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Student Services Tuesday Tips Student Feedback Survey April 28th May 27th / DRAFT 4.10.

.14 Purpose: To gain student feedback on the effectiveness of Tuesday Tips email and gain insight on recommendations on how to improve topics and contents for future Tuesday Tips. (I say effectiveness because with a soft emphasis because it is mainly a pilot communication strategy that started at the beginning of the school year) Length: 7-10 minutes Audience: All students receiving Tuesday Tips (roughly 4,000 students less CE) Method: Electronic survey via web link that will be embedded into regular Tuesday Tips emails for a total of 5 weeks. Web Link Live Length: Tuesday, April 28th through Tuesday, May 27th/ official CLOSE Saturday, May 31st (5 weeks) Incentive: None at this time. Limitations: One method of retrieving feedback (web only) No incentive General Description: If you got to this survey that means you read this weeks Tuesday Tips! We need our readers help, your input on this survey will provide feedback to Souths Student Services team on how to best tailor our tips for you. Please take just a few minutes to complete this survey. If you have any questions or comments, please contact: Demographics (1 minute) The purpose of these questions are to understand what student types are responding to the survey and how these answers might weight on their perception of Tuesday Tips. For example, race and ethnicity might tell us whether if more targeted tips is needed for specific populations, GPA might tell us persistence levels of students Question 1. I have been a student at South for this many quarter(s): a. 1 quarter (since start of Spring 2014) b. 2 quarters (since start of Winter 2014) c. 3 quarters (since start of Fall 2013) d. 4 quarters or more e. Other (please explain) 2. I am attending South to earn my _______________. Notes/Comments Purpose is to know how long respondent has been receiving Tuesday Tips. Purpose is to know

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a. ESL/ABED Basic Transition b. Professional Technical Certificate c. Associates Degree d. Transfer Degree e. Bachelors Degree f. Take general courses g. Dont know h. Other (please explain) 3. My racial background is/are _______________. (check all that apply) a. White b. Black c. Asian d. Pacific Islander e. Native American f. Hispanic g. Multi-racial h. Dont know i. Not listed (please explain) 4. My current cumulative G.P.A is _______________.

which type of students are/are not being counted in this feedback.

Purpose is to help understand our special population needs.

Comment box; Must be numerical

General Technology Related The purpose of these questions are to understand how savvy respondents are with technology. It also gives us further insight on readership and usefulness. Question 5. For the following statements, please select the one that best describes you. a. I read Tuesday Tips emails every week. b. I read Tuesday Tips emails when I have time. c. I scan through Tuesday Tips emails for useful information. d. I delete Tuesday Tips emails when I receive them. e. I do not receive Tuesday Tips emails. f. Comment 6. For the following statements, please rate yourself on how you use technology. a. I feel confident when using web technology like email, web searching, navigating the South website, etc. b. I know where to find information about college deadlines and policies on Souths website c. I feel confident when reading and sending emails d. I know how to change/update my email contact
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Purpose to understand technology savvyness of respondents. 1 being Not Confident ----- 10 being Very

e. f. g. h.

information on MySouth I can find information quickly on the web to be successful in college I am confident about using technology to connect with my friends I am confident about using technology to connect with my classmates I am confident about using technology to connect with my teachers and staff at the college


Satisfaction & Perception of Success These questions are designed to learn about how well Tuesday Tips emails are received. Question 7. For the following statements, please rate your satisfaction level. a. I am satisfied with the timeliness of receiving Tuesday Tips emails b. I am satisfied with the length of reading in a Tuesday Tip email c. I am satisfied with the topics in Tuesday Tips emails d. I am satisfied with the content in Tuesday Tips emails e. I am satisfied with the word of the day in Tuesday Tips emails. 8. For the following topics, please rate how helpful these tips and resources have been for you. a. Advising b. Clubs/ Student Involvement c. De-Stressing d. FACTS Payment Plan e. Financial Aid f. Financial Matters/ Literacy g. Foundation Scholarships h. Homework/ Study Tips i. Job/ Career Search j. Networking k. Parking and Transportation l. Registration and Tuition Deadlines m. FAFSA & Scholarship Workshops n. Leadership Workshops o. Transfer Workshops p. Undecided Workshops
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Notes/Comments 1 being not satisfied and 10 being very satisfied. Select NA if the question does not pertain to you.

Not Helpful Very Helpful

q. Word of the Week r. Other (please explain) 9. For the following statements please rate how you feel about Tuesday Tips emails. a. I feel connected to South when I read Tuesday Tips b. I look forward to receiving Tuesday Tips emails c. I feel stressed when I received Tuesday Tips emails. 10. For the following statements, please rate how often you completed each action. a. I clicked on one or more hyperlink(s) in a Tuesday Tips email b. I refer to the Tuesday Tips archives page for past tips c. I seeked out a service highlighted in a Tuesday Tips email.

Not At All Very Much

Purpose: effectiveness in leading to action. Never Always

Future implications for expanding Tuesday Tips/Student Success Communication Mobile Devices & Social Media The purpose of these questions is to get a sense of how many of our students use mobile devices that connect to the internet and whether if we should expand communication efforts in this direction. Question 11. I own the following mobile device(s). a. Smart phone b. Tablet c. Laptop d. None e. Dont Know 12. How frequently do you use apps on your mobile device? 13. How likely are you to download an app that has similar information as Tuesday Tips? 14. How likely are you to use an app that has similar information to Tuesday Tips? 15. How frequently do you check your email on your mobile device? 16. For the following statements, please rate your likeliness for completing each action. a. I will watch a short video clip that pertains to Notes/Comments

Not at all Very Frequently or NA Not Likely Very Likely or NA Not Likely Very Likely or NA Not at all Very Frequently or NA Not Likely Most Likely

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Tuesday Tips b. I will remember a graphic or image better than words c. I will comment on a Facebook post relating to Tuesday Tips d. I will click on links in a Tuesday Tips email

Comment Box Questions These comment box questions are designed to give the respondent an opportunity to communicate their feedback in sentence form. Question 17. What do you like most about Tuesday Tips emails? 18. What do you like least about Tuesday Tips emails? 19. What can we do to improve Tuesday Tips emails? 20. Briefly describe what student success means to you. 21. Do you have any comments, questions or suggestions in regards to Tuesday Tips? Notes/Comments

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