centre, 3PR? Deflection at the centre = 7-3+v)d-v) 4nEt In circular plates, freely supported at the edges and with a point load at the centre, the radial and tangential stresses become infinite at the centre theoretically. However, as the load cannot be a point load in the true sense, i.c. it must extend over a finite area, the maximum stresses will be finite in practice. In circular plates having clamped edges and with central point load, -R ‘ 3 PR 2 Deflection at the centre = —.——; (I-v") 4 nEt 3 Maximum radial stress = ee (at the edges) t 2m 3 Pv Maximum tangential stres: —z (at the edges) net In circular plates, freely supported at edges and with load round a circle of radius 1, Central deflection, y = sa? =A Poe] 2nEr 2L+V) Maximum values of radial and tangential stresses = (+ vy2iog~ +U-v) 4nt r aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Strength of Materials Intended for the undergraduate course on Strength of Materials, taken by the students of mechanical and civil engineering, the book has comprehensive yet concise topical coverage of the subject. It is equipped with an apt number of solved and unsolved questions and has neatly illustrated diagrams with meticulous explanation of fundamental concepts. » Unique chapters on Rotating Discs and Cylinders, Plastic Bending and Circular Plates » Excellent writing style with student-friendly presentation » Summary at the end of each chapter » Rich pedagogy of QO 339 Solved examples O 348 Chapter-end questions O 208 Objective-type questions URL: Visit us at : ISBN-13: 978-0-07-066895-9 ISBN-10: 0-07-066895-7 Tata McGraw-Hill 9 ML 668959

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