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Running head: Semester Project

Overview 1

Semester Project Paths to Quality Checklist Ivy Tech Community College Kelsey Pugsley

Semester Project

Overview 2

Throughout the semester, I have been helping Apple Tree Child Development Center prepare for their re-accreditation. During this process, lead teachers are finishing up child portfolios, doing their fall assessments, and conferences. I have been watching and learning throughout this semester on how things work in such a busy, and large facility. Part of my job at Apple Tree this semester was to ensure that all classrooms were up to par with their centers, outdoor space, daily routines, and curriculum. I have been in all the classrooms many different times to ensure that these things are being done and are done correctly at all times. I have became very familiar with the Paths to Quality checklist and what things they are looking for to ensure that centers are providing the top care that can be given to children. I have also learned a lot about how centers operate from a different perspective than just inside the classroom. I feel competent in the checklist and the way teachers and staff need to be caring for children. During my observations, I have seen lots of positive actions. I have seen many instances of quality child care as well. The centers in the classrooms were very well cared for and kept up with. The materials in the centers and classrooms were very multicultural and diverse, not only for the children they are caring for currently, but also for the purpose of teaching multiculturalism. I have learned what ways and methods teachers use to do their child assessments. All teachers perform their jobs differently and all children learn differently. I have seen teachers adapt their method to the learning styles of their children.

Semester Project

Overview 3

Overall, my experience with this project was a huge learning opportunity for me and I feel that I have came out on the better end of things. I have ended this semester with an abundance of knowledge with the Paths checklist and standards. I have gained great experience in the child care field, and I have been able to help a center prepare for the re-accreditation process. This project for me, was an big success!

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