Written Communication

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Hannah Cook 12th Grade 20 April 2014 Written Communication Written Communication is a skill to learn the important process

of communicating through words. Written Communication will help me in the future with different tasks I would need to complete on a o!. Ha"ing a refined skill of written communication helps me on the o!# !ecause ha"ing this skill means I can complete tasks related to written papers in e$plaining and also understanding things gi"en to me in order to complete them well and effecti"el%. &nderstanding the effecti"eness of this learning outcome ena!les me in the future to !ecome a !etter communicator on paper to the people I work with and the people I help. Written communication is one of m% defined strong points. I feel that written tasks I can ha"e great success in. I chose to select the paper a!out m% e$periences with writing. I feel that in this paper I clearl% e$pressed m% opinions a!out m% different e$periences with writing. I feel that in the paper I let the readers ha"e a clear look through the lens at m% world. 'he paper I chose is a!out how writing has made an impact on m% life. In the paper I talk a!out m% memories of writing and how those memories ha"e !rought m% writing to where it is now. In the paper I feel that I trul% let the reader see a glance at me.

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