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Fishers Landing PTO presents:

Chess Club
Tuesdays, 3:40-4:40pm Session A: Nov. 5 - Dec. 10th or Session B: Jan. 7 - Feb 11th 6 sessions - Grades K-5 $15 per student !is is "e only #me Chess Club regis$a#on wi% be o&ered "is year. Chess has long been regarded as a game that can have benecial effects on learning and development, especially when it is played from a young age. Chess helps aid in the growth of certain areas in the brain where children can benet from the game as they grow older. * This program is open to all skill levels, beginners to advanced * Rules of chess and the important basic principals will be covered * Class size is limited and will be decided on a lottery system * Parent volunteers are needed and welcomed Complete the form below, attach payment and return to your child!s teacher no later than October 18th. You will be contacted by email by October 29th if your child has been placed in Session A : Nov. 5-Dec10th or Session B : Jan 7 - Feb 11th. If you have indicated on your form that you will be picking up your child please plan to meet your child in the school lobby for dismissal. Children are not allowed to meet you outside. Please be patient with our Chess Club volunteers as they get to know both your children and you. If you need to change the method by which your child should be releases please send your child with a signed note to give the Chess Club instructor.
Questions? Please contact PTO Coordinator Vicky Hilton at Victoria Hilton

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chess Club Registration Form Student!s Name __________________________Teacher____________ Grade______ Parent___________________________Home Phone___________________________ Work Phone_______________________Cell Phone____________________________ Emergency Phone________________________Email__________________________ Health Concerns________________________________________________________ My child will be picked up by ____________________Daycare_______Walk Home____ I would like to volunteer to help Chess Club___________________________________
(All volunteers must have an approved background check - forms available in the front ofce.)

Please make checks payable to FLPTO. Thank you!

Ofce Use: Please return to PTO Student Body Activities: Vicky Hilton

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