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Someone broke the front window

The front window has been broken!!!

My wallet was stolen last night. (we dont know who stole the wallet)

the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known, however, who or what is performing the action.

The new students centre will be completed next week. (the people who built the centre are unnecessary information for the meaning of the sentence)

the agent of the action is unknown

has been
was stolen will be completed

BE + PAST PARTICIPLE (of the main verb)

Mark was chosen as best student

To emphasize (put importance on) the recipient (receiver) of the action

Something should be done about the traffic jams in this town.

To make generic statements, announcements, and explanations:

We find oil and gas beneath the ground or sea. Oil and gas are found beneath the ground or sea.
The police are questioning two men. Two men are being questioned. Teachers trained Aztec boys to fight. Aztec boys were trained to fight. Tourism has harmed some countries. Same countries have been harmed by tourism.

We will choose a new c1assrepresentative on Monday. A new c1ass representative will be chosen on Monday

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