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Comparisons of Equality and Inequality A. Comparisons of Similarity a. Similarity i. As, Like, Too, Also, As well 1.

To say that people, things, or actions are similar in a way, we can use as and like. Adverbs such as too, also, and as well can be used. a. Examples i. She looks just like her mother. ii. The warrior fought like a lion. iii. The warrior fought as a lion does. iv. The students were late to class and the teacher was too. ii. So do I and neither do I can be used to say that people, things, or actions are similar in a way. 1. Examples a. She doesnt like oranges, and neither do I. b. My friend likes to play the flute, and so do I. iii. Same as 1. To say that people or things are identical in a way a. Examples i. Her hair is the same color as mine. ii. My uncle has the same kind of dog as my neighbor. iv. To talk about differences, we use the negative forms of these structures 1. Examples a. She does not look like her mother. b. The warrior did not fight like a lion. c. Her eyes are not the same color as mine. B. Comparisons of Equality a. Equality i. To say that people or things are equal in a way, we use the structure asas or as much/many as. 1. Examples

a. She earns as much money as he does. ii. In negative comparisons we can use not asas or not soas 1. Examples a. She does not earn as much money as he does. iii. To say that people or things are unequal in a way we use comparative adjectives and adverbs with than. 1. Examples a. She is shorter than me. b. She is more intelligent than her husband. iv. We can use less than or least to talk about inequality. 1. Examples a. She earns less than I do. b. My second attempt at drawing the Mona Lisa was less creative than my first attempt. C. Your Turn: Write three sentences using comparisons of similarity and three sentences using comparisons of equality. Make sure you write two negative sentences. a. _______________________________________________________________________. b. _______________________________________________________________________. c. _______________________________________________________________________. d. _______________________________________________________________________. e. _______________________________________________________________________. f. _______________________________________________________________________.

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