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Company Name: Field: Generated by Date: Period: Company A Field A $o%r &ame 04-Apr-05 17:22:40 04-Apr-2004 18:22 to 04-Apr-2005 18:22 TimeZone: reenwi!h "ean #ime

Field Event History Report

Comments: Comments entered by the person who generated the report.

Operating: % field uptime over the period of the report. Non Operating: % field downtime over the period of the report. No Communication: % time the communication link field was down. It is not possible to determine if the wells were up down during this time

Top 10 reasons for !"tdo#n Reason 'nderload "an%al()) *ow+%pply C%nbal (-erload Co"nt 12 11 , 1 1

Breakdown of reasons for non operating time over the period of the report.


Top-10 reasons for shutdown in decreasing order of occurrence, over the period of the report.

Dis$laimer Noti$e:
#his in)ormation is presented witho%t warranty. +!hl%mberger ass%mes no liability )or ad-i!e or re!ommendations made based on this in)ormation. #he res%lts gi-en are estimates based on !al!%lations prod%!ed by a !omp%ter model in!l%ding -ario%s ass%mptions on the well. reser-oir and treatment. and depend on inp%t data pro-ided by the (perator and estimates as to %n/nown data. #he in)ormation presented is +!hl%mberger0s best estimate o) the a!t%al res%lts that may be a!hie-ed and sho%ld be %sed )or !omparison p%rposes rather than as absol%te -al%es.

04-Apr-05 17:22:40

Field A-Field 2-ent 3istory 4eport

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