California State University

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CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY Cal State Application Re uirements! 1. Students must fill out a separate application for each campus. 2. The application fee is $55 per application. 3. Students can apply for a Request to Waive dmission pplication !ee" #. Required T$STS% S T Reasonin& or 'T Scores 5. ( ST ) T$ 'al States accept S T * 'T test for Seniors+)ecem,er Test. -. $ach 'al State campus is considered a separate institution and has its o.n code num,er that must ,e entered .hen orderin& scores to ,e sent. /. 0o essays required. 1. 0o 2fficial Transcripts should ,e sent .ith application. 3. 0o Teacher Recommendations required 14. 0o School Reports or 'ounselor Recommendation 11. Send in application ,y mail .ith 5ost 2ffice 'ertificate of 6ailin& 7'al State .ill not accept !ed $8 or any other type of mail9 OR 12. Send in the application on line via the 'al State .e,site 7....csumentor.edu9 13. A""LICATION #EA#LINES are Octo$er % to No&em$er '( Appl) in Octo$er to impacted campuses! Cal "ol) SLO* San #ie+o State* Sonoma State* Lon+ ,eac- . C-ico Application priorit) /ilin+ deadline is No&em$er '(. Indi&idual campuses* i/ not impacted* ma) accept CSU periods and t-e sooner )ou appl) t-e $etter applications a/ter t-is date0 c-ec1 t-e we$site /or speci/ic dates. Impacted campuses will -a&e s-orter /ilin+ periods.

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