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Ad astra - To the stars Amantes sunt amentes - Lovers are lunatics Aut vincere aut mori - Either conquer

or die Memento mori - Remember that you must die Memento vivere - A reminder of life (literally remember that you have to live) Vive ut vivas "live so that you may live" Vive memor leti " live rememberin! death" vero nihil verius "nothin! truer than truth" unus multorum "one of many" sub rosa "under the rose" "ervo #ermaneo $ovis #rovestri ""ave the Last $ullet for %ourself" qui totum vult totum &erdit "he 'ho 'ants everythin! loses everythin!" ordo ab chao "(ut of chaos) comes order" odi et amo " hate and love" non sum qualis eram " am not such as 'as" non omnis moriar " shall not all die" nec temere nec timide "neither rec*less nor timid" iuventitus veho fortunas " bear the fortunes of youth" deus e+ machina "a !od from a machine" de &rofundis "from the de&ths" descensus in cuniculi cavum "The descent into the cave of the rabbit" circulus vitiosus "vicious circle" A &osse ad esse - ,rom &ossibility to actuality Alea iacta est - The die has been castAudaces fortuna iuvat - ,ortune favors the bold$ella !erant alii - Let others 'a!e 'ar .e nihilo nihil - /othin! comes from nothin!.um s&iro) s&ero - 0hile breathe) ho&e,a+ mentis incedium !loriae - The &assion of !lory is the torch of the mind ,ran!ar non flectar - am bro*en) am not deflected ,ronti nulla fides - /o reliance can be &laced on a&&earance1ic et nunc - 1ere and no' Luctor et emer!o - stru!!le but 2ll survive Melius fran!i quam flecti - t is better to brea* than to bend Musica delenit bestiam feram - Music soothes the sava!e beast /ascentes morimur - ,rom the moment 'e are born) 'e be!in to die /eutiquam erro - am not lost /on est ad astra mollis e terris via - There is no easy 'ay from the earth to the stars/on omne quod nitet aurum est - /ot all that !litters is !old /on omnia moriar - /ot all of me 'ill die/on sem&er erit aestas - t 'ill not al'ays be summer (be &re&ared for hard times) /on timetis messor - .on2t ,ear the Rea&er /vnc avt nvnqvam - /o' or never (mnes una manet no+ - The same ni!ht a'aits us all(mnia mors aequat - .eath equals all thin!s #er an!usta in au!usta - Throu!h difficulties to !reat thin!s #erfer et obdura3 dolor hic tibi &roderit olim - $e &atient and tou!h3 some day

this &ain 'ill be useful to you4uae nocent) sae&e docent - 0hat hurts) often instructs- (ne learns by bitter5adverse e+&erience 4uaere verum - "ee* the truth Transit umbra) lu+ &ermanet - "hado' &asses) li!ht remains 6bi s&iritus est cantus est - 0here there is s&irit there is son! Vanitas vanitatvm) omnis vanitas - Vanity of vanities) all is vanity Vincit qui se vincit - 1e conquers 'ho conquers himself Vita non est vivere sed valere vita est - Life is more than merely stayin! alive

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