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Hannah Cook 12th Grade 20 April 2014 Collaboration Collaboration is the skill that enables us to complete a project in an orderly

and timely way, and it also helps us help other life skills for the real world Collaboration enables in the future to help in the communication to my co! workers and it helps me become a better communicator to e"eryone around me Collaboration will benefit me #reatly in bein# a nurse because if $ can%t communicate to my patients than that renders me from helpin# them $f workin# in teams the ability to collaborate with each other could sa"e a life in this field of work $ feel that ha"in# these skills #i"e me a ad"anta#e because learnin# and refinin# these skills early can help me #reatly in a job at the start, and also helps me help others with these skills $ think that $ ha"e a #ood ability to utili&e this skill $ think collaboration is one of my stron# points $ choose this rubric to show work ethic and how well $ work within a team en"ironment 'y showin# this rubric $ can demonstrate my skills in work ethic and collaboration (hrou#h this rubric $%m able to show the pro#ress $ ha"e made throu#hout the year

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