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500 Nations Video: Clash of Cultures Directions: Circle the correct answer.
1. Who did Columbus meet in 1492?
A. Tetons B. Sioux C. Taino

2. Did Columbus admire their life? Yes



3. Circle the things Columbus admired about Taino culture.

war like behavior pretty houses good land gentleness artwork

love for each other

4. One Taino chief gave Columbus a golden tiara. What did Columbus think this gift represented?
A. Unfair trading item B. Surrender of Taino land to the Spanish C. Even trading item

5. In November of 1493, how many ships did Columbus bring to Hispaniola?

A. 17 B. 35 C. 6

6. Circle the items Columbus brought with him.

gold women attack dogs trading goods guns soldiers

7. What did the Spanish do to the Taino?

A. Made peace B. Shipped them all back to Spain C. Made them slaves

8. Did all the Spanish agree with the actions taken against the Taino? Yes or No 9. Who spoke out against the bad treatment?
A. Hernando Cortes B. Christopher Columbus C. Bartolome de la Casas

10. To escape bad treatment, what did many Native Americans do?
A. Ran into the jungles B. Married Spainards C. Killed themselves and their children D. Fought back

11. Write your reaction to the video. What did you learn that you didnt know before about Columbus?

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