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Live Adventure Game 2014!

Player Invita"on!
Greetings, Adventurers! ! The Design Team of Hogan, Hogan, Rader & Shaw invite you to return to where it all began 30 years ago: The Barony of Pike. Specically, the Unicorn Tavern in Raving Wood will play host to another weekend of fun, fear, danger and daring.! ! Once again we will gather under less than completely civilized conditions to pit our wits and ingenuity against each other " and possibly the e l e m e n t s # i n a n o u t$ o f $ t i m e e x t r a v a g a n z a complete with ma gic, mayhem and spiffy costuming. The Live Adventure Game 2014 will take place on the weekend of July 18th $ 20th. Mark your calendars, please!! ! ! What You Need To Know ! ! 1. This Game is designed for adults. Situations and language may not be suitable for children. If you are considering including children or teens, please talk to us.! ! 2. We will primarily use three forms of digital communication:! email for sending out o%cial documents and communicating with individual players,! the Live Adventure Google group for general announcements,! the website for other background information.! ! 3. You are likely to encounter non$poisonous snakes, all manner of annoying insects, ticks, and rain. Come prepared. Ground bees were spotted last year; we will endeavor to deal with these and mark any area in which we nd them. Those with allergies should also have adequate treatment at hand as emergency services are not close by.! ! 4. Tenting will be out$ of $ Game; no NPCs will be rattling their chains while you sleep.! ! 5. We welcome new players who are vouched for by current players. If you know of someone who might be interested, and you recommend them to our group of friends, please discuss it with them, and then ask them to contact us via email to introduce themselves. Taking them to may be a good way to give them a feel for the culture of the Game.!

! What You Need To Do Now

! 1 . Ma ke s u r e y o u r m e m b e r s h i p i n L i v e Ad v e n t u r e , In c . , i s p a i d u p . G o t o h t t p : / / and click the Annual Membership link; ll out the online registration form and submit it. You can use the Paypal link on that page or send a check for &15/person payable to The Live Adventure Game, Inc., to! ! Sue Hogan! ! 2963 Hopewell Townline Road! ! Clifton Springs, NY 14432! ! 2. Submit the Character Registration Form.! 3. Submit the Registration Fee for the Game.!

! Fee/Deadlines!

! The fee for the Game this year will be &45, if paid to us prior to June 1st. Between June 1st and June 30th, the fee will be & 55. Registration materials and payment after July 1st should be accompanied by a serious conversation with the Game Designers regarding your bribe. !

! Contact Info!

Tim Shaw & Leigh Rader! 315$521$5803!!

! Nick & Sue Hogan!


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