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Artifact Summary Sheet SDA Portfolio, Bopha Cheng SDA Academic Content

(list course # and title, project, and content area covered)

SDA Co-Curricular Content

Artifact A* Artifact B* Artifact C

Artifact D

1. SDAD 559 The American Community College, College Access Autoethnography Reflection College Access Autoethnography, LO#1, LO#2, LO#5 2. SDAD 585 Higher Education Finance, Research Paper Designing Funding Models to Fit State Needs: A Hybrid Approach, LO#1, LO#2, LO#9 3. SDAD 579 Capstone Seminar, Identity and Leadership Paper When Two Worlds Collide: Leading with Biculturalism, LO#3, LO#4, LO#10 SDAD 564-565 Internship in SDA I&II, Internship Seminar Presentation Serve, Lead, Do: Highline Community College Center for Leadership, and SDAD 559 Final Group Presentation Bellevue College: Recruitment and Retention of Administrators of Color, LO#1, LO#3, LO#8 Asians Collaborating Together Conference, Workshop Presentation Southeast Asian Americans & the Education Gap, LO#4, LO#5, LO#8 South Seattle Community College (SSCC), Student Success Communication Special Project Tuesday Tips, LO#1, LO#5, LO#6, LO#7, LO#8

Artifact E

Artifact F* Artifact G

Artifact H* Artifact I* Artifact J

SDAD 577 Foundations of Student Affairs Profession, Final Creative Project Knowledge Tree, LO#1

Personal Growth, At the end of each quarter, I made a commitment to reflect on the most valuable things, concepts or quotes that resonated with me. I pinned this creative project to my home-office wall and added words to it upon reflection of the previous quarter. LO#1, LO#4, LO#10

Artifact K
*Artifacts A, B, F, H, I & K do not need an entry on the summary sheet

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