Fighting Chronic Disease and Obesity

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Partnershi p to Fi ght Chroni c Di sease

Fi ghti ng Chroni c Di sease and Obesi ty

Wi t h Speci al Guest s:
Dr. Ken Thorpe, Chai rman, PFCD;
Tommy Thompson, Fmr. Governor (WI) and Fmr. Sec. of US Heal t h and Human
Servi ces;
Dr. Paul Cunni ngham, Dean of Brody School of Medi ci ne, East Carol i na Uni versi t y;
Andrea Layt on, RNBC, CDE, Di rect or, Out pat i ent Li fest yl e & Di sease Management
Duke Ral ei gh Hospi t al

Monday, May 5
, 2014
1:00 3:00 p.m.
American Institute of
Healthcare and Fitness
8300 Health Park
Raleigh, NC 27615

1he arLnershlp Lo llghL Chronlc ulsease (lCu) ls a coallLlon of hundreds of paLlenL, provlder, communlLy,
buslness and labor groups, and healLh pollcy experLs, commlLLed Lo ralslng awareness of Lhe number one cause of
deaLh, dlsablllLy and rlslng healLh care cosLs: chronlc dlsease. lease 8Sv aL barden[

ln cooperaLlon wlLh:

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