JEE Thermodynamics Summary

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COM Thermodynamics Revision Sheet

Temperature TF=9/5 TC + 32 TC = TK - 273.15 K The pressure,volume and empera ure !n "elv!n o# su$h %ases o&e' he e(ua !on )*=n+T ----,1Thermal expansion ./=0/.T Specific Heat Capacity= .1/m.T Gas Laws Boyles Law2 )*=$ons an Charles Law 2 */T=$ons an Dalton Law of Partial Pressure2 )=)1 + )2 +)3 Root mean Square elocity *rms=33+T/4 !ean elocity *m=35+T/679894 !ost Pro"a"le elocity *=32+T/4 :lso rms ; m ; #$era%e &inetic 'ner%y of Gas=3/2n+T

(irst law of Thermo)ynamics .<=1-= Gas Processes *sothermal Process 2 )*=$ons an ,.<=9,1==,4olar >pe$!#!$ ?ea =!n#!n! ' #)ai"atic Process 2 )*'=$ons an ,1=9,.<==,4olar >pe$!#!$ ?ea =@ero Polytropic Process 2 )*n=$ons an ,4olar >pe$!#!$ ?ea =A+/,'-1- + +/,1-n-B olume Constant 2 )/T=$ons an ==9,.<=1,4olar >pe$!#!$ ?ea =Cv Pressure Constant 2 */T=$ons an .<=1-= ,4olar >pe$!#!$ ?ea =C) *nternal ener%y )epen)s on Temperature+ >o #or same empera ure $han%e .T nCv.T=11-=1=12-=2=13-=3 !olar Specfic Heat Capacity of any process is %i$en "y C=Cv + )dv/ndT Chere n !s no o# moles o# he %as ,or&)one "y Gas= D)d*

Heat Con)uction 1=-K:dT/dE ,ein )isplacement lawFTG=Cons an Stefan-s Law 1=eHTG .ewton law of Coolin% dT/dE=&,T-Ts-

Pro"lem Sol$in% tips /+ .et Heat flow at a 0unction is 1ero 2+ *nternal 'ner%y )oes not )epen) on the path 3+ *nternal 'ner%y in a cyclic Process is 4ero 5+ Heat is positi$e when %i$en to the system an) ne%ati$e when ta&en out of the system 6+ ,or&)one "y the system on the surroun)in% is positi$e while the wor&)one on the system "y the surroun)in% is me%ati$e

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